Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/25/1 - April - June 1915 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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Belet 3rd Bde pt r & Scotts Point gully (or of y in wire gulle [Lates. There was also a camp of at least a dozen lents racts for ricketting horses, many boxes of ammuntn ite at (bagk of lone Pire, wh as hit by rortescue, toberts r othurs a yrrs. Ross & H.O. went up Buzac Fally into a round turkest outpost intr pit on 18 of Puyo. telephope Wext sent by monash gully to Maclaurins Hell & vet up Bridies Rd & went nearly to head of owens fully. Set 10412 tody. Then walked this were fully to McLaurins hill (o Chanman & Hotmes Salisburya Cd men of the 9t & 10t on Monday afternoon. Holmes ws sent to collect men in patty & take them ap to Ovens fully. There he got tremindonely tht dotted wt Sbrapvel. Cot. Wh & Ross look 15th upon Sunday night att Idm. to Phillips top +trenches & put them inpo between Mactagan & Mn Cay saken as on tharge ther & was scopment doing splendiny Macagan of him for it.
3 (From Peck Ryder, got a T horse down. Malegully sent his sergs back on it Serft let the horse go as soon us; he got towen of Farhish tes back & horse went back & ws afterwds shot Peck wsbit at to exact By Turks were comeng At th tome 100 over morter Ridge & fire ws heavy. We cout eue 111 Tn ridge intant of& saw t post of where he was. A 2 Coy of 1th & platoon of B landed from shind some balteses a little of the other. ts after 15 Did Col clark tanded Ramball of 10tws w me Jackson (11) Rockliffe U. Macfurtand (i) everett s tatoon Ramball ws left as P reported to Col. Clarke & mor with clarke up Reserve Vally roon. Mck & Poutstripped C.O. (Carke & Lator got off to left. He had his rdrawnP strouled to not to be a b. fool. te (Peck (conto)] v 32 Persent straught into Shraprel Gully bep Rock in c went on to fear H.Q. didnt find them. went to Maclaurns Hill comner & found Hemma Herbert Ooha & Hamition all of wth dein in. Cd see from there olate troups - thought it wi Tackson found is stated fellows cooks; etc Abt to way down were gater got Ryders message collected men - Newman, houtlet, Hague (is) collected & went on as far as mule jully. Booth Ryder were byiten there. Booth retirnd over J. Folly (Tis was how he got in with 30d Bn - if he was the same? Drassed in Apcerty of turks o anstralion uniforms came down (reported by Denton along E of Baby 700 down the stopes. They shouted Don't doot were Australions were afterws got by O
3Br ke 3ooth ws & on monding at 7pm. abt coartng enerys side of Maclaurs Hill were ingig out The first night, Turks i Dow Shoot were Indian scouts Majorg Brown ran along. Dont take ws sending msys amynrtice Everybody H.A Brice wogeat over by. Col. Owen. We saw 3 of them in light blue- Our men were in t trench on top of hill & they came up. Sery. M. Lellam went forward & sd Come on taks will charge the tt some one sd begnns. from trear You tlodry foots thym Indeans - prob someone who didn want to go frdt - mostot men Came back. McClelland wat ws shot & ligered 30 2Br 26 Wilson ws in a time A Co SBn occupied t RME1B Yas it is now known they were 100 yts down were gutty ersno communicati. This is the truck (filled in now with dead) in wh RM.LI were on Thussday & wh they left afters The ROYC when any ran left some wounded in French O plaloon of 3 bn - knowing the truch, went serft Maceos & Sergt Meagher (oce officers), want out & stopped until the 4h catdown to them. They got some Tarks cut off + as they tried to get back thro a whole night they were shooting them until abt 200 shot of 4Bn Heave as in (nearest Coy of Yth Bo & as the RMLI authorities dealt with him curprise - recommended him to his t tes work wh he got the
Wilson as hat on monday night ttro heard observing tho field es for 30 hes he ws in truck & ednt be gett out. Brodziak - as his abt ups Con left Buras ws shot ap Baby 700. only one officer ws wer in port of wire gulty Maj. Scobie. Scobie walked down Mule Gull by mistake thinkeng it Shrap. fully & came in at 3rd Bn Outpost on Sunday at $1200 w his nose bleeding. Beakin ws in wire suth Att There is a road up were gally, a good walk, wh led into a T. truck at head of Shrap -Valley (Maclauring Hill) out of wh Tarks were some of them driven by us when 28 2r we went in on left. The turks came down Scrubby knoll into alley thro valley & up I beaten track in wire gull . The positn is shown by the two sketch mags hereunder. tt at Prsentwere July a a Masississsien Ft L Wn 3 h Malen s Count. thnt hes sins toe peted May. Brown arrived with A Co. Maclagan sd I'd like to send you on the left bee. if they get that high land on left (B.700) were gone. But you wust hang on in front of my HO aball costs as t I have establishe myself here (be ws detor ied not to retire
20 tation. End . Brown put Mn Donald (3 Platoon) on request from carter (as 15 were attacking up were fully in S Boyds down julty weich to or steep, acrosst getty tg and tier of fire in front dcarty Brdspluation at cust we put No2 Platoon and D. Beeken 80 this tos a very broast in yds down the valle 132 Brosn went yn the eft half of Buhin. true Beckins on the kill is now known as RMLI Fench wh ws fitte in at the Armistice. The to used to smipe from it. Davidson fille it in & tarks Stroyt objected (german off (This was when the German offes appearer who gave the P.EurB name to Br 20 4th Situation. on mondve decided to hold on to battle out post & pat in Buttle Wth No 4 Platon behadARNLI trunck tbing on there titt Butter Thursday. On Monday night at dusk they came over Scrubby Knotts companies in ln just before that the vordhad come along att British & French All firig will cease for the night. The French o Boitet are just at back of 15.27 are surrounded. The NSe have alraidy captand 1000 men 2f.9s & 9 m. 9s M.C. ran along to his comanan, that up you fools.
2Bm. 31 theyre your own men! Yours losing your blocks. " May. Brown 30 The who tie will advance? At it moment tarks in light blue unifom were advan in le of Scrulby know towards wore jully May, Davidson saw cavatry attack On Sund. Afternoon we saw t. Officers on prty horses at 2000 yds in the road down Scrutby knott. Abt I people on horses. They had sone good trunche already made on Serubby knole - well conceated. & those who came down wd drop into these Te Btattack in force ws Mond, night. we repulied t without leaving our trenches. On tes, night
abt 12- Street (who ws near G.O. truch (B.6) tone pt Colour Mclap H0. old is cruck. Brown had a tocal receive of att t00 th T. truch neett McL. 5 H.A men uned to be sentup from gully- sthay lers. to Maclagan & he gave them to Brown. Brown kept what resure he wauled in his ex& Fent the rest round to Col. Owen who also had abt 200 at this time in rear of Aaytons or Steeles 32 2630 33 The 3rd Bn Lungore from Wire Gully to grees post & lung on till Thuiso Even Foday X on the night of Ap30/ May 1 (Saturday snt pange Sayut night we foundof mnnny down the hitt Trks were coming on all right. They were bad truckes (to right of Were gally). We retieved They had KoitI Anight up 220 hifle amonanation & there started We passed out to the Dear niyh mong (thant We came up late & cdbear te turks conng up. One taike stamble into trence & got 2 bayonet trunts & a butted toun but tiid- tefired hand all night but it as very darte & we ednt see we were tire over their heads
34 On Tuerday Sp. ESe charged abtt ties at abt 12to 2am we chaned i advanced to about 200 & cleared to post. The tucks in I sceub cdsee I boyonets glettiing in I moonliet. on unday (theadg doubtful of the Indcans sent out & got one of dead turks (supposit to be Endem He had rifte - nobay iad heas a wrk). Intmeantie Brown Went to H.D. HOra Indian Battery & Who D.H. Ged after consuth to Indian into batter there are ho Endians out 35 BBr in pout? Col Mackagan sd you must shoot so we did - allnight. Tesday alt noon Cob Owen assedy Watory Wia My Brown h H.A. Remps wanted on the left. The Furts were attacking Brown ws on left of new HD. & Irvice thought it ws Brown t wants recip. (this usually mant by day tp a faw men are wanted to replace camallies in firy tine or open up a nex secton of truch thestrenches bec e still in complite. I officer hadnt end men for this be called out real wanted on left) Irvine had just come up & didn't understand. He told B.
36 to deliver a tocal counterattol Br. sd teres nod in fom of me - battle out t tn port of tem & 1s in their trunches. Then Irvine took Browns 50 men. Dn to owen that the old turkigt trch B. 3c as on. lff they want than). Whelst he ws to owe be Wasstandin up in the truch wath hes periscopt when a sniper got him from behind in tback. They called this place the Death Fray 2 H.C. of3ton wo in Edwin trete aniche oft plattor near the top from wh you d to bot over t top. You used to get suppital going round the corner to Brown. 3Bo 3 Fiving ws looking over the Cop when shot in back abt 3yBs from HB. Brown hadsd a him gitdr tatt be shaped att 4430, Ii here to be smied at A few muntis afterwos Mactan came aloay to Brown I sd Nave you delivere to countie altack 2 on explaind to reinfs were not counted to meeticn atteck. Mt s in his shurt sleeves. My word Ive heard youse bndony five work te sde s & Irvice were both new from beact & didn't know what te op care thy vigtt to take. Mactaurn had just gove back when he too shat poobby same sniper- He prob hadnt hear Abt Drovine
NB. See Heron Nt Bn. Heron ws at the confer. of the 3 geverals (as synal officer) when they decided abt staying on or not slaying on Also when Tohnson took brigall over of after M. L. Killed I favoured a retirnet + Dobbin also, Owen ws sent for & took over B.t wiight ws canrying down a woundit man abt Tuesday & andter lotwere taking a wouded tack down from Popes. They passed in brtty. As toughts stretchy caught up the twite sumped up owas for him to a knife Wright grabbed a billhooke & chapped his head off. 38 39 2Bn In 2 Bm on 18 may a turk too beig looked after by aa Ame man &he ame man was catling his coat when the Turk went for him wo a tenife thought he as being matilated). Another 5.6 dressed a 1 who pulled out a purse & gave it to him Cowie was about quinns in a very hot s hop. May. Laut was on his lef. Wilson we toward - charged down clope. e wants to know who is on right. He wa badly womded in hea dis this t toodied at lefera Col own & Brown went awony whole time to night. Booth came back from Mule


3rd Bde v impt                                 

& Scotts Point Gully (N of Y in Wire Gully).

[Later. There was also a camp of at least a dozen tents,

rails Picts for picketting horses, many boxes of ammuntn

etc. at / back of Lone Pine, wh ws hit by Fortescue, Roberts & others 9 Bn]


Bde Hqrs: Ross & H.Q. went up Anzac Gully

into a round Turkish outpost

pit on I ^centre xxxx of Plugges.

Next sent th ^telephone by Monash Gully to

Maclaurins Hill & went up Bridges

Rd & went nearly to head of Owens 
Gully. Set 10 & 12 to dig. Then

walked thro Wire Gully to McLaurins'


Salisbury ^& Chapman & Holmes led men of the 9th & 10th

on Monday afternoon. Holmes ws sent to

collect men in / gully & take them up

to Owens Gully. There he got tremendously hit

hotted with shrapnel.

Col. McL & Ross took 15th up on

Sunday night abt 1a.m. to Phillips Top

& put them into by ^trenches between Maclagan 

& M'Cay. Saker ws in charge there & was

doing splendidly. Maclagan recommended him

for it.



[From Peck.]

Ryder got a T. horse down Mule Gully

& sent his sergt back on it. Sergt

let the horse go as soon as he got 

back & horse went back to xxx ^towards / Turkish lines

& ws afterwds shot.

Peck ws hit at 10 exactly.

At tt time ^the Turks were coming [symbols] over Mortar

Ridge & fire ws heavy. We cdnt see

Gun ridge.

P. ws adjutant of ∧11th 19th & saw 

men in front of where he was.

A ½ Coy of 11th & platoon of B landed from

battleships a little ^behind some [symbols] of the others.

10 minutes after Peck landed Col Clark

landed. "Rumball of 10th ws w

me Jackson (11) Rockcliffe (11)

Macfarlane (11) Everett (11)

Rumball ws left as ^reserve xx platoon"

P. reported to Col. Clarke & moved

with Clarke up Reserve Valley & over

neck X P. outstripped C.O. (Clarke

& Lalor got off to left. He had his

sword drawn - & P. shouted to 

him not to be a b.. fool.)



3 Bde [Peck (Contd)]

Peck went straight into Shrapnel

Gully. Left Rock. in ∧charge [symbol] & went

on to find H.Q. didn't find them.

Went to Maclaurins Hill Corner

& found Hemming Herbert Oldham

& Hamilton all of 10th digging

in. Cd see from there isolated

groups - thought it ws Jackson - 

found isolated fellows Cooks etc.

Bbt ½ way down Wire Gully

got Ryders message. Collected 

men - Newman, Lourtit,

Hague (11) collected & went on

as far as Mule Gully. Booth &

Ryder were together there.


Booth retired over J. Jolly (? This

was how he got in with 3rd Bn - if he was the same?)


A party of Turks [symbols] ∧dressed in Australian

uniforms came down (reported by

Denton) along E of Baby 700

down the slopes. They shouted

"Dont shoot we're Australians"

& were afterwds got by Q.E.



3 Bn

Booth ws killed on Monday at 7pm.

abt Courtney enemys side of Maclaurins


The first night Turks [symbols] ∧were singing out

"Dont shoot were Indian scouts."

Major Brown ran along: "Dont take

any notice." Everybody [symbols]∧ws sending messages

to H.Q. Price ws sent over by Col. Owen.

We saw 3 of them in light blue -

Our men were in / trench on top of /

hill & they came up.

Sergt R McLellaind went forward & sd

"Come on lads we'll charge the

beggars - [symbols] ∧give them the bayonet". Some one sd

from / rear "You bloody fools they're

Indians" - prob someone who didn't

want to go forwd - Most o / men

came back.

McClelland  xxxxx ws shot & lingered 30 hours.



3 Bn

Wilson ws in a trench on

A Co 3 Bn occupied the "RMLI Bn [symbol = trench]" as
it is now known.

They were 100 yds down Wire Gully

in 3 tiers, with no communication. This

is the trench (filled in now with

dead) in wh R.M.L.I. were on Thursday & 

wh they left afterwds.

The RMLI when they ran left some

wounded in / trench. A platoon

of 3 bn. knowing the trench, went

Sergt Macleod & Sergt Meagher

(since officers), went out & stopped

until the 4th cut down to them.

They got some Turks cut off &

as they tried to get back thro a 

whole night they were shooting

them until abt 200 shot.

(Heane ^of 4 Bn ws in / nearest Coy of 4th Bn

& as the RMLI authorities dealt with him

they - to his gt surprise - recommended him

for a DSO for his work - wh he got



Wilson ws hit on Monday night

thro head observing thro field

glasses. For 30 hrs he ws in /

trench & cdnt be got out.

Brodziak - ws hit abt

Courtneys (on left)

Burns ws shot up Baby 700


Only one officer ws ever in front

of Wire Gully - Maj. Scobie.

Scobie walked down Mule Gully

by mistake thinking it Shrap Gully

& came in at 3rd Bn Outpost

on Sunday at 12 o c w his nose

bleeding. Beckin ws in Wire


At 9 o'c There is a road up

Wire Gully, a good walk, wh

led into a T. trench at head

of Shrap. Valley (Maclaurins

Hill) out of wh Turks were

some of them driven by us when




we went in on left. The Turks

came down Scrubby Knoll into

valley thro' valley & up / beaten

track in Wire Gully.


The positn is shown by

the two sketch 

maps hereunder:-


Trenches at

Present (Wire Gully)


RMLI       4 bn


Trenches as they originally

were in that position (1st situation)



(Commn Trench has since bn made).


Maj. Brown arrived with A Co. Maclagan

sd I'd like to send you on the left

bec. if they get that high land on

/ left (B. 700) we're gone. But

you must hang on in front of

my HQ at all costs as th I have

established myself here (he ws determined

not to retire)



2nd Positn ^Situation. Brown put

McDonald (No 3 Platoon) on request

[symbols] ^from Carter (as Ts were

attacking up Wire Gully in

gt force) 30 yds down gully, which

ws v. steep, across / gully

in a 2nd tier of fire in front

of Carter.

3rd Situation

At dusk we put No 2

Platoon und Lt. Becken 80

yds down the valley. This ws a very brave thing.

Very brave thing.

Brown went down with Becken.

The left half of

[Diagram]  Becken's trench

on the hill is now known 

as RMLI Trench wh ws

filled in at the Armistice. The

Ts used to snipe from it.

Davidson filled it in & Turks

strongly objected (German offs)

[This was when the German offrs appeared who gave their

name to G.O.T  CEWB.]



3 Bn     4th Situation.                    

On Mond we decided to hold onto to /

battle outpost & put in

Butler with No 4 Platoon

behind the RMLI trench


[Diagram    We hung on there till


On Monday night at dusk they

came over Scrubby Knoll as 

companies in line.

Just before that the word had

come along abt British & French

: "All firing will cease for the

night. The French & British

are just at back of Ts. & Ts

are surrounded. The NZs

have already captured 1000

men 2 & 9"

Shortly McC ran along to his

command: "Shut up you fools -



3 Bn                             

theyre your own men! You're losing

your blocks." Maj. Brown

Abt 6.30 "The whole line will

advance." At tt moment Turks

in light blue uniform were advancing

in line of Scrubby Knoll towards

Wire Gully.

[Maj. Davidson saw cavalry attack.]

On Sund. afternoon we saw T. officers

on grey horses at 2000 yds on

the road down Scrubby Knoll.

Abt 5 people on horses - They had

some good trenches already made

on Scrubby Knoll - well concealed

& those who came down wd drop

into these.

The 1st attack in force ws

Mond. night. We repulsed

tt without leaving our

trenches. On Tues. night



abt 12 - street (who ws near 

G.O. Trench (B6))




Brown had a local reserve of

abt 200 in T. trench next to

McL.'s H.Q. Men used to be

sent up from gully - stragglers -

to MacLagan & he gave them

to Brown. Brown kept what

he wanted in his of ^reserve & sent the

rest round to Col. Owen who also

had abt 200 at this time in 

rear of Claytons or Steeles.



3 Bn                                  

The 3d Bn hung on from Wire Gully to

Quinns Post & hung on till Thurs or

even Friday X


On the night of Ap 30/May 1 (Saturday

Apr 30 - May 1 night (Sat

on 1st of May

night) we found 8 of RMLI

running down the hills - Turks

were coming on all right - They

were bad trenches (to right

of Wire Gully). We relieved

RMLI tt night. ^They had left 220

rifles, & ^ much ammunition & these

started we passed out to them

next morning. (Chatham ^Deal)

We came up late & cd hear the

Turks coming up. One Turk

stumbled into / trench & got 2

bayonet thrusts & a bullet

wound but lived - we fired hard

all night but it ws very dark

& we cdnt see. We were firing

over their heads.



On Tuesday Ap. 20 (?) we

charged abt 4 times.

At abt 12 to 2am we 

charged w advanced to

about 200 & cleared the 

front. The Turks in / scrub

cd see / bayonets glittering in

/ moonlight.

On Sunday (the adjt), being

doubtful of the Indians,

sent out & got one o / dead

Turks (supposed to be Indians)

He had rifle - no bayonet fixed

& he ws a Turk).

In / meantime Brown

went to HQ. HQ rang

up Indian Battery &

D.H.Q ^who sd after consultn

w / Indian Mtn battery

"There are no Indians out



3 Bn

in front". Col. Maclagan

sd you must shoot." so we

did - all night.


Tuesday afternoon Col. Owen

padedpassed along via Maj Brown to

H.Q. Reinfs wanted on the left.

The Turks were ^not attacking.

Brown ws on left of new

H.Q. & Irvine thought it ws

Brown tt wanted reinfs.

(this usually meant by day

reinfs a few men are wanted

to replace casualties in firing line

or open up a new section of trench

bec ^the trenches were still incomplete. If

officer hadnt eno' men for this he

called out reinfs wanted on left).

Irvine had just come up &

didnt understand. He told B.



to deliver a local counter attack

Br. sd  theres no T. in front

of me - battle outpost ws

in front of him & Ts in their

trenches. Then Irvine took

Browns 50 men on to Owen

thro the old Turkish trench.

(B. sd its on / left they want

them). Whilst he ws w Owen he

was standing up in the trench

with his periscope when a

sniper got him from behind in

/ back. They called this place

the Death Trap   


HQ 3rd Bn

Irvine killed


H.Q. of 3 Bn ws in

a niche on platform near the top

from wh you cd have to look over

/ top. You used to get sniped at

going round the corner to Brown.



3 Bn                                 

Irvine ws looking over the top

when shot in back abt 3 yds from

H.Q. Brown had sd to him "get down

- youll be sniped at". He sd

"I'm here to be sniped at".

A few minutes afterwds Maclaurin

came along to Brown & sd: "Have 

you delivered tt counter attack?"

Brown explained tt / reinfs

were not wanted to meet an

attack. McL sits in his shirt 

sleeves. "My word Ive heard youve

bn doing fine work" he sd. He 

& Irvine were both new from beach

& didnt know what they ought care

they ought to take.

Maclaurin had just gone

back when he ws shot prob by

same sniper - He prob hadnt heard

abt Irvine.



[NB. See Heron]                      

Heron ^2nd Bn. ws at the confer.

of the 3 generals (as signal 

officer) when they decided abt

staying on or not staying on.

Also when Johnston took

over ^brigade after McL. killed,

& favoured a retirement &

Dobbin also. Owen ws

sent for & took over.


S/B L Wright ws

carrying down a wounded

man abt Tuesday, &

another lot were taking a

wounded Turk down from

Popes. They passed in /

valley. As Wrights

stretcher caught up the

Turk jumped & went

for him w a knife. Wright

grabbed a billhook & chopped

his head off.



3 Bn                            

In 2 Bn on 19 May a Turk

ws being looked after by a

AMC man & the AMC man

was cutting his coat when the

Turk went for him w a knife

(Thought he ws being mutilated).

Another s.b. dressed a T who 

pulled out a purse & gave it

to him.

Cowie was about Quinns

in a very hot shop. Maj. Lamb 

was on his left. Wilson ws

forward - charged down slope

He wanted to know who is on

our right. He ws badly wounded in

head in this trench - he died at Alexandria.

Col. Owen & Brown went along

whole line tt night.

Booth came back from Mule



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