Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/13/1 - August 1915 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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7dug of the lett way & return down sope. (well mR. ot They were rallied again & were in old, lave 60 His ws morning when thank. At 10 am W recf attack had died away were occupied to Baldwin One Coy. Loyat N Lanes we. in reacheng 2 hat for Et. but not o At U Bde came undo 10C 118 Law bad to be reld as no saw 3d Brs. All this time Anckl
had be holding ly abl 2ooyds in port of Apex. They were o 1CC hang on till I unless I serious C altoct Thart of valu ete. N. Lauis wereI Cot them at Sps got there without incident. Wilts I. 330 but all N.3 had or summit to 10 p.m. They were withdrawn Apex When wills $330.6.89 Wh of 161 as no room on top At 4.30 am c attack 1S came over M.Gs. on apex or Pli of onto them 4,000 5000 24 500 uns r Juns &cattach whilet
is As as te Swa y haves came 17f (Br at 107 low. At apex 200 300 6 shalls & my Af am1 Lenstos 2 coy Anchld apt walling ford 214W W. Lanes had taken over Auck 4 we left one () 6 at top of Sayli Beit Dere cbt $500 800i ant br tevach in 2/6
the Knoll S. the Pinnade Blocks 15 The abt 12th we allacked it on 18. Cante 20 min 52 1909 ou bear Y were smiped out of it 7 8. 3p St. Lamolle 930 Pm 6 3k. Jw. 1m J.3. W Bde lost 14 Or Cot Blebk. Lhm. kw 8 320 Auck 210 61. 219. 28 and 2 10 65 218 346 2 123 49 202 68 328 We 10. 3 102. 301. 288. 709 11 63 6 278 988. 388. 1714 Bde went in 3000 stron opl 1515. a t
tere were in trucher on to off ridge the first day- off the Carkhas - not as far as ed be seen VC It may be taken as a maxiu better 1 broods (fewer /V.E.S. For one U.C. I dont have to be carred by leaven ther desperately. For anoher their stai is much higher. Maj. Alanson Coldin toda: Broops here after 2whs in trunches Its same to them cautlbe got out of them. all I se I have seen antso in we 17 continuous weeks & never seen least hesi in leaving truc. He set. Cust & W.T are the be broops here undoubledly-& his doctor sitt him out t niht 14 silhs were supportn Monast 10F6.G. were on right Have 12 offs. 100 days in triches has coatns 20 + now have 4. Turk crossed up 5 6 Chank Bair Ridge. &10 on Right. 6ap centre. 16a Reserve & heppin Austr. Ang 6-7 final those wh 38th now Hocd. But were in behindns & were heavily shelled in close order. not much opposity Night Ang 7f 8 very heavy rifle fire. EG.9 When Churkas got on top they saw att 200 Ts who had on waiting down further stope for bombt to finish cowering - & who as soon as saw line of heads ran. nr ws a pattist bit of scrute thina dip; then fletush bit ten another dif oon edge of this were the supports (just as we had left ours, abt 200 more. The first Char rannin + we slood on parspeed fer into their backs. Therews
one shallow halfdiy little I truch there. we stood on per of this & find. Then 5shells, high cxpt. fell right amongst us. They fell exacty where Naval shells had be firig & looked like naval shells? H owr men had be in truch thy myho have lain doys & not be hurt. but these stells did a lot of dai All go ran except Alonson Chamk Marchant, 2 gloste officer several glos men - 12i all. They staged I supports seenng ge r came back & when witho 50 do our officers rebiated. Alarson just iscaped Marchan K the Shinka support tine tood firm abt wogos below & stuck to it will For 3 days we had to posite on Ang 10 the very senion Brit
ficers if bas on both sides of Alanson informed him we have be ordered to reture + have retired & so be retired also - why they returend goodness alone knows. They left aposite wh it wo cost us thowands to retake Hlanson says Thurpas are all right as long as officer are there but must have oficers 5 officers were that dead (4 within Goyds) in this recent charge they woul get out of trench unless there is a white officer to lead tham. Ts now pick of the officers of rept sumply goes Shut

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