Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/96/1 - January 1918 - Part 8
the time. The Germans shut
the inhabitants up much more
closely in the town - After any
reverse the rules became
stricter; when things went
better for / Germans they were
relaxed. The Germans wd
never admit tt there ws
a reverse - they always
professed tt things were going
splendidly for them. But
sometimes they were verymuch more considerably depressed.
Our planes came over
regularly - "they were /
chief danger we had," she
said. The first sign of them
ws a pop pop pop in / sky &
the machine guns going off.
When / planes were overhead
they wd go indoors. They had
gartmes*] a cellar in which they kept
They did not know what damage ws
done, as they were never allowed there.
Great numbers of German troops
always used this station.
They did not know of many
casualties from planes - 11 at one
time was the most they heard of. But
one doctor, who was very much
disliked - one xxxx who had been rough on
their ambulance & had a name as
a bully, - was killed by a bomb
while in a friend's house..And they
were very pleased at this.
a cow - this was not allowed but
they did it. (I suppose the cow ws
allowed out at night - She didnt say)
Anyway the cow in the cellar often
made the devil xxxxxx of a
noise & they were very anxious
lest it might be heard by passing
officers. They There was a man
- an old Frenchman - kept to look
after the cow. And when they planes
were overhead the man wd come &
call them - "à la cave, mesdamoiselles".
They cd tell if it was an English plane - the
Germans planes had a deep sort of growl
- just as we know them on our side. The British
were always after / station & hit it sometimes - but
Mrs Ross, last Sunday,
asked me if I had heard of
any new xxxx project.
I had not heard a whisper
of any. Malcolm had
written to her saying that
he thought he wd like to
join one - poor old chap,
I expect he is very depressed
after the boys death & ready
for any relief.
Jan 28. From this day onward,
as I have my own typist, I
will probably dictate any
part of this diary wh can
well be dictated; & will
only write it when I have
something which cant be dictated
or when I am in France.
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