Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/120/1 - 1919 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
  • Shorthand
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22 O Bris Raid Night of 1/2 July cs here whicha W9d01. M.9.4 4 7. mtl annoyence. Right, and lep to be attacked had also through was to minin ise losses, inpted operation Sitent is decidison On June 9 52 714 of Volumbers. 160 chosen Craiai C -x Heavy 2 no mans (and requently. Patrols o out in 8 W. 9c 75.10 Nqd 802.15 Nqd 25. 10 were methodeally as cat bMI.Ms here other paces but also in G on rt flank Heavy B
23 between N8d.8.2 & N9.c. 41 with Barrage from N 9c.57.10 to N.15 a.6.7. thence to N.15.6 thence to N.9.d. 7.2. eneny I would hoped ti I opposile the tot p6 sector – & they did. trenches Our Newy were being doy opp this Dector & cur (Ms Than wer To wire there on C cat Mgs. cooperate inderect 2000 yds back used I fire. Two V.M. guns protected rt & left flanks - only 2y fire to eaw. (on P2 emplacements. 1at end of Pinneys OS
Rt C Pl Capt Benson CE Ladermen Bombers Bayonet men Blocken men Felephowsts Menyers 2 Wire cutters 4 matmen 4 tapeman NcC. expert Engr. Salvage new kecerve win caliro 2 O.C. Raid Capt. M. Wilder Nelgan 2 tlephomsto2 left Cntri Ply Lr Kamkemna IF 4 2 14. 11 10 Cty Young H.F 2
Mere ws a bombt. from time they were at evemys wire) to form a barrage. Tis ws to be lowered when tey left trech. But ruse Do Et had be so successfut to Ad Germans never replied on the proper sector & our art barry we never owered onto fon t Y R 26 Bayovit men. I bayonets painted block Entrance to O.C. Raid at Sally Port. parties All N - a him by tel. 60 messages passed tho Bs HO Code previously Dweas Slight wester wind? 11. Rt pty folld by Cutry parties &lef 16 began to debance 12.432 all parties reported (2 dots) to the by buzzer. prend were in 200 yds pom ens y 2. vegan t to Tweep support gtunchs to cover any noise. 1.30 am all plies 100yds from objective. Left fank ws here hed up by snemys wire wh took time to get thrs. 35
28 had fn Order from to go to 50 yet Centre party also in trouble. Rt Paty was alleady at 50yd. Phone of centre party lost touch thro temporary break down Boubt as ordered by her later BO.C. Bn before cintre pty weasay arrived (They were aft for a place tho wire they then sent to th were all Eight- far andelected At 2,3 am gallop sent to art & m. 98. 2.3/½ mg8 came in 2.5 arty 2.12 all to reported in trenches 2.17. Signal. order to retire Crockets) 2.30½ all V had returne. Wordsent to Art & agst lease fire. 27
R 29 trenches were faller than nornal. Eveng had be driven to flanks by Combl. Lient Rankena me blafed a dugont full of evemy. 6 were k & rest tld to thow down arms poceed o our 3 became troableone on way across + were shot. Remaining 11 reached our lines Isifel H Young - lep Uhaddome hot fighting, 2 bomberbombled a mos. party - I secured M.G. on heay stand to Seat (out be unclanped) Rtpt gob in anroticed & then sterted hard hitting. Only & prisoners taken but mamy killed. Enly as complete
hew were too at 9.30a they Iin for final repearse is on wotor lovn as soon as got down given Cheway guin, t tem from smoking & coughing, & ten they kew something ws 02 Surprise here Our casnotheis (off. K. Capt Kenson 1 Ser. W. Cap. Neligan 1W. Lt Young 5 Or. K. (OrWrm. 2000. M 21 or w All casualties either bombs or HE. Exc. Benson (ballet woundes 25 yds from their parapet- when all over No H.E. ws lesed in 53. En. killed (49in2 3ie IP, Iin our by shell). many w. 21Co to & larke amnt of material etc. On retirement some of parties became a little 31
32 B v. Cleck heluet. Theres, serft There wish Ii going out Mr Benson Keryon bec Capt. A. Warren who &out he to have gone went is as patrolly evemys or Sune 18 when he ws shot in Spine & K. 6 had on all thro gallipole from Ap.28 Sspots atacked each abt wooyds apart Party taken down by notor Ounibus to old house near ferig tine. Faces & Lands blackand Cd Robertson ws under our parapet in a Coy H.Q Veary 1 hr before each pty reported reached 200 yds tine. ter Stowly rawling - dragging mats laders from there 1t & centro got quickly to 100y L24 met stif barber wire. 2 33 disorganied. Till the braining worked night Nelijan 2 4oday at L& Motor lorries were waition take them X cup of t 65 C Cofce & Run, slept all 15 don Delegen ws hit gaing at final stape Knobkerries of lible use revoivere I for more ase. Bombs 8. Mats useful in retirenet enabled ig. to come back (1000 rounds felt still 7ardby from it). White calico & hummnen paint makes good tope. Wo time t use Enjireers Partes rushd last 50 y0s officers & bombers teadin. all got in witiout casusl
34 Benson ld his party waited till last; assisted two wd men, & ws shop in truches back 50 yds fom evemys f His body we brought back. evemy foung 321 of Rankena in one dujout. He as fired repected - a emptied his K.C. ordered others out, desarmed them, & w Tergt Kenyou drove them to our line. Seeny escort so Small they began to be troublesourc. I had to be shot- Rest were bot in. party t Young (left N) has diffy a wire but cabet. ashe weiton- Part got in headed by bombers & tayonet even. Enemy ws
35 driven her ton along Here mg, wd discovered wh hadc as solory. Hhe. D Mahoney found & bombed on g. crew. M.G. Ws brought across in spite of rifle & onour N nearty mins after (St Parl had reported in the rockets to return were sunbap by Col. Robertson Capt H.M. W. Neligan ws behind centre U when he foundan Ateroetu post. conty 3 germans. He killed 2 but 3nd managed to trow bomb. Nelegan WS badly bit in heads I but went on into truch &

9 Bn's Raid.
Night of 1/2 July
N9. d. 01. 3 m.g.  about here which caused
much loss & annoyance.
Right and left had also to be attacked
so as to minimise losses through enfilade
Silent operation decided on.
On June 9 selection was made from a large party
of volunteers. 160 chosen.
Sent to divisional bomb school. Heavy training. 
Patrols frequently out in Nomansland
N. 9c 75.10
N. 9d 02.15
N9d 25.10
Wire wsmethodically cut here by MT.Ms here
but also in other places
Heavy bombardment on rt flank 


between N 8 d.8.2 & N 9.c. 41
with Barrage from N 9 c. 57.10
to N.15 a.6.7. thence to N.15.b.7.8
thence to N. 9. d. 7.2.
It was hoped tt enemy would
retaliate opposite this sector - & they did.
Our new trenches were being dug opp this
Sham sector – & our TMs
cut enemy's wire there in [[shorthand]] cooperated & from there
2000 yds back used indirect fire
Two V.M. guns protected
rt & left flanks - only protective fire
to raid (in special constructed emplacements-
1 at end of Pinneys
OC Raid 


O.C. Raid
Capt M. Wilder Neligan
2 telephonists 2 messengers


Rt Cn Pty

Capt Benson CE

Centre Pty

Lt Ramkema JP

Left Cr Ply

Lt Young H.T.

Ladermen 2 2 2
Bombers 8 14 8
Bayonet men 7 11 7
Blocking men 5 4 6
Telephonists 2 4 2
Messengers  2 2 2
Wire Cutters 4 4 4
Mat men 4 4 4
Tape man 1 1 1
M.G. Expert 1 1 1
Engnr 1 1 1
Salvage men 7 10 8
Reserve wire cutters  2    



There ws a bombt.
(from time they were at
enemys wire) to form a
barrage. This ws to be
lowered when they left
trench. But ruse to rt
had bn so successful
tt the Germans never
replied on the proper
sector & our arty barrage
ws never lowered onto the
front trench. 

Bayonet men the bayonets painted
O.C. Raid at ^ entrance to Sally Post.
All 3 parties  communicate with him by tel.
60 messages passed thro
Bn H.Q.
Code previously arranged ws used
Slight westerly wind.
11.50 Rt pty folld by Centre
& left parties began to debouce
12.43 ½ all parties reported
by buzzer (2 dots) tt they
were in position 200 yds from
ens trenches 2 m.g.'s then began
to sweep support trenches to cover
any noise.
1.30 am all pties 100yds
from objective. Left flank ws
here held up by enemys
wire wh took time to get thro!


What we have when all this need suffer? 

Order∧had bn given to go to 50 yds position.
Centre party also in trouble.
Rt Paty was already at 50yds.
Phone of centre party lost touch
thro temporary break down.
Bombt ws ordered ½ hr later
by O.C.  Bn before centre pty's
message  arrived (They were
poking abt for a place thro wire)
They then sent tt they were all
Right  -)
So far undetected.
At 2.30 am  "Gallop" sent to
arty & m.g.'s  2.3 ½  m gs
came in 2.5 arty
2.12 all parties reported in trenches
2.17. Signal order to retire
(rockets) 2.30½ all parties
had returned. Word sent to
arty  & mgs to xxx cease


Trenches were fuller than
normal. Enemy had bn driven
to flanks by bombt. Lieut Ramkema
& 2 men bluffed a dugout
full of enemy. 6 were K &
rest told to throw down arms
& proceed to our trenches. 3 became
troublesome on way across &
were shot. Remaining 11
reached our lines safely,
Lt Young - left party had some
hot fighting, 2 bombers bombed
a mg party - & secured
m.g. on heavy stand w Seat
(cdnt be unclamped).
Rt pty got in unnoticed
& then started hard hitting. Only
4 prisoners taken but many
killed.  Entry ws complete


Men were told at 9.30 tt
they were in for final rehearsal.
Went down in motor lorry.
As soon as got down
given chewing gum, to prevent them
from smoking & coughing,
& then they knew something ws

Surprise here.
Our casualties:
1 offr . k. Capt Benson
1 Ser. w.  Cap. Neligan.
1 w.          Lt Young
5 o.r. k .   1 or  w & m.
                  2 o.r. m.
                  21 or w.
All casualties either bombs
or HE.   Exc. Benson (bullet
wounds 25 yds from their
parapet- when all over)
No H.E. ws used in nomansland
53. En. killed (49 in trenches,
3 in nomansland, 1 in our trenches
by shell). many w.
21 prisoners  taken & large amnt
of material etc.
On retirement some of
parties became a little


[[shorthand]] Klucks helmet. Theres sergt
Kenyon out there with our Benson
I'm going out to bring them & out he went)
Capt. A. Warren who 
ws to have gone
ws patrolling enemys
on June 18 when he ws
shot in spine & K.
(Young officer had bn all thro Gallipoli
from Ap.25)
3 spots attacked each abt
100 yds apart.
Party taken down by motor
Omnibus to old house near
firing line. Faces & hands blackened
Col Robertson ws under our
parapet in a Coy H.Q.
Nearly 1 hr before each pty
reported reached 200 yds line.
From there:
Slowly Crawling - dragging mats
& ladders from there
Rt & centre got quickly to 100yds
Left 2ft met stiff barbed wire.

disorganised. Till then discipline excellent.
Neligan worked night & day at training.
Motor lorries were waiting
to take them to divisional baths . Cup of
Coffee & Rum, slept
all next day.
Neligan ws hit going
[[shorthand]] at final stage.
Knobkerries of little use.
Bombs & revolvers far more use.
Mats useful in retirement.
Enabled mg. to come back
(1000 rounds left still dragging
from it). White calico & luminous
paint makes good tape.
No time to use engineers

Parties rushed last 50 yds. officers
& bombers leading.
All got in without casualties 


Benson led his party;
waited till last; assisted
two wd. men, & ws  shot in
back 50 yds from enemys trenches.
His body ws brought back.
Rankema found 21 of enemy
in one dugout. He ws fired
at repeatedly & emptied his
revolver.  K. 6.  ordered others
out, disarmed them, & w Sergt
Kenyon drove them to our
lines. Seeing escort so
small they began to be
troublesome. 4 had to be
shot- Rest were brt in.
Lt Young (left party) had great
diffy w wire but cut it
as he went on. Party got
in headed by bombers &
bayonet men. Enemy ws 


driven headlong along trenches.
Here m.g. ws discovered wh
had watched us so long. Pte.
D Mahoney found & bombed
m.g. crew. M.g. ws brought
across in spite of rifle - grenades
& shrapnel on our party nearby.
6 mins after 1st party
had reported "in" the
interest rockets to retire
were sent up by Col. Robertson.
Capt W M. W. Neligan ws
behind centre  party when he
found an observation post.
contg 3 Germans. He killed
2 but 3nd managed to
throw bomb. Neligan ws
badly hit in head & shoulder
but went on into trench &



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Loretta CorbettLoretta Corbett
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