Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/15/1 - August 1915 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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approached I truc w their hands up. Our new putled them on, seged to them to take their rifles off & come in. Then they sent them back to explain to others. All this tiue 1 Sekhe. Gurkhes, 1 Austiclians were bryay for all they were worth to make 1 Ts understand the wanted them to come in. But others out of view who didit understand (Eop. the Counnnces) lod fire & each time a few 15 droppis + I rest ranback. Then a chap in white pants came into (French & Sd Doctor! Wext a T. came along towards the m. 9 wh had bu calplared W3. tar by I maones apt 32
Earks . When he saw it he powered his bayonet suddenly & signed to our men to lay down their arms Of course they t didnt. Maj. Grigor then wentalony to 1 lefto trench Wherebe ws alone & spoke to some to there. They had by shaken our men's bands & he shook the hand of one by 1.t00. He is a swall man & the Tos aby on & the bex 15 mp suddenly tighline on us & he felt bimacly very droaght out of trech He pattedback & managed to tear himself free. I didnt fire but walked back + to tour men to open fire at when of course Ts gt back into screlb. Somewere k.
34 Lates. Our interpreter Nicholas, pass my dueponet & I told him this story. He sd. Thats funny! Hhat agrees w what on Armenian officer told me I thought he wa inted. He sd to they had got 3 New Zealand pris. -oners to day, & the colonel of bu thought they might get more of they gave then 1 chance. So thay he sent this Armenian officer to trunck to try get o man to five up their arns. Ae Armenean came forward & signed to our men th he wanted them to lay down their arms, & ter men segned to him to lay down his. He got right into thrench and our oficer sent him back to explain to Pt. th if they put down their
armss we wel take them prisoner 25 &treat them well. He wentback - but as it ws no good explaining this he told his man to our weh wanted some of them to come wnto our trench + pubdown their arms before we cd surrender. They did so &he kept tem there & took them prisoners. Nicholas thought man we romancing (he as very hight Streg & when an Indian passsed he shrank back Shevera & askg who's t? they say they murder as!N told him to to & have a sleep - & a rest & he did so & had made upa sufferent take by next worning. Beb it ws his wild
36 take to ws true. The were they got prisoners were I daresan those I saw cut off in 1 trench. see also oter end of book for Aug6 folls
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approached / trench w

their hands up. Our men

pulled them in, signed to them to

take their rifles off & come in. Then

they sent them back to explain to /

others. All this time / Sikhs, /

Gurkhas, / Australians were

trying for all they were worth

to make / Ts understand they

wanted them to come in. They

But others out of view who didnt

understand (esp. The Tommies)

wd fire & each time a few Ts

dropped & / rest ran back.

Then a chap in white pants

came into / trench & sd "Doctor!"

Next a T. came along towards

the m.g. wh had bn captured by

N.Z. & turned by / Maoris agst /



Turks. When he saw it he lowered 

his bayonet suddenly & signed to

our men to lay down their arms.

Of course they didnt. Maj. Grigor

then went along to / left o / trench

where he ws alone & spoke to

some Ts there. They had bn shaking 

our mens' hands & he shook

the hand of one big T. too. He is a

small man & the T ws a big one

& the big Ts grip suddenly

tightened on his & he felt himself

being dragged out o I trench.

He pulled back & managed to

tear himself free. T. didnt

fire but G. walked back &

told our men to open fire at

once when of course Ts got

back into scrub. Some were k.



Later. Our interpreter, Nicholas, passed

my dugout & I told him this story.

He sd :Thats's funny! That agrees w

what an Armenian officer told me

-& I thought he ws mad. He sd

th they had got 3 New Zealand prisoners

tt day, & the colonel of /

bn. thought they might get more if 

they gave them / chance. So they he

sent this Armenian officer to / trench

to try & get our men to give up

their arms. The Armenian came 

forward & signed to our men tt
he wanted them to kay down their

arms, & our men signed to him

to lay down his. Het got right into

/ trench and tried to peren our

officer sent him back to explain

to / Ts. tt if they put down their



arms we wd like take them prisoner

& treat them well.

He went back - but a it ws

no good explaining this he told his

men tt our men wanted some of 

them to come into our trench &

put down their arms before we

wd surrender. They did so & we

kept them there & took them 


Nicholas thought / man ws

romancing (he ws very highly

strung & when an Indian passed

he shrank back shivering &

asking "Who's tt? they say they 

murder us!" N. told him

to go & have a sleep - x a rest

-& he did so & had made 

up a different tale by next

morning. But it ws his wild



tale tt ws true.

The men they got prisoners

were I daresay those I saw

cut off in I trench.


(See also other end) 

of book for Aug 6 follg.






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