Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/121/1 - 1915 - 1916 - Part 5
Then in touch w 53rd on rt ; 53rd
sd they were in touch w 15 Bde
On left we had touch with 8th Bde.
The site of trench ws a drain
w 18 " to 2 ' of water - almost
parallel to front lines. Good
parapet built to 7 ' to 9 '.
Sand bags came in time & / work
ws made bullet proof. Only a few
offrs (juniors) left. [Cass went over
w 4th wave].
2.20 a.m. strong counter attack
up Rd past Rouge Bancs
but m.g.s & L.Gs put there
Esp. drove it off. Attack died away.
Losses unknown.
2.40 am. strong c. attack along
German front 2nd & 3rd line.
This ws first hint tt our rt had
gn way; 53rd Bn didnt know
of the defection on rt & had
made no barricade.
Enemy got in behind them
& were within 80 yds of rt of 54th
Grenades scarce; 53rd broke
under these C. attacks & crowded
on rt of 54. Many of men were
demoralised & a mixed party
surrendered. It is sd tt 6
Germans in Aust. uniform
went over & our men followed
& surrendered. It is sd tt 4
offrs of 53 Bn surrendered then -
but light ws bad.
Positn now bad. No bombs,
Germans strong & close to right.
Cass appealed to 53rd to stand &
fight but cd nt stop them
dribbling back.
Couldnt find C.O 55 Bn
& only had one Coy 55 Bn in support
Front line cd nt be denuded -
so appealed for help.
Now 3.45 am. Abt 4am
C found C.O 55th & tried to get
him to c. attack . w bayonet. Then
got pioneer sergt of 54th at head
of small mixed pty of 54 & 55
& they ran forwd w bayonet &
drove Germans abt 50 yds. Cd
find no offr of 53 & spare none
of 54. Only 6 offrs of 54 left of
whom L.N.G offr Lieut. R.G. Dowling
M.C. ws wd but working splendidly.
Abt this time the L.G. grenadiers
arrd. & Germans were kept
4.5 asked for help from arty
indicating enemys positn.
4.20. agn reported positn
desperate, asked for arty suppt.
No telephone - did not know
tt message recd for 1½ hrs.
m.g. coy had 17 casualties
by 5.35
15 Bde messages.
6.44 P.M. (sent.) 59th battalion held up half way
across NoMansLand. heavy casualties. 60th & others
appear to have got across
from Post
Head of column reports
4.45 V.C. Ave blocked up by shellfire.
Engineers are clearing. From 58 Bn.
Pinney ave damaged 4.30
5.35 assaultg battalions in position
from G.
5.35 from Sig officer 15 Bde
All communications hopelessly torn up.
despatch rider service will have to be established.
5-52 From 57 Bn. in position N 1 a 3 8
5.55 60 Bn. 58 Bn carrying party xxx has not yet
reported to find location of dumps. Otherwise
all correct.
5.55 p.m. 60 Bn reports: wire between
N9c81 & N9c5 ¼ 1 which has not
been cut. Saps at N9c5¼ / [[?]]
N93½ 1 which are still undamaged. Latter two
suspected m g positions. Suspected m.g. [[emplac?]]
at N 8 D 9 ½ 1 ¼ undamaged.
6 pm Bdier enemy opening hot shrapnel and H E
on our trenches. Musketry comparatively feeble but appears increasing.
5.55. From Bdier. infantry advance commenced.
enemy opening fire musketry and m gs. Not very hot.
8.12 pm - from 182nd Bde. (sent 7.52)
Am attacking at 9 p.m. Can your right
battalion cooperate?
9.7 pm. X From 5th Division. 61st Div left has
failed to get in. Fresh bombardment of Sugar
Loaf N8 d 5.2 and line to S.W.
being carried on and will continue till 9. pm.
when fresh attack will be made by 61st.
8.1 pm. From 182 Bde. 7.35pm. Left company of
left battalion has been reported in
but it is doubtful. The rest of this brigade has not got
in. Artillery fire is now being opened along
this brigade front until 8.30pm when we propose
to assault again. (Bdes
5.55 from Bdier. Enemys artillery increasing in severityattacking barrage near 300 yds line.
6.16 from Bdier. enemy m gs still
sweeping ground along 300 yards line.
His musketry appears slackening a little.
Appears to be shelling NoMansLand. VC heavily shelled.
6.31 from Bdier Attack appears to be successful.
Practical cessation of enemy musketry
but is still shelling our parapet.
7.18 ^ from Bdier reported from 59th that they could not get on. The trenches
are full of the enemy and every man who rises is
shot down. Report from wounded indicate that the attack is
failing for want of support.
(signed " 8.6pm)
7.50 from Bdier. Reinforcements appear to be badly
needed along all our fronts. At present we are
just hanging on with men in some places
of front trench.
Greenway reports 59th &
60th casualties very severe
8.13 from Bdier sent a half battalion 57th up to 300 yards
trench near V.C. Avenue. The Avenue is practically
destroyed so they will have to take the open road
artillery formation. Warn them to be prepared
to go up and hold the front line and also to help with fatigues
9.31 answer from Bdier It is impossible to say at present
with any certainty what portions of enemys front line are held.
Communication has broken down with our front line.
Renewed attack now being made by 58th Bn.
Enemy opened heavy musketry fire.
(Asks for ammun carrier
to be organised as all organisation has broken down)
Some German prisoners are being sent back.
8.5. From 5 Aust Division. (to report which portions of attack are
successful, which doubtful, which parts enemy still hold,
so that a fresh bombardment can be arranged. Give exact
boundaries for artillery guidance.
7.35 p.m. 15 Bde permission
to use rest of 3rd Bn
to stiffen up assault of 59
Bn & will move up
½ Bn of reserve to hold
300 yards line & some of front line
if necy
7.54 Message from Bdier asks for more reinforcements.
9.7. From Bdier. Have sent 58th Bn up
to front line. 57th have
reported. Am now reorganising them.
Have ordered Denehy to coop. with Bde
on his right at 10-00 (1.1.9)
9.55 order from 5 Aust Division. Following moves will take place.
½ battalion 29 battallion from Rue du Quesnes
to Croix Blanchs
H 33 a 42
½ bn 56 battalion will occupy line of
Rue des Quesnes in
M 32 a
½ battalion 57 to Windy Post & vicinity
(N 1 G 35)
These half bns will move into positions at 9pm.
From Bdier Latest information indicates that with the 58
10.14 pm C.O. indicates c 58
reinforcements the 59th are pushing forward Col
Harris completely broken down
now in command Maj
Layh now in command. & Greenway
thinks we will get one communication sap tonight.
10.45. From Bdier OBrien is trying to get
communication with our advanced line by telephone.
10.50 (sent 10.30) To 15 Bde.
Now learn 61st Division hold
Apex of Sugar Loaf They are
endeavouring to take tonight from Sug. Loaf
the right of yr objve. Has 59th
got in or have you had to
withdraw them. Is 60th still in?
& is 53rd on its left? Can you
seize & hold all yr objive if
I give you yr Reserve Bn?
5 Aust Div.
10.30 pm
11.8 pm from Bdier. 59 Bn reports that
they are holding ground within
100 yds of enemy but have been
unable to advance. I have ordered them to dig in.
SOC. 11.4pm
11.04pm.x From Bdier. 55 Bn report that they have
not got touch with 60 Bn which was on their
right. I have not yet established communication with
my battalions in advanced line. 55 Bn
report that they are holding hard pressed for bombs and sandbags.
11.20 to 15 Bde from Gen Godley Adv. 2nd ANZ.
congratulations to you on your success. Trust your
casualties are not heavy.
11.21 59 Bn have not yet got in. I can get
no information as to situation regarding 60 Bn but think from
accounts of wounded that they are still in.
I cannot guarantee success of attack with 57th as
enemy machine gun is very hot but would try.
From 5 Aust Divn.
61st Division are reported to hold apex of
Sugar Loaf and are tonight attacking.
61st Division are ordered to take from
apex to junction of German trench with River Laies.
Brigadiers are each authorised to use 3 bns
for fighting and a half bn for carrying and digging
holding our old system parapet and 300 yds line
with remaining half battalion each. You are asked to
take and hold whole of original objectives.
You will however avoid the error often
committed in France of holding
captured trenches too thickly as unnecessary casualties
occur and men cannot dig or consolidate trenches.
Corps commander and I congratulate you on your
splendid work done. (to all Bdes)
CM Wagstaff Lt Col. for Major Gen
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