Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/93/1 - November 1917 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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19 as in al t all Victorian battalions their manners are pretty. They drank healt of king w all old formality in a clash of cognac, no beelers & tlan b the President & the Calling ArVice Vece President - a jencor officer at far end of one of tables on this vellage School room andwerin The King
10 20 Oct O. Friday. Abreakford came I splendid news to you had be taken. Our light Herse dote troops worked well noth of Beersheba first & Britise enfontry tackled other posites between two The Kalians are return outs a further river - the hevement Livenza. was round to te 44 the 41st Ruo. Heron. & young officer commd th 4tt has made a five ba of it. One can see to be I smartvess of the men. I
21 pooble as good as the 10 9t. As with the 37th yestey Qnotice to be has a battalion mess goig & th be wrests on the oatward forms. He wears gloves, for examples in this Frencd village. The men are neatly dressed, I emost smart in salution I have oever seen a battele wore so. Headn't ltme go & fetet my overceal told one of his men to get it; his voise completed changed when he gave ad there was a cold decision about it & he spoke it out like acommand on parsde
12 He as an older lookin man than Morshead, spare aleanshoven & more lined but their welleds are very similar. Heron, lke Morshead, to da educated man. His father has a motor boat & is therefore proby pretty well of. I is carious how this tyse of man appeals to Austialions more than you as the Badetin ad in il the typical aush far rather suactitious type morethan the slack type. The 10a & 114 Bdes are remarkebly healthy in this
23 respect- they are great families. The battalious in then stick together, are enteniciatic abt one another - & dont crob one another as some of our battalions clo. Te offer in the 37t peakin yeste were al honours as praidly o wor by the 38, 39th &601 as of their own. Mny word - Im glad old Hurry (38th Bn) has pot 5d come of his D.S.O. them - Theres nothing ed please one more
24 with the It is not so Fth Bde. He 11th Bde Brs too are delighted to be in Pst Angas, And everyone is hoping to no division will have to be boken up. I hear to Renters says A conscripted is to be tras segn in Anstialia (as from TIKNo0). I rvene is working for it & most people think to Mr Cayes helping him. I sent a cable 2 days ago- not knowing of this telling Ideliges of Astralians at all being togeter, &
25 saying clearly 6 for 1 first time (apprehension bad areicn anoupt thea that onc o these divisions might have to be brotion up in 1 sprin. There was achance to his night help recimitin Set Nov. 10. Brd Dwn jesty starts to move North 100 Bde 9th Bde yester today - by basses - 11t Bele on Monday Oterned with Dyson to 1st ang ac- the Australian corps.I believe it is not to be. In Cossal we saws
26 12 montaque of the Censors Branch, who told us to the 1t Canadian Dion had attached today along 1 Ridg for abo 1000yds past Paschendeds & the H British Devn on teir left on the weed Both had got their objective late we leard tt the British had by driven back Both Key &I Canadcans wan subjecte to trimendous shellfore all day. The attack hadbu on a very narrow pout - almost as bad as Fogueres, & the
27 geras were bardly met with at all. But they concentrated an enomious ant of artilery out the arca we took - + the British were driven in. This base canadians holding a lins like this beyond Pastendy The night is simply cle day too cold vramy of ccanadion holdon coonderful ^ they troopo
13 28 It as on such a day a our Sid Dun came back, but under ratiw more trying flank fire from Belleone. perhaps. The Bt. Dev. as pny to Abbeville 2nd to close Support; 3id4t an live. 6th to Etaples or thereabout, under GHa but with a right in fen. Birdwood to have it up whenever he Alis. All men who previously fought in it to go backts it but no remfts. The W. austh ons are the

12                                              19
like all as in all battalions
their manners are pretty.

They drank t health o t

King w all t old

formality, in a dash

of cognac, no heelers;

& thlanding the President

Caliing "Mr Vice" & the

Vice President - a junior

officer at t far end

of one o t tables in

the village school

room answering

"The King".



12                                           20

Oct Nov 9. Friday. After breakfast

came t splendid news tt Gaza

had bn taken. Our Light Horse

& other troops worked well

north of Beersheba first

& British infantry tackled

other positions between t two.

The Italians are retiring

onto a further river - the

Levement or some such

name. Livenza.

Was round to the 44th

& 41st Bns. Heron, the

young officer commndg the

41st has made a fine

bn of it. One can see tt by

t smartness of the men. It



12                                               21

is probly as goos as the

9th. As with the 37th yesty,

i notice tt he has a battalion

mess going & tt he insists

on the outward forms. he

wears gloves, for example,

in this French village. The

men are neatly dressed, &

are most smart in saluting 

- I have never seen a battalion

more so. He wdn't let me

go & fetch my overcoat -

told one of his men to get

it; his voice completely

changed when he gave t order 

- there was a cold decision

about it & he spoke it out

like a command on parade.




12                                            22

He is an older looking

man than Morshead, spare

clean shaven & more lined;

but their methods are very

similar -

Heron, like Morshead, is

an educated man. His

father has a motor boat

& is therefore probly pretty well

off. It is curious how this

type of man appeals to

Australians more than the type that

the Bulletin wd give you as

t typical Australian - the

rather punctilious type rather far

more than the slack type.

The 10th & 11th Bdes are

remarkably healthy in this



12                                           23

respect - they are

great families. The

battalions in them stick

together, are enthusiastic

abt one another - & dont

crab on another as

some of our battalions

do. The offrs in the 37th

yesty were all speaking

as proudly o t honours

won by the 38th, 39th & 40th

as of their own. "My

word - I'm glad old

Hurry (38th Bn) has got

his D.S.O.", sd some of

them - "There's nothing

cd please one more".



12                                              24

It is not so with the 

9th Bde.

The 11th Bde Bns too

are delighted to be in

1st Anzac. And everyone

is hoping tt no division

will have to be broken up.

I hear tt Reuters says

tt conscriptn is to be tried

agn in Australia.

(as from 7th Nov).

Irvine is working for it &

most people think tt

M'Cay is helping him.

I sent a cable 2 days ago -

not knowing of this -

telling t delight of Australians

at all being together, &




12                                             25

saying clearly tt for t first

time t apprehension had

arisen amongst them

that one o these divisions

might have to be broken

up in t Spring. There was

a chance tt this might

help recruiting.

Sat Nov. 10. 3rd Divn

yesty started to move North -

9th Bde yesty, 10th Bde

today - by busses - 11th Bde

on Monday.

I returned with Dyson to

1st Anzac - "The Australian

Corps", I believe it is now

to be. In Cassel we saw




12                                     26

Montaque, of the Censors

Branch, who told us tt the

1st Canadian Divn had attacked 

today along t Ridge for abt

1000 yds past Paschendale

& the 1st British Divn on

their left in the mud.

Both had got their objective.

Later we heard tt the

British had bn driven back.

Both they & t Canadians were

subjected to tremendous

shellfire all day. The

attack had bn on a very

narrow front - almost

as bad as Poziers, & the




12                                          27

Germs were hardly met

with at all. But they

concentrated an enormous

amt of artillery on to

the area we took - &

the British were driven

in. This leaves t Canadians

holding a line like this 

[* sketch of line*] beyond Paschendale

The right

is simply

vile - & t

day too -

cold & rainy 

- & if t Canadians

can hold on

they are wonderful




12                                           28

It ws on such a day

tt our 3rd Divn came

back, but under rather

more trying flank fire,

perhaps, from Bellevue.

The 1st Div. is going

to Abbeville. 2nd to close 

support; 3rd 7 5th in

line. 4th to Etaples

or thereabout, under GHQ

but with a right in Gen.

Birdwood to have it up

whenever he likes. All

men who previously

fought in it to go back to

it but no reinfs. The

W,Austtn bns are the



































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