Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/94/1 - November - December 1917 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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12 toe at hear a6 a 1 p in 1Nort heavybobabs an 1ae hour ago. Gour tine is wit be 12 (by theire). from leave. white came backa him as t how he regarded asking the new general alled staff wh Loyd feorp has sedup to advise alhed council of Frinetunders to me it seems an obvious sensible measure - so rigpo to i s a condunnation of our sta 20t to have sufisted it before. instead of wh they Lought it now. whith says of is a good they done inwrond way. St. 2s good move, but he tikes af a welson who sapgisted Henry Ser make a job for ordir li know wilson. Wheit Sir Henry ond canable very
13 urscrupalous Irishmano has captured doyd scorp, while thinks. Haig o Robertion were syongly against ct & th is win the army as a whole is. to to me it 50 I mustday indumnation Hay & Roberton to they were agt it, a more than th id nt tiscles supp to it, before. white agreed o this It will protably breed croable of Robertoon (wis not suie Hay information 6 he feeds the suppos wilson thy Lave to f9. will probable white is abaid t tis upsetin may being a lot of attercation in England & probably revolution. te think (war will end by revolution he wants to see revolutionin Finmany come first. Ir counts someos
19 really more fitter to step into there Haig shoes & Robertions. t wan be much of an apsatting of some were in dight who seally, was more man crevted casable. The troable is to here 15 one in sight [ That this arry has fought for 3years writons discoverin such a man is only be explained by 1 extraordinary British methed of choosing men not by weir capacity but by their breeding or lact or birth merely in some cases. White agreest his system is I blight of all English institutions, though he has some belief in tike. His only famity must have helda When his father, came ttt once, the knowledge of thes on evil days. kept his head o family tadition blow. high after blow upon
No 15 iy my but stove Nov. 17 SaF. as last, so I wrots an article for te evening papers it t wonderful what a deference a stowo maked to ones enclination to work. The firing of yeity sees t have cand 48 Sunday Iam 55. aday came to Boulefue with Coleman ward &nd willig. Withing I were turned back from the 11.15- boat as it takes only the leave offcers o men send of those on leave before thos on duty acobably rightl Wynter & I went i to White yesterday to submit the scheme for sectional histori (histories of the problems of the various arms)) which membrs are to be written 6 of the force. Gullett is reall the author of the sugjestign
The schene was cas cintad officers nm shd be chosen to collect the material - & to they hin shd consult w Treloas draw each one ago the seheme of his hidlory. minute we had white read the then pointed drawn up 5 like a flash that it did not provide for the two or thia definite things to be done wh wd set the oebene going. He spetel a sport der (in A.1 5. orders) gaveny o whe a everyone knowle writn being done to a suggestd colector material a difinite order to condull Freload d o up theschig wnter as he odd Taats Juas youd white
47 think is perfect wh you then untilhe has a took as then in twe or three stroke he that samatoriu tou iwhat i lack puts it right in one act. Beidword by the returnng Nixon Daf & the of resignation of two or thuce older generals has been a full general in1 Ladian arring. white has patar his major generalsstar &his serman decoration for 1 first time. Bordwood as soonas sreption Reperen an ws dcided on wrote to abl afis pointy lelers nece f 177X te
18 of a division breaking cre to be avirte The old Leberald under Asquit ary at Leoy gorge bot Ancet because of his speech in Paris pomisi fout cantrol by alties! tcy want sit him out of to power, othey mistrust the making of our generals responsible to any one ex people. Ba4 Briti th all have heard. ari I 6 a cxce fold army 6 his speech as enturit think so does count sene I can as far a Came to boat with wilhin to consult with relar abt a ptat paplicbrana a andon
of Enluance) Col. Hurtey is our member of the British was, myscams Committee - wh is collecting tropk, te Hurbery told me to our Light Hor se captured an early (I think 6x Centery pavement in I deserd there (I fancy it is one; wh mother ttts me of from a letter of Jack Bisdee - a pavement wh ws uncovered by I turks in trench digging). Our people brought it to Cairo & intended to send it to 1 Lydney Muscum. The British members of the Ctt objected, or some of them – British archacoly, isto sd this they we most valuable it cd not be taken to Sydney. It wd be a disasty to let it go there. Harly had a real row w 1 committee over this He told them pavement ws abready ours they and inspect it & take. photos if they liked but it wd be sent to Austialia Lord Beaverbrook told me to the Governor che Genl of Australia & Canada had written in to sayiy tt all I most unique or orreplaceable trapt isc be kept by 1 tios was Muscum in Londo e Beaverbrook 15 going to fight thi's took & nail. 20 Nov 19 ppent the day Monday. in conferences with oWilkers Col. Hurley, Treloar, as to establisheng a dark room & photog aphic branch of the A.W.R.S. - there is abandan work accumulating for it. grofits has decided to ship section into largequarters Hoveeferry Rd. It will at least 13rooms Nov. 20 La order e positivg of our civeing for record surposes visited Lord Beaver th morning Sot & J. He was in his raki sown mage not los de ond I thought
24 was ths effect of the undress. at the end of it be broached te mection of the control of the photgappers, which he had enduced gen Charteris to stace under Maj. Hope, a Canadian officer. [We protectid as the time immediately, against this being done by 40 without our being bytton informed or consulted. The new censor replied t be understood from general Charteris that we had bu consulted, & to any way the t control only applied to certain matters of sale. But Founthorpe, had wo was the only man who informed me of it, Sd to Beaverbrook had Seea Hurleys work & wanted to ake him in under his own control- I did not believe Harley thes somethen
22 apkeods sd made ane wonder if it were not true – it looked as if Harlly had had an offer made to him by 1 Canadians. of all of this we knew nothing whatever 7. has been Geaverbrook M tanadian Records iny has spent money Limself photos pictures laveakly 92 a cincia there about $10,000 have returned. $6000 being the result of his book on Canada in Flanders he now wants to recomp as much as he can of this a is going to ask the Cining committee for a quarter of their fund- $25,000 (this will amount to. He orgginal ided we to give this to charitable



at 11 p.m. we cd hear a 

heavy [[boubt?]] there in / North abt an

hour ago (11 pm our time - it wd be

12 by theirs).

White came back from leave I ws

asking him as x how he regarded

the new General Allied Staff wh

Lloyd George has set up to advise

/ Allied Council of [[?]] -

To me it seems as obviously

sensible measure - so right tt it

is a condemnation of our staff

not to have suggested it before;

instead of wh they fought it now.

White says it is a good thing

done in / wrong way. It is a

good move, but he thinks it ws

[[?]] Henry Wilson. White knows

him - a very capable but




[[Mrs?]] [[?]] Irishman; who

has captured Lloyd Georg, White

Thinks. Haig & Robertson were

strongly against it' & tt is why

the army as a whole is.

I must say tt to me it is

a admiration of Haig & Robertson

tt they did not themselves support

it' before. White agreed to this

It will probably breed trouble

 - Haig & Roberson will not fail

Wilson the information support be needs - &

they will probably have to go.

White is afraid tt this upsetting

may bring a lot of altercation;

& he doesn't thinks / war

will end by revolution in

Germany come first.

It want someone




really more fitted to step into 

Haig's shoes' & Robertson. There

did because they are not there wdnt

be much of an upsetting if some

man were in sight existed who really was more

capable. The trouble is tt there

is none in sight. How That this

army has fought for 3 years without

discovering such a man is only

to be explained by / extraordinary

British method of choosing men

not by their capacity but by their

"breeding" or tact or birth merely

in some cases. White agrees tt this

system is / blight of the English

xxxx institutions' though he has

some belief in [[title?]]. His only

family must have held a

title once, & , when his father came

on evil days, the knowledge of this

& / family tradition kept his head

high after blow upon blow.




Nov.17 Sat. A [[?]] in [[?]] but

at last; so I wrote an article

for the evening papers - it

is wonderful what a difference

a [[?]] makes to ones

inclination to work.

The firing of yesty [[?]] to have


Nov 18. Sunday. I am 38 today.

Came to boutogue with Coleman

ward & Wilkins. Williams &

I were turned back from the

11.15 boat as it takes only

leave officers & men, - They

sent of those on leave before

those on duty; probably rightly.

[[?]] & I went in to

White yesterday to submit

the scheme for sectional [[?]]

(histories of the problem of

the various arms) which

are to be written by members

of the force. Gullett is really

the author of the suggestions.





The scheme was that certain

officers names shd be chosen

to collect the material - & tt they

shd consult w [[Treloar?]] to [[?]] draw

up each one scheme of his history.

White read the minute we had

drawn up; & then pointed out

like a flash that it did not

provide for the two or three definite

things to be done wh wd set the

scheme going. He sketch a short

order (in A.I.F. orders) giving

everyone knowled & of what ws

being done; & then the writing

to the suggested "Collection of

national" a definite order to

consult [[Treloar?]] & draw up

the scheme.

[[?]] as he came

out sd; "thats just like

White. You draw up c




thing wh you think is perfect

until he has a look at it;

then in two or three strokes he

shows you that something told you exactly what is lacking

& puts it right in one act"

Birdwood ; by the retirement

of Nixon & Duff, & the

resignation of two or three

older generals has become

a full General in / Indian

army. White has put up

his major General decoration

for the first time.

Birdwood as soon as

another Conscription Referral [[?]] [[?]]

desided on, wrote a

letter to all officers pointing

out / xxx xx necessity for

reinforcements not xxxx if the




break up of a division

were to be averted.

The old liberals and the

Asquith are at . Lloyd

george both & [[nail?]]

because of his speech in

Paris promising joint

control by / allies. They

want to get him out of

power, & they mistrust

the making of our generals

responsible to anyone [[exc?]].

the British people. But

all / army tt I have heard,

except on a xx some o / old army

think tt his speech ws entering

[[?]], & so does / country

as far as I can see.

Came over to London by

3.30 boat with Williams to consult

with [[Treoar?]] abt a photographic and 




Col. Hunting (of ordnance) is our member of the British

war museums Committee - wh is collecting trophies

Hurling told me tt our Light Horse

captured [[?]] early ( I think 6th [[?]])

pavement in / desert there (I fancy

it is one wh mother tells me of from a

letter of Jack Bisdee - a pavement wh

ws uncovered by / Turks in trench

digging). Our people brought it to

Cairo & intended to send it to / Sydney

Museum. The British members of the [[Ctee?]]

objected, or some of them - British [[arch?]]

its sd this thing ws most valuable -

it cd not be taken to Sydney. It wd be

a disaster to let it go there. Hurly

had a real now w / committee over

this - He told them / pavement ws [[already?]]

ours - they cd go and inspect it & take

photos of they liked - but it wd be sent to 


Lord Beaverbrook told me tt the Governor

Genral of Australia & Canada had written in to /

saying tt all / most unique or irreplaceable [[?]]

be kept by / British War Museum in London

Beaverbrook is going to fight this tooth and nail.



Nov 19. Monday. Spent the day

in conferences with

Col Hurley, & Treloar & Wilkins as to

establishing a dark room &

photographic branch of the

A.W.R.S. - there is abundant 

work accumulating for it. Col

Griffiths has decided to ship the

section into larger quarters near

Horseferry  Rd. It will occupy

at least 10 rooms

Nov. 20. In order to get the one

original xxxx negative & one

positive of our cinema film

for record purposes we

visited Lord Beaverbrook 

this morning - [[?]] Treloar

& I. He was in his dressing

gown - rather haggard looking

I thought, but I dare say that




was the effect of the undress.

At the end of it be broached

the question of the control of

the photographers, which he had

induced Gen Charteris to place

under Maj . Hope, a Canadian 

officer. [We had protested at the time,

immediately, against this being

informed or consulted. Lyttons the new

censor replied tt he understood from

General Charteris that

we had bn consulted, & tt any

way the tram control only

applied to certain matters of

sale. But Faunthorpe , had hinted

who Beaverbrook had

seen Hurleys work & wanted

to rake him in under his own

control - I did not believe

this. Hurle Something Hurley




afterwds sd made are wonder

if it were not time - it looked

as if Hurley had had an [[offer?]]

made to him by / Canadians -

of all of this we knew nothing


Beaverbrook has been

running the Canadian records

himself & has spent money

lavishly on pictures, photos,

& cinema. and These

have returned about £15000,

£4000 being the result of his

book on "Canada in Flanders"

He now wants to recoup

as much as he can of this -

& is going to ask the was Cinema

committee for a quarter of

their fund - £25,0000 this will.

amount to the original idea

ws to give this to charitable








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