Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/93/1 - November 1917 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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4 ever have of getting a record of themselves pub onts a negative It has be a great pleasure to let a few of the Bod Devn. regimented off is know about 1sort men they will come under at Boouzac His a strange theig to not many ftee know anything of fen. White, & some have not bears alt him at all. Ohers know of am as an officer a god seal talke of be other divisions
10 No more news of Daya & as one knew quite what did not say ell fom commanques " the Germaus have pried a crossiing of the tagliament Stalians are still retreeting. Kskhrb The Aucrican newspapers have start in their usual style s one of their pournalists told Kereusky to in England it ws considered to rassis ws out of the war - wt is no more trus of England ton aierica. Thes made Kerensky very annozedo
the paper prints all his heated answer - That Russia bad be fighting 12yrs longer then England & ws just about played out; tt she had to fight by berself whereas France had England to help her than Russia what ws greath Evercisay the people as where is near British Fleetnow to eran Navy is outon a 1 Baltic It is indescribable foll prent these silly peated storts but I suppose it
12 good cop ow way journabits that cacures every crime such talk cantweyh very mack a nentrals, d after what fermany's t gents did in case of Argentinc. Jerman WS seying to appear friendly to cargenting, making all sorts of overtures to her. Att same time her minister there wo sending cables thro the Swedies menest to fermany The se aables were obtained by the United States spos
they referred a bribe. fth cargely to Iships ciliy from argentins, whose friend germany cs all time professing to be. One cable told Ferman fovt tt a small argentine aws saili to a Franch The post. Te cable went on to advise. Eitter let her through - she is not of ea inpostance- or else sink her completely to no trace of her remains the most blackman ca
14 duplicity of wh any wodern country has ever bu found suill The argentive if had not be a Spanish American Republic wd have made was on pot. As it is though I people wanted war, the goot I suppose as well &f truly bought ha remained neutral Sweden will have it alwo recorded agst her to sher lnistere w0 were sidig almost openly oGermans on theefacilities thro her officil ireicutatioes
15 N00. 8. Yurs Godley toctay sd 100d bye to the staps of various bo End Dwn at battely A Br. Hervarre I went to 33Bor & I. Morshead tells me 3. to thereis allt diffec in (world between Rosenthal for a Bde Commcho Tobeon?R. is a man. he sd. The 34 & 35 Bn staps are still very weak & the officers of 30Bn not ben god, on whole affect the character of Cattelii a roddeal.
Knight 16 A 37 Bo HGr (Col. knowles ws in England I met capt grieve, who has just returned after his wound at Messines with the V.C. ribbon on his squarely chest. He is a buik squarefaced by haired man w a slightly guizzical humorons face. He dossnot beem to be spoit the you can see t1 others took up to him, & do a bit worshippng May Roberton, who is left in commal, Cta
when after that daray dinner. they heard they were to be attached to H4 Bnzae it as almost too good to be truc. We were overjoyed. be sd - delighterd They have bidea to 1t Angad Staff goes about gst teits far more tan and Cenzac. whom (except for gody himself, occasionally never see. Old Angae wen amdagst them have told them how Berdwood wes about awongst (men-
18 while I ws a morshead a letter came from England from some off there to say to all offrs on leave had b burriedly recolled & ct ws tapaid in th tee we trouble Esland. Robertson Sdtonight t be had heard to large bodies of Coops had lately bu going to Ireland. te offtes on all messe together, 1 first time they have had t chance sence landing in England This have dinner togetin?

12                                                         9

ever have of getting

a record of themselves

put into a negative.

It has bn a great

pleasure to let a few

of the 3rd Divn. regimental

offrs know about t sort of

men they will come under

at 1st Anzac. It is a

strange thing tt not many

of them know anything of

Gn. White, & some have

not heard abt him

at all. Others know of

him as an officer a good

deal talked of by other

Divisions -



12                                              10

No more news of Gaza;

&, as one knows quite

well from what t communiques did not say,

the Germans have forced

a crossing of the Tagliamento

o t Italians are still


Kerensky has bn

The American newspapers

have started in their usual

style; one of their journalists

told Kerensky tt in England

it ws considered tt Russia

ws "out of the war" - wh

is no more true of England

than America. This made

Kerensky very annoyed &



12                                               11

the paper prints all his

heated answer - that 

Russia had bn fighting

1 1/2 yrs longer than England

& ws just about played

out; tt she had to fight by

herself whereas France

had England to help her;

tt in Russia what ws

greatly exercising the 

people ws "where is t

great British fleet now

tt t German Navy is out in

t Baltic?" 

It is indescribable folly

to print these silly heated

retorts but I suppose it



12                                             12

is good copy & w many

journalists that excuses

every crime.

Such talk cant weigh

very much as neutrals -

after what Germany's ag diplomatic

agents did in t case of

Argentine. Germany ws

trying to appear friendly to

t Argentine, making all

sorts of overtures to her.

At t same time her

Minister there ws sending

cables thro' the Swedish

Minister to Germany.

These cables were obtained

by the United States, I suppose




12                                                   13

by a bribe. One of them They returned

largely to t ships sailing

from t Argentine, whose

friend Germany ws all t

time professing to be.

One cable told t German Govt

tt a small Argentine

ship ws sailing to a French

port. The cable went on

to advise: "Either let her

through - she is not of

great importance - or

else sink her completely

so tt no trace of her

remains - " the most

cynical blackguard



12                                               14

duplicity of wh any

modern country has

ever bn found guilty.

The Argentine if it had

not bn a Spanish American

Republic wd have made

war on t spot. As it is;

though t people wanted

war, the Govt I suppose 

ws well & truly bought,

& has remained neutral.

Sweden will have it always

recorded agst her tt sher

ministers too were siding almost

openly w t Germans in giving

these facilities thro her official




12                                             15

Thurs Nov. 8.

Godley today sd good

bye to the staffs of various

battalions & bdes of 3rd Divn at

HQrs, Hervarre.

I went to 33 Bn &

37th. Morshead tells me

tt there is all t diffce in

t world between Rosenthal

for a Bde Commndr &

Jobson. "R is a man",

he sd. The 34 & 35 Bn

staffs are still very weak

& the officers of 35 Bn

not being good, on t whole,

affect the character o t battalion

a good deal.



12                                            16

At 37 Bn HQrs (Col.

Knowles [* ?Knight*] ws in England)

I met Capt Grieve, who

has just returned after

his wound at Messines,

with the V.C.. ribbon on his

chest. He is a bldy stoutly squarely

built squarefaced light fair

haired man w a

slightly quizzical humorous

face. He doesnt seem

to be spoilt tho' you

can see tt t others look

up to him, & do a bit

of worshipping.

Maj. Robertson, who

is left in commnd, told




12                                      17

me during after dinner that

when they heard they were to

be attached to 1st Anzac

it ws almost too good

to be true. "We were

overjoyed," he sd - "delighted".

They have t idea tt t

1st Anzac Staff goes about

amongst the Units far

more than 2nd Anzac,

whom (except for Godley

himself, occasionally)

they never see.

Old Anzac men

amongst them have told

them how Birdwood goes

about amongst t men -



12                                        18

While I ws w Morshead

a letter came from England

from some offr there to

say tt all offrs on leave

had bn hurriedly

recalled & it ws tipped

tt there ws trouble in


Robertson sd tonight

tt he had heard tt

large bodies of troops had

lately bn going to Ireland.

The offrs of this bn all messed

together, for t first time

they have had t chance

since landing in England.

They have dinner together, &









































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