Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/13/1 - August 1915 - Part 3
T. orders communicated to O.C. 125,
Turks got officers diary at Hellas evidently
on June 3 or 4. They translated & published it - &
we have retranslated the translation.
23 March left Alex. Before leaving had horses dyed.
17 April T. TB chased us.
20 At Lemnos more than 16 warships
21 Saw Q Eliz probably take part in operation.
25 Landed R wing I found a real German and killed him.
Many Germans among dead.
4000 T against 13 000 Br
1 Co. 617 or B
28. Many shrapnel bursts in advance lines
30 Retired to dugout. Turks heavily bombarding camp
May 1. Landed Mtn Bty.
& so on
May 5 Tried to capture top of Hill.
7 Heavy casualties both sides.
12 4 men condemned to death.
commutted to 5 & 10 yrs.
13. 80 animals & 20 men died.
15. 85 — 4 men k. 16 men w.
effect of our guns on Ts great.
Our losses are heavy from T shell. If Ts knew losses
caused among us they would have continued firing. As it is they only
fire from 4 to 6.
18. T. arty fired well. Since 10 am heavy artillery fire.
May 19. Our soldiers in 1st line Territorials. Although not
regulars doing good work but if we are v
behind they dont seem able to do anything.
20 Enemy attacked heavily & repulsed. . . . Our
trenches are dug so tt Ts fall into them.
27. Recd news of reinforcements. Manchester Bde
being cut up ws sent to different points
We are obliged to admit that many of our men are
28. Acc. to my opinion Ts are well off in
arms & ammn & are superior to us
in that respect.
30 Several new aeroplanes arrd.
J2. Chemicals have been placed in water to prevent men drinking it.
Certified true copy 28 June
sgd ALI
A few extracts
Diary of Austrln (really NZ) soldier.
May 13. shrapnel firing on Ts. We are to be stationed
on left flank of Australians. They are placed with us.
On flank of Tommies are
Lancashire Territorials. 2 days
yet before we go to the firing line
14 Turks wasting much ammunition
20. After half an hour a feeble
attack by Ts wh we repulsed
w gt ease.
24 From 7.10 am to 4.30 both
sides buried their dead.
There were hundreds of Australian
New Zealanders and British dead. I estimate
abt. 2000 Turks dead.
28 We had 7 w Hear the Gks
have joined w us. I think the
Turks are going to attack us.
29. We had seven wounded
today by shrapnel. We are all
anxious to come to close
quarters with the Turks.
Pub by Turks.
Hand drawn diagram – see original document
Lone Pine Prisoners.
Ts. are all innoculated for Typhoid,
Cholera, & S.P.
Daoad Ali - Sergt. 47 Bn.
1, 2, 3 Bns. Lone Pine.125 Regt.
Heard there were Germans but never seen any.
Attack took them by surprise
2 coys & 2 coys behind - 500 men in the trenches
200 in a Coy.
Abt 3 wks ago 300 came as reinforcements to
125 regiment.
2 or 3 days talk of making attack to
recapture lost trench. 2 Coys of 125 regiment
were shifted to 48 regiment & one coy from 47
for tt purpose
Extreme Left of 47 goes down gully to sea
48 in rear of it.
Heavy losses by shell fire last few days;
but not many before.
Hussein Ali Kemal
2 months in L. Pine.
Attack unexpected.
Good many losses by 1st bombardment
1 Co in firing line }
I Co in supports. }
2 Co. in support.
O.C. Coy & 3 officer cadets in trenches.
Section of 6 Platoons, 8 men in Platoon
i.e. 48.
ws walking about in trenches looking for one thing and another
no-one expected attack. Suddenly there was word passed that the English
were attacking. No sooner was word passed than we saw
your men and we all got into the sap. The bombardment accounted
for about 200 and several were shot. 2 or 3 from each platoon were
placed as observers (i.e. 18 in each section = 72 per company)
and many observers were killed. They have periscopes about
8 or 10 to each section. No in firing line on
both flanks.
125th in J Jolly
further right. 5 Div 19 Div there was talk of relief.
not many casualties from rifle fire.
Twice our air bombs caused casualties.
Genly shooting does little harm but these last few days it had
done a good deal.
125 regiment. 2 good bns. (1 & 2)
1 Relif under strength.
2 coys of 48 }
2 — 49 } in reserve.
Took part in attack on Leanes Post.
13, 14, 25, 32, 47, 48, 72 Regts
at Anzac.
8th Corps. 30, 46.
9th 32
French 42
Turkish observer's Note. 4.8.15.
5.45 am to O.C. 47 Regt.
1. Enemy threw 3 large bombs on 125 Regts trenches
2. Enemy was monitored and gun on Gul Tepe bombarded our
left wing.
3. Loud Noise ws heard on enemy's pier.
Enemys Report. 6.8.15 11.45 am.
To O C 47 Regt.
1. No change on enemys front.
2. Enemy bombarded our lines but shells
fell in rear of our lines
3. Our shells fell behind enemys trenches.
4. On our front we lost one martyr
5 14 cases of ammn h bn consumed.
27.7.15. 5.45 to O.C. 47 Regt.
Enemy is sapping abt 15
metres ahead of our new sap.
J.Jolly - back slope is Red Ridge.
In front of Pimple is Martyrs Hill
Chathams = Yeshil D. green [[foreign language]]
Boltons = Gul Tepe. rose [[foreign language]]
Gully S. of Mackays Hill = Chakal ? [[foreign language]] pebble
Our back of J. Jolly (West) = Serri ? [[foreign language]] yellow
Front of 400 abt } Shuhada ? [[foreign language]] martyr
where our line runs }
Maclaurins Hill = Kidik ?
Opp Quinns = Buyuk (?) = big [[foreign language]]
Valley up wh Enemys Rd runs = Bomba bomb [[foreign language]]
English Pier.
The Nek = Khianat H. [[foreign language]] treachery
Snipers Nest = Kapa ? closed, covered
Battleship Hill = Dennuit? ?
Old No 3 Post = Chakal
Due E. of Quinns 2nd Main Spur W part is
- Fasik Bair. ? [[foreign language]] libertine
E part = BIKD
Enemys line from S. Pine Ridge = Gul Nar? Zav rosegarden [[foreign language]]
L. Pine = Kanli Sirt. (Bloody Ridge) [[foreign language]]
Valley in front of Gun Ridge & Wine Glass (abt) = Valley of OLIVE Groves of Kara Yorghi. [[foreign language]]
Black George [[foreign language]]
" Due E of Tasm. Post (& L Pine) = KIKLIK
Partridge [[foreign language]]
Ridge across ^ main Gully from Owens Gully = Kondalik R
Gully behind Kondalik = ? trap [[foreign language]] Mersin Dere
myrtle [[foreign language]]
Ridge behind Mersin = Adana Bair?
Scrubby Knoll (abt) = Sandjak Tepe, & at
back of it Chemal J. [[shorthand]] flag
north [[foreign language]]
Hand drawn diagram – see original document
Captured map shows clearly tt
some sort of attack ws planned & in
Lone Pine section it wd have come just
N. of Tasmania post & agst Pimple - shortly
after Chathams post ws made.
Abd El Wahab Ridge =
Holly Spur.
Kil - Nar valley = valley behind it.
On Gun ridge marked follg guns.
"29 Field ^ 2 By.
16 Field 1 By
Quick mount guns 2 B."
i.e. Prob. 5 guns. As far as we
know there are 5 guns there.
Kanli Tepe = Hill 60
(Bloody Hill)
Suvla is connected w a word
meaning watery.
Tashli Tepe = Stoney Hill
(due East of 971 where 7.2 gun)
[*This is the memorial of Gaius Julius Aitolus - of City ^ of Coelani
= Keliakiman
200 A D.
Just S of Lala Baba.*]
Map. Evidently for attack: Enlarged
jilligram from Turk map.
Boltons Hill = Gul Tepe.
"New enemys trenches" = Chatham post.
Green Hill = our Wheatfield.
H.Q. marked abt where old 12 Bn H Q were.
Shrap. Gully = Big Valley.
Bridges Rd = Coal mine Valley.
Chakal Dere = Shell Green Valley.
Kiknik Dere = S of M'Cays Hill
Point of Attack = Pimple & N of Tasmania
[Browns Batty pretty well placed - marked
2 Btys 3.5 i.e. Brown & mountain battery.
Hughes Batty = Enemy Batty 3.5
The gt standard = Al Bayrak - Sandjak = little flag.
AI-Bayrak Ridge = Pine Ridge
Another Map made after 25th May.
Not very correct. Gives us right down to
Twin trenches & up to Battleship Hill.
125 on J. Jolly. 43 Regt opp whole S of
Some time ago Blamey sent out policeman
w 2 prisoners who were ordered to gather
wood. Sent them to Holly Spur & ordered
them to get big bundles - hoping they wd
run away & tell Turks what a good
time they had. He told the policeman to go
to sleep & not watch them too closely.At end of about an hour - Policeman
took them to Holly spur, let them stroll out
lost to sight - About an hour later they
came back carrying the 2 biggest bundles of
firewood ever yet seen in Anzac.
Attack from Turkish point
Georgi Andriano. The little [[shorthand]] of the 13 regiment 2nd Bn
(5th division) had been at the front here the whole time. First at Keshan
waiting for our landing there with the 14 & 15 battalions (5 II)
When the troops here landed the 14/15 came down leaving 13 at
K. there a week in case troops were landed there later on.
They rejoined the rest of the division in front of our trenches between
Quinns and the Baby 700 (first week in May) remained
here until about 15th July when sent to Krithia
(whole division was sent south and took part in an attack on the trenches in the south
in which they were repulsed with a pretty big loss. They only
remained there 4 days and were sent to Kojadere with the
12 Regt to reorganise and train recruits and reinforcements undergoing
a pretty strenuous course of drill all day long. 14/15 were
sent to Boghali but remained at Krithia some days after
the 13th. On the night of the fight at L. Pine the
13 regiment was warned in the evening & 3 Bn left during the night
and in the morning their tents were still standing and they were gone.
About 3.30 in the afternoon of the 7th 1 & 2 Bns moved out
going up a xx good road which leads from the top of Scrubby
Kn. and when near Scrubby Kn a few hundred yards from the
entrance to a communication trench came across the hill to prevent us seeing
their troops as they moved over they were held up over there
an hour by our shell fire which was searching their enemy guns
firing from a concealed position beyond Scrubby Knoll. This
opened up one gun enough for our [[shorthand]] placed and each
shell was falling within 50 to 100 yards of the gun.
After our fire slackened the battalions moved forward and found
the 3 Bn didn't yet go into L.P. but was in reserve.
The reserve is in Legge Valley. The 2 Bn
was placed in bivouac at the back of J. Jolly,
3 Bn moved up to L.P., 1 Bn took the place of the
3 Bn while as they were bivouacked there in
early part of the night our hows were searching Owens
& Legges valleys as frequent reports had come up from
observation officers that Turks were massing in Owens
Valley. 2 how shell fell right into the 7th
Co causing 45 casualties. They were then moved into
the Jolly to reinforce 125th regiment as the Turks expected
we should attack the Jolly having got a successful fighting
in the Pine & 125th was not considered strong enough to hold the
Jolly by itself. They remained in the Jolly for 2
days finding the trenches splendidly made very deep well protected with
dugouts in communication trenches protecting men from shell fire
and while there suffered a few losses from our shell
fire. They were then withdrawn and replaced by a battalion of the 48
regiment and placed in reserve at the back of L.P.
where after a short rest they were sent in to occupy
trenches still held by the Turks and continued continue c. attacks
By this time the c. att. had mostly been finished and
3 & 1 Bns of 13 regiment each had borne the
bulk of the fighting each reported to have suffered very heavily
in endeavouring to retake the last trenches. After the 1st day
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