Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/225/1 - 1915 - 1918 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Once I ferms were on I ren it us a race betw him & as to see wheter we wd get them before getting into Peronne. There were 2 Bridges, one on 1 Clery Rd, & one to S.W. a plank bedge near some buts & beohen ground in moat at M corner of toon This advance we mosth at 1 double - as fast as I vew cd go - helpwall half double - on it flenk they were held for a while Dean Radegonde. The Carryes were trea barrages & our in get to Radigonde before Farrage had lifter The gers were raning toods
bot bridges. You cd only see att 100 yds aheadowny to rain - After passing 1 second him the ferms dibnt fire much. They had notime to set down & fire. Our men were potting at them reckoned it I best sport thy had had. In Qaiconce wood 200 ferms were taken. They had be organised by a Glrman coloall - he had got toptan a lot of steaghis & as formin time up to march them of to Peronne. Two men- This Patterson & the Brown gotI lot of them – they covered I colorel co a rifle &
1 German Colonel told his mew to drop their rifes. He ws v. surprised to find only 2 men comn on to take I sarrender, tho of was he knew ther were more. C cd 10 o These 2 me The Colonal marched at I head of his nea - he adst march in to tem This weI colonel wh paid a tribute 5our sen at Co cage Sen Hobbo Cater Old Ba So] As Bn reached I baak of canal, very scctured they were right up aget Cattlements. They sotebd touch ao flanks & reospuised foud 53 on left flank Then B boy entered I town the left bridge io one section of Vickers sans
When first 1 Bn and at moat - Abt 7.30 am.- one of men who hat seen everal ferms, soa he ws alasy, ran after him Pte Scobie - had just got down to I bridge when it blew up. erns had len over it Icotie came back & reported to I bridge ws distroyed. His ws before Bn had stopped to reospnise. The Santern Bridge did not blow ap to there wta nime Macerter, M.C.1 on it. Eat Buckley & Lose to thei lad bu held up by our barrage at St Radegonde; as soon as to lifter they wentt on, & k Macarten & Backby & others went
down t recomnastre wooden bridge - Macartur went first & as shot by mg. fire from I battlements th idse bridge Backley then went & he as shot also just startin down toods it - suiped thro I forehead. A couple more men were k. tere. Abt Isame time Lt Hould Holder who as there w it blank waiting decision what to do us k by a field gun firig from Peronne at abt 150 yds range. his gon us on corner of one o1 Oldgs att 27c8.3. 23
The Bn reorgouised in I shelter of a bank on wh shrabs were powing out of view. News came to to rt ws held up + 2 offes had be k. to ten H Do Dimeadl wd on way thi down to RsDepade Wd. A Patman near to huts by ther wood bridge. Capt Dowling, senior for in/c foring his, sentword to C.O. to be as catering Persane wth Bn &2 V. guns. Deriig I hall. besides the Sabie's reconnaissance Gsl Hall (liter F.C.) went down & reconnostred 1 approachs, t town& a see to there os at much euemy organisate ther - he osst fired at. He didnt
actislly cross 1 bridge. left When Bn moved off t Ing of th M.J. Coy ws leading. They went in sections in suigh file - 10 or 15 ydo between sections. Tey met no resistance for 1 first soyds or s0 - only a few bits of planking were possible - these werenoton) bridge above, but were put across I bottn 01 moat sufficient to ahow him to X the water (wh wd be att 6ft deep These planks were first fixed by some of 54 Bn. during the wait - After 1 t lef Coy arted to doverhe fix up 1 bride at once E
On getting into I town a pty ws at once despatched to I it to nop ap the mps wh were holding up 1st pty at Small ws sent down there & several small phes under in Doy ditic 1 N.CO, () sections as they came along & key came on I ferm posts from I rear from amongt houses, &ferms put up biir hands at once. one by pts ws up on I upper batthnents of big Citadel in Peronne; one sty fired at thin to a burst of L.9. fire - & the sarrendere. Witiin 20 mis te rt ws reportes clear + rt L Battalin crossed I bridge of planks into 1 town.
ws a bi Causeway Br. to a barricale of old limbers, Stones etc. in 53 Enarea 2.60 an old stone bridge blown up earlier in I was, rebuell in wood by British, reblown, & rebuitt by ferms & now blown again. 3. Ws just duckboards. The Bn i worked this I houses t1SE side of town. They found ferms Sometimes in 1 cellars, Sometimes as Trooms. Tust 6 start a tey fired fom 1 apper windows - mostly distant shots it Once we got to close fighting tiy
threw it in. The right half on worked along 1 V/ Carbounel Rd&as for as Irly bridge beyond it. There they got touch w to 15Bde – FW.L. Amew ws t tis pty. (I Harvey wd uif/e of A Coy & Agnew in /c of cZapin Macartour's diek). In 1 houses there they captd over 100 E. The ferms were mostt prisoners who had can away from in port of I attack - they were sitting down & weiting for orders, when be for down to 1 bank opposite Stauncourt, a large 20 of germs as noticed marching, under an ofr in columin of route, retiring

Once / Germs were on / run
it ws a race betw them &
us to see whether we wd get
them before getting into Peronne.
There were 2 Bridges, one on
/ Clery Rd, & one to S.W.
- a plank bridge near some
huts & broken ground in /
moat at NW Corner o / town
This advance ws mostly at
/ double - as fast as / men
cd go - half walk half
double - On rt flank they
were held for a while
near Radegonde.  The barrages
were Area barrages & our
men got to Radegonde before
/ barrage had lifted.
The Germs were running towds


both bridges.  You cd only
see abt 100 yds ahead owing
to rain - After passing /
Second line the Germs didnt
fire much.  They had no time
to get down & fire.  Our
men were potting at them
& reckoned it / best sport
they had had.
In Quin conce Wood
200 Germs were taken.  They
had bn organised by a German
colonel - he had got together
a lot of stragglers & ws forming
them up to march them off
to Peronne.  Two men -
Pte Patterson & Pte Brown
got / lot of them - they
covered / Colonel w a rifle &


/ German Colonel told his men
to drop their rifles.  He ws v.
surprised to find only 2 men coming
on to take / surrender, tho of
course he knew there were more.
These 2 men marched / prisoners off.
The Colonel marched at / head of his
men - he wdnt march in w them.
[This ws / Colonel wh paid a tribute
to our men at / prisoners cage -
Gen Hobbs later told Bn so].
As Bn reached/ bank
o / canal, very scattered,
they were right up agst /
battlements.  They estabd touch
w / flanks & reorganised -
found 53 on left flank -
Then B Coy entered / town by
the left bridge w one section of Vickers


When first / Bn arrd at
/ moat - abt 7.30 a.m. -
one o / men who had seen
several Germs, whom he ws
chasing, ran after them.
Pte Scobie - had just got down
to / bridge when it blew up -
/ Germs had run over it.
Scobie came back & reported
tt / bridge ws destroyed.  This ws
before Bn had stopped to reorganise.
The Southern Bridge did not
blow up tho there ws a mine
on it.  ^Lt Macarthur, M.C., Cpl Buckley & those
w them had bn held up by
our barrage at St Radegonde;
& w as soon as tt lifted
they went out on, & Lt Macarthur
& Buckley & some 2 others went


down to reconnoitre
/ wooden bridge - Macarthur
went first & ws shot by
m.g. fire from / battlements
- they cd see / bridge.
Buckley then went & he
ws shot also just starting
down towds it - Sniped
thro / forehead.  A couple more
men were k. there.
Abt / same time Lt Houlder
Holder who ws there w /
rt flank waiting / decision
what to do ws k by a 
field gun firing from Peronne
at abt 150 yds range.
This gun ws on / Corner of one
o / bldgs abt 27 C 8.3.


The pty Bn reorganised
in / shelter of a bank on wh shrubs
were growing, out of view.  News
came tt th rt ws held up &
2 offrs had bn k.
To then Lt Doddimeade wd
on way thro down to Radegonde
wd. Lt Patman near the huts by the
wood bridge.
Capt Dowling, Senior offr in/c
firing line, sent word to C.O. tt
he ws entering Peronne w ^left of Bn & 2
V. Guns.
During / halt, Pte besides
Pte Scobies's reconnaissance,
Cpt Hall (later V.C.) went down
& reconnoitred / approaches
to / town & cd see tt there ws
not much enemy organisatn there
- he wsnt fired at.  He didnt


actually cross / bridge.
When left of Bn moved off Lt
Ing of 14 M.G. Coy ws leading.
They went in sections in
single file - 10 or 15 yds between
sections.  They met no resistance
for / first 50 yds or so - only
a few bits of planking were
possible. - these were not on /
bridge above, but were put
across / bottom o / moat
sufficient to allow them to X
the water (wh wd be abt 6 ft deep)
These planks were first fixed
by some of 54 Bn. during the
wait - After / Co left Coy
moved over the Germs fixed Engrs started to
fix up / bridge at once.


On getting into / town a
pty ws at once despatched
to / rt to mop up the mgs
wh were holding up / rt pty.
Lt Small ws sent down there
& several small pties under
N.C.Os (Dowling Downing detailed /
Sections as they cam along)
& they came on / Germ posts
from / rear from amongst
/ houses, & / Germs put
up their hands at once.
One big pty ws up on / upper
battlements o / big Citadel in
Peronne; one pty fired ^up at them
w a burst of L.G. fire - & they
surrendered.  Within 20 mins
the rt ws reported clear & /
rt ½ Battalin crossed / bridge
of planks into / town.


Diagram - see original document
1 ws a big
Causeway Br.
w a barricade
of old limbers,
stones etc.
in 53 Bn area
2. ws an old stone bridge  blown up
earlier in / war, rebuilt in
wood by British, reblown,
& rebuilt by Germs & now
blown again.
3. ws just duckboards.
The Bn then worked thro / houses
to / S.E side o / town.  They found
Germs sometimes in / cellars,
Sometimes in / rooms.  Just to
start w they fired from / upper
windows - mostly distant shots.
Once we got to close fighting they


Threw it in.  The right half
bn worked along / V/Curbonnel
Rd & as far as / rly bridge
beyond it.  There they got
touch w the 15 Bde - Lt W.L. Agnew
ws w this pty.
(Lt Harvey ws in/c of
A Coy & Agnew in/c of C) after
Macarthur's death).  In /
houses there they captd
over 100 prisoners.  The Germs
were mostly prisoners who
had run away from in
front of / attack - they were
sitting down & waiting for orders.
When we got down to /
bank opposite Flamicourt, a
large no of Germs ws noticed,
marching, under an offr
in Column of route, retiring



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Rosemary HudsonRosemary Hudson
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