Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/121/1 - 1915 - 1916 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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39 Sholet in abt D Dacly News Weekby Depath Fat 10ft 20 ther you get Butferm acct. sd had tI the their marn & in out men pecial told of pec out officers & Out one 60t WF 4 in unhit coy commors k. CC Dii C k 4 Co ange Co thro wd head ad bad wd thro & all both thighs fanior fecers Ex Hamilton more or eas batt He bet. shell hole lay a close to Ferman were I to tback thaken. meech 2 21 officers out went Seerlin Mackin & several others. Total K. 781 t Bn cn Casualties out of 887 in the fight 06 to answer roll left call of those who went out
4 X aso Luns capturd these 13 The Eveme put m.G. a barrage along the Rue Delas getters deagonall wh ran homansland acros Ene $ The line of Ble The 14 15 Bde where crosset then this oad Sempl ran wt this a regular line of dead aloy this nex day showed the result. Sinctor H live £ put across to the Lays the River two together our prac barre font Some of the Bn 60 30 to the Jera I had a dain acro Leeyes R. 7 That WF cro ase casit
9 43 in abvance nearl but breast Ligh in con Eack there many were at our Dead alon this Afhr won ws inform B Bdie tl attack had fail the Dion told him put int to live with raw 59 &601 814 did splendid work brin wan ine aen 30 lost bragin in abt 300. remain The Co 7 o 8th WI tin diggen uset trench de youath from Layes to connedt weh 14 Bde who were slik holden as ct AS the might thought hangon.
2 X where to Bbe in 25 This wt to start from the tayes Sall in derectu Pat Rue Dewas gatter ight The yuns firing down it had then bu captand. this made Lee D. rather aseful. most of our were dead on left side ofrd facm Fermans. m prob foring down gutters orginety). both The 59th get way alross the nearer they got t the 14th better the ty Tof on. as sd it right on The had touch wd Cen 8 the 601½ for th reason thought he w i all bt
3 26 The terman Bare ab stert ye 2 ight wt on onr parepet. a of 5 lot F Thraprel. It did a fair and of damage Especiatly to Commn 2 G X avenu but They also pares Shrapvel 5 ont Sometimes shelled the 300 time. 9 & the thetter their own time where the 14 Ble were Br in it. 7 am. all the people had who taken put in the attack were out of front live 8 Bn WS holding it Ap to 7 days Aftern te £0 tien men in their wounds w5 Almost Lealer The cod 2 all had o cods some
herin 24 6 wds or In one case where a todman was lying in their were a frman got out. our men didnt fire as they thought he ws soe to rescie him He put a boub into him I blew him up Or wen opened the 2 terman but he got nt shell a hole. These were Bararians (who are very tough the ferman accted the were t Bavarians Swabians Things quictene down abt or 8 There we my. on on the wounded. But two boys got out ofot
48 X to n M. f. thi a arlittey 25 Swen in while the there Bry a9 W P am. The were fined at But or b it WS when the t 1o7 666 man the th he cox 50 one kille of the pair tod they had to 70or sd Loyde By 10. 38 the place quie wite we Sone inworn lims a ined age came 6 ask our As Please and fire ermans seemed elu £it se win to are 6157 The never wa in at of all at l point. The Deas two were broupt gether under Ha ing
50 for the a special Corps purpose t Tuby Ou/1 ferman FBn saie the after obliterati avery to Combt. readackon men Our A ferman, The bayonite tave of a te Leww Seen men messeng bat and one of these has since by given on a list of prisoners fort of war. gai weaer This into posite maved we had Attack Southed ws made to have bn on 17th HB. hadalrian Bde Rngide moved t Bove. over night Sownnces tok 8th Ble 14th Bde & of 15/16 & were moved in on 16/1 many of the were not there (or
anan 7 27 6 3 57 altack there by time 16 on Afternoon 2 100 Zere Bombt hour grom wI 6. am, attack at to be I am then put of to not before 4 2 4 pm altogether then fat
552 1E 54 14 B2 report 4 topt his to mess attact 2 This information add itonal to report. otan formert or hit ws our end pa tin Offis are rom H draw Misgter is not 8 554 Bde 53 Heavy camathies before assaul wh 3 of 4 Cy Commdrs were in kor. 2ofrs & many men were k going from Boogds line to pont lime) I Enemy must have know of atack & seen his advance sapedbeused Conly one abt 5. Sopin 6.10 last ware Opm. Jump of Iema The Senior Major coy commed o were lost on Io. (Maj. Harrison 4. Cast. Tock & Capt. Hanson were but in 0 Hanson went on to G.Y & managi to crawl back with last men Hanson ws in f dugont - these were 3o or g0 steps doeon) He ws in fantin conditer. He woks up & found himself alove just managed to get back trenches & two mgo taken canly our men folld evening aot 600 yes - & the came under our own art also. We retired to Ferman 15t System- 150 6 200 16t. line & duy a p ds behind

[Quoted in Weekly Despatch Daily News
abt end of July]

"Youngest there"  But Germ.
acct. sd tt they had their men
out in nomansland & men specially
told oft to pick out officers.
Only one offr in 60th ws
unhit. [3 coy commdrs K.; C. ok;
2 in C. K.; 4th Coy C.O. dangerously
wd thro head, adjt badly
wd thro both thighs - & all
junior officers exc. Lt. Hamilton
more or less badly hit. He  
lay in shell hole close to
German wire & got back 
v. much shaken. 21 officers
went out. (Lt Sterling, Mackinnon
K. & several others  - Total
casualties in tt Bn. 781
out of abt 887 in the fight —
1 offr 106 left to answer roll
call of those who went out).


X  Cass captured these

The Enemy put a m.g.
barrage along the Rue Delvas
gutters - wh ran diagonally
across nomansland. 
Enemy post. The line of 
The 14 Bde, & 15 Bde
where they crossed this
road simply ran into
this; & a regular line of
dead along this next
day showed the result.
A similar line
ws put across the Layes
River & the two together
prac. barred our front.
Some of the 60 Bn
sd tt the Germans had a
dam across Layes R.
That it ws crossed easily


in advance but nearly
breast high in coming back.
There were many of
our dead along this river.
After Divn ws informed
by Bdier tt attack had
failed the Divn told him
to put 57th into line
& withdraw 59th & 60th
& 58th.    57th did splendid 
work bringing wounded in -
lost 30 men bringing in
abt 300.
The remaining Coy of 
58th ws used in digging
trench diagonally from
Layes to connect with
14 Bde who were still
holding, as it ws
thought they might hang on.


Diagram - see original document
where 15 Bde
got in.

This ws to start from the Layes
Sally Port in directn of
Rue Delvas gutter. & right
The guns firing down it
had then bn captured.
This made Rue D. rather
useful. (most of our
dead were on left side
of rd facing Germans -
m.g. probly firing down
both gutters originally).
The 59th got ½ way across -
the nearer they got to the
14th the better they got on.
Cass sd tt on right
he had touch w a few
of the 60th & for tt
reason thought he ws
all right.


The German Barrage at start
of fight ws on our parapet.
A lot of 5.9 & shrapnel.
It did a fair amt of
damage especially to
commn trenches & V .C. Avenue.
They also poured put shrapnel
onto nomansland & sometimes
shelled the 300 yds line;
& they shelled their own line
where the 14 Bde were
in it. By 7 a.m. all the 
people who had taken part
in the attack were out o I
front line & 57 Bn ws
holding it. Up to 7 days 
afterwds we got living
men in w their wounds
almost healed. The wd.
all had 2 or 3 wds - some


6 or 7 wds. In one 
case where a wd. man
was lying in their wire
a German got out - our
men didn't fire as they 
thought he ws going to 
rescue him. He put a
bomb into him & blew him
up. Our men opened
fiercely on the German but he got
into a shell hole.
These were Bavarians
(who are very tough - the
German acct sd they 
were the Bavarians &
Swabians). Things 
quietened down abt
7 or 8. There ws m.g. 
on nomansland on the wounded.
But two boys got out & got


X Only m.g. at this 
time - no artillery.

6 men in while the
Brig ws there at 8 a.m.
They were fired at. But 
[*X*] it was only when they got 
the 6th man tt he ws
killed - & one of the pair
wd. They had to go 70 or
80 yds. By 10.30 the
place was quite quiet.
Sometime in / morning
a message came to ask
our arty to cease fire and
Germans seemed inclined
to go out & get wd. in.
The 61st Divn never
got in at all in any
The two Divns were brought
together under Haking - 


a special corps for the 
On 14/15th July Germans
raided the 58 Bn after
a very long bombt. obliterating
trench. Our men reattacked
& bayoneted a German. They 
got a Lewis gun - we have
missing men but are not
and one of these has since 
bn given in a list of prisoners.
of war. This raid ws after before
we had moved into positn
southwds. Attack ws
to have been made nex
on 17th. Bde HQ. had already
moved to Rouge de Boue;
Tommies took over night
of 15/16.  14th Bde & 8th Bde 
moved in on 16/17 - & were 
there (or many of them were not


there) by time of attack
on afternoon of 17th. (No
zero hour given  - Bombt
ws to be 6. am, attack at
11 am; then put off to
4 pm - not before 4 pm;
then put off altogether).


14th Bde.  54th Bn.
A copy of this report
& messages is
is additional 
to / report.
Maj. Holman
(formerly of L.H.) ws hit on
parapet. Our
offrs are being
drawn from L.H.
Midgley is now C.O.
of 54th.

Heavy casualties before assault, 
in wh 3 of 4 Coy Commdrs were
k. or w. (2 offrs & many men were 
k. going from 300 yds line to ^ our front
line) - Enemy must have known
of attack & seen this advance
(only one sap cd be used)
- abt 5.30 p.m.
6 p.m. Jump off - 6.10 last wave.
The senior Major & remaining
Coy Commdr were lost in 
nomansland.  (Maj. Harrison & Capt. Jack
& Capt. Hanson were hit wd in nomansland.
Hanson went on to G. trench & managed 
to crawl back with last men.
Hanson ws in G. dugout -
(these were 30 or 40 steps down) He 
ws in fainting conditn. He woke
up & found himself alone - &
just managed to get back.)
Trenches & two taken easily.
Our men folld enemy abt 600
yds - & then came under our
own arty also. We retired to
German 1st system - 150 to 200
yds behind 1st line & dug a trench.

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