Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/92/1 - October - November 1917 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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knew of his rable& Choucl had him marked as colour-bluis - it is sait - to preserve his life. 32 started w it, & attenddf3 years ws Zadin Command, They lost 17 out of 25 of their white officers, apparenty. He always had somcoue to carry his things for him – so his hands remaine supple. It ws vear I end of expedite to they first heard of war. Willims returned to Hustralia, got into 1 Fbyuy Corps & cameover butws found to be Colourblin. The official photographic work needed 2 men, So he got the End job - He has had to carry his cameres here in order to do work properly, + is is having I worst effect on his fingers for cello work. But we cannot get a 2nd notor
33 car yet for him & so he cannot take a man t him - Harley & he Hurley's man fill 1 car. at present. Addison, oveo1 Intelligence officers, who has had som strange experience stra I war began. He had a factory in Courtand on 1 Wesr side of a rever not far behie seen frman lues. The Ression lines were thought to be aboost impregnable & Tot Addeson lived, & his factory people worked, as comfortably as they and there at armentiere. He ws playing bridge one night at 12 when there ws a tremendous noise of fursting shells, boubs, & every sort of
34 racket. By I am. Addrson ws maken across couvlry w his pyfamas tookbrush & a few mins on a handbag, & his servants & people following to him. The Termans had started shelling heavily & 1 Russin had pannicked. There were aeroplanes ovehead droppin boubs, D Zeppelin shells falling in all I villy, people lying dead in streets as they passed throug houses ableze, explosions going on all over (county as they crossed I bridge of river the Cossacks were dashing over it at full speed wowards I rear, fagitives were running over tumblin off someof
Say 53 them, & trying to scramble out of water - the place was a pandemonum of crestes & flashes from shells, acroplaues, Sepps every where. as addison looked back he saw I cheveys of his own factory blown up, one after another. by I Russians. Briges were being blown ap too at lime. The man Addison had bu playen bridge with had rusher of to his home. I packer 9 prayerbooks in a bag & run with them he ws clean of his hear Addison says. As an ilustiation of what is going one in Russin now Addison sayste when
36 some Brgades are ordered into line by their Division mel go toBradii & say. If you pts (live we will shoot you? He says: But what can be done – it is an order? Thy say: "Oh you can-say that you have not amnunction & so on. "But, "he days the amun is there - they can see-we have alwe want lease it to as &the it wont be there tomorrow, they say - & tey pitch it in Ireight wto Priver In many ceses tie soldiers have deserted + fomed armed lands & ar suply hoig on I country ct a farm, turn out
37 owner, &live on 1 place as long as it supports them; then go somewhere Else. One of the Battalions of Dict ws sent to Petrograd to keep order. The crowd there so this ws an infringement of liberty. They has 6 maching ns at station & turned them on them as they came from I train & shot down 120. Ad this - bot Addisons FWelkins - is my casual recollection; but it is near thought that they sob be interesting. Addrson had lost his home, his factory his sister died or killed (he thinks by [Germans). Thes father's factory, too, now to Riga has sone. But he still has some money in England
38 You've hard the good news 10 two of our officers odt we at different times tonight I thought - not the Stalisn successful at last - or the Russian or a by French victory again austiation The S Divisions are to be brought together So it has been got this!at Cast. Splendis. Atso, we are to go into a quiet sector of live for 1 winter at Messues - from Armention to Wyschaete. Old Monash will be pleased to be witin the pale again w his 3od Divn. Everyone is as pleased as sunch. I think to little Hughes must have more real true live pabiatism in him tran we often credit him with.
39 Nov Y. Sunday. It has been aquiet day. There ws heavy firing yeaty at day. the Erman lattering 1 Canedian al over this arce. Todon has be much quister. The German has pub in I new divisious & Canadians, from what pirioners say st from other signs. Expect an attack tomorrow at dawn. The ferman has be drenching our batteries w gas shell. He hasa good shed + he is asuy it. He must have aed Ieffect. Our ganers daily are being showered t craitl same stuff which boke the Stahions - Twoofes were k. the other night by a shell oh bursh in their dugont.
40 The ferman is asy gas shell now as one of his man weapons. I believe we have a pas far worse than any wh he use one wh ad blid him. Our statesmen quite rightly will not allow it to be wold; - to Hood I world to blid helpless people on both sides. It is quil possible 1 german has it also & is not asing it. I wd rather lose I was than we this stueff. But I have heard soldiers ayne to if we dont (ferman is certain to then we shallaerely be suxprised & drwen back before & shd have to asg it, latit. itI dont we can ase use by us first believe in its-even so- with our poofession of faith we cannot do it. If we do use it I ferman is certain &o follow; we effect
17 nothing, & foodl world w he pleas people. Our lond politicians are perfectly right,
rsenb E224I

Colonel  knew of his value &
had him marked as Colour - blind - it
is said - to preserve his life.

started w it, & at / end of 3
years ws 2nd in Command.
They lost 17 out of 25 of
their white officers, apparently.
He always had someone to
carry his things for him - so
his hands remained supple.
It ws near / end of / expeditn
tt they first heard o / war.
Williams returned to Australia,

got into / Flying Corps, &
came over but ws found to
be Colourblind X. The official
photographic work needed 2 men,
& so he got the 2nd job - He
has had to carry his cameras
here in order to do /
work xxx properly, & it
is having / worst effect on his
fingers fro 'cello work. But
we cannot get a 2nd motor


car yet for him & so
he cannot take a man
w him - Hurley & he &
Hurley's man fill / car.
at present.
Addison, one o /
Intelligence officers, who has
had some strange experiences
since / war began. He had a
factory in Courland on / West
side of a river not far behind
/ German Russian lines. The Germ Russian
lines were thought to be
almost impregnable & so they
Addison lived, his factory people
worked, as comfortably as they
used to here at Armentieres.
He ws playing bridge one night
at 12 when there ws a
tremendous noise of bursting
shells, bombs, & every sort of


racket. By I am. Addison
ws making across country w
his pyjamas toothbrush &
a few things in a handbag,
& his servants & people
following w him. The Russians
had pxx Germans had started
shelling heavily & / Russians
had pannicked. There
were aeroplanes overhead,
dropping bombs, 2 Zeppelins
shells falling in all / villages,
people lying dead in /
streets as they passed through,
houses ablaze, explosions
going on all over / country;
as they crossed / bridge
o / river the Cossacks
were dashing over it at
full speed towards/ rear,
fugitives were running
over, tumbling off some of


them, & trying to scramble
out o / water - the
place was a pandemonium
of crashes & flashes from
shells, aeroplanes, Zepps,
As Addison looked
back he saw / chimneys
of his own factory blown
up, one after another;
by / Russians. Bridges
were being blown up too at /
same time. The man Addison had
bn playing bridge with had
rushed off to his home &
packed 9 prayerbooks
in a bag & run with them
-he ws clean off his head
Addison says.
As an illustration of
what is going one in Russia
now Addison says tt when


some Brigades are ordered
into / line by their Divisions
/ men go to /Brigadier &
say:" If you go into / line
we will shoot you."
He says : " But what can
be done – it is an order?"
They say: "Oh you can say
that you have not /
amnunition & so on."
"But, "he says, " the ammn
is there - they can see-we
have all we want"
"Leave it to us - there
it wont be there tomorrow,"
they say - & they pitch it
in / night into / river.
In many cases these
soldiers have deserted &
formed armed bands & are
simply living on / country -
go into a farm, turn out /



owner, & live on / place
as long as it supports
them; then go somewhere else.
One of the Battalions of Death
ws sent to Petrograd to keep
order. The crowd there sd
this ws an infringement of
liberty. They has 6 machine
guns at / station & turned
them on them as they came
from / train & shot down 120.
All this - both Addisons
& Wilkins - is my casual
recollection; but it is near
enough to what they sd to
be interesting. Addison
had lost his home, his factory,
his sister died or killed (he
thinks by / Germans). & his
father's factory, too, now tt
Riga has gone. But he still has
some money in England.



"You've heard the good news !" Two
of our officers sd to me at different
times tonight.
I thought - not the Italians
successful at last - or the Russians,
or a big French victory again.
"The 5 Australian divisions are to be
brought together!"
So it has been got thro' at
last. Splendid.
Also, we are to go into a
quiet sector o / line for / winter
at Messines - from Armentieres
to Wyschaeti.
Old Monash will be pleased
to be within the pale again w his
3rd Divn. Everyone is as
pleased as punch. I think
tt little Hughes must have
more real true live patriotism
in him than we often credit him


Nov 4. Sunday. It has been
a quiet day. There ws
heavy firing yesty all day -
the German battering / Canadians
all over their area. Today
has bn much quieter. The
German has put in 3 new
divisions &  / Canadians,
from what prisoners say & from
other sign, expect an attack
tomorrow at dawn.
The German has bn
drenching our batteries w
gas shell. He has a good
shell & he is using it. He
must have noticed / effect.
Our gunners daily are
being showered w exactly /
same stuff which broke the
Italians  - Two offrs were k.
the other night by a shell
wh burst in their dugout.



The German is using gas
shell now as one of his
main weapons.
I believe we have a gas
far worse than any wh he uses
one wh wd blind him. Our
statesmen quite rightly will
not allow it to be used, - to
flood / world w blind helpless
people on both sides. It is
quite possible / German has it
also & is not using it. I wd
rather lose / war than use
this stuff. But I have heard
soldiers argue tt if we dont
/ German is certain to -&
then we shall merely be
surprised & driven back before
we can use it. & shd have to use it later. I dont
believe in it use by us first-even so- with
our profession of faith we cannot
do it. If we do use it / German
is certain to follow; we effect


nothing, & flood / world w
helpless people. Our loude
politicians are perfectly right.




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Loretta CorbettLoretta Corbett
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