Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/22/1 - December 1915 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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sont gun has flached (ona shald down near Brighton Beash. a monttor (w.12 weh gens pect- [Ser Thomas Victon) moving part us on 1 lef- She is moving between us & I land. The focshe is peopled by about 25 whih topped seatuens caps - some walter up & down (forid is a ald night They are exedininteres tancious & awthll kind to du Solden - our balman) have a slorious tie 8.45 Bont at the Apex A fair and of finy on Iryet Monter is closure instors. steady white light at little table top. Yum joing at Suvla The Pecton has been instructed by the Sevla blyghters to stean ryttin t anyae in order to Enfitabe Suola - last grace has aske the atsa t go in & till Honeysucklo that Ret
W 16 Beagle Pou mackeys. St. Bally. one on Russels. Pet Balty (or one officer o sapper to to cut gun in half. One near 4.7 916. out One on tow stopes of Phillyps toy 5th (mayges drng 25 t On N gai to be get away from Rusiells top (18 this quite playig Aguner 3.5 is in way of traffis & where she will bea conforned ninance. Rattlesnahs is jou creeping offt be rade to 1 Peclon. A bg wanspad is lying onour left starboard side to two red lgtts ap torb on necl. 9.20 slight increase in the firig. Bombs at Leanes, Russeds & Apet. 9.30 very heavy firny at thelles. First time I have ever hear rifte fore down there. I wonded if it is the curtes who are ca atter t change by us this afternoon. 9.55 - The four 10 0 clock dinn are cruping an- & the motor lightys Ari actually out by nesst missoft from LCH now
10.5. Hoghter coning in is shouting to some transpor . he is shouten oou you can hear him a wete away. protor lighters alongid 1000 ships. Heavy berny down Sout - kifle FMs. If this moment there are 2 motor lyttersoning out prob all 10 moloc yghter on 4000 the sea full of sortiers & only 2360 soldiers in I whole Anzac position. Ferny sords to me quite normal. There are afterall abt as mdn actually observing in ther te as thire dre on any night when 2 are observing, if resting an brunck, F6 in support The C parties edrely be shipting now if wanted wa
it was not rcalied to 103 parties ad bedway so extraordinarily quicbly. They ad not have by, citer had nigt on roupt. So tring had to be allowed. But it lastn a wonderft success - Ian Hamilton thought are tho tose 1/ in getting of & here we have get all of except Yt. It mustbt a it surprise bec- if the turk knew we were moving he coat help trpuy to kill 1 men at sier a shells - be knows bayt beasedelsewhere. 10.S0 2 bombo & small burst of fery at Wek. Helles still firng hard - constant rupply hcmeretorlight a as usual at dayin
10.50. The moter lighter had to be waded by apm. Th are now mostly gory back from the 10 Oc. Shep. The big tranport on our right is bein loaded e hear radle ofther chai have just seen a gunflosh We down near Wo 3 port. 11.15 - very gant indeed - scarcet a shot at Aug ie aor a Sewle. The purtes h may betestening tthe constant shootinat Hette rifleci still continuou Were 1e0 pikes boat oppoint Bryton beach - flares from her frmt A good deat more from a the cutie. Bomp, bont on Russclol Bombattec Aply faur ant of fivey - abt nomat Victon moven off to a place not between us # 977. ganfind to Nt of Kiritih Teve su
what I thought was the carld Pictoris t Peterlboro! W30 boub at the Apex, Boats are due at Brylton Beash + Asmale Der andive grove gun has firw. A fair nember of small steamers are lying in shore -5 of them & seveal trawlers & motor righter. very leavy angfin at Helle. I bombs in one continual burn now Atmust Cgtng A Bombsat Wecks & cuttrute of rifle fire - Bond at Chathams Post Fow is hiths in you on to bouts for t minutes. Phope Nose poor by fais- have no been thrown in to attract attention from us.E 11545 evenet bouts at Reisity tope then ten are beying it up witl. Fery quite nomt 11. 50. 2 flashes down by chaltans Posk Another. Helles fire has be soing on a quite of ow - a certain and
Brobe Be has Sn hea be told to of ferm at chaltans 11.51 Destroyer has fired tehen Chathans. I heavy yun tere at message 11.10 from Rearguard commandie to Anzac Army lorks mety thay very quiet. tarkes busity engayed diggnng renter & patting ap wirea They must serety think then ton actiot meaaty dote H.57 a bey blage for a far monents in anyacfull widnight on some ships bells 12.4 bout at Rursets top 12.10. Bry to flack low on ryght report I mae or Bas 1215 Bomb at LonePeie. R.W Bont Wneck Certin and Pine Bonbat ball Astrye from
duourown field sa probly fweshed by no 72.25. bout at Week Bont at Hp can hear a turliist no. enipi 122 H tranlers going in to Bryghton Beach withenthrs aboats in tow 1224 Bomb at chaltan 12.37 Two bombs at Det & curtii aut of feri Bomt at thathan or Leanes 12.39 Destrage for moon hes been clouded for a toy time but as still so bry tI am I write & read what I woit by tto light alone. 12144 2bombs & bit of crackleabt Wek - Swoll still fitful 1246 Bout at Net. 1250. Bont at pen 12 57 4 Bombs at Walkers ]at chatham.
I am. Bonb at Chaltrans. one of the 1000 ships money and Ia Ian shep money in tot. Bout at Nett 45 Bomb onts the farm 4742. Anothr bout as farm. 8. Treangle of lights at Brighton Pervisible tog two boubs at Het. 10c Destr fir Intermibnt little bursts of for sometimes make you think we have been ducovere - but it is no more than normal. 19 Destrafired Two brigt newere too fires Shetlgreen. 23 Distroyer (Rattlesnat) frng on tunks near thatham. Rather alot of intermitte vg follows 1.28 Bout on Aer 129 4 A 130 last Party shonow be Clavy A) 131 Anther Borb
131 Bonb at Wet. - another arships two closing in (clestroye thath Bountat Chathens. 1.35 1.381 Bout at Netc, 140 Carron going. Strig nornal in centre but quiit on lept 45 Beacdy ct has fow ilt t times tonight] bursha shell on Bryston Brach. tE7. Bout. it apn. mr. 2a Lusscts 41 5t Lights still all atongold angae to - att 60 Eaten

Some gun has flashed (or a shell)
down near Brighton Beach.
a monitor (w 12 inch guns -
pect / Sir Thomas Picton) moving
past us on / left - she is moving
between us & / land. The focsle is
peopled by about 25 white
topped seamens caps - some walking
up & down (for it is a cold night).
They are exceeding interested
& anxious & awfully kind to any
soldier - our batmen have a
glorious time.
8.45 Bomb at the Apex
A fair amt of firing on / right.
Monitor is closerx inshore.
Steady white light at little
Table Top. Gun going at Suvla.
The Picton has been instructed
by the Suvla blighters to steam
right in to Anzac in order to
Enfilade Suvla - Capt Grace
has asked the Rattlesnake to go
in & tell Honeysuckle that Picton



1 on Mackeys.  8th Batty.
One on Russells, 1st Batty (or 3rd)

                ( one officer & sapper left
                ( to cut gun in half.
4th Div  ( one near 4.7 9th.
                ( One on low slopes of Phillips Top
                ( 5th (may get away)
2.5 in
                ( On NZ gun to be got away from

NZ          ( Russells Top (is this quite
                ( playing / game?)
                ( 3.5 in

is in way of traffic & where she
will be a confounded nuisance.
Rattlesnake is just creeping off to
be rude to / Picton. A big transport
is lying on our left starboard side
w two red lights up.
9.15 bomb on Neck,
9.20 slight increase in the
firing. Bombs at Leanes,
Russells & Apex.
9.30 very heavy firing at Helles-
First time I have ever heard
rifle fire down there. I wonder
if it is the Turks who are c-attacking
after a charge by us this
9.55 - The four 10 o'clock steamers
are creeping in - & the motor lighters are
actually out by them - 
Message from Honeysuckle
9.35 Very quiet - excellent
[[proviso?]] brigade

Theseus on 

our port quarter


10.5. Lighter coming in is shouting to
some transport - he is shouting
again - you can hear him a
mile away.
Motor lighters alongside 10 o'c
Heavy firing down South - rifle
& m.g.
At this moment there are
2 motor lighters coming out - 
prob. all 10 motor lighters on
the sea full of ∧4000 soldiers &
only 2360 soldiers in / whole
Anzac position. Firing sounds
to me quite normal.
There are after all abt as many
men actually observing in / firing
line as there are on any night
(When  2 are observing, 4 resting in
trench, & 6 in support).
The C parties cd really
be shifting now if wanted but


it was not realised tt / B
parties wd be away so
extraordinarily quickly. They
wd not have bn, either, had /
night bn rough - so time
had to be allowed.
But it has bn a wonderful
success - Ian Hamilton thought we
shd lose 1/3 in getting off -
& here we have got all off
except 1/20th.  It must be a
surprise bec. if the Turk
knew we were moving he cdnt
help trying to kill / men at /
pier w shells - he knows they'll
be used elsewhere.
10.30 2 bombs & small burst
of firing at Nek. Helles still firing
hard - constant ripple.
Incinerator lights still
showing as usual at Anzac.


10.50. The motor lighters had to be
loaded by 9 pm. Thy are now
mostly going back from the 10
o'c. ships. The big transport
on our right is being loaded -
can hear rattle of her chain.
I have just seen a gun flash
low down near No 3 post.
11.15 - very quiet indeed - scarcely
a shot at Anzac nor a Suvla  _
The Turks have may be listening
to the constant shooting at Helles
-  rifle firing still continuous
there.  Night
11.40 picket boat opposite
Brighton beach - flares from
her funnel.
A good deat more firing
in the centre. Bomb, bomb on
Russells Top.
Bomb at the Apex
Fair amt of firing - abt nomal.
Picton moving off to a place
not between us & 971.
Gun fired to NE of Kireteh Tepe


what I thought was the
Picton is the Earl of

11.30 bomb at the Apex. Boats
are due at Brighton Beach &
Asmak Dere.
An Olive Grove gun has fired.
A fair number of small
steamers are lying in shore - 5 of
them & several trawlers & motor
very heavy mg. fire at Helles - 
& bombs - one continual burn now.
4 Bombs at Neck ∧almost together & oubreak of rifle
fire - Bomb at Chathams Post
Fire at Helles has gone on w
bombs for 5 minutes. I hope those
poor beggars have not been thrown
in to attract attention from
11.45 Several bombs at Russells
Top. Men there are keeping it
up well. Firing quite normal
11.50. 2 flashes down by Chathams
Post. Another.
Helles fire has bn going on
a quarter of hour - A certain amt


Probe Beachy has bn told to

of firing at Chathams.
11.51 Destroyer has fired behind
V. heavy gun fire at
Message 11.10 from Rearguard
Commandr to Anzac Army Corps
"Everything very quiet -
Turks busily engaged
digging under & putting uap
They must surely think that
all our activity means a big attack
11.57 a big blaze for a few
moments in Anzac Gully.
Midnight on some ships bells.
12.4 bomb at Russells Top
12.10. Bright flash low on right
& report ? mine or Beachy.
12 15 Bomb at Lone Pine.
12.20 Bomb at Neck Certain amt
if firing at Pine. Bomb at
Chathams.  Destroyer firing


All our own field guns have
probly finished by now.
12.25. bomb at Neck
Bomb at Apex.
Can hear a Turkish mg. sniping
12.30 4 ∧? 5 trawlers going in to Brighton
Beach with cutters &
steamboats in tow.
12.34 Bomb at Chathams.
12.37 Two bombs at Nek & certain
amt of firing.
Bomb at Chathams or Leanes
12.39 Destroyer fired
Moon has been clouded for a long
time but is still so bright I can
right write & read what I write by
its light alone.
12.44 2 bombs & bit of crackle abt
Nek - Suvla still fitful -
12.46 Bomb at Nek
12.50. Bomb at Nek.
12.57 4 Bombs at Walkers / at


I am. Bomb at Chathams.
One of the 10 o'c ships moving out
& a 1 am ship moving in
1.2. Bomb at Nek
1.5 Bomb onto the farm
1.7 12 Another bomb at farm.
1.8. Triangle of lights at Brighton
Pier visible
1.9 Two bombs at Nek.
1.10 Destr. fired
Intermittent little bursts of firing
sometimes make you think we have
been discovered - but it is no
more than normal.
1.19 Destr. fired
Two bright incinerator fires on
Shell Green.
1.23 Destroyer (Rattlesnake) firing on
Turks near Chathams.
Rather a lot of intermittent
firing follows
1.28 Bomb on Apex
1.29     "         "      "
1.30    "          "      "
Last Party shd now be leaving Apex
1.31 Another Bomb


1.31 Bomb at Nek. - another
Two steamers warships closing in (destroyer
& Chatham)
1.35 Bomb at Chathams.
1.38 Bomb at Nek
1.40 Carron going.
Firing normal in centre but
quiet on left
1.45 Beachy (wh has fired abt
6 times tonight) burst a
shell on Brighton Beach.
1.47. Bomb at Apex. 2nd.
2 at Russells.


Incinerator   White Lt.        Inc.

1.54 Lights still all along old
Anzac line - abt 6 or 8 of them.

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