Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/224/1 - August - October 1918 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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After this Capi had boken Up at 12.40 Elliott arrived later after Stewart & Fivey had gone (At 2.3. & nade it clas to his Bdle cdut cross somme wher intended. Plan we trun changed sot te bar 58 shd nove into Peronne at Zero & 30 8 attack ramperts at far en Assisting S4 Bn 59r 60 to pllow 566526 I5) & thn move I & aboach I same ridge as S Cox of S5 Ba. 57 Bo ws (if possible. opportunity offering) to cross Somme by foothiep. These instructions nos
reached Bdier 14th Bde. First he knew of it ws when he got message thBe from Col. Marshell saying to I8 Bu had some contrary instry & as apptl supporting him (Bn had be told to Sapport Marshell & marshell knew noting att Ris, peiters did Bdier) Tero as fixed this day at 5 am. for both 7t Bde & 14th Bde. This ws agreed to at Coufee & telephoned by Bdies to 1415 Bde from (Coupe. The British apparently had a zers at 5 or 5.30 am And the 2Dun may have had t attes thim later to 0 5.30 am. But th ws never reported to 14th Bde nor
thde who had to move theo Peroune under 2. heavy reply retitiation brought down by te 5.30 yero perties N. 56 Bn got into same Ferman barrage. All offis were hil in to 3 leave and serd Oconnos took tim in. coys) Dennes wood docsnt Exist it is a plantati of stunted strff w a lot of undergoute under 1 original plen the Eend of Peronne (Ramparts) we to be ignored for 3/4 br after attack had be launched by 56 Bu so as to keep 1 fire from it down s8 then, at 6.85, 54Bs cos to mop it up. The fire kept on 1 Tamparts did not keep the wif fire down. w
Bn Peronne Sept 14th 6 (Cape mann severelokters Buscourt 54 53 56 Bridge I went across omiecourt. On Aug 31 58Bn in HE2S. of Seiscourt. Theis reconnoitiig pty went down & found Bascourt crossing sitable & Ba crosset there after 5xBn. They by up near t Clery Station faily heavily shelled but not many casualties. They hadI protection I byg chalk bank. They were there pom I gm 6 8pin. After dark toy offisvent ap the Clery Reron Rd to reconnailes positis in L7ArC was to move there for I night
peading furthe orders. on return of these fro Sn moved up. They lay w of 1 Rd till aft sam 5.15 am They then moved foud to take ap an assembly posite St of Hatle wood, supporting 53759. There ws as tit to reconmity until offes 53 54 returned to loy after sou forwd they didn't know h of attack or dbjoes required At 5.15 at a Ba Confce at abt 4.30 am. they got his information At 5.15 Bloy moved along 1 rd towds its & gumpin Hposite & I other coys b
different soutes. They came into heavy sig. I shell fire in Halle wood (& had abt 20 camnethis HOldham ws out of 98 in 8 loy) killed there by a mg bullet which dressing and man They got to abt 14 D Central abt 5.45 (zero af 6) & came undering & shellfire very much tangled, naturally There were marches in wood & so tey had t come S. E corner fit round under ong fire – wh ceemt to be caming from Ioutshirts of Mr S a. St ednt see the jumping of troops; so at gero & 10 B Coy (Capt Mann) startd to move in arty forater as direct of Peroune. They had men hit by my. en
from Mt St Q direct (S.N9 Village) after they had fore alt of rest booyds. Saw no signs of 56 or 83 mam then pushed forward Cuniconce w Bloy into Wood 8 in passing tro, mopped up alt9 Go. Tey found here some men of 54 Bn. Tese sd to 54 were away on 1st. 54 thesd had entered Peronne T Bloy 55 prshed ahead across th Brome No HORD having a few casnatties from Shell fire - it we drigzling fain They sushe forward to 122C3.7 right to the rangarts. At this pount they came under ling fire from director of S Denis &the t end of Peroune a
scattered shell fire. Bloy stayed there & a patrot of the 54 Bn followed them up & tto tem where SC had ot to s te barricided & partiall wrecked bridge at 27859 21D5.0. They cdat find 53 at all. To mann sent an off I aman to lefaiar 1 Centtery (in L217 & found to 53 had bn held up near the Nend of cemetiny Bosito of B Coy (in a truck along Ncide of meat a a few men on top tryn to make posts on 1flanks as v colabd. BbyFen withdrew into line w rest of Bde (53 & 57) & took
up posib abt 21 central. They had had a few men hit hear I ramparts by me had seen fire. (bey s new at 5t corner of F.D. & at S Denis & cont make out if they were forms not). D Musgrove r ofend t go over & se who were it So D, but wen't add. H ws be who fot touch w 53 Mann had word to A 56P Coy ws on left of 53. The Ol of this cay offered to send a fighting patrol to MrHA situation. as thre to find out This in ay not lave ba done) B Coy staged there till 2.45 am when orders ard
to 55 were to advance thoo (in conjuretion W 53r0 Bn & 15th Bdeon st thro's & In & atteck high pd in L35 & 05 (Sof Peronne) loys were to rendezvous tthe main bridge XinE in 27. No time or for I The Coys did rendeyvous there at abt 4.45 p.m. Att Ken 53Bn attacked towds F Denis & came der terrific Mf. fire a heroy losses. 55 had no concret orders; 53 cons V wellmake and thes attack in concert a 56 Coys terefore remain at point of Rindgvous & awaitis further orders, Till Spon. Te were then ordered by the senior ho present to return to thei

After this Confc had broken
up at 12.40
Elliott arrived later after
Stewart & Tivey had gone (at 2.30 am)
& made it clear tt his Bde
cdnt cross Somme where
intended. Plan ws then changed
at his request so tt 5 Cpr 
60 shd 58 shd move into
Peronne at zero + 30 &
attack ramparts at far end
assisting 54 Bn,
59 & 60 to follow 56 (& 2 Coys
55) & then move S & attack
/ same ridge as 2 Coy of S5 Bn.
57 Bn ws (if possible &
opportunity offering) to cross
/ Somme by footbridge.
These instructions never


reached Bdier 14th Bde.
First he knew of it ws when
he got message thro' 15th Bde
from Col. Marshall saying tt
58 Bn had some contrary instrn
& ws apptly supporting him.
(Bn had bn told to support Marshall
& Marshall knew nothing abt
this; neither did Bdier).
Zero ws fixed this day
at 6 a.m. for both 7th Bde &
14th Bde. This ws agreed to
at Confce & telephoned by Bdier
to 14th Bde from / Confce.
[? The British apparently
had a zero at 5 or 5.30 a.m.
And the 2 Divn may have
had to alter theirs later to
5.30 a.m. But this ws never
reported to 14th Bde nor


15th Bde who had to move
thro Peronne under v. heavy
retaliation reply brought down by
the 5.30 zero further N.)
56 Bn got into same German
barrage.  All offrs were hit in the 3 leading
coys; and Sergt O'Connor took them in.
[St Dennis Wood doesnt exist
- it is a plantatn of stunted
stuff w a lot of undergrowth].
Under / original plan the E end
of Peronne ("Ramparts") ws to
be ignored for ¾ hr after
attack had bn launched by 56
Bn so as to keep / fire from
it down; & then, at 6.45, 54 Bn
ws to mop it up.
The fire kept on / ramparts
did not keep the m.g. fire down.


56 Bn Peronne. Sept 1 & 2.
(Capt Mann &
several others)
56  54  53 → Buscourt 
55 went across ^ at Omiecourt.
On Aug 31 56 Bn ws in H27 S. of
Buscourt. Their reconnoitring pty
went down & found Buscourt
crossing suitable & Bn crossed
there after 54 Bn. They lay
up near the Clery cutting Station
- fairly heavily shelled but not many
casualties. They had / protection
o / big chalk bank. They were
there from 5 pm to 8 p.m.
After dark Coy offrs went
up the Clery Peronne Rd to
reconnoitre positn in I 7 A&C
so as to move there for / night


pending further orders.  Abt On
return of these offrs Bn
moved up. They lay W o /
Rd till abt 4a.m 5.15 am.
They then moved forwd to take
up an assembly positn SE of
Halle wood, supporting 53 & 54.
Diagram - see original document
There ws no
time to reconnoitre
until offrs
returned these Coys
At 5.15 am After going forwd they didn't know
o /  attack or objves required.
At 5.15 at a Bn Confce at
abt 4.30 a.m. they got this
At 5.15 B Coy moved
along / rd towds its xx jumping
off positn & / other coys by


different routes. They came into
heavy m.g. & shell fire in Halle
Wood (& had abt 20 casualties
out of 98 in B Coy).  Lt Oldham ws
killed there by a m.g. bullet while dressing a wd man.
They got to abt 14 D Central
abt 5.45 (zero at 6) & came
under m.g & shellfire -
very much tangled, naturally.
There were marshes in /
wood & so they had to come
round / S. E corner of it
under m.g fire – wh seemed
to be coming from / outskirts
of Mt St Q.
56 cdnt see the jumping
off troops; so at zero + 10
B Coy (Capt Mann) started to
move in arty formatn in
/ directn of Peronne. They
had men hit by m.g. fire


from Mt St Q directn (S.W of
Village) after they had gone abt
600 yds. Saw no signs ^ of rest of 56 or
Mann then pushed forward
w B Coy into Anvil Quinconce Wood &
in passing thro, mopped up
abt 9 prisoners. They found there
some men of 54 Bn. These sd
tt 54 were away on / rt.
54 they sd had entered Peronne.
They B Coy 56 pushed ahead
across the Peronne Mt St Q Rd,
having a few casualties from
shell fire - it ws drizzling rain.
They pushed forward to I 22 C 3.7
right to the ramparts. At this
point they came under m.g
fire from / directn of St Denis
& the E end of Peronne &


scattered shell fire. B Coy
stayed there & a patrol of
the 54 Bn followed them up
& told them where 54 had
got to -  across the barricaded
& partially wrecked bridge
at 27 B 5.9 21 D 5.0.
They cd nt find 53 at all.
So Mann sent an offr &
a man to / left near /
Cemetery (in I 21) & found tt
53 had bn held up near the
N. end o / cemetery
Positn of B Coy (in
a trench along N side of moat
w a few men on top trying
to make posts on / flanks)
ws v. isolated.  B Coy then
withdrew into line w rest
of Bde (53 & 54) & took


up positn abt 21 central.
They had had a few men
hit near / ramparts by mg
fire. (They saw had seen men at S E corner 
of St Q. & at St Denis & cdnt
make out if they were Germs
or not).  Cr Lt Musgrove
offered to go over & see who
were at St D, but wsn't
alld.  It ws he who got
touch w 53.
Mann had word tt A
Coy ^ 56 Bn ws on left of 53. The
OC of this coy offered to send
a fighting patrol to Mt St Q
to find out who ws / situation there.
(This may not have bn done).
B Coy stayed there till
2.45 pm when orders arrd


tt 56 were to - advance thro'
(in conjunction w 53rd Bn & 15th Bde on rt)
thro' 54 Bn & attack high grd in
I35 & O5 (S of Peronne).
Coys were to rendezvous
at the main bridge Xing at in
I 27. No time ws gn.
The Coys did rendezvous
there at abt 4.45 p.m.
Abt then 53 Bn attacked
towds St Denis & came
under terrific m.g. fire
w heavy losses. 56 had no
concrete orders; 53 cdnt
v. well make another attack
in concert w 56.
Coys therefore remained
at point of Rendezvous & awaited
further orders, Till 8 p.m. They
were then ordered by the senior
offr present to return to their

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