Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/94/1 - November - December 1917 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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Knds but as Beaverbroot is chanman it will probably as he desired. The whole find amounts to $000,000 rouply moath carned be British flm, th by Canadian, faithy by Austialian. We have as yet no represcalative o this committee. All the ciniig operalor in France are the servants of this committee. Beaverbrook now want be told us - to establish a simily committee of control over the photographs. His idea is to have one big exhidition withan editon pitures covering the whole te font. This is to be taken staff of photographers of whom the committee is appointing
24 te British over. 6 Canadion Antacian N.E. photopaphers are to underr the control of the committee & the committee wilh send ut an Editor to manage the whole Tey will bring te sacaries of all shotogsaphers upto £12 a week. Andty propose to hold their exhibition an Februare this was the first word had heard of any such theng we Beaver brook knew to we Austialiens were preparing to hold an Exhibition + a Hurleyhad gone to tyst to get photop he for it. 10 told us s0. But peiken he nor hytton had said a word of it. hytton asked me if we ad object to Hurly
25 being asked to do work of composite pictures outside the auahalian area (we objected to them inside) t and I wondered att time what he meant Of course he knew of this place then but he nothing. I told Beaverbrook 4 had as in his be dlearly as far as I exhibition hand their exhibition killed went The canadians had had ours now bey wanted to thers brook in ours. We had no objection provided they ave us unlinited scope. But one thing we could not agree to ws to they shd control our photopraphers - We have our own pobey, records
26 t determined ws Beaverbrook have the right to compose shd Cauado Blumenfeld he tofake them pictures that's what you would call it said the Canadian photographer Passells saw Wilkins the other day & told been that without knowing what pecture the Anadians had taken at Beaverbrook bat Paschendaele Canadian exhabation awaned a cassells we just or December. See himF going over then had as o more they tell him 50 photos altogter. than about they went Paschindevle 6o twice - or tried to- but were bognd & shelled; & so they had really been able to pet) their recornd not of it - not end for an exhibition anyway 95d 27 faked pictures except in theistelled such as are clearly stated, to be faked t charteres objects to faked pictures at all Beaverbrook says & B. is simply going to ignove him. all orders to our photopaga must come through our we wild them D.A.G. Keaste in every way we ed & 1 recult wd not be different tem hies but we ad not control. iad sdhedidnt B. me ending orders thi but he codnt send them thro D.A.G be cause the DAG were militiry & he steered people as wide of military on this as he could. anyway
28 tter you are the DAG be sel. He clearly docent know Colonel DDodds we left it there 3 to se 5495to wiite to him. the him Pirdis had agreed told to the Can of our photographers 6o composet pictures tetled to show clearly to they He sd were can posite Has ser. Birdwood sot a back: will he stand up to Charteris Isd he would. Apparently t Beaverbrooks experience of British Officers an 1 Canadian force is to they are not sufficienlly independent to back Can adian enteresto Braverbrook offered Smart &then a seat on this there Photopaphic Committee.
29 House H. Georgi's Spush in the s te abt an reply to Asquites g the Inter- Ally council had 5o absorbed people to I cano get a morning paper when an except (train started were sold. ones Mustrated out I lef wilking in London te to title the Hustalian Jehn ap t1 preout + crossed oder with little Plant? on reaching found Boologue we Bill Suit who had come down on my car on his way to London) on leave. He told (as to the British had altacked with 400 tanks at Havrin court. Ferman They had brotie of Cavalry line- 5 division a5 were down there o it has though cavabiy near were sone in They cambar. rumour then Since this It is 5d. have enlarged it as an attack without bt they simply walked bor
34 I suppose at dawn over 3xl 4tn the to with DDivisions made it 13F tCorps had gorall the its objectives except one small pointwh ws the being reduced Ian 3d Corps ws tought to have got all its objectinns eesgencies adn also a late framour tae begond sd bey were Cambai enough not There is in yet ne judge this 53 6 well followed. success by mean anything might it up the other M. Painleve day, made a speech abt our taking over part French Line nown there this
Nov 32 is now put down as camonflage to cover I movement the germans (only had 1½ devns in i thereo no reserve dions it all tonight it as raiing hard snce about 11 pm I 215 once o liwoce wo the during I night - each time 1 rain sourin down- aot help pitting as 1 tougt of our cavalry & infacitry out there ngar (ambray pursuin & then thes a great chance celig descending I remember steepily sugpesting to Ftant (who lef at 6 am. for t Dis at Abbevelle) that the ttalmost looked as if Jernans had found the key to makinanfall He sd. Well it handly looked like that
33 a aot he pavient. 45 hat Hurley ASPE andte ote Borte. se i araved 2d 24 now w 691½ Sqn owr our it ws down at Savy altho Corps made a daylight-midday - raid on Actos Now 8(when 15 plaines yours dropped bombe on sppy & put up a smoke barrage, phospd bussting 100ft from (ground) did not know th anything we intended. It ws a complete surprise Major Blake to tells Mc. fa 94 Octgat Paschendaele on and as doubt the Contrary instances prove tt it cannot be 50 on reaching HQrs found of the piish in 1 Somme news M. t are a came as a complete had to wennter, who had surprise ExC. it in confidence from heardd Klyiy Corps. the Tomeone in Our troops are well tho live; but Bourlon - the hill wh as there one remembers down district dominating whole a great woolly headed lump wh looks right down on Ferman year - is not ours. Te attack seems to have reached Ioasmodicat as far as Pullicars 2( pet. Cavay not continuously the Din is vidinin
satint W on the by moving Eastern side a 6 from al Moenveres. Nov 22nd. Allday answering letters - my mothers birthday. Poor little mater - the last years her eyes have been failing or rather have been too weak for reading. The has had to give it altogether. Her new house at Landy Bay & her grandchild are her compensation thank god. Wherever mother joes The builds up a garden that is like herself, a very perfect wweet thing in every corner, with all socts of sweet hidden beauties; & she also builds up around herself. anconsciously a little court of admirers - women + men both- who attend her almost as a band of devotec

Funds, but, as Beaverbrook
is chairman it will probably
go as he desired. The whole
fund amounts to £100,000,
roughly mostly earned by
British film, then by Canadian,
lastly by Australian. We have
as yet no representative
on this committee. All the
cinema Beaverbrook operators in France
are the servants of this
Beaverbrook now wants
he told us - to establish a
similar committee of control
over the photographs. His
idea is to have one big
exhibition with an Editor
of pictures  covering the whole
front. This is to be taken
staff of photographers of
whom the committee is appointing


6 British ones. The
Canadian, Australian, &
N.Z. photographers are to
go under the control of the

committee & the committee will
send out an Editor to manage
the whole. They will bring the

salaries of all photographers
up to £12 a week. And they
propose to hold their exhibition
in February.
This was the first word
we had heard of any such thing.
Beaverbrook knew tt we Australians
were preparing to hold an
exhibition & tt Hurley had
gone to Egypt to get photographs
for it. He told us so. But
neither he nor Lytton had said
a word of it. Lytton asked
me if we wd object to Hurley


being asked to do work on
composite pictures outside
the Australian area (we
objected to them" inside") -
that and I wondered at /
time what he meant. Of
course he knew of this place then
-but he sd nothing.
I told Beaverbrook tt
he clearly had us in his
hand as far as/  exhibition
went - their exhibition killed
ours. The Canadians had had
theirs - now they wanted to
scoop in ours. We had no
objection provided they gave us
unlimited scope.
But one thing we could
not agree to ws tt they shd

control our photographers - we
have our own policy, records


Beaverbrook ws determined tt
Canada shd have the right to compare
pictures - "to fake them, Blumenfeld." he
said - "that's what you would call it."

Cassells the Canadian photographer

saw WIlkins the other day & told him
that, without knowing what pictures
the Canadians had taken at
Paschendaele, Beaverbrook had
arranged a Canadian exhibition
for December. Cassells ws just
going over then to see him &
tell him & they had not more
than about 50 photos altogether.
They went to Paschendaele

twice-- or tried to - but were bogged
& shelled ; & so they had really
not been able to get their record
of it - not eno' for an exhibition


& no "faked" pictures except

such as are clearly stated in their titles to
be faked (Gen. Charteris objects
to faked pictures. X at all,
Beaverbrook says, & B. is
simply going to ignore him.)
I sd all orders to our photographers
must come through our
D.A.G. Beaverbrook We wd help them
in every way ws cd - & /
result wd not be different -
but we wd not give them

B. sd he didn't mind
sending orders thro' me,
but he wdn't send them thro
the D.A.G because DAGs
were military & he steered
as wide of military people
as he could. "Anyway in this


matter you are the DAG"
he sd.
He clearly doesnt know

Colonel Dodds.
We left it there, I to see
the DAG & to write to him.

I told him Birdie had agreed
as to the loan of our photographers [*on conditions*].
to 6 composite pictures
titled to show clearly tt they
were composite. he sd
:Has Gen. Birdwood got a back?
Will he stand up to Charteris."
I sd he would. Apparently

the Beaverbrook's experience
of British Officers in / Canadian
force is tt they are not
sufficiently independant to back
Canadian interests.
Beaverbrook offered Smart

there & then a seat on this Ctee
Photographic Committee.


X Ll. George's speech in the House
in reply to Asquiths question abt

the Inter - Ally Council has so
absorbed people tt I cd not
get a morning paper when
/ train started. All except /

illustrated ones were sold

We i left Wilkins in London

to title the Australian film
up to / present & crossed

over with little Plant. X On
reaching Boulogne we found 

old Col. "Bill " Smith, who had

come down in my car on
his way to London on leave.
He told us tt the British
had attacked with
400 tanks at Havrincourt.
They had broken / German
line - 5 divisions of Cavalry
were down there & it ws
thought / cavalry had
gone in. They were near
Since then rumours
have enlarged this. It is sd
it ws an attack without
bombt - they simply walked


over, - I suppose at dawn ;
the 3rd & 4th Corps with
8 Divisions made it, &
the 4th Corps had got all
its objectives except one
small point wh ws
being reduced, an the
3rd Corps ws thought to 

have got all its objectives
also. Flesquieres had bn
taken. A late rumour

sd they were beyond

There is not enough
news in yet to judge this

success by. Well followed
up it might mean anything.
M. Painlevė, the other
day, made a speech
abt out taking over part o /

French Line down there, & this





is now put down as
camonflage to cover I movement
the germans (only had 1½
devns in i thereo no
reserve dions it all
tonight it as raiing
snce about 11 pm
once o liwoce
wo the
I night - each time 1
rain sourin down-
aot help pitting as 1 tougt
of our cavalry & infacitry out
there ngar (ambray pursuin
& then thes
a great chance
celig descending
I remember steepily sugpesting
to Ftant (who lef at 6 am. for
t Dis at Abbevelle) that the
ttalmost looked as if Jernans
had found the key to makinanfall
He sd. Well it handly looked like that



a aot he pavient.
hat Hurley
andte ote Borte.
se i
now w
691½ Sqn
it ws down at Savy
made a daylight-midday - raid
on Actos Now 8(when 15 plaines
yours dropped bombe on sppy
& put up a smoke barrage, phospd
bussting 100ft from (ground) did
not know th anything we
intended. It ws a complete
Major Blake


Octgat Paschendaele
and as doubt the Contrary
instances prove tt
it cannot be
on reaching HQrs found
of the piish in 1 Somme
M. t
are a
came as a complete
to wennter, who had
it in confidence from
Klyiy Corps.
Our troops are well tho
live; but Bourlon - the hill wh
a great woolly headed lump wh
looks right down on
year - is not ours.
attack seems to have
Ioasmodicat as far as Pullicars
2( pet. Cavay
not continuously

Din is vidinin


on the
by moving
Eastern side
Nov 22nd.
Allday answering
letters - my mothers birthday.
Poor little mater - the last years
her eyes have been failing or rather
have been too weak for reading. The
has had to give it altogether. Her
new house at Landy Bay & her
grandchild are her compensation
thank god. Wherever mother joes
The builds up a garden that is
like herself, a very perfect wweet
thing in every
corner, with all socts
of sweet hidden beauties; & she
also builds up around herself.
a little court of
admirers - women + men both- who
attend her almost as a band of devotec


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