Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/215/1 - August - September 1918 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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11 upto ad a loy 7 To & were very let. Attr TE &t lone ter l ere a lot-afecty was othis Co in 1 day Folly night t 2 67. Bn pther ato take the truck t te point jost bey 186700 ad in CD 33D. They put a block & came out & overlappe out 1 You port in the End ive This night 1 post 6
248 Te Tow hett up to him 48Bn held op to 33 Et. Bu held the two tring B 3 Here too 66 Divn took night 2/22 meas This w god relief - Bp a casnal 155y to night & lost pr Heir Diot Comm as a Der. & had a very Kosoyh took roun the whole post w Mas Cole ong a rife aft & pobn 46 1en, Captl a lot of 45s were rett by 45 Dwn. There ws fmes ant of het (new) in luche This we te ff who asked if a C.attack were likely. Maj. C 5d. No. se wont efat. Te JO.C.Sd. Rats all
sell- may catac you - but he not dattack on chaps? The & were life as veryo Byrne k Leit d C & Palsbia wd to the T.0 Cartir wd in the 18 full after getting in – rvolo Sept 19. when it got light it ws very interesting pinding out where lue was. There were ptiis of germs still in I treales between Small pots of ou hen. Rese fer and showed any fight - they niver
5 &c fights a bombal im. day (sep 79 the were tosolhly mop up erns still in I deponts Me heter se airt 4 day S had son The bad luck & 18Bn The man ftb ee in the phobye with the first party (A. by) - & ws grabbed by 1 Jerme & kept in a dujont. It ws 35 before the mopping up came gi to tis portion 01 truck ACoy had gone ste right on to 2nd objit
The st Coy. in 1aftr Asce ly captd - t beens 509 - D. Hgas B went in # 430 tong all told By night I loy had 70 CCy Bn ws ten abt 270 stsor ing into the night fight carrying & all tow. Abt 150 of these cost be fighte 607010 T took Iso 40 wd. m this ait pos reas of Ar Git past se att 10p 20 k Loyesho 6d. abt 120 ofr 134 wd. ly slight. (Mostly durnn atl Abt 80 ferms were so s Br took 11sm 6/77. 459 18in 35 m

up w / ^ 11p.m. barrage but had

had a long way to go &

were very late.

After These & Tommies

were in were very done &

were a lot affected by /

loss of their Captain earlier

in / day (one ^ the one mentioned above)

Follg night the 2 Coys 48

Bn up there were put

in to take
Hand drawn sketch - see original

the trench to the

point just beyond / objve

in 6D 33D. They put in

a block & came out &

overlapped onto / Tommies

front in the 2nd objve.

This night / front ws



reorganised. The Tommies

held up to their boundary.

48 Bn held up to 33 central.

46 Bn held the two trenches



Hand drawn sketch - see original

Here the 46 Divn took over on

night 21/22. xxxxx This ws a

good relief - Bn got out without

a casualty. 46 Divn ws raided

tt night & lost prisoners.

[* Maj Gen

GF Boyd*]

Their Divl Commander ws a D.C.M. (S.Africa man)

& had a very thorough look round

the whole port going out w Maj C. w

a rifle X & poking out in front

46 Bn. Captd a lot of 46 ^ Regt Bn Germs

& were reld by 46 Divn. There ws

an minimal amt of kit (new) in / trenches.

X This ws the offr who asked if

a c.attack were likely. Maj. C sd, "No.

He wont c/att." The G.O.C. sd. "That's all



very well - he may nt c/attack

you - but he may c/attack our

chaps." These trenches were left

by us very clean.

Losses. Lt Byrne k. (as above)

Lt Leith  wd. (as above)
Lt Palsbia wd in / advance

to the J.O.

Lt Carter wd in the 1st objve

just after getting in - by

a revolver.

Sept 19. when it got light it ws

very interesting finding out where

/ line was. There were pties

of Germs still in / trenches

between small posts of our

men. These Germans seldom

showed any fight - they never



started a fight & a bomb always

settled them. Next This day (Sept 19)

the trenches were thoroughly mopped

up - Germs still in / dugouts.

The Germans shelled

us fairly heavily tt day.

The m.g. Bn had some

bad luck & 48 Bn also.

The man who ws

captd by / Germs & recaptd

ws in the 1st objve with

the first party (A.Coy) - & ws

grabbed by / Germans & kept

in a dugout. It ws 35 mins

before the mopping up pty

came again to this portion

o / trench - A Coy had gone

straight on to / 2nd objve.



The rt Coy, in / aftn

in Ascension valley captd

9 guns - 2/5.9, 1/6in how,

rest 77s. LGuns.

Bn went in abt 430

strong all told.

By night D Coy had 70 men

C Coy  "  40.

Bn ws then abt 270 strong

going into the night fight 

- carrying & all told. Abt

150 of these wd be fighting.

They took 6 pr 21 offrs 607 ors odd prisoners.

also 40 wd. passed this aid post in
rear of old Brit. front line 

at Georges Pot. 

Losses abt 1 off & 20 k

wd. abt 120. majority

5 offrs 134 wd - mostly

only slight. (Mostly during aftn of Sept 28.

Abt 80 Germs were estimated 

as killed.

Bn took 11 guns:

6/77s . 4/5.9  1/8in 35 mgs.

[*The Casualties in / night attack were

abt 10. Every m.g. / Germs had was trained

on the gaps in / Germ. wire - but / rain hd

put them off - & / barrage.*]



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