Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/93/1 - November 1917 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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29 shortest of rewfts all tw and and Dion is worst of nexto t Dwn oway to lsses its heaveer Welkins has constant bor aplng agn a Harle The other day, comi back by himself, he saw t y started to shell duckboards at Jonnebele as he reached them - but decided to take his chance. In t meddleof crossing he heard a Whizs F rresently found
In the advance of 43rd Bn, I think it was, at Goomeber I Germans were seen firiing mostly a Eng. bot byi under water of a shellhole,n & ct gan in water also. A sergt saw them & caught them from Crear 31 himself lying a a shellhol his camera & gas mast cend him keeping his head above the water- Some Canadians palled him ont & took him to a dressin Ste - He we not hurt. He as still joing up. When I got back to H ansae I had a note from Milner, 15t Den, t say to the Commander on Chief had considered the recommendation immediate reward or
32 Wellems (alilery Cross) I Harly (mention wh & had sent in had decided not 6 give tha an award. I was furwas Halton Wilson & Lee tined weable D.P.O.S -N.W a pure & simple &the stai man a do- nothing 40 wichs behind ferng line whe himesen & these men nothin more fighting than any staff officer - nothing They will be putap again for the Borthday honours.
33 Nov. 114. roas to Hurley with England brother Tack My old the Hotel, was there we to explain waiting for are a seleed he has - & a thoroughly good & practicil one too - to help our men in their troubles with Penercal disease, & to protect the women of anstrati & our future nation agains the diceasesb getting the men to realise the dangers their houes &to the race. wants to form a Legron of Honour.
34 in which men can enrol themselves to protect the purity of our nation, against dixease & apt drink- Archdliacon ward who lectures on thito all our anits is enthussatis & will help him. Tock has now 100 men at each of his debit in to venereal brospitne at Bulford he is the one officer who sapports it. Th padre used to but he has dropped out. T. is awways in the Chaer. He had 500 there when they discussed conscriptic
& abt 490 voted agst it He saye the padres are looked down on by men rather than otherwise more than half of them that is to say. The Salvation army, Church arvy, PMCA men are worth their pay but the church has utterh missed it a eldiacon ward knows this to Tack's idea is to treat the men there like self respect human beings & the only care for their i alady is sett respect. He is about
the only man a mind big Seei. 36 there with enough to

12                                         29
shortest of reinfts all thro' -
and 2nd Divn is worst off
next to 4 Divn owing to
its heavier losses.
Wilkins has constantly
bn up / line agn w Harley.
The other day, coming
back by himself, he saw
tt they started to shell /
duckboards at Zonnebeke
as he reached them - but
decided to take his
chance.  In / middle of
crossing he heard a
whizz & presently found


In the advance of 43rd Bn,
I think it was, at Zonnebeke,
2 Germans were seen firing
a m.g. both lying ^mostly under /
water of a shellhole, only
& w / gun in the water
also.  A sergt saw them
& caught them from / rear.
12                               31
himself lying in a shellhole,
his camera & gas mask under
him keeping his head above the
water.  Some Canadians
pulled him out & took him
to a dressing stn - He
wasnt hurt.  He is still
going up.
When I got back to
1st Anzac, I had a note from
Milner, 1st Divn, to say
tt the Commander in Chief
had considered the
recommendation for
immediate reward for


12                            32
Wilkins (Military Cross) &
Hurley (mention) wh I
had sent in & had
decided not to give them
an award. I was furious
- Hutton Wilson & Lee
D.S.Os -  H.W a coward timid weakling
pure & simple & the other
man a do-nothing, 40
miles behind / firing line;
& these men nothing who have seen
more fighting than any
staff officer - nothing -
They will be put up again
for the Birthday honours.


12                                  33
Nov. 11th.  Across to
England with Hurley.
My old brother Jack
was there at the Hotel,
waiting for me, to explain
me a scheme he had - &
a thoroughly good & practical
one two - to help our men
in their troubles with
Venereal disease, & to
protect the women of australia
& our future nation against
the diseases by getting the
men to realise the dangers
to their homes & to the
race.  He wants to form
a Legion of Honour -


12                                 34
in which men can enrol
themselves to protect
the purity of our nation,
against disease & agst
drink - Archdeacon Ward
who lectures on this to all
our units is enthusiastic
& will help him.
Jack has now 100
men at each of his debates
in tt venereal hospital
at Bulford - he is the only
Officer who supports it.  They
padre used to but he
has dropped out.  J. is
always in the chair.
He had 500 there when
they discussed conscription


12                                 35
& abt 490 voted agst
He says the padres
are looked down on by
/ men rather than otherwise
- more than half of them,
that is to say.  The Salvation
Army. Church Army, &,
YMCA men are worth
their pay but the church
has utterly missed it.
Archdeacon Ward
knows this, too -
Jack's idea is to treat
the man there like self respecting
human beings - the only
care for their malady is
self respect.  He is about


12                          36
the only man there with
a mind big enough to
see it.


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