Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/225/1 - 1915 - 1918 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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ttro Irly yard toods 1 stor (Newds). Our L. Gs & Vichers funs got outs him I swept him down & I catlered them in all directions At 1 rby ste ws a 77gu ot sent on firing all day till it as revoved at dusk. We cleaced it w snifers at times Severcl pstrols assoon as bey arrived at 1 Swanp triet to cross the conseie to Flamecourt - but I ferms helt the rly Ste or strongty to moss. & it ts impossible to Cross it. The first attempt i jast at 1 time when our LGs st out 1 german ptyE He ferman amp. I fire right
from Flamicourt Station up to Square. In I Street next to Sir of Berer the rly Street, a sergtfor a nopping up pty lookest into a house & found cogere oficer, & a pt of abt 20 men, to mags of cofee pounedout before him. The off asend if co finish his offic & invited I sengt to join – wh be did. The ferms were then marched of. Our man finishes kin cofee. Te HeD4 Bn had hadno breakfst owing to Irush w wh they lad pushed of from Irendezvous. Patrols were sent along) NE end of town & cleared
the houses on 1S. Side of Qain Rd there. But Capt Sowniy & Capt Duitchell decided not to occupy 1 N. parto1 town as thy only had 120 mew altogether for over a mile of port &f whole town my storld watt 240 but ½2 were by this time hitl. They tr made their line. 111 Poston S.E. end of causeway from DQuiacance () in centre of town where his X Rdran into it Capt Wilkins took a phote of tis CX B at the far S.E Cortiey OI same Street. (Tlese at night went down 6 Flamie
causeway to prevent a Xiny. 47 Another Booyds Sw. down I bank 01 swanp 5) at 1 first Bristol Bridge. (6) at the Rly Bridge There posts were estebl after Ba had noyonise & remannts ofe cays had be witadrawn to Hrogy under I hacgregor for a slap Dear 1 Cemetery by Quinconce Act to men an garrison Peronne-C20, B30- There we as atempt at Gattack. The jerms feltered into the NE ends I town curing night & were seen fixay ap mgs here during afte att Sp Ept 2 There ws anothe opirct
by 58 Bn acculd 1y 1 Cy 846 in which the remaindar OI town ws cleared occapied. Ar barrage for this attack blew out part of A toy before they got into I fight, & cod part of a postin 1 town 5 inflicted a ne of casualties on 58 On coming thro I town from directe of Bristot Bidge Cpt Hall carried out a bady lod man thio hhis barrage & got him atende t a kin went back to his post. Att 100 prisoners were taken out of NE End of town t mg. to mss.& emops. There ws not leavy fighting this day. C0
The further psland of town genly known as I Hamparts as cleared also by 54 Bn &a man ws t up there Cal Hell had this patrot; but 1 Terms got back into it again That is part. they got back cuts (as mentioned above) That must exlain how mann ws able to get to posit which he reached first mg. In this second operati t Adams ws wd. on sept 2 t small ws wd in clear the SE part of town on Sept) st mitihell ws ad at Lrds in I centre of town by a ng. bubet from Irly ste on first morning att 1 a.m. Some Terms
ed be seen filtering back into I town & a nig. as to be fixed up to dest to them. Downing & Witchell had just on arranging this These jerms got back only into Ramparts ind o 1 town -& not into I main town. (Thly Jermscame back abt Middow of as stated above, (ater) In 1 night a W.C. oordnaneated to Ide from DADOL Lowan becycled into town w gas belieets for F3. En They showed a light on the Flanicourt wl river port having lost their way- of mss fire. E cot a burs our posts halled them on one of
Embankt. It ws very quiet indeed to night - till next day. 15 Bde reld 54on night of end. Andte 77 ws to in 12d alt 27D2.7. The janners were lying deadby it, k. by mg fire from our men. The yun lad bu recently fired. Bn ws abt 110 stron camang out -lost at 130 Bn picke up a dog on way in - he attached himself to I cay & came a them to moat - a big French dog. He as maning ups down CT IFubets He amonget 6 ws messed later. He adnt mate 1 butets. at
The C.O. claimed abt 600 & & 60 ond mps. Receipts were obtained for 59migs. He herdest part of fight ws getting tro wire. I4 Bn Bellicourt. Kept Benson) Sept29. Bn pet as far as 8D6.7 on Black Rd when for lifted. Ro ws crowded - to anspt on rd Bn on side of Rd. Tanks a bit to N going same way. First came A.T. fire from Nawroy & Not it & a little m.g. Then after a few sounds of H.T. (which came fair into khem) a batter of 4.20 got out I area. 4 Toomey as hit & d. of w
Cept Slaw ad, 47 Gilligan w0. Seryt myj. Redding K, ratt Dme hit. This caused Br to Scates & get into &trenches of front Hindby lime. The 54hn ws in reserve to 14 Bde wh ws in reserve t Din This firing ws quite unexpecte -I reports all were to vitlages werechard + Yanks going on well - Lgs were w transpt & Bo in to S4 Bn Sideslipped then nto 14 on S. Side of Bleck Rd& waited there for 2 days On Ing of Oct 1 att it1 2 am. Coy comd is were i summond & operste explained 2 tanks attache. 54 Bn 655

thro / rly yard towds / stn

(NE wds).  Our L.Gs & Vickers

Guns got onto them & swept them

down & scattered them in

all directions.

At / rly stn ws a 77 gun

wh went on firing all day till

it ws removed at dusk.  We

silenced it w snipers at


Several patrols as soon

as they arrived at / Swamp

tried to cross the Causeway

to Flamicourt - but / Germs

held the rly stn v. strongly w & it ws impossible to

cross it.  The first attempt ws

just at / time when our

L.Gs got onto / German pty.

The German cd fire right


from Flamicourt Station up to /


In / street next to SW of

the rly street, a Sergt ∧Bartier w

a mopping up pty looked

into a house ^ found a German

Officer, & a pty of abt 20 men,

w mugs of coffee poured out

before them.  The offr asked if

he cd finish his coffee &

invited / Sergt to join - wh

he did.  The Germs were

then marched off.  Our men

finished their coffee.  It w

The 54 Bn had had no
breakfast owing to / rush
w wh they had pushed off
from / rendezvous.

Patrols were sent along /
NE end o / town & cleared


the houses on / S. side o /

main Rd there.   But Capt

Downing & Capt Mitchell decided

not to occupy / N. part o /

town as they only had 120

men altogether for over a 

mile of front & / whole town.

They started w abt 240 but ½ were

by this time hit.

They then made their

line (1) Post S.E. end of

causeway from x Quinconce

(2) in centre of town

where this X Rd ran into it

(Capt Wilkins took a photo of


(3) At the far S.E. corner

o / same street.  (These at

right went down to / Flamict.



Causeway to prevent a Xing.

(4) Another 300 yds S.W.

down / bank o / swamp.

(5) at / first Bristol Bridge.

(6) at the Rly Bridge.

These posts were estabd after

Bn had reorganised & remnants

of A & D Coys had bn withdrawn

under ∧Lt Harvey & Lt MacGregor for a sleep.

near / cemetery by Quinconce.

(Abt 50 men were now garrisoning

Peronne - C 20, B 30 -)

There ws no attempt at C/attack.


The Germs filtered into the

NE end & / town during /

night & were seen fixing

up there during aftn

abt 5p.m.


Sept 2.  There ws another

operatn next day carried out


by 58 Bn assisted by A Coy. 54 Bn.

in which the remainder o / town

ws cleared & occupied.

Our barrage for this attack

blew out part of A Coy before

they got into / fight, & wd

part of a post in / town &

inflicted a no of casualties on

58 Bn coming thro / town from

directn of Bristol Bridge.

Cpl. Hall carried out a badly

wd man thro this barrage &

got him attended to then

went back to his post.


Abt 100 prisoners were

taken out o / NE end o /

town tt m.g. w &

some mwfrs.  There ws not

heavy fighting this day.



The further island of town

(genly known as / Ramparts)

ws cleared also by 54 Bn

& a man ws k up there -

Cpl Hall had this patrol; but

/ Germs got back into it again.

That is / part. They got back

into (as mentioned above).


[That must explain how

Mann 56Bn ws able to get to /

positn which he reached first mg.]

In this second operatn

Lt Adams ws wd. on Sept 2

Lt Small ws wd in clearing

the SE part o / town on Sept 1

Capt Mitchell ws wd at / Xrds

in / centre o / town by a m.g.

bullet from / rly stn on first

morning abt 11a.m.  Some Germs


cd be seen filtering back

into / town & a m.g.

ws to be fixed up to deal

w them.  Downing & Mitchell

had just bn arranging this.

These Germs got back only into

/ Ramparts end o / town - &

not into / main town. (The

Germs came back abt midday -

not as stated above, later).

In / night a W.O.

of ordnance attd to Bde from DADOS

& 2 men bicycled into / town

w gas helmets for 53. Bn

They showed a light on the

Flamicourt xxxxx river front,

having lost their way - &

got a burst of m.g. fire.

One of our posts halted them on


/ embankt.  It ws very quiet

indeed tt night - till next


15 Bde reld 54 on

night of 2nd.

Another 77 ws tn in / rd

abt 27 D 2.7.  The gunners were

lying dead by it, k. by

m.g. fire from our men. The 

gun had bn recently fired.

Bn ws abt 110 strong

on coming out - lost abt 130.

Bn picked up a dog on /

way in - he attached himself

to / Coy & came w them

to / moat - a big French

dog.  He ws running up & down

amongst / bullets.  He

ws missed later.  He cd nt make

out / bullets.



The C.O. claimed abt 600 prisoners

& 60 odd  Receipts

were obtained for 59

The hardest part o /

fight ws getting thro / wire.


54 Bn Bellicourt.  (Capt Benson)

Sept 29.  Bn got as far as G 8D 6.7 on

Black Rd when fog lifted.  Rd ws

crowded - transpt on rd,

Bn on side of Rd.  Tanks

a bit to N going same way.

First came A.T. fire from Nauroy

& N of it & a little m.g.  Then

after a few rounds of A.T. (which

came fair into them) a battery

of 4.2s got onto / area.

Lt Toomey ws hit & d. of ws,


Capt Shaw wd, Lt Gilligan wd,

Sergt Maj. Redding k, & abt 82 men

hit.  This caused Bn to

scatter & get into / trenches

of front Hindbg line.  The 54 Bn

ws in reserve to 14 Bde wh

ws in reserve to Divn.

This firing ws quite unexpected
- / reports all were tt /

villages were cleared & /

Yanks going on well - L.Gs

were w transpt & Bn in 4s.

54 Bn sideslipped then

into / trench on S. side of Black

Rd & waited there for 2 days.

Oct 1.  On mg of Oct 1 abt

2 a.m. Coy Commdrs were

summoned & operatn explained.

2 tanks attached.  54 Bn ws to





















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