Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/14/1 - August 1915 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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1 14 t in reserve. 16 in touch to indians. We started burial WSLgett amnn- getting away wounded digging tloking for fathern C $51 posit Abt 5. 30 yeu consent for me to discuss I offensive got orders it 700 to lin gen he, to attack to sach ? as I a surphes) up Abdul R. Spiir Soas to draw enemy down sur fom t other wa o I so the idea to
4. 304 of attack I hadnt end ? & 6 exhannte gen Cosarranged for me added bo LBnK.O. Lancaster h 6rs D at 9pn8 ws put in trenches at 2 am 16& 16 Brs. My plan ws to leave 13, with 15.14.16 fomm assaulting Col. 15 be 14 & 16 main body, We issued from 2 at Sam for abs 1000 yds marched in Col. of rouli entired a Lu 1head of column reached just as te
turn of the speer to S we reached foot of A.R. Sper. & came i of fire. They got scattered – Post 1000 men I sent back word to I cont he any further than posite we had reached- I required of P2 newbus 9is where as to c Sigas or withdraw behind am defencive live. Abt. 50C I got g0 from M.G. Cox to Wellidra behind my defensive time after Evacuatin all wounder. detailed Capt Rose to
command rear pard w 4 in go rone platoon. During be only. Fire ws coming from cullies on both sides & from summit 15th lost at least 400 Rose put ap a splended fight & mowed down C. attack after C. attack down the ridge& mowed down There ws a lot of bravery in wacuating was & willdrawel ws complete by 8.30. On Sand aft. W5p we a county attack on t front of 13Bnt CI ROLR) & this ws reputsi
hurkas got up or 2 (This is a note concerning the Curkhas getting to th crest on Moud. - the first I had heard of it, I think. Tund is an evior) Caw B. 217/2 a littledif much loss to in Sence fellows have day wonderfully - & lost X few men Brit. units aroun them lost heavily kings own our truches lost near 200 m incl2 majors k. in 70 13 Bn1 tont lose 3o.
It is quite char tome to monash did not know where his ble got to on Fiend morning. Dare says definitily t he weatng after 15th along ridge on other side of Kajalik Drie - on wh Kerk trenches now are - be pocated me out the place they trned up (wheatfield) place they 15th got broken at (scmmb) & place he himself got to - allow t sper - the says he w have stayed there. Lock thinks he led theme up Abdul Kahman spur. clearly they ought to have had some one to guard this left. If there tos any opposition at all on the Saty fron directur of Addul R. they were sure to be c-attacked from there. It was a hopelsss sut of sttack - atterly in the airs DAE
Monash used I same forate as 1 Tarks when they sept over Chanck Leer. It was al fern parbeltson - pallation wass plation colona, one platoon in lie behind othor The [s came over the ridge at abt I am on Tuesday in this formation & the navalglens artillery sumple swept them away. Bodes went ito I ai at ever bierst. Then they came over as coys an time - finally i 558 65 - but 5 or 6 a enough for a sheapael shat to be sent at them. They
were being pounded from the rear as wellas from pout. Ove battery fired (then say) 100 rounds. Eastwood thank 1tes must have boat 4000 dead & certainly the sandy slope ander Chamnk. Ban is still shastly a dead bodie Duriy1day wounded were trying to crawl up over the deed. Efect Saw a wretihed little black pup loping along the beach today, in + out - disappear in directe of Swola. Wonder where now he came ellebian's calentates that the Rive
Gen Godley’s Report (Beaely Bill) has abready rove sur accounted for t000 casuallies in 1 beach Reca fay out. Attack on Sari Baix Aug6-10. Gen Satly's t& 13 Di of tro. NZ Cnt Bde. 29 (Prit) Inf. Brij. 10th Dron 4 Aust. 12. Ble. 29 Ede 1nd. Inf. (itch & Cark) 183 Bdes Aust L.H. N.E. M.R. Bde. 1Bn Maons wek NE British Bpdrs & hows - Bde of fnd. Mountain Arty, NZ Engrs, NEI Hust Supply+ services () Otago, Cant, well, Aick MR. & Maoris under, B. Gen AH. Russell (a N.3lr) & 4th S.W. Borderers &5 Wiltsheres ander B. Gen. T.H. Travers formed covering force for gen attack on Sari Bair
They draw enemy from nearer I posts w Right assantlanyg Col. (N.3. 1nf Bole. KyN3 Engls And. M. Batty Commanded by B. Pln. T. E. Tobnston a N. Zealander of N. Maffor Bhire Regt) L8/ Assaulting Col. under Bsij. Gen H.V. Cox (291nd1y/ Bele, 4 Aust. pt Bde under B. Gen T. Mones Field Co.N. 3. Engrs & ad M s. Bok these columns after night march thro' diff I estaplihed himselve at foot of Massef of Chunuk Bair (8864 a Mcantine 113ALH Beles cnder D. Juo Chaumes & Hughes had containnd (by fire & bombs) a large Ne of Ts in post of Quinus Popes & walkers. At 4. T0 they dashed out & cleared out 17.4 nearest to them; but more than this they were unable to accplish & they then witndre to their own lies. Continued to contin

15 in reserve.
16 in touch w Indians. We
started burial [[shorthand]] & S [[shorthand]] getting
amnn- getting away wounded,
digging trenches & looking for
gathering [[?]] & [[?]] [[?]] positn.
Abt 5. 30 Gen Consent for me to
discuss [[?]] offensive [[?]]
got orders at 7 o’c to lin
gen he, to attack to
sach ? as I a surphes)
up Abdul R. Spiir Soas
to draw enemy down
sur fom t other wa
o I so the idea to


4. 304 of

I hadnt Eno’ ? 6 exhannte
gen Cosarranged for me
added bo LBnK.O. Lancaster
h 6rs D at 9pn8
ws put in trenches at 2 am
16& 16 Brs. My
plan ws to leave 13,
with 15.14.16 fomm
assaulting Col. 15 be
14 & 16 main body, We
issued from 2 at Sam
for abs 1000 yds
marched in Col. of rouli
entired a
1head of column reached
just as


turn of the speer to S we
reached foot of A.R. Sper.
& came i of fire. They
got scattered – Post 1000 men
I sent back word to I cont he
any further than posite
we had reached- I required
of P2 newbus
as to c
or withdraw behind
defencive live. Abt. 50C
I got g0 from M.G. Cox to Wellidra
behind my defensive time after
Evacuatin all wounder.
detailed Capt Rose to


command rear pard w 4
in go rone platoon. During be
only. Fire ws coming from
cullies on both sides & from summit
15th lost at least 400
Rose put ap a splended fight
& mowed down C. attack after
C. attack down the ridge&
mowed down
There ws a lot of bravery in
wacuating was
& willdrawel
ws complete by 8.30.
On Sand aft. W5p
we a county attack
on t
front of 13Bnt
ROLR) & this ws reputsi


hurkas got up or
(This is a note concerning
the Curkhas getting to th crest
on Moud. - the first I had heard
of it, I think. Tund is an evior)
Caw B. 217/2

a littledif
much loss
to in
fellows have
day wonderfully - & lost
few men
units aroun
them lost
kings own
our truches
lost near
200 m

incl2 majors k. in
70 13 Bn1
tont lose 3o.


It is quite char tome to monash
did not know where his ble got to
on Fiend morning. Dare says definitily
t he weatng after 15th along ridge
on other side of Kajalik Drie - on wh
Kerk trenches now are - be pocated me
out the place they trned up (wheatfield)
place they 15th got broken at (scmmb)
& place he himself got to - allow
t sper - the says he w have
stayed there.
Lock thinks he led theme up
Abdul Kahman spur.
clearly they ought to have had
some one to guard this left. If there
tos any opposition at all on
the Saty fron directur of Addul R.
they were sure to be c-attacked
from there. It was a hopelsss sut
of sttack - atterly in the airs


Monash used I same forate as
1 Tarks when they sept over
Chanck Leer. It was al fern
parbeltson - pallation wass
plation colona, one platoon in
lie behind othor The [s came
over the ridge at abt I am
on Tuesday in this formation
& the navalglens
artillery sumple
swept them away. Bodes
went ito I ai at ever
bierst. Then they came over
as coys an time - finally
i 558 65 - but 5 or 6 a
enough for a sheapael shat
to be sent at them. They


were being pounded from
the rear as wellas from
pout. Ove battery fired (then
say) 100 rounds. Eastwood
thank 1tes must have boat
4000 dead & certainly the
sandy slope ander Chamnk. Ban
is still shastly a dead bodie
Duriy1day wounded were
trying to crawl up over the
Efect Saw a wretihed little
black pup loping along the
beach today, in + out - disappear
in directe of Swola. Wonder where
he came
ellebian's calentates that the Rive


Gen Godley’s

(Beaely Bill) has abready
rove sur
accounted for t000 casuallies in 1 beach
fay out.
Attack on Sari Baix Aug6-10.
Gen Satly's t&
13 Di of tro.
NZ Cnt Bde.
29 (Prit) Inf. Brij. 10th Dron
4 Aust. 12. Ble.
29 Ede 1nd. Inf. (itch & Cark)
183 Bdes Aust L.H.
N.E. M.R. Bde.
1Bn Maons
wek NE British Bpdrs & hows - Bde of fnd.
Mountain Arty, NZ Engrs, NEI Hust
Supply+ services
() Otago, Cant, well, Aick MR. & Maoris
under, B. Gen AH. Russell (a N.3lr) & 4th
S.W. Borderers &5 Wiltsheres ander
B. Gen. T.H. Travers formed covering force
for gen attack on Sari Bair


They draw enemy from nearer I posts w
Right assantlanyg Col. (N.3. 1nf Bole.
KyN3 Engls
And. M. Batty
Commanded by B. Pln. T. E. Tobnston
a N. Zealander of N. Maffor Bhire Regt)
L8/ Assaulting Col. under Bsij. Gen H.V.
Cox (291nd1y/ Bele, 4 Aust.
pt Bde under B. Gen T. Mones
Field Co.N. 3. Engrs & ad M s.
Bok these columns after night march
thro' diff I estaplihed himselve
at foot of Massef of Chunuk Bair
(8864 a
Mcantine 113ALH Beles cnder D. Juo Chaumes
& Hughes had containnd (by fire & bombs)
a large Ne of Ts in post of Quinus Popes
& walkers. At 4. T0 they dashed
out & cleared out 17.4 nearest
to them; but more than this they were
unable to accplish & they then witndre
to their own lies. Continued to contin


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