Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/217/1 - August 1918 - Part 3
(The 2nd shell wh fell in Gottlieb
where / men were 4 deep
certainly got 25 men) Gow had
gone up to Save trench to get 23 Bn
to give them more room - The
18 Bn only had one offr in the
part of Gottlieb wh 24 got into
& he had gone up into Save
trench. In ^left of Gottlieb ws Maj.
MacDonald 20 Bn who warned
them tt a no of his men had
bn left in Feuillacourt.
Abt midnight came by
runner a warning order tt
24 bn wd have to attach in
/ morning. Detailed orders
came abt 3 or 3.30. Zero
ws to be 6 a.m. Nothing ws
known at tt time abt /
positn ahead. There ws a
rumour tt some 5 Bde elements
were ahead. A patrol of
Baldocks abt 11.30 went
out & along Save trench where
they found a handful of 17 Bn.
No Germans were ahead there.
On / left Maj. McD. decic ws uncertain
if he were not in Oder trench -
but it ws ascertained by Lt
Stuart & others tt / trench ws
really Gottlieb. (Oder trench
ws smashed to bits & almost
The 5 Bde ∧men knew tt there
ws a Coy of theirs out ahead
of them somewhere - they pointed
over / top & sd " there is a Coy
of ours over / top out there", but they didn't
know where.
On the left they knew there
ws no one ahead exc. 5 Bde
wd in / village of Feuillacourt,
At Hqrs it ws thought a few
5 Bde men in Elsa, but it
ws not known for certain.
The men in Elsa trench had
no commn during / night -
no party moved up or down
Galatz trench. ( There were some
7th L.T.M. men in Agram Alley)
[Capt Ingram had shown
Lt. Baldock in / aftn the
direction of the head of Uberalles
& Gottmitt uns trenches & sd he thought
a Coy of 17 Bn ws in there].
The start ws at 6 - D Coy
started at 6.5. a.m. Abt 5.30
(a little before 5.30) the Germans
had opened with barrage &
m.g. fire -
[Under the original orders
the 24th Bn ws to take
/ village, & the 23 Bn to
attack towds Perrone.
Col. James & Col. Brazenor
sent urgent appeals to Gen.
Robertson & he came up
himself - Division got down
on him for leaving his Bde.
Robertson from the Quarry
cd see tt the 23Bn was involved
& tt it ws far more than a
one Bn show to take Mt St Q.
& the village of Feuillacourt -
the objve ws Hante Allaines.
When Robertson came up the
Bn ws very anxious indeed at
/ prospect - & his arrival ws
most welcome. A message came
for him there tt he ws needed at
a conference (wh ws held at
his Bde Hqrs) & he had to hurry
back there. At 11 p.m. they
were still waiting to know if
/ orders wd be modified or if
they wd have to carry out /
original attack. Abt 1 am.
the alteration came. The four
Bn COs. were all together in
a joint Hqrs. This ws by direct
order from 6 Bde wh ws not
relaxed next day.
A 6 a.m. the barrage
ws a concentration on
certain distant areas. The
right linked with 23 Bn at of the 24 Bn at the jump off
ws where the rly line crossed /
trench. They had gone 200 or 300
yds before they cd see where
23 Bn ws - it ws a heavy
drizzling rain & it ws
hard to see them. The
23rd Bn came in touch
abt 450 yds ahead, just
as they reached the barbed
wire short of the N end of
Galatz-Agram alley. There
ws practically no oppositn
till they got thro Elsa
In Elsa trench were some of
5 Bde. They went right thro'
Elsa trench on the left half of it
(with 23 Bn on right) & began
to get oppositn then from
VARNA trench, from the cemetery,
& from the village. This oppositn
ws heavy m.g. & rifle fire.
On this part they saw no Germans
till they crossed the road. As they
crossed / road they saw the
first Germans - they were
manning Varna trench - There
were snipers behind / trees in
/ village & there were m.g.
positns thro / village. They
cleared Varna trench & k. or captd
all / Germans in tt part of it.
They got 50 yds ahead o /
cemetery. There Lt. McCarthy
sent word up to Lt. Sedgewick,
to say tt 23 Bn ws held up
by / copse on / rt o / village.
The left flank ws held up
also. Sedgwick ws then working
up / trench beyond / cemetery.
They withdrew &
came down into Varna trench.
The German worked
down into / village & got a m.g.
into positn above above Varna trench
wh enfiladed the trench - This
made it necy for Sedgwick
to withdraw into the Sunken
Rd wh runs N from Varna
trench & E of Feuillacourt.
Sedgwick's xxx left ws then abt
as far down as the Light
Rly (towards 9 central).
[There ws a ^very big quarry
on the NW corner o / cemetery.
Abt 30 Germans were had bn got
out of this in / attack.)
Sedgwick stayed there till he
got further orders for / attack
at . 1.30. Lt. Jenkins (23 Bn)
came round abt 9 a.m. &
Capt Bowden, Gow, Jenkins & Sedgwick
had a talk over / position &
S. went down to ring Col James up
& let him know / positn.
A heavy barrage ws put
on / village.
The left in / meantime
started from Gottlieb abt 6.5.
The barrage ws on Feuillacourt &
ws to be there for 20 mins.
No oppositn ws met on /
left - (the later waves struck
some there a little later & from /
right) till they got into the village.
Here a m.g. ws firing from /
bridge across / canal where
there must have been a post. [3rd
Divn ws supposed to be ahead
on this flank - otherwise 24 Bn C.O.
wd have worked Bn thro the
canal & left / village behind
-but it ws expected there wd be no
oppositn in / village or from / left]
Cpl Cook ws told to keep
this post quiet w L.G. so tt
the Coy cd get on. They pushed
thro' to the Tortille River, &
got held up again there by a
m.g. positn on a bridge across
/ river ( a wooden trestle bridge)
Cpl Cook engaged this also &
put it out of action - he ws
with Lt Whitear all / time.
From then on it ws impossible
to advance in formation owing
to m.g. fire & snipers. So they
advanced by ones & twos
from shell hole to shellhole till
they reached the N. position of
the same bank along wh
Sedgwicks positn finally was.
Enfilade fire ws coming from
/ left all / time. The m.g. fire
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