Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/223/1 - 1915 - 1918 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Springall as on I paropet kneebing, facing [.F. t his Eifl in his hand. He ws shot fust under his row of South Apiian Tibbors- He went out and. After vernon Presse (who had come back sick from Tmbros 1 day before on hearing OI stunt). Spiigal ask & stayed true. Capt seytt McBean 84V. Piesse went out togetin. They had be lying in a lit of hollow. Had to keep heads down bec. My. bullets were jus clearing tim (they were on I cap & I hill next to I right troop). McBod to he had a periscope or him. Ht ws looking
thro a periscope lowds T. Y. Pieese us a man who always though & of his men - he sd. I wonder how Irest of them have pet on I looked up - & ws shot tio headund. McB. got in & ws k. afterds at Hil 60. The Cheshires were in suppt 2 behind & were to I fromt line have mo when 10 LH want over. When At back he never saw a segn of them. Maj. Love in one 01 Suppt E told S. toget alls men he cd & get them back into port hie. I at once gt abt I man to 8or 1098 all he at. Lat they were strenghand
by some 01 GRALH they then held I lef half of wathers, & 10t hel 1 right. The rt (apptly) of 14 have had gone two order before its time from an offf who as not conductig attack Capt Vernen Presse, & Turnbull, Capt Rowan, W Kidd, Baunderson, Sy Springhall 2 Mc Bean met & thook hands at corner of sap waiting for the front y to clear after 1 first line had fone sd Goodbye to one another & shook hamds. from Howe tar if I understand & May hove ron up 6 14 pour I rear & finding to some o 4th line had not gone over shouted out to wen (who were waiting for 1order why havn't you one. This started ten).
10. 4la 10 SLH H Hill 60 - 10AH had fone for a spell - went round by night. They dugin next day deging in (prot on Damak felik Bair) In. jobley- came roun abt 4 p.m. (2.28aug) & Mays13 H Saunderson, Capt Fy, 6 kisda L tossell 6 Mac Bean, O Bargess Bartus Lake (W A Lawney Son Premier Capt Roberts on (if Duntrion out & told them to he wanted them to recommaitie front line. They had to take 17 on ton of Hill 50. The GALI hadado & I Col hadgone out & be k. I know you will get it? he sd its holding to is I difficulty
A Str of Rept ws 198. Old Col. Brazier had bu suspended by Antile but be came round t his regt, & ws hit next Morning Aug 28 by a Cit 9f sent strapnel in Teye . He told 1 Fo as usual what he thought of tem]. They reconnent s dp NEin lie toh wer shallow. One part of 14 as v. Shallow & some RES were lying in it. A. Wi w Orginesw an 18. B10 89 8AY K
J. we bombiry ofr. He had fot leave to get t bombs assued not to Cam of 6onty re to every man to tay were Crishet ball bombw a match head - striking material sown ont sleeve. had to bomb aig. at X. Whetws suppd by Russell to have happened to the 9h4 ws to they got into Y XV & mg. ws fired into this Sap (or "trap truck") from there ad to So agot tis this my. a few mins before gero. He got a big N.3. in gunner an Iristnce to five him a leg outo 1 sap- the Irishman sd he ws coming to
Australieus- Cow of a job. this I told him hews to stick w I my. as there tod be Cattachs, It ws abt 12. 45 am (1 am. gero). The N.E. man fase I. a divil of a heave - right over a strand of barbed wire on to his hear - tight moon light. Te thirs came out on teir stomachs. I went for 1 corner - they adsle the line swaying up in 1moonty to on their left. Tust before 1 men got to I brench It his board ply throw thin bombs in on n. It ws tere abryti Ty got it, & its crew . The to had by quite quiet - it w 15
a suprise attack C. Squ had a few casnalties. & Bargiso ws hit in I hand. This ws by 1M.g. wh S. ws going for. The gun find abt 10 shot & then S.Saw it. The live on Ilet hedge a cheer as it went &t gun opened out him at on a (on getting out S. Lad jast on round his men - a boubiny ty of y men, & A troop as wel - Bombers had abt 10 ydostert May Sox Bomibiny ply ws in AEEt tot his rest of tin frest 2 M. Acks & Shosets Capt By went out w ricn.
The troop went straight on. tis S. got to 1Y. a tark fired a Mertins Henry up at .He seemed t be a man on, duty p - abt one every 4yds. lothers were just scrambli up. The T.5 shot hit Irevolve Con on S's langard - te revolver flewout of So had but langart held - te Turk tried to pump out other side & I shot him. The reen were in at once w bent bayonets & a bt of to were bayonete as thy scrambled up - they hed as chance. As soon as they get in 9 Trossels crowd came in w sicks & shoulh. I. got heen patting I sand bags oow
a Capt Fry came recimng up along I beck o!Y tosle Low all1 men were- 12 ws narrow & hard to get along shoated to him 6get down - kin & a ve game man. Ie got into 14 on right. puthing them on H far side. worked t right. The my. there ws smashed & deed to around it & nea were bldg a bomban stop bec. I Tarks were bomrbirg up C.T. while stop ws being built. The bock ws made where shown &S& pty were bombiy across it. He sd On ws suppd to have taken 1 other part of C.T. but werent there. I The to were bombiing up over) they bomb stop.t They knew a big thiig to tooked like a Peak Leen bisinet tin over & blew I bomb stop down. They andt charged across from abt

Springall ws on / parapet

kneeling, facing / Ts. w his

rifle in his hand. He ws shot

just under his row of South

African ribbons. He went out

imd. after Vernon Piesse

(who had come back sick from

Imbros 1 day before on hearing

o / stunt). Springall ws k & 

stayed there.

Sergt B McBean & ^Capt V. Piesse

went out together. They had

bn lying in a bit of hollow.

Had to keep heads down

bec. m.g. bullets were just

clearing them (they were on

/ cap o / hill next to / right

troop). McB sd tt he had a

periscope on him. He ws looking



thro a periscope towds /

T. trenches. Piesse ws a man

who always thought of his

men - he sd "I wonder how

/ rest of them have got on"-

& looked up - & ws shot thro

/ head imd. McB. got in

& ws k. aftwds at Hill 60.

The Cheshires were in /

suppt trench behind & were to

have manned / front line

when 10 LH went over. When

S got back he never saw a 

sign of them. Maj. Love in one o /

suppt trenches told S. to get all /

men he cd & get them back

into / front line. S. at once

got abt 1 man to 8 or 10 yds

all he cd. Later they were strengthened



by some o / 9th A L H 

- they then held / left half

of Walkers, & 10th held /


The rt (apptly) of the 4th

wave had gone thro an mistaken

order before its time from

an offrX who ws not

conducting / attack.

Capt Vernan Piesse, Lt Turnbull,

Capt Rowan, Lt Kidd, Sergt Saunderson,

S.Maj Springhall & Sergt McBean met

& shook hands at / corner

of / sap waiting for the front

trench to clear after / first

line had gone sd "Good bye" to

one another & shook hands.

[X I understand ^from Howe that Maj Love ran up

/ trench from / rear & finding tt some o /

4th line had not gone over shouted

out to / men (who were waiting for / order)

"why haven't you gone!" This started them].





Diagram - see original document


10 A.L.H.

At Hill 60 - 10 A L H

had gone for a spell - went

round by night. They

dug in next day digging

in (prob on Damakjelik Bair)
Gen. Godley came round
abt 4 p.m. (? 28 Aug.) & Maj J.B Scott,
Lt Saunderson, Capt Fry, Lt Kidd
Lt Throssell, Lt MacBean, Lt Burgess,
Lt Arthur Leake (W A lawyer Son of Premier)
& Capt Robertson (of Duntroon)
out & told them tt he wanted
them to reconnoitre / front
line.  They had to take / trench
on / top of Hill 60.  The 9 ALH
had had a go & / Col. had gone
out & bn k. "I know you
will get it" he sd "it's
/ holding tt is / difficulty -


[Str. of Regt ws 148.  Old
Col. Brazier had bn suspended
by Antill but he came round
w his regt, & ws hit next
morning Aug 28 by a bit of

spent Shrapnel in / eye.  He
told / Ts as usual what
he thought of them].  They reconnoitred.
W.  They lined up  N Z in line
wh ws v. shallow.  One part
of / trench ws v. shallow &
some N Zs were lying in it.
Diagram - see original document


S. ws bombing offr.  He had got
leave to get 2 bombs issued
to every man ^of regt - not to team of 6 only - they were
cricket ball bombs w a
match head - striking material
sown onto sleeve.
S. had to go out &
bomb a mg. at X.  What ws
suppd by Russell to have
happened to the 9 LH ws
tt they got into trench XY &
/ m.g. ws fired into this
Sap (or "trap trench") from there.
S. had to go agst this
this m.g. a few mins before
Zero.  He got a big N.Z.
m. gunner an Irishman to
give him a leg out o / sap -
The Irishman sd he ws coming w /


Australians. "Cow of a job. this".
S. told him he ws to stick w /
m.g. as there wd be C/attacks,
It ws abt 12.45 am (1 am.
Zero).  The N.Z. man gave S. a
devil of a heave - right over a
strand of barbed wire onto his
head - bright moonlight.  The
others came out on their
stomachs.  S. went for /
corner - they cd see the line
swaying up in / moonlight
on their left.  Just before /
men got to / trench S & his
bomb pty threw their bombs in
on / m.g.  It ws there alright
they got it, & its crew - The
Ts had bn quite quiet - it ws


a surprise attack.
C. Sqn had a few
casualties Lt Burgess ws
hit in / hand.  This ws by
/ m.g. wh S. ws going for.
The gun fired abt 10 shots
& then S. saw it.  The line
on / left had gn a cheer
as it went & / gun
opened onto them at once.
(on getting out  S. had just bn
round his men - a bombing
pty of 4 men, & A troop
as well - Bombers had abt 10
yds start.
Diagram - see original document
Maj Scott
ws in/c
of regt.
Capt Fry
went out w / men.


The troop went straight on.
As S. got to / trench a Turk
fired a Mertini Henry up at
him.  He seemed to be a man
at post on Arty - abt one every 4 yds -
/ others were just scrambling
up.  The T.'s shot hit / revolver
lan on S's lanyard - the
revolver flew out of S's had but
/ lanyard held - the Turk
tried to jump out / other side
& S. shot him.  The men were
in at once w their bayonets
& a lot of Ts were bayoneted
as they scrambled up - they
had no chance.
As soon as they got in /
trench Throssell's crowd came in
w picks & shovels.  S. got /
men putting / sandbags over /



※ Capt Fry came running up
along / back o / trench to see how
all / men were - / trench ws
narrow & hard to get along.  S
shouted to him to get down - he
ws a v. game man.  He ^then got
into / trench on / right.
putting them on / far side.
S worked to / right.  The
m.g. there ws smashed &
dead Ts around it &
/ men were bldg a bombing
stop. / Turks were
bombing up / C.T. while
/ stop ws  being built.  The
bock ws made where shown
& S & pty were bombing across
it.  The 18 Bn ws suppd
to have taken / other part of
C.T. but werent there.
The Ts were bombing up over /
they bomb stop.  At last They threw
a big thing tt looked like a
Peak Freen biscuit tin over &
blew / bomb stop down.  They
imdly charged across from abt
















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