Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/252/1 - 1918 - 1935 - Part 8
Austlns cd get an
opporty to show other
units what they cd do
they wd stagger the
onlookers -up to then
they had always bn
put in after other units
eg. Poz, Passch.
Now we were
working alone as an
independt unit under
our own offrs - & the
other Austln units in /
South [[?]] before this
had demonstrated what
they cd do, & the 1 Division
ws quite sure tt it cd
do equally well. This
feeling, combined w a
feeling of absolute superiority
indivy as a fighting man
to the Hun. Their self assurance
tt, man for man, they were
worth 3 or 4 Huns. And,
up to that stage, the Austln
units had always bn on the
offensive. But now / time
had arrd when we were
" to pick our own line of
defence & wait for the
Fritzes" (as they had bn told
by J.) & they sd By Cripes,
this will do us !".
That theywere right
ws proved by / fact tt
we held / enemy on our
own positn, without
losing ground meant to be
held & later / superiority tt
our patrols obtained over
/ enemy became so marked
tt by July 1 Every digger in
the 1st Divn looked upon
the Hun as an animal to be
hunted a treated him w contempt.
(this is J's view, stated to me)
They also had wonderful
confidence in their leaders.
-they knew tt / best pozzy
wd be tn up. The knowledge
tt / sitn ws critical - we had /
notion By cripes we are going
to be licked. We had / feeling
tt there ws nothing between
as & / Chauvel Ports & we
felt "Its on us." - Where J.later walked at
The Col & Adjt every now & then,
by carefully shaded torches examined
/ map at X rds & turnings-
they were working entirely by it.
The men of J's Coy wd gradually
break into whistling. After much
discussion arrived a Xrd, where
J's coy ws to dig in. Joynt took
bearing by his compass & then
directed his 4 plus in several
directns & told them to go forwd
1000, 600, 400, 200 yds respectivly
& dig in. His Hq ws in a
farm by side of rd leading
from / forest.
Citt &
T. left the two rt plas
to dig in by thamselig
Mesun 1
& weal along w1
re t
left plns & placed them.
When he came back he found the two
rt plns had gone forwd 200 yds per bn
tn the genl live to take adv. of a copse +
some Oldgs. I had thee formed a salient.
Dawn ws breaking, shells begs to fall
near- J. thought / bldgs std be held, so
agreed. Mg. co be heard in / distance
Coy H.Q. in a big " slap up" fare - plenty
of good roons, poulty potatols, cows-
Boys had bn milking cows, peeling
spuds, cooking eggs for a feast
(hadnt had a meal for 24 hrs).
Co. ws out inspecting J's posts,
a litt thy
epost thic be
thrupt too exposed.
In front was V. Bergain
t large bldgs & a church lower
dominating whole froot. T walked
down its main street where his
b. flank joined it. Has & hard
to defend, & CO. had here withdraw
the lef post 200 y0S. Kess were
abready setting it ait os pitiful to bee
(French inhabitants comey aron
street obmen & women Who had
toddcull On leftin 1 first read ruch.
thy were helpey theensehee along both stick,
& P. stells fell wikin 50yls. Some
night have by Jspies dressed as old
woner but I had no time to Examine
them. Already straglen from PEagl.
devn out in Fout were fally back
in ccreasen neembers, & Mfbeellets
were falling Joynt. beerried along
to get plu cowad to stop strafflers
& put thea in hew posts.
It as then nearly 11amr. &
Ihas breakf.
Plu comendss now were sende
in messps to be 31,29,90
50 Deas were falling back: Icordy
I sent out pate of from Fenton's post
to see how thegs were viy & keep touch
w Dr it & lerns - & the news seet back
constantly by this patrol be sent on to
HC Copl. Whitton ir/ of this patrob we
os k. Redid good work
At 60'c. Pitt repd from L. t 29 Dio
as fally back over his sector thoroughly
demosctised & to be found he adat rally ken.
Togot out out w(as renner) a K.OYLI.
boy, who sd to be felt a buight not as
he bed neses had decent offes or NCQ.
in /a of him before? T fouredte plain
to be alive w Counces all over (place
degng in for their lines on cstrns of
a beagor of 31 Dis-a very gollant chap
who aod usist in depy in pout
of Joynts line as he sd I Auethis
were therefor uupport. Another ’s major
We ridny up & down on horseback, th he
horse ws shot, stopping Istan pede.
Megun repd A te Col, Ad & Lat off
of the Phancs Tunlers (29) is) were in his
post So I went out to see Ken. When he got
there be found to the Col & Adf had gove on
i his adjt &a few sunners to see if hecd
retake Ivillag. He ws dispucted to his of
nincer, who had reternd for 1 Btiine on
Rests bist. All to night fitting a
heard o willap, &iI mJ. it ws learnt
tCol. ( ans) had for (well
unoxed, I had sut his D. back to
get a fewmes & cattack. Te OC got
a lot of his men beenself & fierce M.g.
fire cobe heard all reft on I left of
villag. Te10 hadns buable to get
near it for heasy wepfire. It ws
assumed to Col. Cos K. or capts.
Is far we full of Coloels & offe
& tes Anght. Det for + 40D wos recalt
then 31 & 50 & be as left by ing, t only
29si vn. fosd before down word
came for 1 men of 29WD0
T, sent to all he posts to have thran
sent CHG, & puttter into
Kitchen, wh aeby & hell many F
the Austhis gavethen lot tea & a
feed. Tey were quite knocked out
by fatigu & hunger "many hednt
had a weak for 3 days. They were ten sent
to barn & were soon asteep in Straw.
Here I found he had messed a
day; the 29 Dis men were left for
(day in our truckes (Ap. 14] & were
not witdrown tell Ap 15.
Aplwg The ferns deviny mJ. of 14th
opened w foeld gun firing incending
shells cit all farmbouses along I
line & burac tem. But Te
for had a tiled roof, & after a few
shots fereus left it. To his people had
A scare, & I. ordered all outd it
to dig a 200403 in rear behiw a
bedp. He foun f the faren had a
ater & put sigs & loy Hgstef in it.
Quile sofe exc. for direct bil from heavygin
The daywo interesting as Ioshowed
theselves so boldly Ago reflemen
got a bewest, Coy offerors at 600 yo
nerchey in fours along (main Vienx Ba
read - foune in basses, deberecy alf
chusch, sooyd avay some came to
withen koyds of pists. The post of C
cogon it of Toynt caught a Coy of
ferns maraby 15 yls from their
L4-post & opined fore & K neerh
all & sent out a patid Mot 6rg
& nay octable papers poor (off
who was dead at their head
Heery t fovers were vay
dimoured cars I put E0 Tononers
uades his C.SM. to block P2d by
overturnin a farm wayon & a dray
50 y do up rd frov his post comant
the 2d n sed ows as a
patiol tohaintan commn. laterall
betw the two nt posta, as Icalon
ws exposed. Itmight sosil have bh
outftawked in Pdark.
Apps ng po shelld Ss Hl. so be
ordered the 80men of 29 Dwn whom he had
there to getcndes cover of the hedps in
rear. The only 29Dis offr - theO.- as thes
w tae, but a very good Lergt Maj.01
Lang tus seperitenda maveant.
rere sevt 3 at time at 50 yos intervale
Land after, wd cave to sowere
maseny in poit, so J. rang up fer 1
arty & discrebs tem I place. They soen
opened, & word am back to ese
s splendidly effective, shells trensting
right over the firis, who scattened.
I than gent off the 29Dis Mm
who were glad 5p, of ws&
apoligits fortheen & spoke of gpti
Theyaie saily changed, + dropped in
Eyes of ouer men. But allowances had to
be nake as they had had a rough time.
these men had hardly gone when a
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