Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/218/1 - August - October 1918 - Part 9
The fog had lifted. The tanks
had come out E of Bellicourt
to see what 29 ws going to do
(all 4 tanks were there). 29
told them it ws going to
occupy / Catelet Nauroy
line & / tanks began to
move E. At / same time
29 moved.
The fog ws gone - tanks
were at once seen by
77s & A.T. guns. 3 in
succession were at once put
out of action.
Bn moved forwd to
take Le Catelet line, working
by driblets, some up /
"black" Sunken Rd, some
up / main Sunken Rd to
Nauroy - one Coy got along
/ black Rd into / trench &
met turned N & began to bomb
up it (3 Coys were to
go into / line). There ws
heavy oppositn in /
trench. The positn at /
bottom end of the V of wire
near / Catelet line ws
an Antitank fort w
a dugout of 2 depths w
anti tank rifles - connected
no doubt w the 2 A.T. guns;
Also 2 light mwfrs on
top o / dugout, fixtures,
13 men were in it - all well
cowed ∧by now (our troops had worked
up the C.T. by / black
rd - stiffish fighting all /
way) The mwfrs cd be
fixed so as to fire at tanks.
That fort had finished our 3 tanks.
The other escaped / fire at /
start. The other 3 were just
as they came out o / village to
the meeting place – the fourth
escaped by luck – he stopped
when the 3 went. The tank
Capt came across ∧to Hqrs. He sd:
3 of my tanks have gone – Ive
had bad luck. I will reorganise
/ crews & put a picked crew
in the 4th & have a go w
you. He held himself in
readiness to do anything
asked (w / tank in / village).
The 29 Bn continued to
bomb up / Le Catelet line
– a no of dead Germs there –
they got up this line as far
as 5 A 8.6 (Sunken Rd)
They held this line w 3 Coys
down to Nauroy, &
found their left flank
still in / air w v. heavy
fire ∧from in Cabaret
Wood Farm. This wd be
roughly 1pm. No one up
on left.
The reserve Coy ws
then sent up to form
a defensive flank (as there
ws nothing there). They dug
in on positns on / left
of / Le Catelet trench, ahead
o / Sunken Rd.
This ws held as a
defensive positn till 6pm.
when the 57th Bn came up
on / right & joined up in
/ Le Catelet line.
As soon as / left flank
ws right it ws decided to
push / line out E of Nauroy.
This ws done after dark &
they linked w / other 31 Bn.
[Reids Coy ws on / rly line in /
The Sugar Factory ws now
ahead – they knew it ws
occupied & fire coming from
it – this had bn noticed during
day of Sept 29.
Sept 30. 29 Bn ws ordered to
try & get / high grd further
E & if possible take the
Lamp Signal Stn in 96 D.
This ws to be at 3.30pm.
Arty fire ws to be put onto
/ Factory. Zero ws 3.30
Left Coy, D, (under
Lt Graham) got pretty well
to / positn ordered.
Their left flank had hardly
to move at all, they had
to swing / right.
Next Coy to them (A Coy,
Capt. Read) struck tremendous
fire from / Signal Stn just
as they were abt to advance.
(At this stage Capt Read had
20 men hit by m.g. fire).
Read, who ws in/c of
front line reported tt it
ws absolutely impossible
to move forwd as they were
under direct observation &
under frontal & enfilade fire
from / left – i.e. everytime
they stood up they were blazed
at & were hit. Read reported
tt it ws suicidal to attempt
it – Read's Coy cd be seen
from / lamp stn. Arty
failed to silence / lamp
station (it ws a fortified
place). The Sugar Factory also
ws a difficulty & nothing cd
be done between these two
without a barrage. Read ws
O.C. of line. His opinion ws
reported to Bde & 29 Bn
ws ordered to withdraw to
/ hurriedly dug in positn
E of Nauroy from wh
/ attack ws launched.
This ws done alright
During / night Oct6
Sept 30 / Oct 1 patrols were
sent out & it ws found tt
/ rly cutting N. of the Sugar
Factory & bending to S. ws
well held by Germs. This
seemed to be his main line.
Orders were recd tt 14th S . 1 Bd
Oct 1 wd come thro & attack w
tanks & barrage at dawn
on Oct 1 – from a line E of
Nauroy, & 29 wd then
withdraw to Catelet line.
Oct 1. This happened – it ws
a bad night – the bns had
a hurried trip up - 54 &
56 Bns were taken up by
Lt. Anderson I.O. & put on
their marks. There ws a
barrage & / tanks were in
Nauroy at dawn – & /
German line ws crushed at
once – / attack went
Night of Oct 1. 2nd Divn
relieved, & 29 Bn went to
trenches near Malakoff Fm near
29 Bn lost in this fighting
Lt. A. Friday, wd – in the
attack on / Sugar Factory – he
ws in B Coy, nearest /
Sugar Factory ( all 4 Coys
were engaged in this attack
– some were able to get forwd
a little others were shot as
soon as they stood up).
Bn casualties were abt
? 50 or 60. The bombing up /
Nauroy trench ws the best bit
of fighting & Capt Read's
Coy did some especially
good work. They had hand to
hand fighting w / Germs &
/ trench ws afterwds full of
dead Germans. Few prisoners
were taken.
4 .77s were got at Nauroy
(3 in connection w / Tank Fort)
& 3 or 4 A.T. Rifles & ammn.
Also abt 50 prisoners (see diary).
Most of these from dugouts.
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