Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/98/1 - February 1918 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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6 39 of fact be in t given 12 50 men from 157, ptn &5 Dions (orrginals) on each shap going to Austialia but it is not advertived because it can be given to so few t the 2nd 132) Duns do not possess the necessary percentage in their anits even to send man. one has not been Is othe End to ld 3rd Divins this t leave is being given So white when he mcationed Epypt as a possible subject for action was a geven me evidently
49 been hent something 4 had doneor, more probable that implanting the seid o1ideatt it ws a possibllit. the force has arrived at a fairly general impression to Egyptis on cards. The knowledge of what has been done has certainly leaked out; but the not probability of the nove i advantages of move 13 they argue clear ane So happen it to Ckel at ta McNichor 4 t drop pr oyerd another hint has Sculles Mcilly the
84 8 part B foined the sd. be Capt. Persins in says German papers the big western besides t there to need for offensive germany her turn for there eyes to sea are run ours current in Sea ofensios of a England Ferman Prisovers taken I splendid raid by the 37th in & 394h Bus last night talk of an offensive in champagne as being I main Jerman offensive so far as they know. Bordwood & Doods hus
42 down Whites scheme turned for the Austalian artisto but have allowed as an of outs, oc artists incrcesed number (in fact any number Smart asks for) - white ws gaing to have made them all honory captains for 1 period war an return for (first optionon all their work. The sngustion wh Dyson to use the bast I made articls inside the A.C.t for Can aftag experts io allowed. one is to go to each One Diva one to Coys to Her
22 2 Hfom 29 22 for 78 n ta Hes oray 5pen 11317 or 58 o chay nger yom conepfor 0 p 9 N goofto of 70 84 Witkin Battered bit of live near termentieres to it with same a year gboot store? remended Vick 43 a/0

84                                                39

of fact being given to

50 men from 1st, 4th & 5th

Divns (originals) on each

ship going to Australia;

but it is not advertised

because it can be given

to so few tt the 2nd & 3rd

Divns do not possess the 

necessary percentage in

their units even to send

one man. It has not been

told to the 2nd & 3rd Divns.

tt this leave is being given].

So White, when he 

mentioned Egypt, as a

possible subject for

further action. Was just

evidently giving me a



84                                          40

hint tt something had been

done. Or, more probably,

had t r in planting

seed o t idea tt it ws

a possibility. The force

has j arrived at a fairly

general impression tt

Egypt is on t cards. The

knowledge of what has

been done has certainly

not leaked out; but the

probability of the move

is so advantages o t move

are so clear tt they argue

it likely to happen.

McNichol at tea

dropped quite another

a hint of another project -

McVilly, the sculler, had



84                                    41

joined the B____d party;

he sd.

[Capt. Persius in

the German papers says

tt besides t big western 

offensive, there is need for

Germany to turn her

eyes to t sea - "for there

are rumours current in

England of a sea offensive"]

German prisoners taken

in t splendid raid by the 37th

& 39th Bns last night talk

of an offensive in Champagne

as being t main German 

offensive so far as they know.

Birdwood & Dodds have



84                                         42

turned down Whites scheme

for the Australian artists,

but have allowed us an

increased number of outside artists (in

fact any number Smart

asks for) - White ws going

to have made them all

honorary Captains for t period o t

war in return for t first

option on all their work.

The suggestion wh Dyson &

I made to use the best

artists inside the A.I.F

for camouflage experts is

allowed. One is to go to each

Divn, one to Corps, & one

to AIF Hqrs.



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All writing crossed out


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