Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/217/1 - August 1918 - Part 9
then w rt & to join with 24
on left. They had bn held
up & commn cdnt be
estab. They cdnt be seen.
Abt ½ hr later Capt
Mahoney, Lts Clough & Robertson Robinson
came thro / village w abt 20
men. On reaching Lt Roberts
positn Capt Mahoney
ws k standing up full in
view o / Germs getting his
coy into position to link
w 24 further left. This
pty of 24 cdnt get commn
w / rest of their Bn.
We got a Germ offr
& 34 men out of a dugout
outside / village a few
mins later. A German
m.g. from 500 to 600 yds
ahead opened & wd 2 or
3. we collected & sent them
They now met w
heavy mg fire from front
& both flanks & were driven
back to / Sunken Rd on /
edge o / village. Covering
fire ws gn by Pte Gilmour
Pte Meakin w Lewis guns
from / Sunken Road; & Gilmour
knocked out 2 German
The German was creeping
up from dead ground ahead,
from Brancourt & from
due left w his mgs &
establishing them. A At
number of casualties were
there. Stretcher bearer
Sinclair of 24 Bn did very
fine work brning 4 or 5
wd men of 24 Bn back
over completely exposed
ground & / men cheered
him as he brought in /
fourth man, a little Lt Cpl
on a L.G. He carried him
in on his shoulder (others he
went back forward w his
stretcher but finding he
ws alone brought him back
over his shoulder. They
withdrew to / Sunken
rd at / extreme N end &
/ village beyond / last house.
They were driven out but
reorganised in / village,
picked up all / men
they cd get & went
back. The line rested there.
The German ws making
these rds very hot w enfilade
fire - creeping w his
into positn to do so.
During / reoccupatn
o / rd C.S.M. W Trevascus
personally led a L.G. team
wh rushed a German m.g.
post in a house on / edge
o / village - they had
got back there. He got into
/ house first & captd 2
guns in action w 5 or 6
Germs. after that there ws
gas & shooting & / two posts
accounted for 50 or 60 Germans.
This ws / last house in / village.
One of these guns ws used in
one of our own posts to
replace a L.G. knocked out.
The Yanks reld these
posts abt midnight.
The rt of this coy went
straight on up / continuatn
o / main road. There ws no
oppositn there. They got
to / Sunken Rd at 2 A 4. 7.
& estabd 3. posts on a line
w the left posts o / coy - &
a bit ahead. Late in /
aftn our own arty fell
on this area & they had
to shift in a bit but they
went out & reoccupied
them later. There ws heavy
enfilade & m.g. fire from /
Mill & the 77s at Doon Copse
were firing from at them.
C.S.M. Anderson & L/Cpl
Hibbins went out reconnoitring
to place a mg. post in
some houses ahead. They
found under one a
dugout full of Germs.
Abt 15 or 20 were got out
of this & were sent back -
they didnt fight. The two had
one rifle betw them only (L/Cpl
had nothing). These 3 posts were
handed over to / fo Yankees.
abt 3.30 a.m.
In front of A Coy abt
50 Germs ran in in / morning
to surrender from ∧ near an out P. of W. Coy.
[* C S W Stewart*] Lt Stuart went out to a Sunken
rd. beyon in / Gully but
ws wd & cdnt get back. A
German prisoner ws sent in
by Sergt Hoyle who ws w
Lt Stuart to say he ws wd.
The Gen Lt Stuart ws brought
in by a white flag in /
aftn by 2 S/Brs. The rest
o / post got in after dusk.
The Germs cdnt get at them
down / rly cutting bec. of
our m.g. fire.
(There ws a shed by
the Sunken rd w stores
in it.)
On / rt of B Coys front
Pte W.H. Dixon carried
messages continually across
open ground thro heavy m.g.
fire. This alld A & B Coys
to keep up commn. &
so helped the 2 Coy Commndrs
to secure their front.
1 offr & 130 or . Yankees reld
70-60 of xxxx B Coy on the left of the Bn. Over
100 were taken in.
One pln of D Coy
supported 24 Bn on the left
of B Coy. (∧ behind where Mahoney ws k).
D Coy wh ws in support
sent one pln each to A & B.
This left 2 plns & Coy Hqrs
as suppt under Lt Hardwick.
They had to be in readiness in
/ rly cutting (1st Halt.) There
they stayed till 11.30 as a relay &
Commn Centre. At 11.30 they
heard / front Coys were having
a rough time. The Support
pln had to be sent up then - This
coincided w a Germ bombt but
/ pln shook free of this on
leaving / cutting. They moved
to / W. outskirts & / village
past / cemetery where
section commnd & made a
run for it over / enemy
in order to get close to him.
This they did. Sergt Montgomery
ws wd in doing this. They
dug in there & had good shooting
at once. N o / cemetery ws
a German trench system w
many German Troops wh
L/Cpl Murray on / left fired
on. They kept down / enfilade
fire on B Coy. Cpl Torney
in/c his section led this pln into
a copse within 60 yds of a
Germ. m.g. in action N. of /
village. He had w him L/Cpl
Savage who employed this gun
& succeeded in k & w a lot of
Germans. His fire ws such tt /
Germs had to leave this
post eventually (there ws
a 77 gun in / copse). When
/ Germs ran from / copse
10 were shot there. The
rest of / section led by Torney
kept up a heavy fire on /
Germs quitting the copse &
orchard N. o / village. Then
Sergt Edwards reported to
Lt Gawler O.C. the Coy ∧ one pln
& ws instrd to gain touch
w Lt Roberts of D Coy.
He got touch & found a
pty of 20 Germs betw rt of
D & left of B. Gawler gave him
11 men & Edwards went back
for these Germans. They got 3
prisoners in the cellar & abt 20 were k.
They placed 2 posts, one where these
fired at / tank.
Lt Gear ( as above.)
Lt Forbes wd just as they
got on to / hill by m.g. fire.
Lt Baldie ws k ( w his section
all k or w exc. one man).
Lt White ^A Coy ws wd with A Coy
abt 700 yds from J.O.
Lt Ellis ^A Coy ws wd in / middle
o / village near / church.
640 prisoners were taken by
the Bde – pioneers were
collecting most of them as
they were sent back. In / rain
must have got 60.
It ws later tt / posts there
were established.
Calvert then took over
D Coy where all / offrs had
bn k or wd. Lt West took
charge of B Coy (centre).
[West shot his German Germans
in / cemetery
in 2 m/g/ posts]
B Coy handed over to /
Americans in / Quarry abt
11 p.m.
D Coy ws at dusk abt 6 A 8. 7
to 5 B 90. 65. After dark
posts were put across to 23
Bn post (wh cd be seen from Vickers
Gun positn) at 5 B.3.4
Capt Fletcher ws k by a shell
withdrew again. ( The Pioneers
went into / village).
The Germs now began
to shell / village cemetery &
rear o / village w 5 .9.
It ws too hot to stay in /
cemetery. Calvert & West went
back to / centre w /
remaining men & to /
quarry. From here they
cd command / ground we
had obtained, but not look
down onto / enemy as from
/ cemetery. They had tried
to attract / attentn o /
centre before this, & get some
help ^ as it ws such a good position – but / centre ws
too weak to assist.
There ws no one in /
Cemetery at all at this time
broke / caterpillar – the
crew got away –
In / cemetery Calvert
got 6 mgs. but you dont
stay in front o / cemetery
by day. Two 77s were firing
point blank from the high
ground NW of Brancourt
( wdnt reach them
from / top o / village).
Lt West found 6 pioneers
in / village – he only had
one other man, the others
had bn k or wd or were
w / centre.
He went down / slope
from / cemetery. The left
ws now in / quarry.
The tank began to fire on him
( before it ws put out) & he
having enough men he
Calvert then went on
w a Cpl. 3 men & m.g.
& came on this positn
in / cemetery. From there
they went out thro / cemetery
in front where 2 m. gunners
were killed.
From here they cd see
all that ws holding the
centre up – they saw the
tank come into action agn
to help B. Coy – the Germs
began to clear out from
the shell holes & Sunken rd
half left o / cemetery –
& the m/guns had fire a lot
of targets. The tank ws
hit there by a shell wh
come round & shoot the
machine gunner. The crew
of the mw/fr went ran
back thro into / village N E.
Here West went on w 2 or 3
men towds / cemetery.
Calvert moved formt
& found, lying out in
organised shellholes, abt
20 Germans. They didnt
try to fight & were captd.
While C. ws there W. returned
w 3 prisoners from a
m.g. positn at / cemetery.
He had got thro a hedge &
saw them firing on our
centre. He shot 4 & took
3 (they didnt see him) &
took the lock o / guns. Not
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