Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/93/1 - November 1917 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
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AWM3S Official History, 1974-18 War: Records of C E W Bean, Official Historian. Diaries and Notebooks Hem number: 3DR160619317 Title: Diary, November 1917 includes references to the 3rd Division, Lord Birdwood and the Australian Corps. AWMISS-3DRI60619311
NS E 19 7 E 3 5 32 5 2 3x 523 32 60 a "0 8- E.3 0. 52 23 to2 2 2287 5 0 35 50
ran w ACGESS STATUS OPEI Nov Sa the morning Tenal this He told me the plan De about the 4 At 1ent of offences Gen. Plumer wanted to transfer Dron back & few Godley th Birdis Sd. Sarely this is abound. well give it to him to train you all wintr & thei give it backto me to fight in wt wo be unfair Sprn Devintoyto to him. me Plumer Sal. Odno. were going to have We Corps of 3. Dinscurin 1ter Th Spaving we mcant on
12 19a 2 to Five you an English Den & the Haddayac Coyps an English Deon to make you up to y wions each! Birdis told him A this be cod find - ws directly contrary to 13xpressed wish of auather Gool. Late Birdie Saw Haig asked him & kepet t 5 Deons shd be brought together. Bok sd it ws. quite impossible - no one man admanage 5 Duns. to have ay to odd number Besides of devisiops in a cork was not peasible. The system of reliefs of Dions by
Duvns ae agst it. Berdie sd. But they Plumer told me they were going to make corps of sack Edivisions - you have an oddnumber. That ws only temporary. Sel. well, if Amther Goot offened you a 5t Dion &od t it adsapply if povided you kept the 5 together you ad accept it surely willingly, Berdie replied. Then came after Hensive (questen of how to keep Prumbers
i4 up. The 6th Dwn we shortest of recruits; Maclagansd it are not fit for Ane. So Birdwood put to Hay 1 idea of keeping ands dwn as a Resirve Division alags out resting right back at Etaphs or somewhere. It wa have to feed oher dwas if vecy; but their remfto cdnot come thig it- In this way be sd he estimated we ad have Dins in march, 8000 short of fallstrengte in all no rempts. Then if one division were
12 We badly anocke 6000 men, day- the 4t wd antomatinel take its place & the damaged Drn wd become reserve Division ea to t Renfts have be stapped for the t Deon. Mork of others seem to think that menus the brcakap of the 6t Divn Isame to Lod Dwn today a Dypson. No naws of Jaya anere we took yesty soooyds of front ling System No news of Staly - where Italians say they detained artiso
12 enemy seeking to cross the cagleaments. What does detained "mean. Feb 61. All day with Coth Bu who were having their courtuanteals tried (14 of thim at this Bn. 4 by a court w a Boitish legal cxpert - in BoAnzac we have an Aushalisn. White there, getting histon of Paschendaele & the Ridge the news arrived t Cnadions had taken Paschendalle & Mosselmarkt Their 15t & and divus getting all
84 objectives Exc. valour Farm every one we mith cheered. (As one ofman 5d - well take the Canadian wito family whi they at Paschendaels We naws also arrived to they had bee there Cransfared to 00 Angac Corps - Every one who came ofofice in o heard it who opened me ye Cone from gen. godley devering to He then to say good bye ws bremaing over to surpriss
pleasure. I told tim it wcant all our divisions wd be together that plindid. ws semple comment. Wov th BEl. With 39157 t Bus all day. I took a phote of each & of 60t of the offs at their tArs. I shall abays take one where I can, as w most of our Bus itis loul chance (owing to our absurdansorshig) to t

AWM 38
Official HIstory,
1914-1918 War : Records of C E W Bean,
Official historian.
Diaries and Notebooks
Item number : 3 DRL606/93/1
Title: Diary, November 1917
Includes references to the 3rd Division, Lord
Birdwood and the Australian Corps.
AWM 38-2DRL606/93/1


Original DIARY NO 93.
3 DRL 606 ITEM 93 [1]
The use of these diaries and notes is subject to conditions laid down in the terms
of gift to the Australian War Memorial. But apart from those terms, I wish the
following circumstances and considerations to be brought to the notice of every
reader and writer who may use them.
These writings represent only what at the moment of making them I believed to be
true. The diaries were jotted down almost daily with the object of recording what
was then in the writer's mind. Often he wrote them when very tired and half asleep;
also, not infrequently, what he believed to be true was not so-but it does not
follow that he always discovered this, or remembered to correct the mistakes when
discovered. Indeed, he could not always remember that he had written them.
These records should, therefore, be used with great caution, as relating only what
their author, at the time of writing believed. Further, he cannot, of course, vouch
for the accuracy of statements made to him by others and here recorded. But he
did try to ensure such accuracy by consulting, as far as possible, those who had
seen or otherwise taken part in the events. The constant falsity of second-hand
evidence (on which a large proportion of war stories are founded) was impressed
upon him by the second or third day of the Gallipoli campaign, notwithstanding that
those who passed on such stories usually themselves believed them to be true. All
second-hand evidence herein should be read with this in mind.
16 Sept., 1946.                              C. E. W. BEAN.





Nov. 5.
I saw the
general this morning.
he told me the plan
about the 4th Divn.
Gen. Plumer wanted At / end o / offensive to transfer
the 4th Divn back to Gen. Godley.
Birdie sd : Surely this is absurd.
You will give it to him to train
all / winter & then give it
back to me to fight in /
spring - wh wd be unfairto the 4th Division & to
to me & to him. & to t
Plumer sd: oh no.
We were going to have
Divn Corps of 3 Divns during
/ winter. then in / spring we meant


to give you an English
Divn & the II nd Anzac Corps
an English Divn to make
you up to 4 Divns each !
Birdie told him tt this -
he wd find - ws directly
contrary to / expressed
o / Austln Govt.
Later Birdie saw Haig &
asked him Kiggell tt /
5 divns shd be brought
together. Both sd it ws
quite impossible - no one
man cd manage 5 Divns.
Besides, the to have an odd number
of divisions in a corps
was not feasible. The
system of reliefs of Divns by


Divns was agst it.
Birdie sd: But they
Plumer told me they were
going to make I corps of each
of 3 divisions - you have
an odd number.
That was only temporary,
they sd.
Well, if / Austln Govt
offered you a 5th Divn & sd
tt it wd supply it provided
you kept the Corps 5 together
you wd accept it, surely,
willingly, Birdie replied.
Then came, after /
offensive, / questn of
how to keep / numbers


up. The 4th Divn ws shortlist
of recruits; Maclagan sd
it, was not fit for / line.
So Birdwood put to Haig /
idea of keeping one divn
as a Reserve Division - 
always out resting right
back at Etaples or somewhere.
It wd have to feed / other
divns if necy; but their
recruits wd not come thro'
it. In this way he
sd he estimated we cd have
5 Divns in March, 8000
short of full strength in all,
& no reinfts. Then if
one division were taken


badly knocked - lost
6000 men, say the
4th wd automatically
take its place & the
damaged Divn wd become
reserve Division.
We are sd to have
Reinfts have bn
stopped for the 4th Divn.
Most o / others seem to
think this means the
breakup of the the 4th Divn.
I came to the 3rd Divn today
w Dyson. No news of Gaza where
we took yesty 5000 yds
"of front line system."
No news here of Italy - where
/ Italians say they "detained
parties o /


enemy seeking to cross
the Tagliamento. What
does "detained" mean?
Oct 6th. All day
with the 40th Bn who were
having their courtmartials
tried (14 of them at this Bn HQ)
by a court w a British
legal expert - in 1st Anzac
we have an Australian.
While there, getting
history of Paschendaele
& the Ridge, the news
arrived tt / Canadians
had taken Paschendaele
& Mosselmarket - their 1st
& 2nd Divns getting all


objectives exc. Valour
Everyone ws greatly
cheered. "As one o / men
sd - we'll take the Canadians
into I family which if they
get Paschendaele."
The news also arrived
there tt they had bn
transferred to 1st Anzac
Corps - Every one who came
in & heard it, & / officer
who opened / message (one
from Gen. Godley desiring to
see them to say goodbye)
ws brimming over w surprise


& pleasure.
I told them it meant
all our divisions wd
be together. "That's splendid."
was I simple comment.
7th Oct. Nov. With 39th &
38 2th Bns all day - 
I took a photo of each
& of 40th - of offrs at
their H.Qrs. I shall
always take one where
I can, as w most of
our Bns it is I only
chance (owing to our
absurd censorship) tt they




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