Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/14/1 - August 1915 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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My seem splended men I have been put tonight straight in to support Worash. Holues has nearly 2000 of his Rabaut to & 36 Kaboal officers w him They are under forley & rather them call in the KltI. Diwv. Co hpp. (hen the an a little firsty I fancy Shaw docsn't like bew under him) he's patting in ove 0150 Bde. The 5th (4350 Stroy) has had a 1 fair trainng in Egyst- & the 6th even I mose. The t basnt had wod Tw0 of 4aL.A. Ede Regts lett their horses in And. Esd goodbye to Schuler Smeth in Reserve fully where ot went bo see Holues of them event round 1 lep of our posito 8yt Holls details from units. tt anterbury MR Auck I went for old No 3 Poot. Wellington on their Otago on left up Charlak Dere for Bauchopes H. Can't. tied it a little later (leaving 9.30 went aloy fear by beath then right wheeled onto waldron (hast span b aghy Dere) They were to (s w ocags on Banchopes Hill. When otagos to attack Banch. Hill from flat Easlwards fire began on Can't. as they crossed flat, (They were in Squadron column 1.C. each colamn in squadron in col. of troops & 2 squarious abreast Iin - w a plation of maonies Col. Findlay ws wounded as bey crossed destroyers light. M.9F trenches occupied on waldrons Po we ad see flashes. Also find at from fot of Bauch Cd also hear firing on N.3 Pas
WAR May Hulton The Coloniel had a bayonel encounter w a tirk in un after mak There ws a picket of 4,15.0r flet wh our advance scouts met & hadd bayoner duel with. Neither side fired - To prob thought it ws a little scontin. I. Bayoneted I man in faw &other in chest & we got whole lot of them. I ws a screen if ye men aget &. 57 +is N This ws what woke 15 ap One s9 Can't. moved up close under msg wn cdat be depressed 15t Sq. attacked m.9. (weed ce its flast) slightly in its left near & flank. The magagines were unloaded - bayonet only - not shot fired. rushed hill without Is waited for them & shot a cheer good number as they rushed but we went straight in tarks in trunch got breechblock of m. 9. 59. on left Swept down common, truch to Nr towards Aghyl Dere . Bayoreter those 75. The to diont know where they a coming pom continued advance to in silend & besides his long truch took 4 trenches wh were running towards Banchope's Hill. Abt 1000 yds away. They left oany add tarks behind went along in sitence rushing
11 truck after trieh. They were absolutel surprised & leared. Som of tose in rear were taken prisoners those in Ebaroneted. Fornd w Otago on Banchopes Otago had taken from Charlake Dire, Engineers first cleared entanglement across were with catters (Offt & 2 men casnallies) & part of maories ws detaild todrag Eman away as son as cut. Erong of a I maories are lying dead w Capt Hay & some other Plago men on Banchopes H. where they were attactin 20 After abt. &t had be taken oheers were heard away to right - (taken of old No3& table top). Hischeered te, men wonderfully & he N.3. 3nf. also Regts of course got a bit split up in
Tullies, but put themselves under semor present. Thes Can't Toined Stap betw. 12 $12.30 B. ws saying Com alonboys will charge - Shot hro spine of ty wound then Dayin along NE stope of Banchopes Hill to advance gint whose advance is were now comig through us. Gen. Monash passed tho. Toylors Hollow Brit, were to get there along the beack & turn up Djamelit 1s day as &. The wwept up WE & E towards Chamnk When they got half way up hill where Is had by there ws fighten
& fighting in broken country to NE. That fighting went on very heavy (isp. of Chamak Bair) most of day They seemed to take all trenches & were rushing up rounded paid of Chunch Bair. you lost sight men in dust kicked up by M. 9s. - plation after E went down like swathes before reaper, T. always contitirattackee. It our own I very by shells. Wellington & Auckland went on in infantiing to Chernuk Bair in y. Banch Hill. OM Stines a e overcoats, barbire slades of embroiderd guits
1V 2 bus betw Aghigl Deris Chailate Deri w Co. of Te moved NS. Rifhs 40 by Mac at 9pm. Caut. Pohn bs a body of 25 Parks After troops had gooe on. The adgt. had gone back to orng up 22 wh had sone astray when saw men coming up fom Gally behind him. Thought this anot be troop. You w hem sd - Lesten-Keyr Ts. They were felung Zi zay out. We stepred back into bashes - balman maon, 2 men& officer - When Is close enough to see that had no white atches. shot 4. Rest raw. Maj Overton who used i ws k. guiden shuikas at quction of Aghyt Dere. bend of May be went our for night & day w2 men to Rhododend
Spe & walked back by broad daylihe in Evg. met small parties of Evenin but let them go in sitence May Hullon now commands. May Overton is cant. Farner M.G. ws taken from rear whelst men also in front. Fine lot of men shot down around it - sons of earliest N.Z. settlers
From Col. Telney I think Ew. B. 24//23 Ad of Colo ws halted on well sap. as settig overflow (o from Everywher 8th Welsh Poneers Welts Riples I were to the bon ahend but were late & we had to halt for heme ame beach & outposts & Tomnies came alony beach & crossed hea our column at Sap. most buthets were all round. 10 p.m. they were passin 9.30 pm we passed G. 3 at foot ther gull piked up Capt. Eastsod 4th Bdll Daff & maj Overton the guves. Abt 10.30 got away from H.D There ws v. Leavy fightin in outposts at time & bombss be falley - gessed Nz hadb checked - with sdthn lost 50
For Biv in but there. We lost one, We went out to guides at head in col. of route & sereen of 10 went along path & up entrance of Aghel Dere & is well (scouti 10y0s ahead) till get to gorge (Taylorss P Turks were in treacheson right. hates we found Cants M.RI man wounded - So this grd had already by gone thas by Chrk. live clearing of heights to leading Coy (Acoy & Mas: Edmonds) & we ordered 6 cay to dear niights w & not use a shot. Many of them a recrents. (Cin R ought to have keted). Our clearing purty pickited height & went almost without check. going thro' gorge from att 11 to 2 when EBns were thro. once or twile sent up plation or
16th 15th i 27I 150-86 from whilst our men ad 20 two were sent to flank to clear 13 whom we heard talking As soon as I sorge we gotinto open wheat field Ts apened but we lay down & only but one. By to time our other people (& A loy who were screen on at flank) drove Judgin by shots at those T. eas 200 7. (By bivonse there next day We were abt t an hour in wheatfild them in t up ridge 9252 Com tro gap we were o in sugh file in botton of creet. No oppositie on top of ridge found will who had wet no appositin & were intrencting (so called). We selectes out post positi dark & had I he darkness rina -dy in Lost

They seem splendid men, & have

been put tonight straight in

to support Monash. Holmes had

nearly 2000 of his Rabaul lot 
& 36 Rabaul officers w him.

They are under Godley & rather

than call in the XIII Div. to supp

(Shaw & he are a little frosty - I 

fancy Shaw doesnt like being

under him) he's putting in 

one o / 5th Bde.


The 5th (4350 strong) has had a 

fair training in Egypt - & the 6th even

more. Th 7th hasnt had much

Two o I 4th L.H. Bde Regts left

their horses in Aust.

I sd goodbye to Schuler &

Smith in Reserve Gully where we

went to see Holmes & then went

round I left of our positn & got

/ follg details from units.

Shaw had to go home after a few days


MR.   Canterbury MR

Auck o went for old No 3 Post.

Wellington on their [[shorthand]]

Otago on left up Chailak Dere for

Bauchopes H.

Cant. timed it a little later (leaving

9.30) went along flat by beach

then right wheeled onto Waldrons Pt.

(last spur b Aghy Dere)

They were [[shorthand]] w Otago on

Bauchopes Hill

When Otago [[shorthand]] to attach Bauch Hill

from flat Eastwards fire began on

Cant, as they crossed flat. (They

were in Squadron column i.e. each

column in squadron in col. of

troops & 2 squadrons abreast -

I in (shorthand) w a platoon (Maoris).

Col. Findlay ws wounded as they

crossed destroyers light. M.g &

trenches occupied on Waldrons Pt.

we cd see flashes - Also fired at

from foot of Bauch.

Cd also hear firing on N.Z. Post


Maj. Hutton

The Colonel had a bayonet

encounter w a Turk in mtn after making

4 efforts to way out / Turk. Wasnt getting through

him he fell on his

face. The T stared at him  

aghast & ws

promptly bayoneted 

by someone else.


There ws a picket of 4 Ts on flat

wh our advance scouts me & had a

bayonet duel with. Neither side

fired - Ts prob thought it ws a little

scouting (shorthand). Bayoneted 1 man in

jaw 7 other in chest & we got

whole lot of them. It ws a screen of 4

men agst 4.



This ws what woke Ts up.

One Sg (10th) Cant. moved up close under m.g.

wh cdnt be depressed

1sr Sq. attacked m.g. (we cd see its flash)

slightly in its left rear & flank.


The magazines were unloaded - bayonet

only - not shot fired - rushed hill without

cheer. Ts waited for them & shot a

good number as they rushed)

but we went straight in.

Sketch    (shorthand) Turks in trench &

got breech block of m.g.


Sq. on left swept down Commn. trench

to N. towards Aghyl Dere - Bayoneted

those Ts. The Ts didnt know where

they (shorthand) coming from.


Continued advance E in silence

& besides this long trench took 4

trenches wh were running N E towards

Bauchopes Hill. Abt 1000 yds away.

They left many old Turks behind

& went along in silence rushing


trench after trench. They were

absolutely surprised & scared, some 

of those in rear were taken prisoners

those in (shorthand) bayoneted.


Joined w Otago on Bauchopes

Otago had taken from Chailak Dere.

Engineers first cleared entanglement

across Dere with cutters (Offr & 2 men

casualties) & party of Maoris ws

detailed to drag enteng away as

soon as cut.


Group of w 8 maoris are lying dead

w Capt Hay & some other Otago

men on Bauchopes H. where they

were attacking (shorthand).


After abt 4 trenches had bn taken cheers

were heard away to right - (taking

of old No 3 & Table Top). This cheered

then men wonderfully & the N.Z. Inf.



Regts of course got a bit split up in


gullies but put themselves under senior

(shorthand) present. Ther


Cant joined Otago betw. 12 & 12.30

B. ws saying Come along boys will

charge - shot thro' spine & t wounded.


Then dug in along NE slope of

Bauchopes Hill to → advance

of inf. whose advance (shorthand) were

now coming through us.


Sketch          Gen. Monash passed

                       thro. Taylors Hollow.


Brit. were to get there along the

beach & turn up Djanelite.


As day ws (shorthand) They

swept up NE & E towards Chunuk.

When they got half way up hill

where Ts had trenched there ws fighting.


& fighting in broken country to NE.

That fighting went on very heavy

(esp. of Chunuk Bair) most of day.

They seemed to take all trenches

& were rushing up rounded part

of Chunuk Bair. You lost sight

of men in dust kicked up by - platoon after (shorthand) went down

like swathes before reaper. Ts

always counter attacked. It

(shorthand) our own (shorthand).

Very big shells.


Wellington & Auckland went

on w infantry to Chunuk Bair

in (shorthand) Bauch. Hill. O/u

stones (shorthand) overcoats, barbed

stacks of (shorthand) embroidered quilts,


2 bns betw Aghyl Dere &

Chailak Dere w 1/2 co

of (shorthand).


NZ Rifles moved from bivouacs

at 9 p.m.


Cant got in (shorthand) a body of 25 Turks

After troops had gone on. The Adjt.

had gone back to bring up 2 (shorthand)

wh had gone astray when saw

man coming up from gully behind

him. Thought this must be troop.

Man w him sd -"Listen -  theyre

Ts". They were filing zig zag out. We

stepped back into bushes - batman

maori, 2 men & Officer - when Ts

were close enough to see that had no white

patches. Shot 4. Rest ran.


Maj. Overton who used is ws K. guiding

the Ghurkas at junction of Aghyl Dere.

Abt end of May  he went out for night

& day w 2 men to Rhododendron


Spur & walked by broad daylight

in Evg. met small parties of

Enemy but let them go in silence.

Maj. Hutton now commands-

Maj Overton is Cant. Farmer,


M.G. ws taken from rear

whilst men also in front - Fine lot

of me shot down around it - sons

of earliest N.Z. Settlers


 From Col. Tilney I think

C.E.W.B. 24/5/23


13.  Hd of Col. ws halted on well sap.

ws getting overflow (shorthand) from everywhere.


8th Welsh Pioneers]

5 Wilts Rifles             ] were to ^have bn ahead

but were late & we had to halt for

them. We came (shorthand) beach

& outposts & Tommies came

along beach & crossed head of

our column at sap. Most (shorthand)

(shorthand) - bullets were all round.

10p.m. they were passing.

9.30p.m. we passed (shorthand) at foot of

gully - picked up ^ there Capt. Eastwood

& Maj. Overton the guides.


Abt 10.30 got away from H. Q.

There ws v. heavy fighting going on

in outposts at time & bombs seemed

to be falling - guessed NZ had bn

checked - Wilts sd they lost 50


(shorthand) someone

lost (shorthand). Found in Biv


men hit there. We lost one.


W went out w guides at head 

in Col. of route & screen of 10.

Went along path & up entrance of

Aghyl Dere & (shorthand) is well (scouts 10 yds

ahead) till got to gorge (Taylors Gap)

Turks were in trenches on right.

(Later we found Cant. M. R. man

wounded - so this grd had already 

bn gone thro by CMR.

Gave clearing of heights to leading

Coy (A Coy. Maj. Edmonds) & we

ordered 6 coy to clear heights w

(shorthand) & not use a shot. Many of them

were recruits. (CMR ought to have

picketed). Our clearing party picketed

heights & went almost without



Going thro' gorge from abt 11 to 2 when

1st 2 Bns were thro.


Once or twice sent up platoon or


(16th & 15th 92T1)


150 (shorthand) from snipers

whilst our men 

had 20.


two were sent to flank to clear

Ts when we heard talking.


As soon as {?] Gorge we got into

open wheatfield. Ts opened but

we lay down & only hit one.

By th time our other people (& A Coy

who were screen on rt flank) drove

off those Ts. (judging by shots at

least 200 Ts. (Big bivouac there next day)

We were abt 1/2 an hour in wheatfield

& then moved up ridge 92S1.

Coming thro gap we were (shorthand) in single

file in bottom of creek. No oppositn.

On top of ridge found Wilts who had

met no oppositn & were entrenching

(I so called).


We selected outpost positn

in dark & had 1/2 hr darkness

remaining to dig in. Lost 2



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