Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/25/1 - April - June 1915 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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37 A Bm June 2d. word ws suiton to reture. The men tyy below Suiew R. wdnt take it because no offes name came p with it Arrot & anox offe were in scooped out duponts below Ibank. Then word came again, They were on I way in when Carson punda wdman & brought him in (Common later for thesJ. Thew Dumfrey (Bank Clerk I chanpion walker - then as a scaraciow &Les Bailey, &a SB wentout. Pumfrey went up to the 5men outside the Y- bullets every whereabt him - & went carefully over all of them. The SB. it ws his first trip over - was hit in I Stowach. carson came in & had to become A.M.S. & had tepacks + great costs to hand over shat night otd Butler went out at I head of some men to fet in Cbodies. But I storm, & I fere of tark prevented them So Buthy had bn right out on 1 valley t Kenyon bogt Mat walsh & Sergt OBrien were right ap at the Crench-O'B ws later Somine. Corpl Hunter (a parson from N. Qucensland a retheaded youngster) we firm into for of mks ws taneeting terig when hew liked.
YGt. Gray, a famors thot off his left 3r Shoulder, who wo sd to have shot 28 B. sunning on May 19 from his left shoulder, as ferny kneeling also, when he wshet. Clancy (a Dr Barnardoes Boy) ws Thot too & 9ytn 15/502 Sgt. Canoll famon egt. shot in raia Huubact 2/53 Sgt Renyon K. Pogieies Ty tt t dy ant Robert (the life of Bn) on I second ridge. Further left, D Finlay 9 Bn. (nold Argyll & Styplander who had a DeAt for riday w despatches in S.A.- a soods guard the wlane in Q) took two, a 4 of 5th Bn not far from the Dany Patch.
YGt. Gray, a famors thot off his left 3r Shoulder who wa so to have shot 2873. muaning on May 19 from his left shoulder, ws fering tneeling also, when he wshit. Clancy (a Dr Barnardoe's Boy) ws shot too, fellback into Carsons arms. This fire came fom up 1valley- Clanay went out with 5 bombs & 5 matches. The to were in I truck when first we arrd & we were smasheny their siftes. Th were rattled & you co hear them shouting. That night a man came in saying if Tosdan ae saptured -he himself had sot away. Sery Carroll, one 01 tamous sergts of 915 Bn ws shot in Praid at Feurbay when W Benson as atso killed. Sery Kenyon & Serft Maj. Heaton were to weltknown MC.OS. Heaton ws are old soldier of great experience. At landin te took + managed a good part of the tene after taken as to when it ws settling. Ty started t dig, under Robertof the life of Bn) on I second redge. Further lept D Finlay 9 Bn. (an old -argyll & Siyalender who had a Deat for redeng w despatches in S.A.- a soods quart the Wting in Q) took two, a a of 5th Bn not far from the Dany Patch.
33 with abt gor 10men of SBn & 9or109 9w they rushed these guns when crossing 400 they had bn diggeng on previously & had bn told (on the Qae, told on seem plaster cast) to keip going & not to stop. To after ws diging a message came etony & Roberts took them on. Roberts want straight down hill & cnto a to camp. Fortesene ws it way too. K. on Pine R. Heaton ws w Roberts. Heaton got a D.C.M. for his work. Sert Kenyon jumped out after a Turk out night - The turk had town a out 1Y. Kgumped out of trid kelled him Kengon ws kat Pizieres.

9 Bn
June 2d. Word ws sent out to retire. The
men lying below Snipers R. wdnt take it,
because no offrs name came pen with it.
Arrol & anor offr were in scooped out dugouts
below / bank. Then / word came again.
They were on / way in when Carson found a
wd man & brought him in (commn later
for this). Then ∧Pte Pumfrey (Bank clerk &
champion walker - thin as a scarecrow)
& Les Bailey, & a S/B went out.
Pumfrey went up to the 6 men
outside the [shorthand = trench] - bullets everywhere abt
him - & went carefully over all of
them. The S/B - it ws his first trip
over - was hit in / stomach.
Carson came in & had to become Q.M.S.
& had 72 packs & great coats to hand
That night old Butler went out at
/ head of some men to get in / 
6 bodies. But / storm, & / fire of
Turks prevented them. Old Butler
had bn right out in / valley.
Sergt Kenyon ws a grt
Maj Walsh & Sergt O'Brien were right up
at the trench - O'B ws later k. at / Somme.
Corpl Hunter (a parson from N. Queensland
a red headed youngster) ws firing into forward
sap o / Turks, ws kneeling firing when he ws killed.


L/Cpl. Gray, a famous shot off his left 
shoulder, who ws sd to have shot 28 Ts.
running on May 19 from his left shoulder,
ws firing kneeling also, when he ws hit.
Clancy (a Dr Barnardoe's Boy) ws shot too &

25/52. 9th Bn
Sgt. Carroll famous sgt. shot
in raid Fleurbaix
25/53 Sgt Kenyon K. Pozieres
[*Vol II Corrections*]

7      64


They started to dig, under Lt
Roberts (the life o / Bn) on / second ridge.
Further left, Lt Finlay 9 Bn. (an old
Argyll & S. Highlander who had a DCM for
riding w despatches in S.A. - a goods guard
on the w. line in Q) took two, w
some of 5th Bn not far from the Daisy Patch.


L/Cpl. Gray, a famous shot off his left
shoulder who ws sd to have shot 28 Ts.
running on May 19 from his left shoulder,
ws firing kneeling also, when he ws hit.
Clancy (a Dr Barnardoe's Boy) ws shot too, &
fell back into Carsons arms. This fire
came from up / valley- Clancy went out
with 5 bombs & 5 matches. The Ts were in
/ trench when first we arrd & we
were smashing their rifles. They were
rattled & you cd hear them shouting.
That night a man came in saying tt
Jordan ws captured - he himself had
got away.
Segt Carroll, one o / famous sergts of
9th Bn ws shot in / raid at Fleurbaix
when Lt Benson ws also killed.
Sergt Kenyon & Sergt Maj. Heaton were
[*Ap 5/6*] to well known N.C.Os. Heaton ws an
old soldier of great experience. At /
landing he took & managed a good
part of the Iine after Saker ws k.
when it ws settling.
They started to dig, under Lt
Roberts (the life o / Bn) on / second ridge.
Further left, Lt Finlay 9 Bn. (an old
Argyll & S. Highlander who had a DCM for
riding w despatches in S.A. - a goods guard
on the w. line in Q) took two, w
some of 5th Bn not far from the Daisy Patch.



with abt 9 or 10 men of 8 Bn & 9 or 10 of 9th
they rushed these guns when crossing 400.
They had bn digging in previously &
had bn told (on the Queen, told on seeing
plaster cast) to keep going & not to stop.
So after 10 mins  digging a message came
along & Roberts took them on.
Roberts went straight down /
hill & into a T. camp. Fortescue ws
tt way too. R. ws k. on Pine R.
Heaton ws w Roberts. Heaton
got a D.C.M. for his work.
Sergt Kenyon jumped out after a
Turk one night - The Turk had thrown a
bomb into the [shorthand = trench]. K jumped out of / trench
& killed him
Kenyon ws k. at Pozieres.

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