Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/218/1 - August - October 1918 - Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
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camped at Hesbecl in 311n. Y Starte Early. Had to use black RD. 31 Bn had to tink up betw 32 & 117 Americy Att Villeret Carg Nos of Cmerians were coming back. Sefore Villeret struck slight traces of pepper asx5 Smoke. Kene you con't see more than too yds tere. The Americia all sd ky had smasher (Hendty line & mostly sd thins had Cone well but thy were lost & were coming back - NoEa germ. Co abt Videret, at 8.30. E of Villeret we heard to atack hadbee hell upon. left but as succceding further I across 1 canal (americans sd
his). Bn crossed a rly lin out black Rd Shortt after laving Villeret. Them a paleof for closed down & atonce thick. Bn ws Latter, on 2d for 30 mns maken Sare to every one ws in touch (They certainly were on 1 Rds Nof Quarry Wd) There Bn ws closed up b C.O. at once soastbd an file. Hom there they moved slowly on. B 9.30 they had reacher 1 outskerts of Bellict. Tre C.O. Cof Freeman Cot hs Compass out - there ws a left in I fog. He looked apt there too Bellicourt writtents tn by in Black letters on a white ground on 1 1ooldg on
Iwest lide. The street ere clocked w Americans, lep Veques detachments shold they had lost tim offis + didnt knox where to fa- Col. Freeman had to fint American His, fin & give thm direct orders to move I wen at once out to to of Bellicourt. He pashed on thio town - streets were been sheled by one Hv. gun- for v. dense still They energed along (main Nawroy Rd & were atonce (as for began to lift -10 or 10.15) fined on by an Act.gun from a Copse at Dw. corner of wanroy
31ar Support Bn - T0 DEn put by Colonel into Ex just S. of the Rd next to 2913n. Shelling began to get Leavier. probf bec. for liking &arty & tanks pushing tro & becoming visible. Possibly on plu of 29 ws tho Sellicourt before 31 - Ohhers were moving tro at same time is 31 - other s later (te d be heavily selled) For 1ehrs in these? patrols were out trying to find amerecans. Patrols reported thy found a few Americans in potholes but no organised line. he left 5 had obviously failed as Enplade mg. & shelffire ws
coming from there AC for this D'Avery ws cent out as A L.G. Section to selence A.T. Jun at Nawroy coh ws holding up proceedings. He got up close & fined on it – The crew were seen wd & the gun dishl fire again. Our art at first came out E of Bellicourt to apositio just to of where rly crows Rd. Col. Caddy ws co them. He conferred t Col. Freeman as senior Bn Comnd as to whiteeit ws wort keeping gans there. Ieemen sd hed dilat tint so, & wd advise Isde, & I guns were withdow Te teams lanks were standing in little hollows - tanks were
uling ta mtte bom bo to coe things. fan werent anlemberd lll noon a wessage came from K Mroypeth GCaison off of w 32) Sayvy t 32 ws moveng towds magny la Tosse & meant to try &get origin al objoc agraiIl decided to go outs help 32 - anly casnattis where they were from sheling Tust when leaving C.O. found a tinesman coverg thoo Bellicourt out to them to a wise. CO. sent him to find his offrendget a telephone (were 8Bde sigo). Jot teliphone on & got thro' at once to 8 Bde t Col. Davies who as acting at Agrs at to moment, & gave him 1 posite.
Col. Freeman had fund I Major comindg oneof bus of 117 Amieriean Regt, lost, wanderiy abt to find his Bon. out E of Bellicourt. It ws clear this dad do anythe & So Col Treeman gave this as his reason. He pushed out toods Etricourt where he found Maj. Wark of 328n Their lef flank aos resting on Etricourt. Col. Freeman put 31 Bn on left of 32 & Echelone slightly t rear to jin 29Bn (in whode Objoc Nawroy (os) 31 got no touch w 29. there were some 30 Bn people near about - but ferms were Still in Nawroy & from E Edge& from Sagas Factors mg fire ws
tively Abt 5 Pm. A ferman Gfattack appeared from I directin of Estreet & Jancouit - sections in arty fornalu. They were supported by a fornate of Acroplanes who meganned I treches we were in & dropped bombs This us abt 4.30 pm. When we opened L.G. & Vickers fire & rifer at long san [ferms seend to falter & get down on Shellholes & attack fizzled out abt goone Sugar Factory Od level R. H.A from Coatley W. of Etricourt helped in I repellng this 00d pties got purtin & we captd afew a andering clirgtienight. all to after (ferisher petted 1 t lep of Etricourt wt accarate shellfire & some men
were hil. St Night ws pairl quiet. Petrols goblone E0 from near Iugar factor C.O. ws asking urgently for 1gap on Ilep to be filles – next day Nauroy ws cosered by 79 & one loy of 30 Bn. On Sept 30 S1Bn sent strong patrol towd Sugar Factory in conjuncter wI Attack but it Ws stsoagh held by L Gair, who took one of these patrols ws hit & A.ow. They were trying to work thro I broken ground to L. of Factory 20 Abt midnight on Oct Col. Freeman Poba verbat
message from Bde statug to orders were on I way to carry out an attack At day breek inder a barrage - on 1 Joncourt Estrees line. They were at I least to get posts past Irly cutting in IC where I german mai line ws – (w posts in Factor). They were to be supported by Tanks. It ws a black night- it wemost difficult to make avrangements - no stard He atteck ws well tauncher under a goodberraze wh however fell behind rt leading Coy. One man ws lod by this - oterwise no

31 Bn. camped at Hesbect in
trenches. Started early. Had
to use black Rd. 31 Bn had
to link up betw 32 & 117 Americans.
Abt Villeret large Nos of
Americans were coming back.
Before Villeret struck slight
traces of pepper gasBlue X Sneezing & smoke -
you cdn't see more than 100
yds there. The Americans all
sd they had smashed / Hindbg
line & mostly sd things had
gone well but they were lost &
were coming back - No1 - w
Germ. prisoners abt Villeret, at
E of Villeret we heard tt /
attack had bn held up on
/ left but ws succeeding further
S across / canal (Americans sd


this). Bn crossed a rly
line on / black Rd shortly
after leaving Villeret. Then
a Ball of fog closed down v
thick. Bn ws halted ^at once on / 
rd for 30 mins making
sure tt every one ws in
touch (They certainly were
on / Rds N of Quarry Wd)
There Bn ws closed up by
C.O. at once so as to be in
file. From there they moved
slowly on. By 9.30 they had
reached / outskirts of Bellict.
The C.O. Col Freeman got his
compass out - there ws a lift
in / fog. He looked up & 
there ws Bellicourt written
in big in Black letters on a
white ground on /  1st bldg on

/ West side. The streets were
chocked w Americans, esp
V. gun detachments who sd 
they had lost their offrs &
didnt know where to go -
Col. Freeman had to find
American offrs, find & give
them direct orders to move
/ men at once out to E
of Bellicourt.
Bn pushed on thro /
town - streets were being
shelled by one H.V. gun -
fog v. dense still.
They emerged along / main
Nauroy Rd & were at once
(as fog began to lift - 10 or 10.15)
fired on by an A.T. gun from
a Copse at N.W. corner of Nauroy.



31 ws support Bn - so 31 Bn ws
put by Colonel into trenches just
S. of the Rd next to 29 Bn.
Shelling began to get heavier.
probly bec. fog lifting & arty
& tanks pushing thro &
becoming visible. Possibly
on pln of 29 ws thro
Bellicourt before 31 - others
were moving thro at same time
as 31 - others ^of 29 later (these
wd be heavily shelled).
For 1¼ hrs in these trenches - 
patrols were out trying to
find americans. Patrols
reported thy found a few
Americans in potholes but
no organised line. The left
had obviously failed as
enfilade m.g. & shellfire ws



coming from there.
Lt Avery ^(MC for this) ws sent out w
a L.G. section to silence / 
A.T. Gun at Nauroy wh ws
holding up proceedings.
He got up close & fired on
it – The crew were seen wd,
& the gun didnt fire again.
Our arty at first came
out E of Bellicourt to a position
just E of where rly crosses 
Rd. Col. Caddy ws w them.
He conferred w Col. Freeman
as senior Bn Commander as to
whether it ws worth keeping
guns there. Freeman sd he
didnt think so, & wd advise
Bde, & / guns were withdrawn.
The teams ^w / guns & tanks were standing
in little hollows - tanks were


putting up ^down smoke bombs to cover
things. Guns weren't unlimbered
Abt noon a message
came from Lt Morpeth (31 liaison
offr of w 32) saying tt 32 
ws moving towds Magny la
Fosse & meant to try & get
/ original objve.
29 men C.O. of 31 decided to go
out & help 32 - only casualties
where they were from shelling.
Just when leaving C.O. found
a linesman coming thro
Bellicourt out to them w
a wire. C.O. sent him to
find his offr and get a telephone
(they were 8Bde sigs). Got
telephone on & got thro' at
once to 8 Bde t Col. Davies
who ws acting at Hqrs at tt
moment, & gave him / position.


Col. Freeman had found /
Major commandg one o / Bns
of 117 American Regt, lost,
wandering abt to find his Bn.
out E of Bellicourt. It ws
clear this ^Regt cdnt do anything 
& so Col Freeman gave this
as his reason. He pushed
out towds Etricourt where
he found Maj. Wark of 32 Bn.
Their left flank ws resting on
Etricourt. Col. Freeman put
31 Bn on left of 32 & echeloned
slightly to rear to join 29Bn
(in whose objve Nauroy ws).
31 got no touch w 29 -
there were some 30 Bn people
near about - but Germs were
still in Nauroy & from E edge &
from Sugar Factory m.g. fire ws



Abt 5 pm. A German
c/attack appeared from / direction
of Estrees & Jancourt -
sections in arty formation.
They were supported by a
formation of aeroplanes who
m. gunned / trenches we
were in & dropped bombs
This ws abt 4.30 pm. When
we opened L.G. & Vickers fire
& rifles at long range / Germs seemed
to falter & get down in shellholes
& / attack fizzled out abt
level w / Sugar Factory. Some odd
R. H.A from / valley W. of Etricourt helped in repelling this.
Odd pties got further & we captd
a few wandering durg the night.
All tt aftn / Germs had
pelted / trenches left of Etricourt w
accurate shellfire & some men


were hit.
The Night ws fairly
quiet. Patrols got some prisoners
from near / Sugar factory.
C.O. ws asking urgently for / gap on
/ left to be filled – next day
Nauroy ws covered by 29 & one Coy
of 30 Bn.
On Sept 30 31Bn
sent strong patrols towd / Sugar
Factory in conjunction w /
attack but it ws strongly
held by Lt Gair, who
took one of these patrols ws
hit & d. of w. They were trying
to work thro / broken ground
to S. of Factory
Abt midnight on Oct 30/1
Col. Freeman got a verbal



message from Bde stating
tt orders were on / way
to carry out an attack
at day break under a
barrage - on / Jancourt
Estrees line. They were
at / least to get posts
past / rly cutting in
8C where / German main
line ws – (w posts in Factory).
They were to be supported
by Tanks.
It ws a black night-
it ws most difficult to make
arrangements - no stars.
The attack ws well
launched under a good barrage
wh however fell behind /
rt leading Coy. One man ws
wd by this - otherwise no


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