Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/91/1 - October 1917 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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7ol 44 29 34 to day at enteal tae ti h This at WP. ars a fer # 40 tive whire ty d a 2 Hans Ont t till betwe Strikin Romites woods. Rewns Abony. we notice Poty de down steepe tope of hill form under a fe at the 66 (8/ dug in on first ware. 0c for Thaten from bove beyond cts shell
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22 hill doen ae 4 at first th tht. Retalation we Te acofthe a C thre te a lers Romutes word athe do i 4 fom t 45 Bob 10 ow fro fa by th here passed tet on our lep Neo th alll bottom behcen 71 aod tito te ouly ac OSerny ys 4 to he en 64 attack of whe t o M the
4 Wa st ed Eno. top sare ii e hopes shell betw woods a tw chorg cloth 9 Ipere another mear o 7 Ken still it to fen sl 6 had tus ilkin 60 o photopopt t party carry ta eron fere pickets co ducktor ds ridge onto to must te this thought too far back for si fout e 23 To
24 on t or 40 triable bordind little the witlow stumps wh 6 81. Ibottom ran in valley (a good deal battered in its course Shellhotes & up purtn 01 beginanc th Plose towards yourit is little more than a Twelin 5.8 Sounelabe where our li he Started from 100 d About 4 Wh 4do from w be live t fo
25 i er dbo to in shel hote lte d o ped first sa The we tooten a nather gaod o natun 65 close crop with lyeny reddist hai on Vater in the his 6a ch tote Stell a head trunk out. his thi Rest water &his tuned 1 Eou toon open hite shert hand haf itende ove sed almost as t Oul his Hlept he wh were dul eye 4 white
154 26 tdid. 4 Ssince rifte as by him but no Ies onet fixed A couple ba Ishelltohs away ws an officer or under offiecr stripes sitve three with tis om cuff head back a Night thrown Monstache carefull ca trind a Wext hem w4 can teen yeu boub X 6 for d20 ta bread loaf of brown rifhe 4 He was 44 boots o7 puth all of t de one they
57 ts full 5 C t atder 1 ix packs mber had the Strags mans of tore We took attersty helinets, overd coupte H paper Sandbay thi wth al a Co one of thes oe i 4 th to 4w Debt the 100 ya hill tp the a were which most
38 front tie o which the from take 9h hat t tho attack dying out was stall paradad atory the couple putedup a I steffed of it of lents hitpeets t the shetthsh att fo Sr one of our la 9 304 the bown in one the waid at t. 4to bes Say lt t without look tty tan h men a 6 Oh were werae
29 540d here pow ep the Butte to4 do which Ro wood, fon much wanted we passed Se same bottom 0 4t 25h thro t waltles the tu touse farm black of fitth in to it ab of the Knrickle de a

[Sketch- see original scan.]

D41   20
There were some men 
dug into / far side o / place.
[This ws / crater wh
ws / H Qrs o / German
front line, & where they
xxx made him stand 
on Oct 4)
We x went off 
down / hill
striking between Romulus
& Remus Woods. About 
30 yds down we noticed
/ steeper slope o / hills forming 
a bank under wh the 
first wave (8Bn) dug in on 
Oct 4, for,shelter from shell, beyond its objve.


D41   21
From . top of the hill
we cd see every ridge to
Ypres - the haze prevented
me from seeing Ypres towers
clearly - but I have no doubt
one cd easily have made
them our amongst / trees:

Hand drawn sketch


D41   22
We went down / hill W -
at first we thought Retaliation
Farm was the place one of the
between three concrete
shelters by Romulus Wood.
(But afterwards I came
to / conclusion tt it was,
a prominent broken down
arm building wh we
passed later on our left.)
Xx Nearing the valley bottom,
between / two woods, I 
knew we ought to come
across signs o / Germans
who had bn k. in the
attack of Oct 4 when
our men met them in


D41   23
Sure eno', on top o
/ shell holes, between /
two woods, was a
clump of grey clothes.
There was another nearer
to Remus - & another
nearer still to it.
we had no more plates
(Wilkens had ^just used his
last in photographing a
carrying party taking
iron corkscrew pickets
up / duckboards
onto / ridge). We
I thought this must be
too far back for /
front line of Germans. So


D41   24
we went on, over
the little trickle bordered
by willow stumps wh
ran in / bottom o /
valley (a good deal
battered in its course
by shellholes) & up
/ beginning o / further
slope towards the
spur (it is little more
than a swelling) S. of
Zonnebeke. Where our
line had started from
tt day. About 100
yds from where our
line wd be we
found them. On


D41   25
They lay in about every
3rd or 4th shell hole.
The first we saw was a
boy - a rather good looking
boy - with ^rather close cropped
reddish hair, lying on
his back in the water.
of a shell hole - his
head & trunk our o /
water, ^his chest twisted
round & has tunic &
while shirt torn open.
& one hand half extended
half closed almost as
if he slept. Only his
eyes - wh were dull
sunken white - had


D31   26
changed since he died.
His rifle ws by him but no
bayonet fixed. A couple
of shell holes away ws
an officer or under-officer
with three silver stripes
on his coug cuff, head
thrown back, a slight
moustache carefully
trimmed & curled up wards.
Next him a man, who
had been carrying bombs
I fancy, for he had no
rifle. A loaf of brown bread
was by him. He wore
putties, not boots as
they generally do. All of


D41   27
them carried very full
packs. Their shoulder
straps had the Number
We took off one mans
shoulder strap, & took
a couple of helmets, covered
with their paper sandbag
material, & a cap
wh ws inside one of them,
for the Aust xxxx Records
Station A.W.R.S. 
Up the hill 100 yards
away, amongst the
remains of wire which
was certainly mostly
German, we came


D41   28
on our front line.

The tape from which the
attack had started
was still lying out
along the parados -
I pulled up a couple
of lengths of it & stuffed
them into / helmets.
in one small shell hole
log 3 or 4 of our  men -
one of them blown in
half just at the waist
so tt it ws hard to say
without looking longer
than we liked how
many men there
were. They were 1st Bn.


D41  29
We strode up from here
twds the Batte in
Polygon wood, which
I very much wanted
to see. We passed,
in / bottom o / same
valley thro wh we
had come, the ruins
of a farm house

in a bog of filthy black
muck. Above it
on a knuckle of the
main ridge were some



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