Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/25/1 - April - June 1915 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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The follg order ws issued 25th April The GOE, A & N3 Anmy Coms wichisto place on record by ansucution o getanty & dash oth wh the 3od anat Bde arrid gut tatint gomntion intere to it of tandnyg in 1 fau of opposition on an openbearcth. In spiti of eneny being ready & o heavy casuattes involved at short range, the Bryade pressed on, carryng sunccessive, positions in face of heavy fire & completry a hagartoned operats in a manner reflecting I highet credit on 8 commanders & troops engaged. During this advance & Brigads captured 3 kerupp trupp funstaabe MajoBrand was commanded for his work tha
three weeks. Our Left 151 Day Col. Bauchope says; There as a m.g. on top of No 3 post (Ner) (where I photeed T truch today Tuly 2B) in a brunch similar to one on Queenald knoll & N.Knoll. Abe a M.9. at foot of hill nar strean. Another M.g. on apper end of shepherds but know & a pourte on lower end above Fishernans Hut. There were ther boats on beach - I opp. nearly No 2 post; one opp. Listermans Hut, one a little S. of F. Hut. three who after landin, when No2 Pat Ws taken up, there were still 14 dead in our of these boats belonging to 7Bn. The pantes hs so shot thro th when they treed to make strands of it it wont hold. The water proof sheets roars, were riddled io bullits, The Oars were ased to make telephons roles The bronze or iron air Eight compartment was aswas a slove. The boat ws troken up & I law ons piece, in a bullet thoo it, now as I little tastable for 1 commander of r 2 Post in a little leaf covered grotts (hks that of a tea gerole) built for Col. Banchoger. Thes No 2 Post wo first taken up by As Marines & Stalor trenches dug. I hew bodies were found here when we occupied the place. When we moved one o1 boate for wood the Turks laid on it as they reckoned we cool cut it up after nystfall. After sundown a heary fere ws opened on it but we expected it + kept away fom I place. boat 2 boat Paud drawn by Col. Barchopy 5 hagush 54 53 5 old No 3 + HHFO 57
& Plan drawn by Col. Baischope. Agnt ACHI No 3. Post. When N.3, after holding it for 48 hours lost nearly every man in it & lost trunc, the Tarks got right outs shepherds Hat Ridge & tried to rush the brenches up a steep sand slope on the S.W. side. 20 dead turks were found here + one N.3. offear w no identity disc evedently killed first day or in early days only recognisable by his hafor
Engrs 1st day but over water farther Dawkins Shrap. Gully Williams For 2 hrs Engrs dypn dem were more orlesd cooped up under bank on at of Shrapnel. I First night after one hoars reor nearty all enges in anxac were kept on digging trenches all night on top of theis ridge in Plugges Flatean in case of a cave in.
Signallers 2 Synalters of D.H Osection were sent offt find posite of each Bde. From th time out they were used as guides Signallus brith Wasson Pier.
There was service on the afternoon. Abt Epm the Eentioned tr . The Ship issued a tot of ran mentumed in in the morning just before going into the boats, after we had form uppon deck. Tust about midnight they were knocked up.& had hat cocoa given them by the Navy. The Navy did all they could for our in (The old cervice thunched this new fis four on its first fight cew.) 16 Landin A Brr (from Col. Lyall Johnaton & ad)t. transternd Fat Lemnos H Suffolk Bothotd A CoY(RN & G on (goldfields were transferred wilt & OQ to H.Ws. London say The men slept on 1 mess decks- 500 of our ins tyng out of their quarters to crew, Capt & att allowle to sleep & bath man dit $1 Thenwere 2 tows of A Co & 2 tows CCo. w H2.30 we pulled up. You faint outher of this coast. We cout see the other ships. No confusionnot a word gohen. Monly thin to be heard was 1 throb of attenae we started together but some o ther tows got between us. soon after we left the shy, Commde Dick ws shouting all I time keep more to starbd Tirst before est the shore. we turned to the left & the boats looked as if they were going to collide. Fon pognt of Ar Burny. we struck some Couds Dct, jas before sachan shore so my complimnent to the colonel & lett ing we were govt 5i1 pashed about I witl too far nouth Tust before reachin shere, 3006o,400 t 7 yards out, we saw a light alt at 1,blo bulding on
1Br Saba Tepe & a light showed on the point withate of Hri Barnn where redoubt ws. It ws a lamp or Antern- it just flashed for a fellmoment. Then col heard voices & what appeared to us to be a sentry giving a warning - carried distincte one lond ovr appeared to be sente A admutght They ll came from that whispere to captleane to they had seen us. tyes fime ite pop tuynes in toer By again. Te order to cast off ws then given, the boat started pullin & a shot ws fired - We co see 1 flash of it from I redoult - Sitence ws still mantained. That shot went high. whistler over. A few second later we got a shower of Cullets - a m.g. from redoult on top opened on us We asked stroke to try depth of int water. He put a oar & frund its abt to our armifets. It cos a tha mistake ta land wippacks. We were going very stowty. We found the packs upactu, The Picket boat opene withher m.g. from very close - firng at the cresa Buklits smod to be coming from allaton
11Bn 18 front. The Ts. seemed to be to right & left of redoubt & in redoubt, The Captain CMane. The Order ws. given: "fix taymets"-Capted. said. The success of entuprist depends on yr taking this hell wa rush! Ao1 men stormed up hill several shots were fired at us from rear. Me shouted back - dont fire on yrown men, but they were smpers who were meaded On board suffoll every man had had it explaind to them in what directu (not map) they had togo officers only had maps. our first breather wo on top of Paps Malean. There were 2 lines of trenches one near foreedge of 1 Platean one near rear end of Platean-Thast Turtes were bayoneted on this. The sprinters had gone ahead + kelled th me in this forwd tunch & the men reformed beo the st lan two degtroyer had bn their menf ofmbros) almost on top of dutryanay y has trastnd us (Chelmer & another same ofa with at Lemnos (very smitted, day night The i had be told you must go forward. you are coveri trogrs whotever of the opposite. We had abt 3 Coys of bu there & one ptation of all sorts of details of we put there under aniceA geera direction wS pointed out to them in director of courtin
1Br 19 st Fire exe. from suipers had steadied. concupated fixe Therews no our we lost abl men. We went down ata huk into the gully, in some places Hlti owing to diff nature of tcountry; the battalion, Hationslest & comtally exceptabl 315pon Plues to entienct (& occupying thhig is) worked up the other cide to front & to left of vatler. Very much mixed. In valley g lot of shrapned Ges rifte fire - from Cpchielly. This was at 9.0c. They hang outo 1 edge constanty charpng foud & back from Edge May Brown ws on our right & Bde H9 with an amumn reserve of Plugges so te sent lack to bring amunn & water from Plugges. Many remp went fom there & we directed, them. Draton & Sellly were Everitt, an observation post on the lef & had w. ser) Post there which they ocupred tipt the foloy huraday When N3T A arrived the garrison of Physes Flatean ws moved out o sen. walher toot overour Faon moved out to supportt Brd Bn. (on motday, On tres they were abooted in the foring time. The Babe 600 pet we 50 stro & puhend ap details att 120 Strong. They were asked for rent by kyter of 10th & went out to him - covered his retirement. & got seattered into firing line, Durely this is wrong -CE.W.F.
20 Neuman came in on right of Mactagans Ha m19. Peck, Newman wire wih shatparty. to ay Reid & Cooke went out thats wa darty & never got back. Reid ws wounded in both legs. They were heavily pressed & had to leave him. Capt- Tallock ws wounded out I same way in hugh & fet back himself [The C.O. who gives this account didnt really know where his men got to CFWI3] 3nd Bde were called to beach on wed- May. Robertin & Col got there on Thurs. There were 350 out of 1023. we lost quite so percent. May 19 11th were at Turkey knott downds that ado wt enpleded turks. At Dawn furt ty were crouched under Tasmania. Post tr The1th themsctols to safe. were cnpladin them 284 weat hup7 Tune O.28 Tume we wet out - we wist attacking ingagidtocover tadvango, 912 1 Sy Kidgt. The ts wert ins a hollow so we had to so for ward over the Estober fire tohear o T Gunte Cey. Tolat Cas. 21 k. 421 3oficers of C.Co. K.& I woundes leave in the only one lep. mac Lmpreasigos of Landing (Ross & Peck 3rd Bdl weck went do were getly 21 Ryde got onto mostar owens jull. went down 9510as owens gull Loutit, Newman were in tt directn also Rde r wysgriven Plant had ben on ie back 60. Our men got. outo tcrest of Baby 700 Ross saw them charging & recharging with tayouet att midday. Finally they offanelife & were driven back Had no out popes & quine machine gun rection of End Br were certainly on Baby 700, Ryder on mortar Ridge send back for recnf. &. Peck & Newman went towards him. Hespes hit. He retin Ac w am Fect ws foremost, over Countie No Bn. wd go up the welk from Puges Palean . Bnaten Bn gotonts Pliugges, net straprel, Caue into fully went ap Monash valley. Macksgan had seen that baty 700 a the bey tesfed on at by to so up it way but they, all sot suched in or coure Etc. Terin a camp at vollor of wire gully &

The follg. order ws issued:
25th April.

G.O.C., A & NZ Army Corps wishes to place on record

his appreciation o / gallantry & dash with wh the 3rd Aust Bde

carried out / difficult operation entrusted to it of landing in / face

of opposition on an open beach. In spite of / enemy being

ready & o / heavy casualties involved at short range,

the Brigade pressed on, carrying successive positions

in face of heavy fire & completing a hazardous operation

in a manner reflecting / highest credit on

commanders & troops engaged.

During this advance / Brigade captured 3 Krupp

guns (disabled).

Major Brand was commended for his work






Our left 1st Day ^three weeks.

Co. Bauchope says:

There ws a m.g. on top of No 3 post (New)

(where I photoed T. trench today July 26) in a trench

similar to one on Queensld knoll & N. Knoll. Also a

m.g. at foot of hill near stream.


Another m.g. on upper end of shepherds hit Knoll 

& a fourth on lower end above Fishermans Hit.


There were three boats on beach - 1 opp. nearly

No 2 post; on opp. Fishermans hit; one a 

little S. of F. Hut.


Three wks after landing, when No 2 Post

ws taken up, there were still 14 dead in one

of these boats belonging to 7 Bn. The [[paietes?]]

was so shot thro th when they tried to make

strands of it it wont hold. The water

proof sheets & oars, were riddled w bullets.

The Oars were used to make telephone poles

The bronze in iron air tight compartment was

used as a stove. The boat ws broken up &

I saw one piece, w a bullet thro it, used 

as I little teatable for / commander of No

2 Post in a little leaf covered grotto (like 

that of a tea garden) built for Col. Bauch oper.


This No 2 Post ws first taken up by our

Marines & shallow trenches dug. Their 

bodies were found there when we occupied

the place.


When we moved one o I boats for

wood the Turks laid on it as they

reckoned we wd cut it up at the

nightfall. After sundown a

heavy fire ws opened on it

but we expected it & kept away

from / place.


Sketch map


Plan drawn by

Col. Bauchope.


Sketch map



No. 3 Post

When N.Z., after holding it for 48 hours,

lost nearly every man in it & lost /

trench, the Turks got right onto Shepherds

Hut Ridge & tried to rush the trenches

up a steep sand slope on the S.W. side.

20 dead Turks were found here &

one N.Z. officer w no identity disc

evidently killed first day or in early

days only recognisable by his uniform.



Engrs 1st day.


Dawkins put over water further S.

Williams Shrap. Gully.


For 2 hrs Engrs lying

down well were more or less

cooped under bank on a/c

of shrapnel. St


First night after one hours rest

nearly all Engrs in Anzac

were kept on digging trenches

all night on top of this ridge

in luggers Plateau in case 

of a cave in.




2 signallers of D.H.Q section

were sent off to find position of

each Bde. From the time out they

were used as guides.


Signallers built Watson Pier.




11 Bn (from Col. Lyall Johnston & Adjt)

Suffolk. I Transferred at Lemnos A.  C

A Coy (Perth) & C Coy (Goldfields) Perth Sold along 

were transferred

with c H.Q. to H.W.S London.

The men slept on / mess decks - 500 of our men ^ships

crew, ^the Capt & all officers turned out of their quarters to

allow us to sleep & bath.


12pm. hot cocoa -men did but

There was Service on ^board i the afternoon.

Abt 8pm the E men turned in

men turned in. The Ship issued a lot of rum

in the morning just

just before going into the

boats, after we had formed 

up on deck.

Just about midnight

they were knocked up &

had hot coca given them

-by the Navy. The Navy 

did all they could for our men.

(The old service launched this new fit force

on its first fight CEW.B.)


There were 2 tows of A Co & 2 tows C Co.

At 2.30 we pulled up. You ^could just see I

faint outline of this coast. We cdnt see the other

ships. No confusion not a word spoken. The only thing

to be heard was / throb of the small engines.


We started together but some other tows got between

us. Soon after we left the ship, we

Commdr Dick was shouting all I time

"Keep more to starbd!"

Just before reaching the shore we turned to

the left & the boats looked as if they

were going to collide.


We struck some o I boats on point of Ari Burnu.

Comdr Dick just before reaching shore sd

give my compliments to the colonel & tell him we were

pushed bout 1 mile too far north.


Just before reaching shore, 300 to 400

yards out, ws we saw a light abt I bldg ofbuilding on



11 Bn

Gaba Tepe & a light showed on the point

w. c the s) about where

of Ari Burnu where blue the redoubt ws.

It ws a lamp or lantern - it just flashed

for a few moments. Then col heard voices

& what appeared to us to be a sentry 

giving a warning - carried distinctly

-one loud voice appeared to be sentry.

They all came from that Point. / hig ^(the adjutant) whispered

to Capt Leane th they had seen us. The

order By this time we had turned in again.

The order to cast off ws then given,

The boats started pulling & a shot

ws fired. W cd see I flash of it

from I redoubt - silence ws still

maintained. That shot went high -

whistled over. A few seconds later we

got a shower of bullets - a m.g.

from redoubt on top opened on us.


We asked stroke to try depth of

water. He put ^in his oar &found it was abt

disappeared up to our armpits. It ws a 

mistake ws to land with packs. We were going very

slowly. We found the packs upset us.

The Picket boat opened with her m.g. from

very close - firing at the crest.

Bullets seemed to be coming from all along




/ front. The Ts seemed to be to right & left of'

redoubt & in redoubt.


The Order ws given:"fix bayonets". Capt sh The Captain (?Leane)

said": The success of / enterprise depends on yr taking

this hill w a rush." As / men stormed up /

hill several shots were fired at us from / 

rear. Men shouted back - dont fire on

grown men, but they ^were snipers who were



On board I Suffolk every man had had it

explained to them in what direction (not ^on I map)

they had to go. Officers only had maps.


Our first breather ws on top of Plugges

Plateau. There were 2 lines of trenches

one near / edge of fore edge of / Plateau  one 

near / read end of Plateau- The last Turks

were bayoneted in this. The sprinters had

gone ahead & killed the men in this forwd trench

& the bn fr men reformed between the

two trenches. We had the The They destroying had landed

these men (^destroyer had bn off Imbros) almost on top of

us (Chelmer & Another) same destroyers we had practised

with at Lemnos (very similar, day & night). The men

had bn told: "you must go forward - you are

covering troops whatever the opposition.


We had abt 3 Coys of bn there & one

platoon of all sorts of details wh we put

under an officer ^there. A general ws ^direction ws

pointed out to them in direction of Courtney,




Post. Fire exc. from snipers had steadied-

There ws no xxxxxxx concentrated fire but we lost a xx few men. We

went down at a run into the gully, in some places

filing owing to / diff. nature of the country;

& routinely ^the battalion, except abt 3 platoons ^left on Plugge's

to entrench (& occupy in Turkish trench) worked up the

other ) side to front & to left of valley. Very

much mixed. In valley there ^ was a lot of shrapnel

xx & rifle fire - from left chiefly. This was

abt G.O.C. They hung onto I edge

constantly charging forwd & back from edge.

Maj. Brown ws on our right & Bde HQ.


We formed to an ammn reserve on Plugges so

we sent back to bring ammn & water from

Plugges. Many reinfs went from there & we

directed them.


Everett, sh cd Denton & Sellby were

on the left & had an observation post (Ev. & Selby) Post there

which they occupied till the followg Thursday.


When N Z & A arrived the garrison of

Plugges Plateau ws moved out & Gen.

Walker took over & our 3 platoons ^were moved

out to support th 3rd Bn. (on Monday).

On Tues. they were absorbed in the firing line.


The Baby 600 party w were 60 strong & picked

up details abt 120 strong. They were

asked for reinfs by Ryder of 10th

& went out to him - covered his

retirement & got scattered into firing line.

[Surely this is wrong - G.E.W.B)



Newman came in on right of Maclagans HQ.

w m.g. Peck, Newman were with that party.

Reid & Cooke went out that way with a party & never

got back. Reid ws wounded in both legs. They

were heavily pressed & had to leave him.

Capt. Tullock ws wounded out / same way

-in thigh & got back himself. [The C.O. who gives this

account didn't really know where his men got to (EWB)


3rd Bds were called to beach on Wed - Maj. Robertson

& Col. got there on Thurs. There were 350 out of 1023.

We lost quite 50 per cent.


May 19

11th were at Turkey Knoll downwds & had

a sap wh enfiladed Turks. At Dawn Turks

they were crouched under Tasmania Post [[throwing?]]

themselves 6 safe. ^They / 11th were enfilading them.


28th June On 28 June we went out - we were keeping I Turks

engaged to cover / advance of 9th who were attacking ^Snipers

Ridge. The trenches were in a hollow so we had to

go forward over the trench to bring fire to bear on

T. trench in the valley. Total Cas. 21 K. 42 w.

3 officers of C. Co.  were k. & 1 wounded. Leane ws

the only one left.



3rd Bde. Impressions of Landing (Maclagan Ross & Peck)

Peck went down Wire Gully.

Ryder got onto Mortar Ridge from Owens Gully.

9 & 10 went down Owens Gully.

Loutit, Newman were in th direction also.

Plant had bn on Pine Ridge & was driven

back too.

Our men got onto / crest of baby 700.

Ross saw them charging & recharging with / 

bayonet abt midday. Finally they

no officers left & were driven back

onto Popes & Quinns.


Machine gun section of 2nd Bn

were certainly on Que Baby 700.

Ryder on Mortar Rudge went back 

for reinf. & Peck & Newman went

towards him.

At 10am Peck ws foremost. Hit by over He was hit. He retired

over Courtney.


No Bn. wd go up to the Neck from

Plugges Plateau. Bn ctn Bn got onto

Plugges, net shrapnel, Came into gully

went up Monash valley. Maclagan

had seen that baby 700 wd the key & begged bn after

bn to go up th way but they all got sucked in on Courtney

etc. There is a Camp at bottom of Wire Gully &



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