Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/223/1 - 1915 - 1918 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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G as shown. Throssell ws there & took comd been senior off. (He ws a recft offr it at his 2nd stunt). A second block ws tim built at E, & were The benbers bet twob H. ak boubs were conlinoaly the own into this to keep it clan - resalt ws To had Avery ton know indeed to do any gad. The 15 were in Nalso 1800 sappd to get Sr P. to leake ws standin beside I ws shot this the back o(head. Several men had dropped. It ws tamn realised to to wereinN also - & as 1 bags had be reand pubet down from te there Ds no poolection. I then
(Eac man arried 3o carrien put a row of sand bap on to side also - Terossell still bombin Leepy to back - while this we being done (this we after first Catack). This as all in bright Moonlight. Then abt to her after 61 Cattack there tame on a v Leavy bombir attack. Te to came across from 9 tto Halso this time) & some got right ap to14 but ty were beater back w boubs+ rifle fire . The boubs were passed up to 1 right Dec. the let had no need for them - I fact to everyone- had 2 bombs there saved thing
until a C.T as got tno on Ileft. Just as 1 secont C. Attack dineloped Capt Fy came up 14 & we k by a bout. There were leasy camethes amongsh our bombers from 1T boubs - Te 15 from 1 corner heaved their bombs in while others charged under cover of it. After to atack ws beatu there ws a hll. The Yws & shallow & it ws ten found to to had curied men under I floar of it. S. detailed three men in Every 4 to dig like hell - white other man watch (as they wr snfilad on 1 2t). Key allwanted wart son
to fight & I had to dig himself in order to get them to dig. They hed to dig round I diad turks, pull them out but by bit – I struck ws Comitl &I men dibut like it. I had to do1 job. Aings A Turks lewd come away in your hand. They 1l travere; (tey had presiousl buitt overhead board shelters - a few - a took riflrs & bayonets to reach across 1Y & Sandbays on top They had t down fretty will. A man had come up from 1lef cantre & told S. to Mc Besn had pt into 1t well aheado his troop, shot aT, chased another round corner - & had met 1 Turk waiting for him round I coover
bn shot fall in 1face - Hunter following bayonstoo 17- & Cot.S. almost weeking. At breaking dawn the II came over t fixed bayonets (almost I first twme tuy ever Did i) from 1 trech down below from direct of J. You Ed see 1 to very racily in low scrab. Te N.E8 gave a hand then. A pty of 75 crawled out from N tods 2 The NEs saw these from their posite at K- & opened fire to My. &yeller. This prevented To from taking as in rear. Rrossellws bombay to be mad. t shouting. As 1 to started to
come from 1 front I boys lumped upon 1 perspet + fired for all they were worth at good Cargets. One Tark threw his rifle away - he had got close - & knew his hands ap & san into 127 W bayoneteo (Tean were ranlling over 1 Nek (yl8) I want along to see aft this T. Perp Hampshire ws on I left there (he ar now a sengt). S. hat first passed H. & seen 1 tlying deat when a baket passed tho his shoulder. He got up & as het H. What hit him – he went back toods 1 rifts & faintes. They palled him out & evonate him. At 1 C.C.S. ws 2 1 offr to be
arm blowa of by a boub. The Ts. were firing a few Shropsel Htoan 971 at tis time. S. wr Istone from I1 stone at this time - nish of men were same. S Tunellers Veil Campbell who as k wt God Aust Tuanelers at Nieppe bo in the 10AL H. at Qunn w t t shot in 10 ALH there in Ibings. He came back to Egypt & transferred to tunnellers. He had his eye maghed I first time he went in to 32d tan. Coy; When ferms came thro N.C.WS a/c of the detached E section at Necppe. Lome & nle
saw him badly wd working a mes The tommiss had blowin up I bridge before the tunnellers got back - & they had to Swen 1 Ly5. Sle God Tamnelersabt this) 29 May 28? Ouns 10ALH were in w 13Bn. in Qwins. S. & MacBean (seryto) were there w Mosely & Vie Hall. Pe part of troop (Dtroop) were in t mosely were in reserve and behind 1y in Kitchen when 1Tapanese mortars fired their first bomb.
Tore wnd be an idea white thy hadbe in 1 front line on duty they had heard teppay & were convinced to as ty had done menny were man 7 but a Counn of Engr sdto it wo our men. When the pt Tap mortes went of it had such a cresh to it soueded like a nine. It ws just before stand to. I sumped up & slood men to in 1 Kitchen He tm you ito 178 fou Mosely & foum all ws quiet. e went back to men to give them stain down when up went I by nine & by clads of Eaxk came down from a St column above. I ride
Iudn Stant in under 1 bant out of it. A Leavy rifl fire troke out at once. Io took 6men & want ap (all 10s.) up into 1 to Moseley. The to were attacking very thick from opp Ranns. This troop ws in 6 past A troop wa in No 5 w Vine Hall - & they were oner who olre blown up ma blew just in pront I parapet & knocked it in on some of them. The to never reached No 6 but abt 17 or 18 got in where mine had foe up, furtin it. A me. as feriing from Poper

G. as shown.  Throssell ws
there & took commd being
senior offr.  (He ws a reinft offr -
it ws his 2nd stunt).  A second
block ws then built at Z, &
The bombers ^were betw / two bombing
/ Ts. back bombs were continuosly
thrown into this to keep it
clean - result ws Ts had
a very long throw indeed to do
any good.  The Ts were in N also.
18 ws suppd to get S & P.
Lt Leake ws standing
beside S & ws shot ^dead thro the
back o / head.  Several men
had dropped.  It ws then
realised tt Ts were in N
also - & as / bags had bn
pulled down from there rear of trench there
ws no protection.  S then


put a row of sand bags ^(each man carried 3 & carriers had more) on tt
side also -  Throssell still bombing
keeping Ts back - while this
ws being done (This ws after
/ first C/attack).
This was all in bright
Then abt ¼ hr after 1st
C/attack there came on a v.
heavy bombing attack.  The
Ts came across from G (to H also
this time) & some got right
up to / trench but they were
beaten back w bombs &
rifle fire.  The bombs were
passed up to / right bec.
the left had no need for
them - / fact tt everyone
had 2 bombs there saved things


until a C.T. ws got thro
on / left.
Just as / second C. Attack
developed Capt Fry came up
/ trench & ws k by a bomb.
(  There were heavy casualties
amongst our bombers from
/ T. Bombs -  The Ts from /
corner heaved their bombs in
while / others charged under
cover of it.
After tt attack ws beaten
there ws a lull.  The trench ws
v shallow & it ws then found
tt / Ts had buried men under
/ floor of it.  S. detailed three men
in every 4 to dig like hell - while
/ other man watch (as they wd be
enfiladed from / rt).  They all wanted
w / Arty from 971.


to fight & S had to dig himself
in order to get them to dig.  They
had to dig round / dead Turks, pull
them out bit by bit - / stench ws
horrible & / men didnt like it.  S had to
do / job.  They xx  A Turks leg wd
come away in your hand.  They
got / trench traversed ; (they had
previously built overhead
bomb shelters - a few - w
Turk rifles & bayonets to reach
across / trench & sand bags on top
They had got down pretty
well.  A man had come up from
/ lef Cenre & told S. tt McBean
had got into / trench well ahead of
his troop, shot a T, chased another
round / corner - & had met / Turks
waiting for him round / corner &


bn shot full in / face - ^[[?]] Hunter
following bayoneted / T - &
told S. almost weeping.
At breaking dawn the
Ts came over w fixed bayonets
(almost / first time they ever did
it) from / trench down below -
from / directn of J. you
cd see / Ts. very easily in /
low scrub.  The N.Zs gave a
hand then.  A pty of Ts
crawled out from N towds Z.
The NZs saw these from their
positn at K - & opened fire
w m.g. & yelled.  This prevented
Ts from taking us in rear.
Throssell ws bombing like mad -
& shouting.  As / Ts started to


come from / front / boys
jumped up on / parapet &
fired for all they were
worth at good targets.  The
Turk threw his rifle away - he
had got close - & threw his
hands up & ran into / trench &
ws bayoneted (The men were
rankling over / Nek fight).
S went along to see abt this T.
Sergt Hampshire ws on / left
there (he ws now a sergt).  S. had
just passed H. & seen / T. lying
dead when a bullet passed thro
his shoulder.  He got up & asked
H. what hit him - he went
back towds / right & fainted.
They pulled him out & evacuated
him.  At / C.C.S. ws a T. offr w his


arm blown off by a bomb.
The Ts. were firing a few
shrapnel from 971 at this
time.  S. ws 8 stone from 11 stone
at this time - most o / men
were / same.
3rd Tunnellers.
Neil Campbell who ws k w /
3rd Aust Tunnellers at Nieppe
ws in the 10 A.L H. at Niep Quinns
& ws tunnelling there shot in /
10 ALH there in / lungs.  He came
back to Egypt & transferred to /
tunnellers.  He had his eye
shot off smashed / first time he went in w
3rd Tun. Coy ; when Germs came
thro N.C. ws in/c of the detached
section of Nieppe.  Some o / men


 saw him badly wd working a
m.g.  The Tommies had blown
up / bridge before the Tunnellers
got back - & they had to
swim / Lys.
(See 3rd Tunnellers abt

May 28? 29  Quinns.
10 ALH were in w 13 Bn. in
Quinns.  S. & MacBean (Sergts) were
there w Moseley & Vine Hall.
xx  S & part o / troop (D troop)
were in w Moseley were in
reserve imd. behind / trench in /
kitchen when / Japanese
Mortars fired their first bomb.


There had bn an idea  While
they had bn in / front line
on duty. they had heard
tapping & where convinced Ts
were mining ^as they had done mining.; but a Tommy
Offr Engr sd tt it ws our
men.  When the 1st Jap
Mortar went off it had
such a crash tt it sounded
like a mine.  It ws just
before stand to.  S. jumped up
& stood / men to in / "Kitchen"
He then ran into / trench & found
Moseley & found all ws quiet.
He went back to / men to
give them stand down when up
went / big mine & big clods
of each came down from a
gt column above.  S made /


men stand in under / bank
out of it.  A heavy
rifle fire broke out at once.
S. took 6 men & went up
(all 10 A.L.H.) up into / trench
to Moseley.  The Ts were
attacking very thick from opp.
Quinns.  This troop ws in 6 post.
A troop ws in No 5 w
Vine Hall - & they were /
ones who were blown up -
/ mine blew just in front
o / parapet & knocked it
in on some of them.  The
Ts never reached No 6,
but abt 17 or 18 got in
where / mine had gone
up, further rt.
A m.g. was firing from Popes



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Sandy MudieSandy Mudie
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