Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/217/1 - August 1918 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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They moved up to the End ofh Pliona. Jist beyond the T head on 1 it tere as a fewyds of wire in I trech; then a block. You lad to getinto Popent get past it &ad Cope ws shot thoo I heart by suepers from Haut Allames as he got to I wire - Gas very narrow. This block gs When Cope as K. L Naiteas hege as ordered by swart to do tis jit. But it as seen to it as unneccess ary slaughter +f men and be thrown away. Practicily I same happend on 1 left where a light rly forr one block & there we another abt
Syds farther. H Book ws in/ of 24bn party here. They got aL.G. up & tried to keep 1 Termis heads down till 1 gunres got a bullet thro his beliect. Stuart & Baldock conferred & decided to if the got ito tostille they wil still be in air on I right; So th decided to man Pleona trench. Therewere r few men & try were very done up. 21Bn as withdrsin from Costille; So Book put a post at the first bend on one side & at 1 block on the left making a paston rither side of the Theed. The gerns were eniping for the Creek bank just to where there were trus & cd be heard difing
in here & in Ivillage all night. During I night 1 fermen we much quister, & the mgs in Haut Allaine & on 1 mount were only firing their ordinary bursts. The word came of the barrage for 7th Bde attack. ben were withdrawn just before 1 barrage into dipouts E/c. because 1 barrage ws to drop on Tostille G. Then 7th Ide went on. 24 Bn remaind in this posite all 4 day, 8 all 3rd & called on were ouend on 4th Capt. Bowden ws wounded att 2.30 - he ws in/c of Sedgwicks to Saion Yow ws wd (vi/c ws ad abt medday of A6y) near 1 village (A loy went over
with Sedgwsicks Coy.) H Graham wd near I nsss by a sell when movin up. A Mertin B. K. on S1s1 in Gottlicb Y E Salmon B. K. by a mg. ballet 100 yds from the start 4R e ( Telchrist B. K beside salmon. KNewton Aloy ws k by Kame shell as partes. D McCarty d.fW in R.A.P.-hit by a ig bullet in the after while bryey to get commn w 2SBn on it. Capt Bowden as above. Tow wd asabove.
21Bn. Aug /2 6/27. That night relieved 10Bn in line t of Orchard Wood at Cappy. 3fightin patrots left the post lie Coys & working in dependenty 2 harking over the lop & one along C.T. cleared up to Bulls wood wh germs still held, Jn Saluon Wood C Coy struck opposibe & got one wd prisoner. The movement had to be caried on on Aug 28. on 1 Nork sids of 2d & just S of it, A 3 fighting patrols as before. This day the ferman field guns were still firing out of Dompierre at 24En when 21 Bn had got a3 past it on 1 N. These guas at 21 En were slewed round & find
at one time. This brought them up to a t System W. of Mereancourt wood. Ths as h char during 1 after by DGawlers Coy Captaring DO Paisoneers & att 12 or 15 ups. This novement as undertan because Nrise as still held & Tallivans boy ws held souk of it. The majority of priious were these who were coming out of Irise Cap Moss 23Bn wentwits Fise with one coy at as all to 21Bn - they had no opposite in Trise. Abt G Bin. 18B cut toro in arty formate & chared wood. The 5th Bde got thoe
Clery & within attacking distence of net St D. by Aug 30 On. Ayg 31 5Bde attected Mt SQ. Tet ofter t Bde crosses te rives moving vits support. 2124 23 2 21Bn moved into Lost Ravine on night of Aug 31. They remained theme in Suppt to 23,24 who were to launch the Endattack at dawn nextmorning (eventually 5 Di on right). 23124 lauche hei aback but were not successful in reaching their objics in Ineg. It ws necy for 21 Bn to be sent up for a third attack. At Gam. C the 215t Bn ws instrd to move into
close support. They moved from lost reome in art formation over to open rotiy ground towds Mt FO. D 5 They were A toto to D Coy wd pto 24En. They ad find them duy in slightly NoW of nt S Q. astride 1 main road, & in Elsa Y & stretib down to Lewill a court Where they were holding posily reached in morning. C& B went to support 23 Bn. who were slightly to the S.& W. of not S O. The village of nttt ws still eatirely in 1german hands. These posites were pretty well known
When 21 Bn moved up. 21 Bo moved into Elsa Y & astride the main Peronne Rd or 1 W side of villep. e CyCoundrs of A loy remained in Titthel as reserve 571. Coy commors of 21 Bn Cot touch with those of 24& 23. These told tm the outlise of the 3rd attecks wh ws to be after 4 Gawler t Hardwick w a burricans bouith from 1 to 1.30. The actual intentio ws for 21 to move in close support to 24823 Ii case they met to strong apposit ad help them to their when they
objees Hs The Combt on Nt St O as heavy - I gaus had bu shifted ap in Iricantine. As soon as it stopped 24 & 23 went foud & 21 Bo went a them & got involved atonc in the fight Whn Jawler got in touch w Bowden they decided to go up the C.Trun N. off village of MoStQ. The 215t ad estiblish tenselves in Pleona while Ex wd branch to 1 rt & come rourd back thro Luces & Tostille Gx D Bell & D Cope were w25t (Dboy). L Ball ws ad by mg fire while taking his sh along elsa E to left. This lefter Cope in charge. He tel his coy down Pleona E till he

Cope They moved up to the
end of the Pleona. Just
beyond the T head on /
rt there ws a few yds of
wire in / trench; then a
block. You had to get into
/ open to get past it & in doing
Cope ws shot thro / heart by
snipers from Haut Allaines
as he got to / wire - /
trench ws very narrow. This block
& wire was covered by 3
When Cope was k. Lt Whitear
ws ordered by Capt Lieut Stuart to do this
job. But it ws seen tt it ws
unnecessary slaughter & /
men wd be thrown away.
Practically / same happened on /
left where a light rly formed
one block & there ws another abt

3 yds furthe 

3 yds further. Lt Book ws in/c
of 24 Bn party here. They got
a L.G. up & tried to keep /
Germs heads down till / gunner
got a bullet thro his helmet.
Stuart & Baldock conferred
& decided tt if they got into
Tortille they wd still be in /
air on / right; so they
decided to man Pleona
trench. Book There were v. few
men & they were very done up.
21 Bn ws withdrawn from
Tortille; so Book put a post
at the first bend on one side &
at / block on the left making
a post on either side of the T head.
The Germs were sniping from the
Creek bank just E where there
were trees & cd be heard digging



in there & in / village all
night. During / night /
German ws much quieter, &
the in Haut Allaine &
on / mount were only firing
their ordinary bursts.
The word came of the barrage
for 7th Bde attack. Men were
withdrawn just before / barrage
into dugouts etc. because / barrage ws
to drop on Tortille trench. Then 7th
Bde went on.
24 Bn remained in this
positn all tt day, & all 3rd &
were relieved pulled out on 4th.
Capt. Bowden ws wounded
abt 2.30 - he ws in/c of Sedgwicks Coy,
Lt Salmon Gow ws wd (in/c
of A Coy) ws wd abt midday
near / village (A Coy went over


with Sedgwicks Coy.)
Lt Graham C. Coy wd. near / river
by a shell when moving up.
Lt Martin B. K. on 31st in Gottlieb trench
Lt Salmon B. K. by a m.g. bullet 100
yds from the start of 1st attack.
Lt Gilchrist B. K beside Salmon.
Lt Newton A Coy ws k by / same shell
as Martin.
Lt McCarthy C Coy d. of w. in R.A.P. - hit
by a m.g. bullet in the aftn
while trying to get commn w 23 Bn
on rt.
Capt Bowden as above.
Lt Gow wd as above.


21 Bn. Aug. 25 26/.27. That night
relieved 10 Bn in line E of
Orchard Wood at Cappy.
3 fighting patrols left the
front line Coys & working independently
2 working over the top & one
along C.T. cleared up to
Bulls Wood wh Germs still held.
In Salmon Wood C Coy struck
oppositn & got one wd prisoner.
The movement had to be
carried on on Aug 28. on /
North side o / rd & just S of it,
w 3 fighting patrols as before. This
day the German field guns were
still firing out of Dompierre at
24 Bn when 21 Bn had got
past it on / N. These guns
were slewed round & fired at 21 Bn


at one time.
This brought them up to
a trench system W. of Mereaucourt
Wood. This ws clear cleared
during / aftn by Lt Gawlers Coy
capturing 50 prisoners & abt 12
or 15
This movement ws undertaken
because Frise ws still held
& Sullivans Coy ws held South
of it. The majority o /
prisoners were those who
were coming out of Frise.
Capt Moss 23 Bn went into
Frise with one coy wh ws attd
to 21 Bn - they had no oppositn
in Frise.
Abt 9 p.m. 18 Bn went
thro in Arty formatn & cleared
/ wood. The 5th Bde got thro


Clery & within attacking
distance of Mt St Q. by Aug 30.
On Aug 31 5 Bde attacked
Mt St Q. That aftn 6 Bde crossed
the river moving into support.
Diagram - see original document
21 Bn moved into Lost Ravine
on night of Aug 31.
They remained there in
suppt to 23 & 24 who were to
launch the 2nd attack at dawn
next morning (eventually w 5 Div on
23 & 24 launched their
attack but were not successful
in reaching their objves in / mg.
It ws necy for 21 Bn to be sent
up for a third attack. At 9 am
the 21st Bn ws instrd to move into


close support. They moved from
lost ravine in arty formation
over to open rolling ground
Diagram - see original document

Mt St Q.
They were
told tt D Coy wd go to 24 Bn.
They wd find them dug in slightly
N & W of Mt St Q. astride /
main road, & in Elsa trench &

stretching down to Fevill a court
where they were holding /
positn reached in / morning.
C & B went to support 23 Bn - 
who were slightly to the S. & W.
of Mt St Q. The village of Mt St Q
ws still entirely in / German hands.
These positns were pretty well known


when 21 Bn moved up.
21 Bn moved into Elsa trench
& astride the main Peronne Rd
on / W. side o / village. The
Coy Commdrs of the  A Coy
remained in Gottlieb as
reserve to 21.
Coy Commdrs of 21 Bn
got touch with those of 24 &
23. These told them the outline

of the 3rd attack, wh ws to be after
Diagram - see original document
a hurricane bombt from 1 to 1.30.
The actual intentn ws for 21 to
move in close support to 24 & 23
in case they met w strong oppositn
when they wd help them to their


Asst The bombt on Mt St Q
ws heavy - / guns had bn shifted
up in / meantime. As soon as
it stopped 24 & 23 went forwd
& 21 Bn went w them & got
involved at once in the fight.
When Gawler got in touch w
Bowden they decided to go up the
C.T. running N. of / village of
Mt St Q. The 21st wd establish
themselves in Pleona while
24 wd branch to / rt &
come round back thro Lucas &
Tortille trenches. Lt Ball & Lt Cope were
w 21st (D Coy). Lt Ball ws wd
by m.g. fire while taking his pln
along Elsa trench to left. This left
Cope in charge. He led his
Coy down Pleona trench till he



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Jane BrownJane Brown
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