Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/25/1 - April - June 1915 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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40 Gully at 100c. When Indeans were reported he went straight out over trinct to sle if they were Indi He repute that hey were not Indian & There were 20 2d Bde fellows Who had bn put all together. Launt ws on Popes Will & bloody anyte On Day of Landing. From mas Brown Iver todht move 3 Be tell they were all togeter on the beach. We were 1st of lst bde B Co leading Lamt at head Brack in vit file Villiers Stuart Ws. 41 3Bn there. He sd. Pushon, reaps are wanted. Go ryst forward. 2 platoons of R, Co went up monach fully to Lant. Mcl. & 2 platoons went up Northern slope of Brown Will tha tot made the new line Away to et of McConighty soncont wo calleng keinps wante heretf a few men were retirns there so Brown took A Coy up to Razor Back & lay down there to tove a retirement. They didnt rttere ceased to call for terps - we io see the foord Bde goig to be right. Ias ben th Mactagan sd to me Dyin in pont of HA. DHC a contin
42 Br on left of ot half of B. 26tant D. Vition & tear. DL B. McC. Street soldring. H. Brow thear ws te whlst rally ig his by. Dewition Burns & Dear prde killed att to c Col. Owns H.O. till 4 were on Puyes Plalean Burns wit whilse cathe Dr ammoucti - cnty forhear Capt Wilsons, at Cloy thoo the heart. Note. Thy wounged on the Beach on left. J. Too were shot; not kanes) (arpenter), got 5 of the wounded away who were on I beach
43 Fn monday night a little doctor went over & attended to men in battle outport. He ws a then little man & came atorything tlludi They thrink to all wounded. n ws a mayor) Attended to Mas Brown in Howd brunch in were guth On mond afternoon abt 50 Turks dribble down over Watkers Ridge into the Jutly so as to suipe Popes Hill on rear. they did same on the 15t May (morning) This Ap3of MayAttack was general tho not deternng On Monday afternoon of tis afternoon numbers of Tark abt w00 supposed to
t Br be N gralawas came along Walkers Ridge towards Morast vally & second to freat it & drittled back. he Vavy did its best firingom Above Popes. A Path came over Serubby knotl up were gully down Shrapull gully to the beach.
45 3rd Bde. (confidential & not for publication Maclagan ws always pessumatic abt thresalt of the attack his bde ws to make. The line they were to hold ws 5000yds more or less to pnolly 94 on right (up e) 101on up Bollong on nex rit their lex t further up to toke 6 71. They cdnot have held a continuous line have been three-posts at most + Turks wahave gokin between them in Sepub & in rear (holding posite in such strength as they did. when they reconnoitred I posito Maclagan thire on the beach s were stougly held wilgure it id be impreguable as arranged & Ecoys of 9th were to take it & then come on to gun ridge to hold right of tie, Berdwood sd yes, & if there were 50 4.75 on kild Platean ate ete ets. chapting him. Bridges also thought him ressimistic. On the Eve of landing Bridges sd to mach Well M.L. you houent thaicket me yet I4 tn 2. sd yes sir I do thank you for 1 creathonow of having this job todo,
yt with my Bsde. But if we find 1 Turks holdin thege redges in any strungth I honestly dont think you'll ever see the 20d Bele again. Bsd. Oh go along with you! (On Sunday night when In 1t came down to see Bridges (before the conference Bridgs Walker & Godley were one confer) B set to him Well old pessrmest - what 2 have you got to say about it now. Md. said; t well I don't know Ser - its touch tB. I think the men turks will do it. But if the fermans come on in mass foimate on 1 left tilee Gernen I don't think anything can stop them. M. I saw that if he only cost sopc. of his men on the attact hewd only have 20od to bod 5000yds. When he got to the second HO vew lop of Owens Gully & began to get the strungs in his hands - really excellent reports were coming in, he says, - he saw it tod be imposible to so on to prcient nabers He decided saw enemy thick upon Sum rite & decided to bestting us to dig in where he was until reinfs came up. He put In cay in on his rt
i SBde and thensaw to Baby 00 wta situate Att laterenps He meant to push on as soon as reap came. Buh when he saw 100 men starting opposite + only so reaching h he reatised that it wo impossible He saw key ot situate to to take Baby 700 & from th time out be tried to send all renfs up to way. He wantd them to go up to the left of Phyges to prevent them beng sucked in t his lind, but every bn as it Tot to 1 top of Payes wat opeing uy Watkers got shapl tere & sverved down to the right onto Shrapuel Fully (3 2sp. the later lot) They did get sucked into tferig line & few exc. Lord Bn got up to the left Maclagx puts down our lasting out Tuesday night to the determnate OI stronger men hold like goun death at allcosts. There were eno trong mer to dotl
(Certainly Baty 700. (M.B.) Huscertainly Baby 1o0 M.B. 48 Maj. Kindons ale- 2Br. There ws a red sign post next to 1 tents in T camp in ? Shrapnel Jully. I w hierogly phs on it - sd to be a mune (Kingdon unders toro it amone). we went to walkers Ridg (or plateon) Abt 30 of the 3rd Bde were left there. I had DC. oftB &ewas a loy of 2Bor under Gordon. Storty ws also there shoret & Tacobo were a me. te picked upt men of Sbde & cleared the ridge. The tarks hed some truches across it There (May Kingdom says at Rassells top) we stayed. 1w0 loys of N.7s came up. They reinforced me. We were deging in there all we were Wort. Ab 2.30 2N3 came up in rear of us & we retired on other I told them to dig in & hang on. our left. our left got on to I beach. Tacbs Connan a ou right plation. I went woking for 65Bd
Br 49 He & found Madagan. I reported to him & then went back to Popes bill (wh wo beg held by N. Gralanders) & told them to reinforcements were coming. Pope reinforced them at about 10 that night. Jacobs us in the left Csin side of Walkers top when we advanced to clear Happy vally to bayonet. Shout ws on I left. & there ws a Tarkish truch (it showed as a line of brown withered Scrub) in poutof us abt 200 yds away. Our flanks were both in the air. When we cleared the top & Happy valler there were not many in pout of as & they cleared like hell, & ran back to that trench - Lont saw one warshy shall get into the trench but it us a real goodone We were on the West side of Russells top all the time- I believe the turkin
1Bn 50 brench wo near Malose full we landed north of Ari Burner & got orders from Col. or a clayn to reafora the Stde & repor to tol. M adegan. The Br got broken up coming over hill. Jacobs had one little tol + shout another. D. Coy wt facedly a m.g. on its flanke & shrapnel in front & rifle fire. agt a trech. We we were fut shgot mach - we campy e the a they edut come on whilst we were lying there. We reformed on beachon mus Wed 29th ma 604 strong. Thout seems quite clear to the went beyond the Nck. To does Treame - I did not know nek existed till they told me of it) One Dx gan ( madem gun was lost that day to the 64th Rest


gully at 10 oc. When

Indians were reported he

went straight out over trench

to see if they were Indians.

He reported that they were

not Indians X


There were 20 3rd Bde fellows

who had bn put all together -


Lamb ws on Popes Hill

& bloody angle.

On Day of Landing: - (From Maj Brown)

Owen wdnt move

3 Bn till they were all

together on the beach.

We were 1st of 1st bde.

B Co leading Lamb at head

pract. in Villiers file.

Villiers Stuart all P ws



3 Bn  

there.  Ste sd:  "Push on,

reinfs are wanted, go right


2 platoons of B. Co went up

Monash Gully w Lamb.

McC & 2 platoons went

up Northern slope of Browns Hill.

Rect of & & made the new line.

Away to rt of McConaghy

someone ws calling "Reinfs wanted

here".  A few men were retiring

there so Brown took A Coy

up to Razor Back & lay down

there to cover a retirement.  They

didn't retire, ceased to call for

reinfs - we cd see the 2nd Bde

going to the right.  It ws then tt

Maclagan sd to me "Dig in in

front of H.Q; D & C Coys came in



3 Bn.    

on left of other half of B.

\ ½B Lamb

        \ D

            \ C Wilson & Lear.

               \ A ½B McL. Street Goldring

                  \ A. Brown

Lear ws k whilst rallying his Coy.

J C Wilson.

Burns & Lear prob killed at t 4 o'c.

Col. Owens H.Q. till 4 were on

Plugges Plateau.

Burns ws k whilst calling

for ammunitn - calling for near

Capt Wilson's, at C Coy thro the


[Note.  The wounded on the Beach on left.

NZ. Sbs were shot. (not Kane's)

(Carpenter). got 5 [[? of the]] wounded

away, who were on / beach]



3 Bn    

On Monday night a little NZ

doctor went over & attended to men

in battle outpost.  He ws a thin

little man & came along / line attending

to all / wounded.  (Think ^they think he ws a

major).  He attended to Maj Brown

in / forwd trench in wire gully.

On Mond afternoon abt

50 Turks dribbld down over

Walkers ridge into the

gully so as to snipe Popes Hill

in rear.

They did same on the

1st May (morning)

this Ap 30-/May 1st attack

was general tho' not determined.


On Monday afternoon

or Tues afternoon numbers

of Turks abt 200 supposed to



3 Bn.     

be N.Zealanders came along

Walkers Ridge towards

Monash Valley & seemd to

funk it & dribbled back.

The Navy did its best

firing from above Popes.


A Path came over Scrubby

Knoll up wire gully down

Shrapnel gully to the beach.




3rd Bde. (Confidential & not

for publication)

Maclagan ws always pessimistic abt

the result of the attack his bde ws to make.  The

line they were to hold ws 5000 yds more or less.

9th on right (up Boltons Ridge two knolls) 10th on 

their left ^up Boltons Ridge & 11th further up ^on next ridge - to take by 71.

they cd not have held a continuous line

tt wd have been three posts at most &

Turks wd have got in between them in scrub

& in rear (holding positn in such strength

as they did.

When they reconnoitred / positn Maclagan

saw the wire on the beach & sd tt if K.T.

were strongly held with guns it wd be

impregnable as arranged & 2 coys

of 9th were to take it & then come

on to gun ridge to hold right of line.

Birdwood sd "yes & if there were

50 4.7s on Kilid Plateau' etc etc etc.

chaffing him.  Bridges also thought

him pessimistic.  On the eve of

landing Bridges sd to Macl. "Well McL.

you haven't thanked me yet!"

M'L. sd "yes sir I do thank you

for / great honour of having this job to do.



with my Bde.  But if we find / Turks holding

these ridges in any strength I honestly

dont think you'll ever see the 3rd Bde

again." "Oh so along with you!"

[On Sunday night when  M'L came

down to see Bridges (before the conference

-Bridges Walker & Godley were one confce)

B sd to him, "Well old pessimist - what

have you got to say about it now.?"

M'L. said:  XXXXXXX "Well I dont

know Sir - its touch & go.  I think the men

will do it.  But if the Germans Turks come on

in mass formatn on / left like / Germans

I dont think anything can stop them."]

M.L saw that if he only lost 50 p.c.

of his men in the attack he wd only

have 2000 to hold 5000 yds.  & S

When he got to the second H.Q. near

top of Owens Gully & began to get the strings

in his hands - really excellent reports

were coming in, he says, - he saw it

wd be impossible to go on w / present numbers

He decided saw / enemy thick upon

gun ridge & decided tt / best thing ws

to dig in where he was until reinfs

came up.  He put M Lag in on his rt



3 Bde    

and then saw tt Baby 700 ws / key o /

situation All later reinfs.

He meant to push on as soon as

reinf came.  But when he saw 100

men starting opposite & only 20 reaching

him he realised that it ws impossible.

He saw / key o / situatn ws to

take Baby 700 & from tt time out he

tried to send all reinfs up tt way.

He wantd them to go up to the left of

Plugges to prevent them being sucked

in to his line, but every bn as it

got to / top of Plugges inst. of giving up

Walkers got shrapnel there & swerved

down to the right into Plu Shrapnel

gully - (? esp. the later lot).

They did get sucked into / firing

line & few exc. 2nd Bn got up to the 



M.L. Maclagan puts down our lasting out

Tuesday night to the determinatn

o / stronger men to hold like grim

death at all costs.  there were eno'

strong men to do it.


(Certainly Baby 700


(It ws certainly Baby 700)




Maj. Kindons [[?ale]]

1 Bn. There ws a red sign post next

to / tents in T. camp in ?Shrapnel

gully XX w hieroglyphs on it - sd

to be a mine (Kindon understood it

ws a mine).

We went to Walkers Ridge

(or plateau) abt 70 of the 3rd Bde

were left there.  I had D Co. of / Bn

& there was a Coy of 2 Bn under

Gordon - Storey ws also there.

Shout & Jacobs were w me.

We picked up / men of 3 Bde

& cleared the ridge.  The Turks had

some trenches across it.

There (Maj. Kindon says at

Russells top) we stayed.  Two Coys of

N.Zs came up.  They reinforced me.

We were digging in there all we were

worth.  Abt 2.30 2 NZ came

up in rear of us & we retired on to them.

I told them to dig in & hang on.

Our left.  Our left got onto / beach -

Jacobs command w our right

platoon.  I went looking for 1st Bde



1 Bn    

H.Q & found Maclagan.  I reported

to him & then went back to Popes Hill

(wh ws being held by N.Zealanders)

& told them tt reinforcements were

coming.  Pope reinforced them at

about 10 that night.

Jacobs ws on the left (?right)

side of Walkers Top when we

advanced to clear Happy Valley w /

bayonet.  Shout ws on / left;  & there

ws a Turkish trench (it showed as

a line of brown withered scrub) in

front of us abt 200 yds away.

Our flanks were both in the air.

when we cleared the top

& Happy Valley there were not many

in front of us & they cleared like hell,

& ran back to that trench - I only

saw one warship shell get into tt

trench but it ws a real good one.

We were on the West side of Russells

top all the time - I believe the Turkish



1 Bn     

trench ws near Malone Gully.


We landed north of Ari Burnu

& got orders from Col. Maclaganaurin to

reinforce the 3 Bde & report to Col

Maclagan.  The Bn got broken up

coming over / hill.  Jacobs had one

little lot & Shout another.  D. Coy ws

faced by a m.g. on its flank &

shrapnel in front & rifle fire &

we were up agst a trench.  We

cdnt shoot much - we

cd simply lie there and - we cdn't shoot

muchxxxxx they cdnt come on

whilst we were lying there.

We reformed on / beach on

Wed 29th & made mustered 404 strong.

[Shout seems quite clear tt they

went beyond the Nek.  so does

Freame - I did not know /

nek existed till they told me of it)

One NZ gun (?machine gun)

was lost that day? to the 64th




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