Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/218/1 - August - October 1918 - Part 11
casualties. (Our Coy of 30
attd ws 0 not used in / attack).
German reply w Arty
ws heavy but scattered.
When objve ws tn /
Germs opened an area shoot
on all / country we had taken
w every sort of gun as if
firing away all his ammn.
He ws firing everything up
to 8.2, & had a H.V. gun onto
/ Sugar Factory. Fire died away
in / aftn & Bn ws reld at
night by 5th Bde. No casualties
coming out. (It ws v. dark
– they came out to Quennemont
Fm – where there were many
dead Germans. Lots of &
crews lying dead).
Lt Hines ws wd by m.g. or Tank
gun ∧ from Nauroy just before reaching Etricourt.
Casualties occurred mostly
in / hollow S. of / Rly line
E of Bellicourt when waiting,
& in / high ground S. of
Nauroy just ∧ as Bn ws reaching Etricourt.
Lt Brown 8 Bde gas offr
visited Tunnel at Bellicourt
on Sept 29. He went into it
abt 6p.m by one of / trenches
29 Bn Sep 28/30 Capt Read
Capt Read 29 Bn
(in bombing at S Nauroy)
diagram- see original document
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