Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/225/1 - 1915 - 1918 - Part 6
thro / rly yard towds / stn
(NE wds). Our L.Gs & Vickers
Guns got onto them & swept them
down & scattered them in
all directions.
At / rly stn ws a 77 gun
wh went on firing all day till
it ws removed at dusk. We
silenced it w snipers at
Several patrols as soon
as they arrived at / Swamp
tried to cross the Causeway
to Flamicourt - but / Germs
held the rly stn v. strongly w & it ws impossible to
cross it. The first attempt ws
just at / time when our
L.Gs got onto / German pty.
The German cd fire right
from Flamicourt Station up to /
In / street next to SW of
the rly street, a Sergt ∧Bartier w
a mopping up pty looked
into a house ^ found a German
Officer, & a pty of abt 20 men,
w mugs of coffee poured out
before them. The offr asked if
he cd finish his coffee &
invited / Sergt to join - wh
he did. The Germs were
then marched off. Our men
finished their coffee. It w
The 54 Bn had had no
breakfast owing to / rush
w wh they had pushed off
from / rendezvous.
Patrols were sent along /
NE end o / town & cleared
the houses on / S. side o /
main Rd there. But Capt
Downing & Capt Mitchell decided
not to occupy / N. part o /
town as they only had 120
men altogether for over a
mile of front & / whole town.
They started w abt 240 but ½ were
by this time hit.
They then made their
line (1) Post S.E. end of
causeway from x Quinconce
(2) in centre of town
where this X Rd ran into it
(Capt Wilkins took a photo of
(3) At the far S.E. corner
o / same street. (These at
right went down to / Flamict.
Causeway to prevent a Xing.
(4) Another 300 yds S.W.
down / bank o / swamp.
(5) at / first Bristol Bridge.
(6) at the Rly Bridge.
These posts were estabd after
Bn had reorganised & remnants
of A & D Coys had bn withdrawn
under ∧Lt Harvey & Lt MacGregor for a sleep.
near / cemetery by Quinconce.
(Abt 50 men were now garrisoning
Peronne - C 20, B 30 -)
There ws no attempt at C/attack.
The Germs filtered into the
NE end & / town during /
night & were seen fixing
up there during aftn
abt 5p.m.
Sept 2. There ws another
operatn next day carried out
by 58 Bn assisted by A Coy. 54 Bn.
in which the remainder o / town
ws cleared & occupied.
Our barrage for this attack
blew out part of A Coy before
they got into / fight, & wd
part of a post in / town &
inflicted a no of casualties on
58 Bn coming thro / town from
directn of Bristol Bridge.
Cpl. Hall carried out a badly
wd man thro this barrage &
got him attended to then
went back to his post.
Abt 100 prisoners were
taken out o / NE end o /
town tt m.g. w &
some mwfrs. There ws not
heavy fighting this day.
The further island of town
(genly known as / Ramparts)
ws cleared also by 54 Bn
& a man ws k up there -
Cpl Hall had this patrol; but
/ Germs got back into it again.
That is / part. They got back
into (as mentioned above).
[That must explain how
Mann 56Bn ws able to get to /
positn which he reached first mg.]
In this second operatn
Lt Adams ws wd. on Sept 2
Lt Small ws wd in clearing
the SE part o / town on Sept 1
Capt Mitchell ws wd at / Xrds
in / centre o / town by a m.g.
bullet from / rly stn on first
morning abt 11a.m. Some Germs
cd be seen filtering back
into / town & a m.g.
ws to be fixed up to deal
w them. Downing & Mitchell
had just bn arranging this.
These Germs got back only into
/ Ramparts end o / town - &
not into / main town. (The
Germs came back abt midday -
not as stated above, later).
In / night a W.O.
of ordnance attd to Bde from DADOS
& 2 men bicycled into / town
w gas helmets for 53. Bn
They showed a light on the
Flamicourt xxxxx river front,
having lost their way - &
got a burst of m.g. fire.
One of our posts halted them on
/ embankt. It ws very quiet
indeed tt night - till next
15 Bde reld 54 on
night of 2nd.
Another 77 ws tn in / rd
abt 27 D 2.7. The gunners were
lying dead by it, k. by
m.g. fire from our men. The
gun had bn recently fired.
Bn ws abt 110 strong
on coming out - lost abt 130.
Bn picked up a dog on /
way in - he attached himself
to / Coy & came w them
to / moat - a big French
dog. He ws running up & down
amongst / bullets. He
ws missed later. He cd nt make
out / bullets.
The C.O. claimed abt 600 prisoners
& 60 odd Receipts
were obtained for 59
The hardest part o /
fight ws getting thro / wire.
54 Bn Bellicourt. (Capt Benson)
Sept 29. Bn got as far as G 8D 6.7 on
Black Rd when fog lifted. Rd ws
crowded - transpt on rd,
Bn on side of Rd. Tanks
a bit to N going same way.
First came A.T. fire from Nauroy
& N of it & a little m.g. Then
after a few rounds of A.T. (which
came fair into them) a battery
of 4.2s got onto / area.
Lt Toomey ws hit & d. of ws,
Capt Shaw wd, Lt Gilligan wd,
Sergt Maj. Redding k, & abt 82 men
hit. This caused Bn to
scatter & get into / trenches
of front Hindbg line. The 54 Bn
ws in reserve to 14 Bde wh
ws in reserve to Divn.
This firing ws quite unexpected
- / reports all were tt /
villages were cleared & /
Yanks going on well - L.Gs
were w transpt & Bn in 4s.
54 Bn sideslipped then
into / trench on S. side of Black
Rd & waited there for 2 days.
Oct 1. On mg of Oct 1 abt
2 a.m. Coy Commdrs were
summoned & operatn explained.
2 tanks attached. 54 Bn ws to
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