Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/13/1 - August 1915 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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(3 1 orders it to oc 125 47 16 trks got officers deary at Hellas evidently on Tiene 3 4. They translate & it we have retranstated the y 23 march St Ale. 9 re I howes dyed. T TB chased no 1625 20. At Lemnos saw CEtin] L in B. 21 6 real t Lande Riving 25 2rdeed. 40007 13000 br 1 Bn K0513 1C0.6170 B 1Bn KMBF TbeP. 28 many 2.N Retirnd L7 2000 30 May1. Landed cnti Bly & so on Mays Tried to capture loge of Hill. 7 Heavy camatlies both sides 12 4 men condemned to de nth committed to 57 10ars 10
23 13 20men did 80 15 85 A men k. 16men w. TF t Our or 9 F shell. If 1510p cause X 910 b y. 559. 4.6. 18. Fartyfired will, since 10am ol. S 1 May 19 53 BB Territorals E rgulars I-2 but if we are. Idont seem able to do in Enemy t heavily & repulsed. Our no Y day so th T5)V.Y.C. bec edig, wartherter Bde being intrp we sent to differet pouts obliged.Icasare territorials 28 acc. o opinion to are 6 off in arms amun & are aperior to e 30 Ei acroplancs and. F2. Chanicals WB2 1 certified J. copy 28 Tue Ab1 ed
21 at Extracts Dray of Hustila (really w3) soldin. May 13. 6 on 13. we are to be on C.s 8. 1 on flank of Tommies arre Jaucashin (erritorials, 2 days yet before we go to firing line 14 Turks wasting much annunition 20. After half an hour a feble attack by 15 wh we repulsed w gt ease. From 7 1 am to be 30 both 24 sides buried their dead. There were hundreds of yr JP&I dead. I estimate abt. 2000 Turks dead. to has 7w Near (Shs 29 have found w as . I think turks are going to altack us. we had seven wounded 29 today by shrapnel. We are all anxious to come to close 829. Pab by 20
ont Pin Prie Ts are all inxocutatio for typhoid, Cholera, & Sop. Daoad Ali- Seyt. 47 Bm 123 Bus. Loue Pine. t Kest car ther were 2s4c Attack L() surprise 2 coyo2 coys betiend - 500 uhen 200i a Coy. Abt 3wks ago 300 came as to do 1254 2 o3 days talk of no to recopture lost yr 2 Coys of 125p were shifted to 48-ts & one coy from &7 for to perpose Extreme hep of 47 soes down gully to sea 48in reard it Heavy losses by shell fire last &b3 but not many before.
4 Hussein Ali Kenal 2 L. Pive Attack W sood pp V 7Co I Co i supports 260 in support. OC. Coy & 3 officer cadets in Platoon Section of 6 Platoons, 8meni 1048 ws ^ 1975554 219 a 2256 & saw your 200 PE. shot 233 d (1c 18 in 12 72 pper . Tey 8or 10. Imes. in S P10n 5 12571 in s50w 19dis relief 66 rifle not Iv. air twice owr 66 Tunly S6 & 2 16 P6611 V 125 p. 28ood bus (142) I Redif understrugh 2 Coye of 43 in reerve. 49 Lianer Post Prisoners, 13,14,25, 32, 4748, 72 Kyts at anzac. Sr. Corps 30,46. 32 9: Senell 42 urkish Observer's Note. 4.8.15 5.25 am 5 0C, 47 Reyt. 1 Evening thoar 3 large boubs or 125 Regts t . Enemys o & as Bal Tipe bombarded our left win I Lond Noiss we heard on enemys pier.
Beport. L.8.15 11,4500 To OC47 Ryt. / No charge on enemys front. 2. Eneayy bombarded our 1 but I felll in year of our lines Onr shells fell belied ws 4. On our font we lost one martyr h ba consumed 14 cases of Amu 277.15. 545 to OC. 47 Regt. sapping abt 15 retres, ahead of our new sap T. Tally - back slope is Red Ridy. in port of Pumple is Martyrs Hill. Chathams - Yeshel D. green I Bottons - Gul Tepe. rose I Gully S of Mackays Hill – Chakal?J5 Pebbb our Back of T. Tolly (Wes) Serri ?s6s yekos Froub of 400 abt & Shuhada? 034marty? Macaurins Hill-Kidik Opp quinns - Buyuk (1) big DS.D. Valley i wh tineings Rdmns- Bomba bomb an , English Pier. The Nek - Kheanat Hiites treachery Supers nest-Kapa. I closed covered Battleshop Hill - Dennuit. old N. 3 Post - Chatal Due E. of quinns andmain sper 1 part is D B Cibertine tasik San. tpare - IIKD isgent WS Enemys live from S. Pivie Ridge s Giel Nar? 2as Valleyintions, & t Pine = Kanli Sirt (Bloody kitzs alley Gun Rid rwine slass (ab) & OLive groveof Kara Yorghe. Black Caoye S1 Due E of Tesm. Post (4t Pim)S KIXLI 4 partiige Os main Ridge across, gully from Owens Gully- Kondalike I has Das Gully behind Kondalik s Mersin n & Adana Bair, Ridge & i bby Knoll (abt)S. dat tepe, oat back of it. chenal Trobaas oib 6
point dattack tack. Coptured map showe clearly to some sort of attack ws planneds in Lone Pine section it codhave come juar N. o Tasmania post & apst pimple shortly after thathaus post ws made. and et wahab Ridge- Hally Spur, Kil-Warvally - valley &s it. On gan of marked folly & 29 Field By. 16 Field 1B Quick Mount gun 2B. 18. Prob, 5 guns. As favas we is there are 5 guns there. Kanti Tepe - Hill 60 Bloody &ill Savler is connected w a was. meaning watery. Fashli Fine - stoney Hell Edee Exgt of 971 where 92 Map. evidently for attack: enlarged tellegram from Tuskmag Boltons Hill - Gul Tepe. new evemys trendes"- Chalham past Green Hill- our wheatfield. HC. marked abt where old 12 Bn HO were. Big Valley. Shrap. Gull Coal him vatlu Bardyes Ro Maardin shell green valley. Chatcal Dere- Kikrik Dere - S of Mr Cays Hill Point of Attack - Tumple o N of Tasmanen Post Browns Belly pretty well placed - marked 2Blys 35 10 Brown Hughes Batty – Ening Bally 3.5 The St Standard - H Bay-rak - Sandiak Has. Ht. Bayrak Rudge - Ping Pite Another that made atter 25 t may Nat very correct. gives as right down to Teen trucher & up to Battlesbyg Hill. 125 on T. Tolley 43 key ofp wholes of tine
some time ago Blarney sent out policiman w 2 prisoners who were ordered to gather wood. Sent them to Holly Spuer & ordered them to get bis bundles - hoping they wd run away & tell turkes what a good time they had. He told policeman to so to steep & not watch tem too closely, At ind of about am house Policiman took them to Hotly Spiv, let them stroll out lost to sight - About an hour later they came back carrying the 2 byjest bundles of firewood wver yet can in Anzoc.
Geore Audreano. 13 2 (5613135.✓401 kechan 12981415 ✓ 14/15 F 13 X 2 413 (s 94 2s Yuus700 f02 17 FA/15th July &c Kouthin (6)c 146/02 C sC 46 e Rosadere 12 Reyt. X 3 Y 1 14/15 c C Boghal 12 outhin of JS.J L. Pine. 3to warned & 3Bn1. 9080 1
142 Bn 89.( scrubly Scrubby Kn shell fo 7)a Semmbbiy knott. M 6 50 100 3Bn (E Leppe 21 bi T. Foll 3B LBn EBn. 6 d Owen hows LeW 8081 Ow 26 2how shell VMI - Co 45 -66862 John 1 14 1252p 10 20 E. Jolly 7.20 Pene & 1256)699.N. Folly6( J Tolly 22 b. (6 2 2 I 17E 6 2 shell X 248 16 to LP. 13 10412 c. attachs att t Bnd of 13 15 900 XX 11 46 2444

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