Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/217/1 - August 1918 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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The 2nd stell wh fell an Goltliet where I men were 4 deep certainly got 25 men) you had sone up to Save Y to get 23Bn to give them move room. The 18 Bn only bat one off in the part of Cottlieb wh 24 got into & he had fone up into Save 44 Yr In Gottliet ws maj. MacDonald 20 Bu who warne them to a no of his men had on lef in Fewill a court. Abt midnght came by waner a warning order to 24 Bn at have to attack in morning. Detailed orders came abt 3 or 3.30. Zero bos to be 6 am. Nothing ws known at th time abt posite ahead. There ws a rumour to some 5Bde Element
on1 left were ahead. A patrot of Baldocks att 11.30 went out & along Save Y where they found a handful of 17Bn. No fermans were chead there. Maj. McD. d ws uncertain if he were not in Oder Y but it as ascertaiined by t Sterart & Thus to 14w really gobliet - (Oder Y as smashed to bits & almost unrecogisable. The 5Bde knew to there ws a Coy of teirs out abear of them somewhere - they pointed over Cop & sditheris a Coy ther of oure overtbut they didn't know where. 3 On the left they knew here
ws ns one ahead exc. 5 Bde cod in Incllage of Tenillacon At Hgrs it as thought a few SBde men in Elsa, but it ws not known for certain. The mew in MlsaYhad commo deering (night no party moved op or down Salatz Y. There were some The LTM. men ae Apain Alley Capt Ingram had shown W Baldack in (after the direction of the head of liverales fottmitwas by &ldhe thought a Coy of 17Bn we in theref. The start ws at 6 - Dlog stirted at 6.5 am. Abt 5.30 (a little before 5.30) the Germans hed opened with barrys & mg fire-
under the original orders the 24th Bn ws to take villeg, & the 23 Bn to ettack towds Peroune. Cl. James & Col. Brazenor sent urgent appeals to fen. Robertson & be came up himself - Dvision got down on him for leaving his Bds. Robertson from the Quarry Cd see to the 23Bn was anvolved & toit As far more tran a one Bn show to take Mt Sole. &te village of Ieaillicourt the Objic we Hante Allaines When Robertson came up the Bn ws very anxious indeed at prospect - & his arrival us most welcome. A messge came for him there to he ws aeededy
we A conference (wh we held at his BdeAges) & he had to heeray back there. At 11 prm they were still waiting to know if orders wd be madified or if they wd have to carry out) original atack. Abt (am. the alteration came. The four Ba Cls. were all together in a joint Hgrs. Tis ws by direct order from 6Bde wh we not relexet next ay. A 6 am. the barrage ws a concintrition as certain destant areas. The the 24 Bn at the Jung of right buk with 23tono where te rly line crossed Y. They had gone 200 or 300 yds before they cosee where 23 Bn ws - it as a heavy
drizz b rain o it ws hard t see them. The 230d Bn came in touch abt 450yds ahead, just as k reeched the barber were short of the Nend of Gilatz Agram alley. There ws practically no oppositi till they got thro Elsa In Elsa E were some of S Bde. They went right thro' ElsaY on the lif helf of it (With 23Bn on right) & began to get opposite then from VARNA Y, from the Cometery, & from the villep. This opposite as heavy mig & riflefire. 20 R this part they sew no fermist till they crossed the road. As be
crossed road tray saw the first fermans - they were manning Varna Y- There were suipers behind I trees in velly a there wer my. posites thro Ivillage. The Clerer varna Y & K. or Papld all fermans in to part of it They got Doyds adeadof cunctery. There to McCarthy sent word up to D Sedgwick Do say A 23 Bn ws held up by 1 copse on 1st of village. The lest flank ws held up also. Sedwick as then working upy beyond I ciueti. They with drew came down into Varna Y.20 The German worked down into Ivillage & got a m.
about ut posit above Varna Y toh enfeladed the 2 - This made it necy for sedgwick to with draw into the Tunken rdwh rons N from Varna Y &E of Fenillacoust. Dedwick's left ws then abt as far down as the light Rly (towds q centrel) very There ws a by Qverry on the NW Corner of Cunster had by Abt Sogermans wse fot out of his in 1 attack.] Sedwick stayed there till he for furtin orders for I attack at. 1.30. S Jenkins (ESBn) came round abt 9 a.m. & Capt Bowden, Jow, Jenhins & Ledywiik had a talk over 1 position & O I. went down to riny Cal James ye
& let him know posite. A Lesvy barrage wsput villay 00 The left in Imeantine sticted fom Gottlicl Obt 6.5 he barrege we on Feuelicourt & Ws to be tere for 20 mins. 100 oppositee ws net on ) left - (the leter waves struck some here a little later & por 1 right) till they got into the sikys. Here a mef as firny from I bridge across I canal where there must hase by a post. (32d Divn ws supposed to be abread on this flank - oherwise 24 Bn C.O. ad have worked. Bu thro the 20 Canal & left I village betuen but it us expected there wod be no opposite in 1 villag or from 1lett)
Cl Cook we told to keep this post quiet w L.G.So A the Coyed get on. They pushed thro' to the Tortille Know, & sot held ap again there by a my. posity on a bridge across Iriver (a woodmn trestle bridge Csl Cook engaged this also put it out of action - he as with Lt Waitear all 1 time. From then on it too impossible to advance in formation owing to Mg. fire & Suipers. So they advanced by ones & twos from shellhol to shellhole till they reached the N. postion of the same bank cloy wh Sedgwicks positu finally wast Enpilade fire as coming from left all time. The mogo fere

(The 2nd shell wh fell in Gottlieb

where / men were 4 deep

certainly got 25 men)  Gow had

gone up to Save trench to get 23 Bn

to give them more room - The

18 Bn only had one offr in the

part of Gottlieb wh 24 got into

& he had gone up into Save

trench.  In ^left of Gottlieb ws Maj.

MacDonald 20 Bn who warned

them tt a no of his men had

bn left in Feuillacourt.

Abt  midnight came by

runner a warning order tt

24 bn wd have to attach in 

/ morning.  Detailed orders

came abt 3 or 3.30. Zero

ws to be 6 a.m.  Nothing ws 

known at tt time abt /

positn ahead.  There ws a

rumour tt some 5 Bde elements




were ahead.  A patrol of

Baldocks abt 11.30 went

out & along Save trench where

they found a handful of 17 Bn.

No Germans were ahead there.

On / left Maj. McD. decic ws uncertain

if he were not in Oder trench -

but it ws ascertained by Lt

Stuart & others tt / trench ws

really Gottlieb. (Oder trench

ws smashed to bits & almost


The 5 Bde ∧men knew tt there

ws a Coy of theirs out ahead

of them somewhere - they pointed

over / top & sd " there is a Coy

of ours over / top out there", but they didn't

know where.

On the left they knew there



ws no one ahead exc. 5 Bde

wd in / village of Feuillacourt,

At Hqrs it ws thought a few

5 Bde men in Elsa, but it

ws not known for certain.

The men in Elsa trench had

no commn during / night -

no party moved up or down

Galatz trench. ( There were some

7th L.T.M. men in Agram Alley)

[Capt Ingram had shown

Lt. Baldock in / aftn the

direction of the head of Uberalles

& Gottmitt uns trenches & sd he thought

a Coy of 17 Bn ws in there].

The start ws at 6 - D Coy

started at 6.5. a.m.    Abt 5.30

(a little before 5.30) the Germans

had opened with barrage &

m.g. fire -



[Under the original orders

the 24th Bn ws to take

/ village, & the 23 Bn to

 attack towds Perrone.

Col. James & Col. Brazenor

sent urgent appeals to Gen.

Robertson & he came up

himself - Division got down

on him for leaving his Bde.

Robertson from the Quarry

cd see tt the 23Bn was involved

& tt it ws far more than a

one Bn show to take Mt St Q.

& the village of Feuillacourt -

the objve ws Hante Allaines.

When Robertson came up the

Bn ws very anxious indeed at

/ prospect - & his arrival ws

most welcome.  A message came

for him there tt he ws needed at




a conference (wh ws held at

his Bde Hqrs) & he had to hurry

back there.  At 11 p.m. they

were still waiting to know if

/ orders wd be modified or if

they wd have to carry out /

original attack. Abt 1 am.

the alteration came.  The four

Bn COs. were all together in

a joint Hqrs.  This ws by direct

order from 6 Bde wh ws not

relaxed next day.

A 6 a.m. the barrage

ws a concentration on

certain distant areas.  The

right linked with 23 Bn at  of the 24 Bn at the jump off

ws where the rly line crossed /

trench.  They had gone 200 or 300

yds before they cd see where

23 Bn ws - it ws a heavy




drizzling rain & it ws

hard to see them.  The

23rd Bn came in touch

abt 450 yds ahead, just

as they reached the barbed

wire short of the N end of

Galatz-Agram alley.  There

ws practically no oppositn

till they got thro Elsa


In Elsa trench were some of 

5 Bde.  They went right thro'

Elsa trench on the left half of it

(with 23 Bn on right) & began

to get oppositn then from

VARNA trench, from the cemetery,

& from the village.  This oppositn

ws heavy m.g. & rifle fire.

On this part they saw no Germans

till they crossed the road.  As they




crossed / road they saw the

first Germans - they were

manning Varna trench - There

were snipers behind / trees in 

/ village & there were m.g.

positns thro / village.  They

cleared Varna trench & k. or captd

all / Germans in tt part of it.

They got 50 yds ahead o /

cemetery.  There Lt. McCarthy

sent word up to Lt. Sedgewick,

to say tt 23 Bn ws held up

by / copse on / rt o / village.

The left flank ws held up

also.  Sedgwick ws then working

up / trench beyond / cemetery.

They withdrew &

came down into Varna trench.

The German worked

down into / village & got a m.g.




into positn above above Varna trench

wh enfiladed the trench - This

made it necy for Sedgwick

to withdraw into the Sunken

Rd wh runs N from Varna

trench & E of Feuillacourt.

Sedgwick's xxx left ws then abt

as far down as the Light

Rly (towards 9 central).

[There ws a ^very big quarry

on the NW corner o / cemetery.

Abt 30 Germans were had bn got

out of this in / attack.)

Sedgwick stayed there till he

got further orders for / attack

at . 1.30.  Lt. Jenkins (23 Bn)

came round abt 9 a.m. &

Capt Bowden, Gow, Jenkins & Sedgwick

had a talk over / position &

S. went down to ring Col James up




& let him know / positn.

A heavy barrage ws put 

on / village.

The left in / meantime

started from Gottlieb abt 6.5.

The barrage ws on Feuillacourt &

ws to be there for 20 mins.

No oppositn ws met on /

left - (the later waves struck

some there a little later & from /

right) till they got into the village.

Here a m.g. ws firing from /

bridge across / canal where

there must have been a post.  [3rd

Divn ws supposed to be ahead

on this flank - otherwise 24 Bn C.O.

wd have worked Bn thro the

canal & left / village behind

-but it ws expected there wd be no

oppositn in / village or from / left]




Cpl Cook ws told to keep

this post quiet w L.G. so tt

the Coy cd get on.  They pushed

thro' to the Tortille River, & 

got held up again there by a

m.g. positn on a bridge across

/ river ( a wooden trestle bridge)

Cpl Cook engaged this also &

put it out of action - he ws

with Lt Whitear all / time.

From then on it ws impossible

to advance in formation owing 

to m.g. fire & snipers.  So they

advanced by ones & twos

from shell hole to shellhole till

they reached the N. position of

the same bank along wh

Sedgwicks positn finally was.

Enfilade fire ws coming from

/ left all / time.  The m.g. fire
























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