Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/89/1 - September - October 1917 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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2 ob4e 36 21 tt thst 4 area. 0,19174 142 ivery atea wake a 4 47 o onde
tak turn d e 9 the boud by a a littl t t ill ff 4 22
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6 2 &e sd Di order. 25 he reason for (tacture attack 8218 R1R our arle fire ws il not will directed t entangled in biop 881 ere wire en subfec Ex ceading hear ine E cenflind t ag 2 st winter 7th fa tis case Tim light at I am
Wote to WaxAO. Gan Warritonto flecture coreonts Hope attack will go forward. 5drang any tnnk differnty troopd alsend Fexi sad 2 goud t Arvy kopes they will g0 over any ysune to put the clock baak six weeks re Cavati wol t 0ta ake ane br tre 66 Tid we CS 400 t Lap wd Irele Fer tase owo Rost c E Ge caalti 6 $15000 19 B ar 60100 16 a 6 100 en tise ed ougecting spial 509 first plv 700 625 Fon mandl Cett on of hill too Sal ei
27 .Hranl a Tobe pusit Tar want lo get past Pase daity one by pus G e 4 a.O. ter Dosytin C 65 aae 4 2 tamy tt a6 alled beatta $/20 Den beti t lan a gering Chiefy beyond Men Rd tod fou roodsnd Poclpelle Pachindacte $6 to wcl beyond it) Westvistect
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[*185 IR [Shorthand] *]

(French still fighting well)
& were on way to rest in ostend area.
They were reld on 21/9/17.
112  I R    142  IR of 29
Divn were in Keiberg area
These or one of them ws assembling
behind Anvil Wood.
Germ objve ws
J 3 A 81 - J 3 C 18 -
S S E - thro J 3c 40 to
SW corner of Polygon Wood -
Black watch corner exclusive.
(This ws from map on a dead

4 guards Divn detained at
      }Gren.        order in line.
⇠   }5 Hqrs
      }93 RIR


a certain no. of
2 Aust Div. guns
(sections were moved
up last night


5 Regt.

Bn Command They sd tt they have
to turn their shoulder straps
over when marching in French
areasx  The
The Bn Commandr ws
v. pleased to have bn
taken by "English"
3rd Div has S. P in Rly
cutting a little in front of
Blue line, & has filled Cutting
w German wire.
certain amt of

Cutlack got hold of / man
of 4th Bav. Inf Divn - his
lot had bn at Moorslede
as c-attack Divn - The
?? man w offr came on
to reconnoitre offr ran away
& man lost himself & ws




(diagram - see original document)

8 mins per 100 yd. Left
hand Coy began to loose
barrage - Reserve Coy got
half left turn double

captured . The man sd
Germs wd attack.
This morning 2 Aust. Div
got 1 offr who brought in
5 wd men of 9 Bav. I R
of 5 Bav. Divn wh seems
to (perhaps) have made
a c-attack.

3 Div caught barrage
abt ¼ hr before zero &
worst casualties were

(Dunbar of 42 Bn
    (during advance found left
←(Coy losing barrage thro marsh.
    (38     42 




Farm thorpe
Our night on Ridge
The evenings barrage
What we might do
The New Barrage & LO objve.
G.Os diary. Our captured order.
                        prisoner of 15 Bn.

Divl order for / att of Oct 3

Units will adv. w fixed bayonets & will att.
loudly shouting Hurra!
Experience has proved tt / Eng. had never bn able
to ?understand (?with -) an att. of that sort.

Special attention is drawn to / fact tt the Eng. always respect /
Red Cross.  A stretcher bearer will theref. always
walk ahead of S/B pties & will steadily wave a
large Red X flag


4 sd Div order.
"One reason for / failure
o / attack of / 210th RIR
ws tt our arty fire ws
not well directed ; tt /
troops got entangled in
/ enemys wire & were
subjected to exceedingly
heavy m.g. fire &
came up agst unflinching

7th - We went to winter
Time last night at 1 am.


Notes of Gen Harrington's lecture to War Correspts. 
Hopes attack will go forward.
5 Army may think differently
2 Army troops have gone up already
& 2 Army hopes they will go over.
One wd like to put the clock back six weeks.
Cavalry wd be ready to go thro
after one or two more barrages.
This weather ws 1400 miles
W of Ireland last night.
Our losses were under
10,000 last time.
German casualties estimated
Barrage will be 100x in 6 to
red line, 100x in 8 to
final objective.
500 first objve 700 to 2nd.
Going much better on
top of hill in sand. 


Tobe "Many similar small
pushes. They want to get past
Paschendaele in one big push
German attack of Oct 1
ws meant to get a J.O.
position for Finckensteins
big attack wh did not
come off.

)7 good
)21 a bit rattled before attack
)37 not finished yet

The Divn betw 1st &  66 & 49
2 Anzac Divns tomorrow is
to be Friesland Copse.
Chiefly 5th Army - to beyond
Menin Rd, Polygon Wd,
Broodseinde, Poelcapelle,
Paschendaele (to go well
beyond it) - Westrozebeke


French finish this side of
Airmen have done
splendidly today - have
noticed a lot of transport
on Menin Rd & Roulers
Rly. The German ought to
attack tonight.
We have cavalry if we
burst thro but we don't
expect it.
For / present we are only
creeping along / crest.
The difficulty of the arty in getting
on has bn considerable.
Tenebriebche has bn shelling
us heavily.
The Guards will attack
again tomorrow.
We are not attacking
Becelaere, Gheluvelt, nor
Zandvoorde tomorrow.


Meteor says there's nothing
to hope - a tempest 1000 miles
W of Ireland moving at 40 miles
an hour.
7.5.21 resisted the
attack of 1 October & Harrington
gave a lot of praise to
I believe / official attitude
is tt Paschendaele Ridge is so
important tt tomorrows attack
is worth making whether it
succeeds or fails ; also
Harrington having fixed a
day for an attack intensely
dislikes going back on it,
especially when once / troops
are in positn.  I must 


say I suspect tt they
are making a great
bloody experiment - a
huge gamble & more
than that ; a deliberate
attempt to see how it works.
I think they are playing
w / morale of their troops.
Harrington sd tt /
top of the Ridge ws sandy
& as "dry as a bone".
I feel, and most o /
correspondents feel, awfully
anxious - terribly anxious
- abt tomorrow. They don't
know / fight there ws
for / last ridge, these

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