Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/13/1 - August 1915 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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Regin Seryt of Howmaus ls wtch sordon) Bn 9 of NosG Not a man Kno m2138 4Fen puard other sapping & M Kay 9. 76 Dap V. 30 Portion of L Pine- L. 120yds 50.60. Jues 9 at 2 422c M. 8c 798 09f221 1 o2 telephine The wires if - in 30 peeces. by 6.40 BaH. O. went Es AV 2411 pm They have a spoing gan for v? Had one vy. of 624 on left plance Casnalties 450 (.437) m.1 Ho.6.44. W. 14. 248
Nof Ireland - Citt D. Tven Dub. an Diges Latonche - Priest of CE. Denied to come as chaptain- I he foined ranks at Kenington 2 Bn. Rejected for but came B. 13Bn £ xfS.S.C thewss 2p Docsan B29C Lecturer. 1- well know ps & Ratimalist Debates. He ws I from 13 Bn to be for 151 Bdle- Gotback 8c V here He ws but is if on Parapet. t 10y 90 He 5146Y Padre is 9 46 i Had to run in open from iof Takingof 300 Padre ws bit thro his cholera belt bz emper Man w BBr Rum f Kunn 4,11 am, 61m S 1 L) 10 Digges Larouche w6l 2Bn at on 5th4to i. & at 5.30 pm ws hat right ce in F 4 Capt. Tullerton A.M.C. & 2arc man isc 248- solit. Attended to en Scene in sap- Scobie getting into y 7 or ruin bler. to 9 6 118 &4 17952 cap.
t be attacked. 220. Front We overscover. 7 Bron 477.61 men / WE3 to increase coves. Each Bn had 1 cay IBn o2 & 3 Bds also VC Delay by barbed& ito 2Bn a little later than 35t got as far Ca. R5. C attack from NrS. 30 on 71½ 7A c O. attect to 840 am. am Part of 126 had to be sutin 123 pm C. attack till 5 you t I am, and Couster attate 2 By suffered o I am anothr O. attack E& SE. after frint (fin) from N. lastrs tell 745 We meant. C. attack but I occm. Bombay & saying laster till 12Ang. we had now ascedancy & if boub supply eemys ad keep him do pur w 5 St Auet Dis 32 Pretim. Bombr. E4, 5. 6. Aug. 430 Aug6. Intense Bombl. 4.30- 5.30. .0r w. abt F.Z adually in i when it by Barbed wire ws destroyed but overhead cover pract, intacl One 18m placed on ArtRed in exposed directfir at point blank rangs - gun B Detodment under W Gatliffe 18 pdr. similarty G for T. Tolly ws v. slow being delayed nearly he until officer ws induced to remove some sandbays, Had thes gun on more effectin tere from T. Tally wd been less danguous, Howitzerfore on so solly ws short, man burst near our yh S. half of T. Tolly &r1 a bit knocked o Nhalf intact 8Batlyfired fast agst enemy gun to (known? but howetyer stooting was not continuous, Everys guns unaffected. 75 Mn & 6th Hav bombardes our trunches heavely Enemys guas o very quickly served, Hugd few. went for our trenches. Fear of infilating own him 5.6. Bdiex 1Bde reports all bno in posite read 5.30. Attock begins. F. Artillery v quickly onts parapel over wh Infy advanced. from Turks Hump, Sandpit, C, & Sorubly knolt contecated) not lease excitement amongst reserves of men goay E. serious check at enemy (o line owey to overhed cover. Had to his down bin S. 42. Large bo dies cuim eporte return from LF
By holding their rifles as below some yfour men hadan advantage in working along Werk A surprised, but surprised by moment of attack (12 5.43. Report; 3r 4 buo well into centre of positi Report, 2 on lining parados of Ene 6.4. positi Repert. 3 on reached S. end of reentrant 6:10 Reserves from y Bo well in brenches. Bagonels visible 3oydsin. 2Bn over paradow abt its cutio. Enemys sity now very severe Itt scrat being fired Teleph 2 never less Reserve troops woed up to B9. message. Fire short & to left. on T. Tolly 6.19 enemy massing w fixed bayonets. Esp. in ir rf traversy Owen's Gully, He OC.m detachment ws notified & heavy fire brought to bear 6124 messuge. Whole of 1 Bn sentin in reply to request from h Pine 8th Batty firing on C. good vate of fir. 635. Report attack appears aC Amnuns water from crater had to cross open gone, abt Yoyds, Bombs reported to be not working well. 6.40 Report Owens fully Enemy massny 6.6 Pini Ridge rumiforced from Sun Ribrt 600 1. Brob. whole of reserve troops in Totly
13 ecctor were brought up o moved tho Owins Gully. 6.55 All reserves exc 120 reinfo. Bn. forrand. 6.5773. Bdle to send one for to Jun hame. 7.2. Enenny puessing in Right May McKay. es aske. Art, asknt tfire on S slopes of Lone Pine 7.6 messages to cmenny massiry in Owens gully not confirmed. 7.20 -8.45. Enys fire on Pumple heavy. 8.59– everything safe. 10. Reports all safe. W & prisoners gradly brought thro B9. 119 Prisoners sent to Angac Aug 7. 2 m gs captured & used. 1.56 am. Col M Naughton – all going well. 3Bns 47 13 Bns 13 in pond of 2 Pine Commo thio by early morning amm, water, boinbs. flares had t pass up one narrow tunnel & over opu & w. pris. returning. Engrs. soing from crater. No serious asttack. Whole of 15 Bdews now in Fine, 12 Bn in support
Aug7 (2 God. Bele toind to keep eveny sumed to his ? by frement rapid Hows. (69 Bd) landed several shells trunckes of 5 B. 14.30 Evening bombing. Our bomb suppl intermittent. This gt anxiety. Foupply in extancible. 4mg N captured. on totalled. treched 12.25 laed from other Tt 1 -2 pm. Evemy Ex masi for C attack 1Bn (h taken out) sent back. 2.30 Enemy coming up Commn truch. En. Art firig 2.56. Both flanks hand pressed. Attack entires bombs 3.50. Attack cases. But still intense. 4. 53 Attack on left sumed to be failed Ships fire valuable. S.25. T. Folly l full. Every ir brought up whole of Ret as well as 47. Connought Rangers brought up in reserve (v fine bu paysically mostly ex-servies men Stackinnyg in attack; then new boub attack at 7om. Iou quester of boubsupply from anyae serious.
15 Bombiy I night - still i at Fam. Pau We had vacated one portion of 30yd & anotin of 1078 50 -6.50 attack constent. Evemy shelling Line N & S of L. Pine. 8.32. Further t in Lege valley attack 4 Bn. temporarily took one trech but thrown out - 9.15 7Bn put in. Dend still in E a Ceapally butmen steady. 10.25 Partial Call. More tacks moved up Wzarty did good work. Auring of trunches begn J.15 pm. 3 Bo attacke part of conys Y carried it by D. lnking up w 4 Br. 11 Situstin fairly quiet 9 an 4.15 Ts began again – Henry ) from T. Folly, & bombs thoown for siteralen Easier Den Fo gotin at Socn 70 12 Bus broughtup (7ou right) I suffered heavily 6.39.4 Bn reported we had gound apper hand in vounting. 8.42 Reported t5 bory Lewoit
(16 737 as every sumd demoratised & our mens spirits good 1t Bn ws sent in to re t view to C attack 45 5 Bn sent 2 Coys to L. Pinc 3 Bn taken out. 9.40 small parties of ts seen retreat from C.P. 11.28 Part of 1Bn under Capt Sasse surrounded & K. 20 To who attacked S.W. augh 11.35. Easur but out of bombs. 12. 25 Turks still near Sp Angle. 12.35 Bombs recd, 7Bn holding on but suffering ou 4.19 1Bn capt, cogds of Commn Yleady to owen valley - Capt. Passe & shout a Gmen killing 8 T5. 4.50 59. o LH from 2CHB sent to 4P 6.3 enemy ceased shelling posibe Attacks irregular Fartillery fire on. 10Au. LP. frequent Counter attacks continuous from I am on Aay) to 12 pm on Aug9, (72 hr) T. losses & severe.
T. losses. 31 Tuly 4 aug. 8 13 Leanes Frinch. over 300 Bombardment 400 600 C canes Post 400 2 Cos in attack Lone Penc. 600. 5000 ment C. all. 2600 say 2000 Bombardawits SOT 600 T. Tally 4.900
meday I mond night n sand P 260-700 From Bennett (I am fairly sure this was TO. T. CBns Orders his account). P.WwB 18.1.240 100 agt supers poss on it. 300 apt G0.7. Forward time 50 covering force. 1. Tols 50 to block destiog bomb. with special bomb Thield T00 apt. G.O. Cover to go over lop & hold back c allack over top (as q juntiti) Cmmo 43 at sides, & 2 (both to overhend cover). 2 parties to look for y com ati a spysers post of Courtaeys. There ws a rehearsal to day - abt Borinates 88 stells had bursed in T & Block on rines at 1 supposed to be byone 200 lbs) did not 1115 11.30. last minate 11. 40. Men I in 6 mine finished, Explosions Ela main trenches. This shook of in in tunnelswaite7e 3.45. wounded -I into tun G (18) O.T. 7 Aus. 12. 45am. O.C. 2Ble to it wOBn. broken but O.C. SBn reports attack N. cause unknown. you ready in so 1. am GOC orders 6Bn. to move at once Reported delay due to blocking 1.16. do& Tunnels blocked by enemys gan fire, Exit impossible. 2Bde ordered to reorganice + atteck promplly. 2.20 orders sent for N of 100 men to be foled by second & if t sod M. LG.O.T. 3.50 HlolBennell 71t I compliance i&. 4.10. Report from 2 Bde Attack on G07 facled 4.123 E9 to 2Bd0 to 2 avother promply 4.50 Cancelled Withdraw 6o Bn & I 2ostdy4 1177 8.25. Orders to 6 Bn to continue reorsanisation 934re 9 2edi as is 5n o71 G.O.7. Mt OBn mot 2 d HCx Recon for 90t Jackson (Donlest. sot rush walking up& down beckoning in Prisk, best man chosen, ws fard & back watter as within 30 secont

Regm. Sergt M Homans
W S W Gordon  [[?]]
2 Bn
of No 5 Not a man [[?]]
other sapping x Mckay [[?]]
[[?]] at 5.30x
S. Portion of L. Pine - L. 120 yds
[[?]] 50-60
Mines [[?????????????????????]]
The 2 telephone wires in 30 pieces by?
6.40 Bn H.Q. went
They have a [[?]] gun for [[?]]
Had one m.g. of 6 L H on left flank.
Casualties 450 (?437)
K.6.44.  W.14.248.  m.l.137.


Not Ireland Litt D Trin Dub.
[[?]] Latouche - Priest of C.E. desired
to come as Chaplain - [[?]] he joined
ranks at Kenington 2 Bn. Rejected for
[[?]] but came [[?]] 13 Bn
[[?]] he was [[?]]
[[?]] Diocesan [[?]]
& Lecturer [[?]] Well know
[[?]] & Rationalist Debates.

He was [[?]] from 13 Bn to [[?]] for 1st
Bde. Got back [[?]] here.
He was hit [[?]] on Parapet
& ws [[?]]

Lt Digges
Latouche [[?]]
2a.m. on 6th [[?]]
& at 5.30 pm [[?]]
ws hit right [[?]]
Capt. Fullerton A.M.C. & 2 AMC [[?]]
[[????????]]. Attended to 
Scene in Sap -

Scobie getting into [[?]]
to [[?????????]]


220 Front to be attacked.
we [[?]] overs / cover [[?]]
Front [[?]]

[[?]] to increase cover.
Each Bn had / Coy [[?]]
1 Bn of 2 & 3 Bds also [[?]]
2 Bn into [[?]] a little later than [[?]]
Got as far [[E?]] as RS.

xx 7.5 pm [[?]] attack from Nrs.
7th 1.30 am on 7th[[?]] attack to 8.40 am
Part of [[?]] had to be [[?]]
1.23 p.m C. attack till 5 pm.
8th. 0 am [[?]] Counter attack
2 Bn suffered [[?]]
8. 5 am another C. attack E & SE. after
first (fire) from N. Lasted till 7.45
We meant C. attack but [[?]] occur.
Bombing & sniping lasted till 12 Aug.
We had now ASCI & army & if
bomb supply = [[?]] enemys, cd keep him down

1st Aust Div
47 [[?]]
13th [[?]]
Prelim. Bombt. 4.5.6. Aug.
4.30 Aug 6. Intense Bombt 4.30 - 5.30
K. or W. abt ½ [[?]] actually in by when it [[?]]
Barbed wire ws destroyed but overhead covers

pract. intact
One 18 pr, place on Artly Rd in exposed [[?]]
direct fire at point blank range - gun served
try [[?]] Lt Gatliffe
18 pdr similarly [[?]] ws v. slow
being delayed nearly 1/2 hr. until officers ws induced
to remove some sandbags. Had this gun bn more effective
m.g. fire from J.Jolly wd been less dangerous.
Howitzer fire on J.Jolly ws shot, many
burst near over    . S half of J.Jolly
a bit knocked . N half intact
8 Batty fired fast agst enemy gun (known)
but howitzer shooting was not continuous.
Enemy's guns unaffected. 75 m/m & 6th How
bombardment our trenches heavily.
Enemys guns [[?]] very quickly served, though few.
Went for our trenches - Fear of enfilading own line.
5.6. Believe / Bde reports all [[?]] in position ready
5.30 Attack begins. T. Artillery v. quickly onto
parapet over wh Infy. advanced. - from
Turks Hump, Sandpit, C, & Scrubby Knoll
(unlocated) Not least excitement amongst
reserves or men going [[?]].
Serious check at enemy [[?]] line owing to
overhead cover. Had to lie down bind sandbags.
5.40. Large [[?]] enemy reported retiring
from L. Pine.

[* This is hardly fair - Head cover ws too low &
gun cdnt be raised to clear parapet.*]


By holding their rifles as below
some of our men had an advantage in working
along [[?]]Enemy [[?]] not surprised, but surprised
by moment of attack.

5.43 Report: 4 & 4 bns well into centre of positn.
6.4 . Report: 2 bn lining parados of enemy
6.10 . Report. 3 bn reached S. end of reentrant.
Reserve from 4. Bn well in trenches.
Bayonets visible 30 yds in.
2 Bn over parados abt its centre.
Enemys Arty now very severe [[?]]
scrub being fired - Teleph. [[?]] neverless.
Reserve troops moved up to Bq.
6.19 Message. Fire short & to left - on J. Jolly.
Enemy massing w fixed bayonets.
Esp. in [[?]] traversing Owen's Gully.
xxxx O.C. m.g. detachment ws notified
& heavy fire brought to bear
6.24.  Message. Whole of / Bn sent in in
reply to request from L. Pine
8th Batty firing on C. good rate of fire.
6.35  Report "attack appears [[?]]"x Ammn &
water from crater had to cross open
zone, abt 40 yds. Bombs reported to be
not working well.
6.40 . Report Owens Gully enemy massing
6.47  Pine Ridge reinforced from Ridge - 600 Ts.
Prob. whole of reserve troops in Jolly


sector were brought up & moved thro'
Owens Gully.
6.55. All reserves exc. 120 reinfs, 1 Bn. forward
6.57. 2 Bde to sen bn to Gun Lane.
7.2 Enemy pressing in Right. Maj McKay
Reinfs asked. Arty asked [[?]] fire on S. slopes
of Lone Pine
7.6 Messages tt enemy massing in Owens Gully
not confirmed.
7.20 - 8.45 . Enemys fire on Pimple heavy.
8.59 . Everything safe.
10.  Reports "All Safe".
W. & prisoners grandly brought thro
B9. 119 prisoners sent to Anzac
Aug 7  2 captured & used.
1.56 am Col McNaughton - "All going well".
3 Bns 47. 3 Bns 13 in front of Lone Pine.
Comms thro' by early morning.
Ammn, water, bombs, flares had to pas up
one narrow tunnel & over open & w./ pris.
returning. Engrs. going from crater.
No serious c-attack. Whole of 1st Bde ws
now in Pine, 12 Bn in support


Aug 7
3rd Bde tried to keep enemy pinned to his [[?]]
by frequent rapid fr.
5" Hows. (69 Bde) landed several shells
in trenches of 5 Bn.

11.30 Evening bombing. Our bomb supply
intermittent. This gt anxiety. T. supply
inexhaustible. 4 [[?]] captured
12.25  7 now totalled. Trenche
enfiladed from other T [[?]]
1-2 p.m. Enemy [[?]] massing for c. attack
1 Bn (wh taken out) sent back.
2.30  Enemy coming up Commn trench. En's arty
2.56 Both flanks hard pressed. Attackentirely bombs)
3.50 Attack eases. But still intense.
4.53 Attack on left seemed to h. failed.
Ships fire valuable.
5.25  J.Jolly [[?]] full. Enemy [[?]] brought
up whole of 13 Regt as well as 47.
Connaught Rangers brought up in reserve.
(v. fine bn. physically. mostly ex-service men)
Slackening in attack; then new bomb attack
at 7 p.m.
8 p.m. Questn of bomb supply from Anzac


8 Aug.  Bombing [[?]] night - still L at 5 a.m.
We had vacated one position of 30 yds & another
of 10 yds.
5.50 - 6.50 attack constant. Enemy shelling
line N & S of L. Pine.
8.32  Further T. in Legge Valley attack 4 Bn.
temporarily took one trench but thrown out [[?]]
9.15  7 Bn put in. Dead still in [[?]] [[?]]
but men steady.
10.25 Partial lull. More Turks moved up.
N Z Arty did good work.
Clearing of trenches begun.
7.15 p.m. 3 Bn attacked part of enemys [[?]]
carried it by 8. linking up w 4 Bn.
11  Situation fairly quiet.

9 Aug.
4.15  Ts began again - heavy [[?]]
from J.Jolly. & bombs thrown but situation
Few T.s got in at S. end.
7.12 Bns brought up (7 on right) 7 suffered
6.39. 4th Bn reported we had gained upper
hand in bombing.
6.42  Reported Ts losing heavily


7.37  as enemy seemed demoralised & our men's
spirits good  1st Bn ws sent in to [[?]]
w view to c. attack.
8.45  5 Bn sent 2 Coys to L. Pine
3 Bn taken out.
9.40  Small parties of Ts seen retreating
from L.P.
11.28  Part of 1 Bn under Capt Sasse surrounded
& K. 20 Ts who attacked S.W. angle
11.56 . Easier but out of bombs.
12.25  Turks still near S.W, angle.
12.35  Bombs recd. 7 Bn holding on
but suffering [[?]]
4.19  1 Bn capt. 40 yds of Comm [[?]] leading
to Owens Valley. Capt Sasse &
[[Short?]] w 8 men killing 8 Ts.
4.55 Sq. of L.H. from 2 L H B sent to
6.3  Enemy ceased shelling positn

10 Aug.  Attacks irregular - T.artillery fire on L.P. frequent
Counter attacks continuous from 6 am on
Aug 7 to 12 pm on Aug 9. (72 hrs)
T. losses v. severe.


T. losses.
31 July    Leane's Trench     over 300
4 Aug.    Bombardment              400
5     ___________________________ 600                                         
6   _________Leanes Post ______400
6 }
7 }
8 }    Lone Pine  2 cos in attack   600

9 }                         5000 men c. att. 2600

10}                                    say 2000
G O T.
J. Jolley.                                              600


7 Bn [[?]] miday \ Mond night
[[?]] 360 - 70 [[?]]
From Bennett (I am fairly sure this was
his account). E.W.B. 18.1.24.
G.O.T. 6 Bns Orders
100 agst snipers post on rt.
300 agst G.O.T.
Forward line 50 covering force.
50 to block destroy &
bomb [[?]]
with special bomb shields
200 agst G.O.T.
Covering [[?]] ws to go over top & hold
back c.attack over top (as [[?]] undetected)
(must [[?]]  at sides & 2 [[?]]
[[?]] (both w overhead cover).
2 parties to look for [[?]] communicating
w snipers post on Courtneys.
There ws a rehearsal tt day - abt 10 minutes
to get in.
Shells had burst in [[?]] Block on [[?]]
Mines at
11 .(supposed to be big one 200 lbs.)
did [[?]]
11.15.  11.30.
last minute 11.40. Men [[?]]
in [[?]] last mine finished. Explosions
[[?]]   main trenches. This shook
in tunnels [[?]] waited [[?]]
[[?]] 12.45 - 8.45. wounded [[?]] into tunnels

G.O.T. 7 Aug
12.45 am. O.C. 2 Bde [[?]] w 6 Bn
broken but O.C. 8 Bn reports attack [[?]]
cause unknown. Men ready in [[?]]
1. am. G O C orders 6 Bn. to move at once
1.16 Reported xxxx delay due to blocking
[[?]] Tunnels blocked by enemys gun fire.
Exit impossible.
2 Bde ordered to reorganise & attack
2.20 Orders sent for [[?]] of 100 men to be folld by
second & if [[?]] G.O.T.
3.50 Lt Col Brunnell [[?]] compliance [[?]]
4.10. Report from 2 Bde Attack on G O T failed
4.23  [[?]] to 2 Bde to [[?]] another [[?]] promptly.
4.50 Cancelled. Withdraw 6 Bn &
8.25. Orders to 6 Bn to continue reorganisation
9.34  [[?]]

[[?]] recommend 7 for G O T
Jackson (Lt) on left - got wounded in second rush
walking up & down beckoning men [[?]]
Prisk, best man chosen, ws first out & back w.
within 30 seconds. Casualties abt 150.
[*Jackson hit first by bullet - cheering men on - then hit in leg w bomb
& ^terribly smashed - carried in & put thro' tunnel. M.G fire from J.Jolly & Quinns.


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