Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/218/1 - August - October 1918 - Part 11

First World War, 1914–18
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casualties. (Our Coy of 30 attd as I not used in Iattack ferman reply Wo Arty ws leasy but scattered. Cohen objic ws tn ems opened an area Root on alI country we had taken a every sort of jun as if ferry away all his amue. He ws firny everyting up to P.2S & hada HV. gunouts 1 sages Factory. Fire died away to 1 after & Bn wereldat night by 5t Bde. No casnatiie coming out. (Dows v. dark they came out to Quennemont Im - where there were many dead fermans. Lots of mpset Crues lyny deed).
18 Hines ws cod by ing or tank from Sauroy gua just before reaching Elricourt. Camatties occursed most in hollow S. of 1 Kly line E of Bellicourt when waiting & in high ground S. of as Baw Nawroy just reaching Elricourt.
Brown PBde Pas Off visited Tunnel at Bellicourt on Sept 29. Hevent ut it abt byur by one of l 302 2- L time &Q. 4 on ia d0 1 Jcpy&1100n 96400 174 4 49.260 1C EadK V E Apt 30 7yus 070 1017 1 tSed 21n of 5 o6 retre 2 o rogss wnco 1
0 s0 Co LozWcBI 9 toDo to t Bettuort &36c C to coverety B3 24 Co.TC to & Cou9vi B7.3n 6 - 9t 1 day light F p ME N+ 500 C.370 Port Tome GCSD.WC.3.C. 2.44n.E14. 6024 Bc9C13 67.- -4.10-00 53is2 orLd 10006d50 208160 CDG Not 27C 2 c28 n721 91 5 0s8 The 3d fort 00 12 1 1 X t B10 .P2. ci&S of Amerians I 50 i NL dugont above. Below is CcBellicout
27 Bn Sept 29/30. Capt Read 10 Get Read 29 Bn yconand at WB6.3 wt. nvembey at 840 block a1911B8.4. G14 47 2at 11C95.80 21n Mat IIDH.T. Callalong 12 tY). Yeomans & out 12A.0.4.0 NCD. 9.10f 573 at 11A. 401. 2p4 1 (20101 Namoy of 1pe Serg Otiver (29 Bn. Rlad tinl Reads y (A) 1 wa CD.A7 port 11B84. 9 o/2 rewfos (6710) at 11 A 772 11260.9 171 b.S.E. Llat. B. AT14 29/101.N-LCatP c -12108 819-0 67040. L1 5040.75 end 01 Reads Ayt E.P)pOE of Neway D. 71 1166033 C12A 7.6. 6413004 Ye 1..22 atNo1 1258/ E.L. Lanp &c 2.2 yl Spiefe & 10 i2 4m. PE 1 02 by 1 Covero 6 12 71101. at 3.223/000N)1.BrC. DCy after. NC or y.Rs 1.L. Lang oc C. 27- 41912 85.803 mg catenn 707 2o s.710 9 5-9.1- Rs Coy 1 3789 nte not Muroy &E Bettcust (32 (s of 71 18,14127 6-1 281. sent o Do R2oF t oies.- Oliver 177c0 1461 oortosRjttind

casualties.   (Our Coy of 30
attd ws 0 not used in / attack).
German reply w Arty
ws heavy but scattered.
When objve ws tn / 
Germs opened an area shoot
on all / country we had taken
w every sort of gun as if
firing away all his ammn.

He ws firing everything up

to 8.2, & had a H.V. gun onto 
/ Sugar Factory.   Fire died away
in / aftn & Bn ws reld at
night by 5th Bde.   No casualties
coming out.  (It ws v. dark
 – they came out to Quennemont
Fm where there were many 
dead Germans.   Lots of &
crews lying dead).


Lt Hines ws wd by m.g. or Tank
gun from Nauroy just before reaching Etricourt.
Casualties occurred mostly
in / hollow S. of / Rly line
E of Bellicourt when waiting,
& in / high ground S. of
Nauroy just as Bn ws  reaching Etricourt.


Lt Brown 8 Bde gas offr
visited Tunnel at Bellicourt
on Sept 29.   He went into it
abt 6p.m by one of / trenches







29 Bn Sep 28/30  Capt Read
Capt Read 29 Bn
(in bombing at S Nauroy) 



diagram- see original document




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