Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/14/1 - August 1915 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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4t. S. Wales NI1 Ihaw 886k 5. Wilts SI left wth 8 welsh peomers 800S 100 bee heves. (near swsnk kign) & 7 Sat & part of sund,I went out to get water. No Fs abt at to time - cd see nro o70 there was farm Ordinary round bechives & Blastelerin C 7 Co witts 1.i Found 7 guit nitary arrangements appeared to be to bog into fires, tao wattrcourses - old clothes pack accouts I to be no man (Tuise wells are att Fooyls to b pont ffieers wounded (hee & Perry ACo. B6 in clearing Coys - & Pulling (leadir K. by shell after positer taken up. Amudaly 13th had 650yds 14th 400yds on top of ridge overlooking Asma were & yew used entrincting tools (many were lost in charges but had moderate cover by mid-day. Men were done but were kept diginy all th day, all i & all is1. No fynti on Saty Saty Semnight Bdeattacke Abbrt Rahman Wair abt J.30m 13th w to hold lines w Kings own Royal Lancs. We had migs under Capt Rose but we cd do little to help fipt.
From Maj. Rankine I think) CEw B. 24/5/23 Col. wray (Chaplain) )Is Irc hard work - sd to our people on Channk Bar fell back. To came over in solid like bas in mass as they came dearly out onto stope Naval guns got onto them. As they came clearly out onto slope two v. big shells seemed to wife one bu out. monted 14t out 368. Aug 20. 430 sund. lst 9 ofrs. Ck. 1 Capt. 44. 2 on Saturday - sopers while dising in took 21E Padre Capt Rose on Sat. moning abt 6 when 151h found abt 1820 and 2 offis up velley bC. waved to them & Officer wdnt have he tate him till the got his 3. Chesant wt ge godly now has Pade found some shorts whoking still in the one officer bayonched in ryan
Genman sre coats. tnoed meats dropped. peggybays - all very clean. bocks, polisfortents, meat, gt coats, (all new) bisiits (2s) 16th Abt 4ou Sund morning moved after 15 & in port of 16 across gull of Rajalite Dere - & up in col of plations - 16 of Each be on pould abt 250ys. They got thro stabble field - unter m. 95 - 15th got broken up in scrub -turned to left do side of sper & came back. 14t5 went on to end of ridge under a bout Dare reported by and Re hold on if oter on left C-attacks on left over ridn- 18th didn't come on but turned to upet c. attacks. 14got Gnlonet w Sikhs on right & got their in gs so to T5. Rose a Mogs did same pordered to retirn down Ragalit Dere troush 13th
(ptered buadles of maps92 Mule camp 150 yds NE. from Bde CF.G. Guns were got away by main rd. Prob. got away by s good militaryroad from Blac from 9/2 to m in Asma - Thence A & prot to Dervish Sli Knyn. Ridge 9258 t 92.0.9 we sapl lettered t battlespocks. picks, bayonets. 1516 Bwentup it betw. J.30 +4.30 am. on Ang On S. Slope of Damelit sair were a number of cabins of wood - a brushwood, w plent of 75 amonn. On N stope of Djammetes also a wellda an Amua depot. For sev days 1005 of una 5wer bt these gulties down towards the Sea - & our
From Genl. Monash. Prevember this definitely) knocked over gt numbers. men after this amue They But as Reserve Road gall of punctial, from had tobe kept clear Brt units troops remained on hill sides, all our getten them out ws v. Process began to Strayh Sler owng it aheeo as& The didnt hit any of a warm house walking on into a thunderstorm. It ws a slow Jo trot till head of columm reached 3 It ws halled there bec. yetceased. Thas haft was Wilts Ladnt a bluing in disgaine. I enabled the men et their breat. All this
camathin 1 t wec t5 92 be At att 10.45 col as ledby 7overton w a st farmer who e 6o.)5. es Wolden TFV Bancher Taylors gap. The be came to of & 3 a long dilay. I sent 9. after S.O. to 6o what) oe returned head of medical choke fiepd arpuing. syne ad reen 66 7 27 ol ha ndw cons of 131 deployed ridyes on pout oflant
277 found the gudes arguig as to tsh ws the safest way. I totd overton duty sf ws to show me the way I had decided on I deced to leave the 2 Coys of 13th widrow know where the were pash aheadi se brought 13&14 bus (aft ont the foothills of a spur Nof Aghyt Dere. I took abt 4 hr collect those bus on Cornfield. them over to Tiluce turn back to 15 118 ledthem with overton to foot of T7 spur When we were well off t end of this sour Overton sd; March fager 5 noon Catt 30e overton lif al we had to go to HR Spir, Overton
Or w2 back to leat Thurkas & ws k very few minutes later. I stayed there. 15 were leadin deploying by coys wito Coyline steeping up this spar. Pretty heavy form commenced at once. I waited till 16, came along & told them to come in on right of 15, I got me ambe amu & Segnall along. Daylight we breaken we had taken up as extended a posite as I thought wead hold. At 5 am. I sent out Alephone weres fromn H6 to find out what the Ebus doing Iheard 13 & 14wen
in allotted positis (CIs. 01 a s0701 steenk reported0 their rightous on A.R. per & asking where are the Irdian3is9 C mysi to Col. Pope s 5ab manst so0yds pom N.R. Spur. Hews where 14 Bn now are) all bo commdes reported to men were absolutely done & were lying partim inst. of dipnn I went back to H.C. & reported & recd. orders to fortify the te I had won. abt g ai got the Cols in & gave I
Effective Stanth WAust. Bde 20/8/15 Off. O.r. Et. Offs or. 1312 19 477 896 -29 14th 13 450 463 1 30 " 7 220 22) 15 -26 16th " 441 452 , 30 50- 1588 1638 2.115. Camalties. frs. Kow Seck 2 O.r. k. w 4 Sice 44 telad SeS 494 21 483 1755 abt mation Yr sightien & flanks. There ws a good deat of difficulty in getting touch to Indean boe - They had abt 70 of Popes 16 Pon wthin Before medday we got touch to them to our right & m a continuous line to them They then extende right up the hill. f.7 10 b Sharkas D 3 5 th Go. HtSikhs on my o/Ci I then had to reonganice at Scout for details. 1B &in reserve

88 Co RE
XIII division Gen Shaw          ( 4th S. Wales B.
Travers/ Left covering force ( 5.  Wilts rifles
                                                    ( 6. South Lancs
                                                    ( 8 Welsh pioneers
There was a farm house about 800 yards to our left front.
Wells and 100 bee hives.  (Near Susak
Kuyu). During Sat & part of Sund. some
of the men went out to get water -
no T.s about at tt time - cd see roofs
and reckoned must be water where there was farm.
Ordinary round beehives & blackberries
We were so [[shorthand]] that I got hold of the CO of the Wilts
that we want to stretch our legs.  Found water quite
good. Sanitary arrangements
appeared to be to bog into fires, tracks
& watercourses - old clothes, packs,
accoutrements. Seemed to be no mans
land. (These wells are abt 800 yds to left


officers wounded (Lee A Co. & Perry B Co)
in clearing Coys - & Pulling (teaching at Armidale)
k. by shell after positn taken up.
13th had 650 yds 14th 400 yds
on top of ridge overlooking Asma
Dere. Men used entrenching tools
(many were lost in charges)
but had moderate cover by
mid-day. Men were done but were
kept digging all tt day, all next night
& all next day.
No fighting on Saty -
Saty/Sund night Bde. attacked
Abdul Rahman Bair abt 5.30 in morning
13th ws to hold lines w Kings Own Royal
Lancs. We had under Capt Rose
but we cd do little to help fight. 


From Maj. Rankine
(I think)
C.E.W.B. 24/5/23


Col. Wray (Chaplain) who was broken down with hard
work - sd tt our people on Chunuk
Bair fell back. Ts came over in solid
formation like bns in mass as they came
clearly out onto slope Naval guns
got onto them. As they came clearly
out onto slope two v. big shells
seemed to wipe one bn out.
14th Marched out 868. Aug 20. 480.
Sund. lost 9 Offrs. 4 k. 1 Capt. 4 w.
2 on Saturday - snipers
while digging in. Took 21 prisoners.
Padre Capt Rose on Sat. morning
abt 6. when 15th advancing
found abt 18 Turks and 2 Offrs
coming up valley towards them.
Waved to them & took prisoners.
Officers wdnt have them take
him till they got his horse.
Chesnut wh Gen Godley now has
Padre found some shirts w ticking still
in them.
One Officer bayoneted in pyjamas. 


grey coats.


Tinned meats dropped - peggybags - all
very clean. Socks, poles for tents, meat,
gt coats, (all new) biscuits (German)
14th abt 4 on Sund morning moved
after 15 & in front of 16 across gully
of Kajalik Dere - & up in col. of
platoons - 16 of each bn on front of
abt 250 yds. They got thro stubble
field - under - 15th got broken
up in scrub - turned to left down
further side of spur & came back. 14th went
on to end of ridge under Abdul
Rahman. R Dare reported he

cd hold on if supported on left but
C-attacks on left over ridge.
16th didnt come on but turned to
repel c.attacks. 14 got in touch
w Sikhs on right & got their m gs
on to Ts. Rose w did same.
14 ordered to retire down Kajalik
Dere through 13th


Captured bundles of maps on other part of Turk.
Made camp 150 yds N.E. from Bde H.Q.
Guns were got away by main rd.
Prob. got away by v. good military road from
Black from 92 to m in Asma - thence
A & prob to Dervish Ali Kuyu.
Ridge 92 S 8 to 92. O.9
ws simply littered w battle spoils -
picks, bayonets.
15, 16 Bns went up it betw. 3.30
& 4.30 a.m. on Aug 7.
On S. slope of Djamelik
Bair were a number of cabins of
wood covered w brushwood, w plenty
of 75 ammn. On N slope of Djamelik
also a well dug in ammn. depot.
For sev. days 100s of unarmed
Ts were wandering abt these gullies
down towards the sea - & our 


From Genl. Monash.
(I remember this

men knocked over gt numbers.
They were probably after this ammn.
The start was absolutely punctual. But as Reserve Gully Road
had to be kept clear from Brit units
all our troops remained on hill sides.
Process of getting them out ws v.
slow & from first line began to straggle
badly. On reaching Beach road we came
under very heavy shrapnel fire many shells
bursting on road ahead of us.
They didnt hit anyone. It ws
like walking out of a warm house
into a thunderstorm. It ws a slow jog trot
till head of column reached
No 3. It ws halted there bec.
Wilts hadnt yet cleared. This halt was
a blessing in disguise. It enabled the men
get their breath. All this 


time we cd hear the N.Z mounted rifles
up the hills and simply had to lie waiting and
suffering a fair amount of casualties from dropping bullets.
At abt 10.45 orders were given to advance.
Col. ws led by Major Overton w
a Gk farmer who knew this district very well.
It was led between Walden Pt & Bauchopes
from Taylors Gap. The advance came to
a halt. There was a long delay. I sent
S.O. after S.O. to find what was
the matter & none returned. I
went to head of column  impossible w
gt [[shorthand]] as it was choked with troops & medical
officers were giving field dressings.  There had been casualties.
I found head of col. had bn under
fire & 2 coys of 13 had deployed
to clear ridges on front & flanks 


92 T 1


I found the guides arguing as to wh ws
the safest way. I told Overton
his duty ws to show me the way I
had decided on. I decided
to leave the 2 Coys of 13th &
push ahead (we didnt know where they were.)
We brought 13 & 14 bns (aft.
midnight onto the foothills of a spur
N of Aghyl Dere. I took abt ½ hr
to collect those bns on Cornfield.
I turned them over to Tilney &
going back to 15 & 16 led them
with Overton to foot of T 1 spur.
When we were well off E end of
this spur Overton sd; March
2 fingers S ^ (rt) of moon (abt 3 o'c)
& Overton left me. We knew
we had to go to A R spur. Overton 


Monash w 2 Turks in dug out.
Ordered them to come out.


went back to lead Ghurkas & ws
k very few minutes later. I
stayed there. 15 were leading
deploying by coys into Coy line
& sweeping up this spur.
Pretty heavy firing commenced
at once. I waited till 16
came along & told them to come in
on right of 15. I got my
ambce, ammn & signallers
along. Daylight ws breaking.
We had taken up as extended a
positn as I thought we cd
hold. At 5 a.m. I sent out
telephone wires from my H.Q.
to find out what the 4 bns
were doing. I heard 13 & 14 were 


in allotted positns (though they didn't
occupy as big a front as was hoped).
Sixteenth reported that as far as they
could judge their right ws on A.R.
spur & asking where are the
Indians?  I went straight forward myself
to Col. Pope & satisfied myself that he was abt
500 yds from ^ nearest pt. A.R. spur.
(He ws where 14 Bn now are)
All bn commdrs reported tt men
were absolutely done & were
lying panting inst. of digging.
I went back to H.Q. & reported
& recd. orders to fortify the
line I had won. Abt 9 am I
got the C.Os together & gave instructions


Effective Strength IV Aust. Bde

  off. o.r. Tot. offs o.r. Total


477 496


29 525


450 463


30 494


220 227


26 253


441 452


30 483


1588. 1638.


115. 1755.

Offrs. k or w.  -
Sick        2
O.r. k.     1
w           4
sick       44


abt nature of trenches & sighting
& flanks. There ws a good deal
of difficulty in getting touch
w / Indian bde - They had
abt 70 of Popes 16 Bn w them.
Before midday we got touch
w them to our right & made
a continuous line w them.
They then extended right up the hill -
6. & 10 Ghurkas by farm, 5th Gs. & 14 Sikhs
on my right flank.
I then had to reorganise
& send out scouts to look for
scattered details. 15 Bn
by then ws in reserve.



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