Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/15/1 - August 1915 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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15 Bn on Any 8 slope. 14th get too far to et 22 up gully ending wd in abdel not stope enday w Has intended 166t followed 14 into head of gully. Ts tried to outflank us to et. There was little dijpory. pour men to sup back Secing it ws Iv8 under cover of fully of Asna Dere then who crossed field were hit- but not men who kept to N of it. A.R. Spiva ws not much day in at the time Cd Dear Lad Bde abt 450 but didn't hear of ti Never saw barbed were & never I atrenc oul sorse wh is very nearly as good
15 Bo. Aug8. 23 Started 850 on Sth Hat 290 on 8t 120 of them messey Started a 26 officers Finishe w Col. Ad. T. Dr. Padse & one other allothers were k.W. or m. 15 men under youden prob. Tarreaderd The col. ws abt broken & done up & his bo seems to have be deed faged. I believe some of them are Id to have known thenselve down tor tired to fight or run away. Turks are sd by a woundedman to have strippe these men & then shot them - but the man ws badly wounded & scared. Camon doesnt think the were on the Maiajits - He thinks it ws dsma. XV
18Bn. 24 The 18Bn. Landed Aug 21s or 20 as ordere out abt 2.30 or lates on morning of Aug 22, to round off Col. Rossells posity on knot 60. Everyone wants hese new Austalians -greathin cheery fellows whom it diyour heart good to see - guite te byp f I have ever seen, & such a pplended cheery contrast to our tireo old fellows My were all Eagerly askan questions & they had two god point of an order ron quickly down lenc & ( Tey were quiet. Foo two days one us continacly any them fou out towards Bduchopes Hill where Col Holmes had his H.D. very inquiisitive as to howtays were 7 This night at 2.30 Mey were ordered outto the loft take trenchs marked in man
That mag was wrong. The C.D (E.S trenc certainly cuble round the Weatern side of knot 60 & I think it has two brouches, one going to the right & the other 4 bending back N. ) I am told by may pfor that trench Ih goes to a deadcad. Tkis held by Sikho Connaught Rangers & Turkhas & the 19th Bn has been put in on left of thurkas to connect ap w British who after coming ap excellently on aug 21 just to keet ti Sikhs suddenly fellbact
I don't know treason. 26 100ads, good Tbey had an onormouss artilery sreparetion & we had none for our charge of Au 21, The Bte had to come tho a sate between Lekho & Garkhas to deply - arrived there 6.30 open dayhight & deployed underfire & charged ap hil. The first live ws led by capt Goodsell. Tey reache trust & were going along it down N. Shope of Will when m. gs Pobouts them. They came out of t part. Maj Lane however stil held part of truill, but there los F. braich alt royds away &he
2 as attacked io bombs. The man knew nothing abtbombs & gradually withdrew down trench LT. It seens to me they met two unforcueen tride, but this may not be so I went outon A 23 found them being withdrawn except so all part of 50 who were convelting NE with Siths CA3 trench. The men in I truch had maorcs next tm. As I got ut trud there ws a good deal of ferig from our maw on right- Maoris I thak were nervous. Every Austrahian os looking anxioubly along his bayonet at the schab - land an officer a specticles ws saying aueet boys - quiet lads- I dont want any of you tofere
28 unless he can actualy see some to shoot at I lote them I thought the shooting as simply parrie they cooked a but anxious but they werent firy for men who had been at it 36 who hadnever seen action before to want bad The Ts might for all they knew have been creping ap- or might have wushed them and entont of the bash (wh actet As teir head cover). I saw that Col. He clearly had at the remolest idee of what the had or hadne done- He wa saying in fronto 1 me that they had lost thir confidence that it ws weeked to put them in tered as they were (why they were
24 bucking their packs of as milner sutet comparet to onr men. He as sure they had be shot down by 1N. gealanders, marderego. They didn't know the look of a bout they ladabbu geven time – it wi have be better to put them in & tell them nothing (wh I ater susped io just abt what the Colonel did for be didnt seem to understand his orders. And now theyre bla me for this! he sd in froutdf them – clearly first then to be done for the Had of a good regiment like this one is to Sack Col. Chapman & Hsd. he wdn't act on ond
40 like those if he got them again. I saw. Maj. Gorgor in the tench & Capt Blair outside of y pigor tola as he had brought his men over but advt find Dare when he got over Kaiajik. He had to face a very hot fire - but charged trincl & got a faw 15 in it. some of them worked up right Comana trench out a second truck (those were fellows I tought were the L3th They went along with boubs but the 13th wd not ap with them & they disht hold to part of trench - Abt 12 went
on & to think some were cat but two sot back. can help thinking the o me of 13014 cd have coneon. men The N.3. with them were withddn & put in towen down - I must find how this ws done. I ws probably bother where 131 Cx crosse than where W did - V.3. seemed to thank it ws avery not cornev. N3 fenally took not quite up to 1 comma. brench That night an exhaordua they happined. Att 2.30 300 tarks were seen con out of bush to rifles sh They stopped & a few

15 Bn
on Aug 8
slope. 14th got too far to rt 
up gully ending w d in Abdel
not slope ending w A as intended.
16th followed 14 into head of
gully. Ts tried to outflank us
to rt. There was little digging.
Seeing it ws done J told our men to keep back
under cover of gully of Asma Dere
Men who crossed field were hit -
but not men who kept to N of it.
A.R. Spur ws not much dug in at tt
Cd hear Ind Bde abt
4.50 but didn't hear of Tommies,
Never saw barbed wire
& never saw a trench. Only
gorse wh is very nearly
as good.


15 Bn.
Aug 8.

Started 850 on 5th
Had 280 on 8th.
120 of them missing.

Started w 26 officers
Finished w Col. Adjt. Dr. Padre & one other
all others were k. w. or m.
15 men under Youden prob. surrendered
The Col. ws abt broken & done up -
& his bn seems to have bn dead
fagged. I believe some of them are
sd to have thrown themselves
down too tired to fight or run
away. Turks are sd by a
wounded man to have stripped
these men & then shot them - but
the man ws badly wounded
& scared.
Cannan doesnt think they
were on the Kaiajik  - He thinks
it ws Asma.



18 Bn.
The 18 Bn. landed Aug 21st or 20
ws ordered out in evening abt 2.30
or later on morning of Aug 22. to
round off Col. Russells positn on
Knoll 60. Everyone wanted "these
new Australians" - great big
cheery fellows whom it did your
heart good to see - quite the biggest
lot I have ever seen, & such a splendid
cheery contrast to our tired old fellows -
They were all eagerly asking questions
& they had two good points  (1] an order
ran quickly down / line & (2) They
were quiet. For two days one ws
continually passing them going out
towards Bauchope's Hill where
Col Holmes had his H.Q. very
inquisitive as to how things were
going.  This night at 2.30 they
were ordered out to the left to
take trenches marked in map



That map was wrong. The C.D
trench certainly curls round the
Western side of Knoll 60

Diagram - see original
& I think it has two branches,
one going to the right & the other
bending back 

Diagram - see original
I am told by
Maj Grigor that trench JL goes to
a dead end. JK is held by
Sikhs Connaught Rangers &
Gurkhas & the 19th Bn
has been put in on left
of Ghurkas to connect up
w / British who after
coming up excellently on
Aug 21 just to meet the
Sikhs suddenly fell back



1000yds. Goodness - I don't know / reason.
They had an enormous
artillery preparation & we had
none for our charge of Aug 21.
The 18th had to come thro a
gate between Sikhs & Gurkhas
to deploy - arrived there 6.30
open daylight & deployed
under fire & charged up hill.
The first line ws led by Capt
Goodsell. They reached trench
& were going along it down
N. slope of hill when
got onto them. They came
out of tt part. Maj. Pope Lane
however still held part of
trench; but there ws T. trench
abt 20yds  away & he


ws attacked w bombs. The men
knew nothing abt bombs & gradually
withdrew down trench L.J. It seems
to me they met two unforeseen
trenches, but this may not be so.
Col Chapman  I went out on Aug 23
& found them being withdrawn
except small party of 50 who
were connecting NZ with Sikhs
in NZ  trench. The men in / trench
had / Maoris next them. As I
got into trench there ws a good
deal of firing from our men on
right - Maoris I think were
nervous. Every Australian ws
looking anxiously along his
bayonet at the scrub - and an
officer in spectacles ws saying
"- Quiet boys - quiet lads - I
dont want any of you to fire


unless he can actually see something
to shoot at."  I told them I thought
the shooting ws simply panic.
They looked a bit anxious
but they weren't firing - & for
men who had been at it 36
hrs & who had never seen
action before tt wasn't bad..
The Ts might for all they knew
have been creeping up - or
might have rushed them any
moment out of the bush (wh acted
as their head cover).
I saw their Col. He clearly
hadnt the remotest idea of
what they had or hadnt done -
He ws saying in front of / men
that they had lost their confidence
that it ws wicked to put them in
tired as they were (why they were


"bucking their packs off"
as Milner put it compared w
our men. He ws sure they had bn
shot down by / N. Zealanders,
murdered by They didn't
know the look of a bomb - 
they hadnt bn given time – it
wd have bn better to put them
in & tell them nothing (wh I
rather suspect is just abt
what the Colonel did for he
didnt seem to understand his
orders - "And now - they're blaming
me for this!" he sd in front of
them – clearly / first thing to
be done for the good of a good
regiment like this one is to
sack Col. Chapman. He sd
he wdnt act on orders


like those if he got them again.

I saw Maj. Grigor in the
trench & Capt Blair outside
of it. Grigor told me he had
brought his men over but cdn't
find Dare when he got over
Kaiajik. He had to face a
very hot fire - but charged trench
& got a few Ts in it.
Some of them worked up /
right Commn trench into a
second trench - (those were /
fellows I thought were the 13th.)
They went along with bombs
but the 13th ws not up with
them & they didn't hold tt
part o / trench - Abt 12 went



on & they think some were cut
off; but two got back - I
cant help thinking the 100 men
of 13 & 14 cd have gone on.
The N.Z. ^men with them were withdrawn
& put in lower down - I must
find how this ws done. It
ws probably hotter where 13 &
14 crossed than where NZ
did - N.Z. seemed to think
it ws a very hot corner.
NZ finally took not quite
up to / Commn. trench.
That night an extraordinary
thing happened. Abt 2.30
300 Turks were seen coming
out o / bush w rifles slung
- They stopped & a few

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