Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/14/1 - August 1915 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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were either relieving broops or reinforcing - & So £5 bad been offered for a prisoner - laver Pashawanted badly to know what we were doing - it is as his wish Expres old 5Bn Haddinver with Carlex in fire trenches behind Lone Pine French id hear treneedous bombardment at Achi Baba- & saw our strapvel will over N shoulder whippin tak the valley into alust ab 8pm. Wa
Hear we lost 4000 in this fighteng at Helles Aug. B Fnday Amiet They say 1.s recaptand part of a trench down S - attacke there, And thwe have 2000 them cutoff unable to retret but unwilling to surrender British shellstill falling on Hill, Ishellaear Suola Buch. Can hear bubble of T. fighty tonight away to 1 - As O.G. say. tike water boiking in disbande we also had a couple of heavy buit posite us. They put some masty shellint Lone Pine. One fell int a truck & made a
complete annibitate of 4 men, 5 Br went in, 3 Bn I believe, came out Sat. Aug 14. sounds of fairly heavy fighting down south. We bere are hoving as peaceful time again. They have a few new juns agst us. They are starting to shy rockets at us now. Last night on Gun ridge there exploded something wo a sound like our Topanese bombs. Tin top bent by explosion like paper; Brass rocket top, screing stand wo0
pm 50c. onwards to 7.30 Enemy bombardin the fine from ir 78th. 8. 2, & Oadr. 8.30pn. Turk so breeks out. Abt 8 T shells at onee bursting over Suola Brit no further forward. 1 Wm. Hor ten minates ago as I was talken to casey a long rumble. It souned like explosion - but I thought &so did white it it ws carkquate. Ten minutes later a sinilars rumble. The generals lamp shook We have frnish burying the to dead in the sop h Pine. There sum to be less swell todny. They still sary we co look ritt over to behad Tolly, but is are depay fast. They have a watertight dtem - no one dipt or section knows whatany other is doing-d
I suppose T. Tally doesn't really know what has happened at L Pive - at ar trate doesn't realise wh treches are ours. Aus. 15 Sed 12. 40am. Our gans firing - seem to have apaet Ts, constant rifle fire shisrelly ws afierce bombry of how Pino- nething trime -but it came to nothng we sent away 20 smpers 7 for 94 Army Corps - & others for gutes - 1allow Organicati of supir under Place. Murgo mack has it S men - alld t choose any good shot he leked. He got kind into pituss smpery by enemy abat ceased. We can bring a male trai apt valley now in day ti All we have to do is to tern on the spapers first - thy fire into holes Conholes & hap & Webe grace wend when
for a day or two - Evemy knew at once. But Mack soon got them down again. (Graavas k. in N.Z attell I believe) Au 15t Night before last Frks rotled out as by berd cage affair filled to enflaminables wh burkt for 2ars. Pob a flare Near the Buitish have now landed 4 divisions up V. The 5455 ()6 & 12B) They are shell almost from Lewley stod word go. the men, cibl w T shell barstay on tim, afficers aske adjatant "When is coe to go - what are we to do He diout know- So they were Tst Shrapnellad. The got he last snoll at N laB End of Lill NASc
last night anapite & be acharge got as far as &. They are v bady off for water & are getting it in carts from I bealte. The weather he bn hot & they want to dimk a gt Turks deal. Thig still have the Derviihs well bets as & Chocolati Hitl Monash is calruched &to are to oppra. He had a bad where you had to run shrapsuel jully to get up to but it is pretty right now Supers deared out I hear a man name allison beot Ghurkes in their St charge to top & 971 or 13 whichever it as the reached; & then 3 naval shells landed
amongst them & het 71 of them. T. artillery ws on them also. our arty gobt tarks badly on 1 saty behind Lone Pine & on rear Slope of Chunuk Bair. At We Pine they id be seen pushen their men ap whilst our shells knocked them out. N9300 On Fid. Aug 13 the transport Royal Edward, carryin Hampshire Regt & details (or acc. to others 500 stevedoses for mudros or savle) no toopedoed when on here second day out from Alex, notfar from St stands, Those on another trausport I wiles away
saw a gt wave lift up under her stern to abt 20 the height of her funnel, + subside. They noticed her Sinking by 1 stern - & then 90 straight up on her stern & then dive stere foremost. the out down in 4 menates. The other transports knew the Hosp -Shep Sondan ws a little bechend so thei syvalled to her, & she sd take that hes at to the boats of the R. Edward were all rom her. The picked ap betw 400 $500 & another 70 were sicked of 1 neighbourn Greek island by a trawles Hepay
to nearly 1000 lives were lost Hug-20 still practically no champ in situation. Dr Lisle has been given command of HCorvice Stopprd, stellin -bosthed. (I hope of any one ever Edits this deary they if tone these things down - the Expressions are often forcible for 1 salleof brevity). The tommces were stappe by wentd wites as much as anyting. BBut Kt new arm as not bery favourably compand b Briti officers bere we our men. our man are sefciently hard on their water bothles– Bat (Ks fellows drink theirs in a quarter of an hoar & the run abt with their wngues banging out for I rest of day Holmes w 1 170 x 16th arrived to

were either relieving troops or
reinforcing - & so £5 had been
offered for a prisoner - Enver
Pasha wanted badly to know
what we were doing - it is
expressed as his wish.
Had dinner with Carter ^5Bn in ^old fire
trenches behind Lone Pine trench
Cd hear tremendous bombardment
at Achi Baba - & saw our
shrapnel well over N shoulder
whipping Achi the valley into dust
abt 8pm.
Hand drawn diagram - see original document



Hear we lost
4000 in this
fighting at Helles.
Aug. 13 Friday Quiet -
They say T.s recaptured part
of a trench down S - attacking
there; and tt we have 2000 of
them cut off unable to retreat
but unwilling to surrender.

British shell still falling on
W Hills, & T shell near Suvla Beach.

Can hear bubble of T. fighting
tonight away to N - As O.G. says
like water boiling in / distance.
We also had a couple of heavy bursts
opposite us. They put some
nasty shell into Lone Pine. One
fell into a trench & made a



complete annihilatn of 4 men.
5 Bn went in, 3 Bn, I believe,
came out.
Sat. Aug 14.
Sounds of fairly heavy fighting
down South. We here are having a
peaceful time again. They have a few
new guns agst us.

They are starting to shy rockets at
us now. Last night on Gun ridge there
exploded something w a sound like our
Japanese bombs. Tin top bent by explosion
like paper; Brass rocket top, screwing
into wooden stand 

Hand drawn diagram - see original document



5 o’c onwards to 7.30 Enemy bombarding
L. Pine from  w 75 m/m, 8.2, & 6 pdr.
8.30p.m. Turk [[shorthand]] breaks out.
Abt 8 T. shells at once bursting over Suvla,
- Brit. no further forward.
11 p.m. Abt ten minutes ago as I was
talking to Casey a long rumble. It
sounded like explosion - but I thought
& so did White tt it ws earthquake .
Ten minutes later a similar rumble.
The generals lamp shook.

We have finished burying the
T. dead in the sap L. Pine. There
seems to be less smell today. They
Say we can still look right over /
Ts behind Jolly, but T.s are
digging fast. They have a watertight
system - no one dept or section
knows what any other is doing - so



Hand drawn diagram -  see original document
 I suppose J. Jolly doesn't really know
what has happened at L Pine - at any
rate doesn't realise wh trenches are

Aug. 15. Sund.
12.40am. Our guns firing - seem to
have upset Ts. Constant rifle fire -
[This really ws a fierce bombing of Lone Pine -
something tremendous - but it came to nothing]
We sent away 20 snipers [[shorthand]] for 9th
Army Corps - & others for guides - 100 altogether

Organisation of sniping under
Grace - Mungo Mack has it [[shorthand]].
[[shorthand]] 28 men - alld to choose
any good shot he liked. He got them
into positns & sniping by enemy almost
ceased. We can bring a mule
train up / valley now in day time.
All we have to do is to turn on the
snipers first - they fire into holes
& loopholes & keep enemy quiet -
When Grace went things got bad



for a day or two - Enemy knew
at once. But Mack soon got them
down again. (Grace was k. in N.Z attack,
I believe)x

Aug 16th Night before last Turks
rolled out a big bird cage
affair filled w inflammables
wh burnt for 2 hrs. Prob a flare

I hear the British have now
landed 4 divisions up N.
The 54 (?); 55 (?) 9th & 12th (?)
They were shelled almost from /
word go - The men ^after landing stood
abt w T. shell bursting on them;
officers asked adjutant "Where
are we to go - what are we to do?"
He didn't know - so they were
just shrapnelled.

They got the last knoll at N.
end of hill N of Suvla Bay



last night 
Hand drawn diagram  - see original document
& by a charge got as far as X. They are
v. badly off for water & are getting it in
carts from / beach - The weather hs
bn hot & they want to drink a gt
deal. They Turks still have the Dervishes
well betw. us & Chocolate Hills
Monash is entrenched & so are
T.s opp. him. He had a bad
Shrapnel Gully ^where you had to run to get up to him
but it is pretty right now
& snipers cleared out.
I hear a man named
Allison led / Ghurkas in their
gt charge to / top of 971 or [[shorthand]] -
whichever it ws they reached;
& then 3 naval shells landed



amongst them & hit 71 of them.
T. artillery ws on them also.
Our arty got / Turks badly
on / Saty behind Lone Pine & on
rear slope of Chunuk Bair. At
Lone Pine they cd be seen pushing
their men up whilst our shells
knocked them out.
At 9.30 am On Frid. Aug 13 the transport
Royal Edward, carrying Hampshire
Regt & details (or acc. to others
600 stevedores for Mudros or
Suvla) ws torpedoed when
on her second day out from
Alex, not far from / Gk
islands. Those on another
transport 5 miles away



saw a gt wave lift up under
her stern to abt 2ce the
height of her funnel, &
subside. They noticed her
sinking by / stern - & then go
straight up on her stern -
& then dive stern foremost.
She went down in 4 minutes.
The other transports knew the
Hosp - Ship Soudan ws a
little behind so they signalled
to her, & she sd later that her
at 11 xx tt the boats of the
R. Edward were all round
her. She picked up betw 400
& 500 & another 70 were
picked off / neighbouring Greek
island by a trawler. They say



tt nearly 1000 lives were lost.

Aug - 20 still practically no
change in situation. De Lisle
has been given command of
9 A Corps vice Stopford, Stellenbosched.
(I hope if any one ever
edits this diary they'll tone
these things down - the expressions
are often forcible for / sake of
brevity). The Tommies were stopped
by want of water as much as
anything. But K.'s new army is not
being favourably compared by British
officers here w our men.
Our men are sufficiently hard on
their water bottles – But K's fellows
drink theirs in a quarter of an
hour & then run abt with their
tongues hanging out for / rest o /
Holmes w / 17th & 18th arrived today




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Diane WareDiane Ware
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