Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/225/1 - 1915 - 1918 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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X Cept Benson (54) who ws here cdlto he cngured wo Watt. Some of 1 people her wanted to inform our arty before they pashed into I vellage; but watt pathed all tatasid at once & selit us to be done at oace - so good wasting time tookrisk your art, 55 get on to its proper objve purthe N. t watt went forward - a tank had gone down there & come back saning to I villag as light lew. Wat went on wt Plc Colburn, a sayuer, & found tey co get into Ivillze, Then he came back & bought Coy on. They cleared Testes Ceneiry - got a few ferms Rue & alt 30 altogetin in Ivillag they find a few my. wiste but were obviously trya to break back it 1Bernrevois lie. The flanks were not up at all - so witt same back to Objve on rly line till a definite
divt order came thro abt flank. Then he had to move this I villap again & Establish byte a line. Shellin stertet again but I Coy got tho witout casualty The 56En co probly have got into Beourevoir line if I whole time had gone ahead at once. But I dilay caused I germ to or ganice in 1 Beaurevow Ling 56 got at this Endadnang into Trench andN of village as 26D32. Thence patrols across to H2B. 7.7 - pinny 31Bor in (Sunkin RdinH 2D50. Sapports in Eg in rear of village on both flanks. The 54 En ednt come aheed
They were pulled out oft posite on flank for another fob - To flank as refased to point of y near Ametery. There as only one mank. by fire of enemy - abt 25 camathes from our owrs arty. Jn Hindbyline before starty newd A Heat C James & several mew were k by one shell in trench. Peaig thio Bellcourt before attack ths we v becay work ander musteed & chlorin ps & heavy stelling In Estrees vellage as they were Co going up street Col. Burrage ws fermy hes L.G. on 1 Shoulder of Sirft Davidson as the Coy ws going ap street- spaying fom sidel to side - men were reath bul t ond
54 Bn. Peronne. Capt Downing wadet Aug S1 Bn came from Barlenx across country, across I Omicourt chood Canal & over Ommilcourt Bridge. There very Engrs by 1 bridge - every now & then they had to get out out I Bridge & mend at. I happened to 54 Bn streck a L. Lrs bill &ad got across without a casualty. Ty had to go in sungle fil, by sections. It Df the ebt 3 pm. They camped under the by white chalk cutting bank, GE & 7t2 Bdes were tere 60 83 54 Bn Coys were pleasd tme. H had read general instruscs to
10 I isea of on attack. The attact ws to be on Peronne (his had bu told tim before Kay rise) they reconnoiten short o Hake wood w a view to an assembly positis. & returned t Coys. In 1 rea time this attack had b Cancelled. Bn ws instro to hot itself i readiess to more panry iiate. Anyg 314) They camped by I bank Sept. where they were for night. They hata los of selfire till 9P. & one ofr (to Palmer) ws wd& att instrs 1ome (2N). Att 3 am. were recd to report to ColMarshell Agrs were is a duput close by Col in nto res Ble spert orde for an attack on Peronne.
ero as to be at 6 am. 54as t tabe Pernne. heir assumbly pociter to I ken font line from the road ttro 20 A0 6 7 Risr Bant. The Coundary widmed tike a funnel till it reached from part way thro Iuinconse wood to 1 Rion At Radefonde. Bn moved abt 6 am. Sept 1 Along 12ly line, then of tot it across the fully by a track leading to Hale. They were to meat guides in cutting- but Ba proved then had only just taken over line & teir guides had at once to come all I way back Tey didit arrive in time i
they fr there abt 5.20 am. It was fastgetting light & movent in 1 forwd area in daylight ws v. risky. 53 preceded D4 in single fil (only co cross tree across stream in sugh fitz) & 55 followed last. 53 came op 1 2d thro 1 of talle & get t on Cipof Rd. 54 pt int y on 2to/2d. Last Coy if (Dloy under Capt Mitchel) reported in positi at 5.55am During pryress of 54 cnto positer they had be under direct observate for last woyds - This brought down shelfire wh ws rater erratic Camathis an way in were
0c04 bout abt 1men wd. The, 2 loys had just sufficient time to explain baundaries dispositus objoes Etc to pla commdos when Zero arrived - watches were synchroing The men hadat had a hip fight in 1 whole 79 weeks &I men were Eager as at be to get at 1 jerms. They had in post of them - un expected 2 lines, a double apron of barbed wire in pot repair. Hws very thick knife reo wirl, &or good pictels co ed The men didnt hesitete a moment. L gunners rushed were & restrg their funs on it fired point blank at germs in
Y Boyds away. Ohers - crept thro Iwire feris seeing this determinate count for Their lives – ohers made passapes by palling up pickets. From here on it developed ito a annun fight to occasionel Isolates points of resistence. Horina Y ws 12f wh 54 started) Cat A.C. Hall sughhended rushed a ng-post in German second line wh as abt wooyds behind first. This gun ws holding upI advance there I had o bit a no of men. Cpt Hall stalked it from a flank shot a men a his rife (He is a
Son of a station owner near Nyngan & a good shot at a kangaroo) - + captured Trigs. & 15 men - & tis let 1 advance get a head That disht hold them long. te value ws lergely in distroying firm mossle Deeping ferms on I run. Heas on 1lp. on Irt flank att1 same time Gil Backby did I same sort of the; wt another man he rashed a mg post capturing 2 gunsI 27 men - 1oth test men fot V.Cs Coopt. Buckhy ws k. 2 hrs later.]Hall had to 8 work tho I were, - tere were occasionel swall gaps - before he pot at his gun)

※ Capt Benson (54) who ws
there sd tt he conferred w
Watt.  Some of / people there wanted
to inform our Arty before they
pushed into / village; but
Watt pushed all that aside
at once & sd it ws to be done
at once - no good wasting time -
& took / risk of our arty!

56 get on to its proper objve further
Lt Watt went forward - a
tank had gone down there &
come back saying tt / village
ws lightly held.  Watt went on
w Lt Pte Colburn, a sniper,
& found they cd get into / village.
Then he came back & brought /
Coy on.  They cleared / Estrees
Cemetry - got a few Germs there
& abt 30 altogether in / village
- they fired a few m.g. bursts
but were obviously trying to
break back into / Beaurevoir
The flanks were not up at
all - so Watt came back to
objve on rly line till a definite


divl order came thro abt /
flank.  Then he had to move
thro / village again & establish
a line.  Shelling started again ^by then but
/ Coy got thro without casualty.
The 56 Bn cd probly have
got into / Beaurevoir line
if / whole line had gone
ahead at once.  But /
delay caused / Germ to
organise in / Beaurevoir Line.
56 got at this 2nd advance
into Trench imd N of village
as 26 D 3.2.  Thence patrols
across to H 2 B. 7.7 - joining
31 Bn in / Sunken Rd in H 2D 50.95
Supports in trenches in ^imd rear of
village on both flanks.
The 54 Bn cdnt come ahead


They were pulled out of the
positn on flank for another
job - so flank ws refused
to point of trench near cemetery.
There ws only one man k. by
fire of enemy - abt 25 casualties
from our own arty.
In Hindbg line before starting
Lt Heath & Lt James ^were wd & several
men were k. by one shell in /
Passing thro Bellicourt before
this ^attack ws v. heavy work under
mustard & chlorine gas & heavy
In Estrees village as they were
going up / street Cpl. Burrage ws firing
his L.G. on / shoulder of Sergt Davidson
as the Coy ws going up / street - spraying
from side to side - men were pretty [[lively]] tt m.g.


54 Bn. Peronne
(Capt Downing)
Lt Wadal
Aug 31  Bn came from Barleux
across country, across / Omiécourt
Chord Canal & over / Ommiécourt
Bridge.  There were Engrs by /
bridge - every now & then they
had to get out onto / Bridge
& mend it.  It happened tt
54 Bn struck a ½ hrs lull
& all got across without a
casualty.  They had to go in
single file, by sections.  It
ws then abt 3 p.m.  They camped
under the big white chalk
cutting bank, 6th & 7th Bdes
were there too.
54 Bn Coys were placed there.
They O.C's had read general instrns as to


/ idea of an attack.  The
attack ws to be on Peronne
(this had bn told them before Xing
/ rises)  They reconnoitred trenches
short of Halle wood w a
view to an assembly positn.
& returned to Coys.  In /
mean time this attack had bn
cancelled.  Bn ws instrd to
hold itself in readiness to move
at any minute.
[* Aug 31 to}
    Sept 1      }  *]     They camped by / bank
where they were for / night.  They
had a lot of shell fire till 9 p.m.
& one offr (Lt Palmer) ws wd & abt
10 men (2 k).  Abt 3 a.m. xxx instrns
were recd to report to Col. Marshall
Hqrs were in a dugout close by.
They recd ^Col then wrote read Bde operatn order for an
attack on Peronne.


Zero ws to be at 6 a.m.
54 ws to take Peronne.
Their assembly positn w / then
front line from the road thro 20 A & C
to / River Bank.  The boundary
widened like a funnel till
it reached from part way thro
Quinconce Wood to / River
at Radegonde.
Sept 1.  Bn moved abt 4 a.m.
along / rly line, then off x
to / rt across the gully by a
track leading to Halle.  They
were to meet guides in /
cutting _  but Bn providing
them had only just taken over
/ line & their guides had at
once to come all / way back.
They didnt arrive in time


they got there abt 5.20 am.
It ws fast getting light
& movemt in / forwd area
in daylight ws v. risky.
53 preceded 54 in single
file (only cd cross tree across
stream in single file) &
55 followed last.
53 came up / rd thro N
middle of Halle & got into trench
on left of Rd.  54 got into trench
on rt of rd.  Last Coy of
54 (D Coy under Capt Mitchell)
reported in positn at 5.55 am.
During / progress of 54
into positn they had bn under
direct observatn for last
100 yds -  This brought down
shell fire wh ws rather erratic.
Casualties on way in were


abt 10 men wd.  The ^OCs of 2 front
Coys had just sufficient time
to explain boundaries
dispositns objves etc to
pln Commdrs when Zero
arrived - (watches were synchronised)
& they hopped over.
The men hadnt had
a xxx fight in / whole 7 9 weeks
& / men were eager as cd be
to get at / Germs.  They
had in front of them - unexpected
- 2 lines, a double apron
of barbed wire in good repair.
It ws very thick knife rest
wire, & on good pickets.
The men didnt hesitate a
moment.  L. Gunners rushed /
wire & resting their guns on it
fired point blank at Germs in /


trench 30 yds away.  Others
crept thro / wire - /
Germs seeing this determinatn
went for their lives - others
made passages by pulling
up / pickets.  From here
on it developed into a
running fight w occasional
isolated points of resistance.
(? Florina trench ws / trench from
wh 54 started).
Cpl A.C. Hall singlehanded
rushed a m.g. post in /
German second line wh
ws abt? 200 yds behind /
first - This gun ws holding
up / advance there & had
hit a no of men.  Cpt Hall
stalked it from a flank, shot
4 men w his rifle (He is a


son of a station owner near
Nyngan & a good shot at
a kangaroo) -  & captured
2 & 15 men - & this
let / advance get ahead.
That didnt hold them long -
the value ws largely in
destroying Germ morale &
keeping Germs on / run.  He ws
on / left.  On / rt flank abt /
same time Cpl Buckley
did / same sort of thing; w
another man he rushed a
m.g. post capturing 2 guns &
22 men -  Both these men got
V.C.s Corpl Buckley ws k.
2 hrs later.  [Hall had to
work thro' / wire, - there were
occasional small gaps - before
he got at his gun]



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