Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/88/1 - September 1917 - Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
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88 a ptote H.S. account 94 X my geot as agent abt eda time rian Code. ater Ct 64 no ver loving onaru 2 who as blown up used to be in 4 9do Dwe 31 treis a st to pent of aths He haue pual to Barge Swith iB r the had a ptt s of Aut wfanting te sd stilg he dibut, that we nobeabhe to on pets w their ane Tne ax wo. sapt on the 18t They hedt to to tt1 Aneth 815 were thav n to it, s berey uput ny eaty y ioger olectios ther. Came down they soling 5 thy had amoyt ho expened1 stel admerat for a TM not to weas ter bege. at Epune if a dudd tr aft he hed mindonr ter iscareply on on siey t sd tines they re veluath ty V valableH 00 aptlanstron X Antos? D
237 The sectors in /H.S wh they had come to go tieme were pounts Csuite ceod nottig hent afrom oca the itety bey t teyeednt G Haltern Stellig 56 y adgated nave formation afes tysto C Tkeeberg. Lyberty Waterdantock abt medday - 0 PATWardht My wankoned te keitry ls. Me . a os offi SM: Ky6 and to stayed s I The tther 2 wenton alead for the G/a wh ws to had place at 5. or 6 pr (sept i0) The Coy offo see to ts wers sforard bedius re Esq N went foud & fourd a few stragbus in &on abt s d o him as a t 6 tlit Fee wait on. then 1 Hele is&
As they came ooer I Keiberg they came wis as sele fire s bng ten a affected teds morat. nerralco capt H3d84 Sir 8 23 XI Dute ou 134 2 ti a
237 D. who fer re H the told (asove Se of t (2135) b BE M w to 2nd Mc1 te cal t fire to d prt hien? 8:4 picka hole in mpity from He got observe awh toe tshelh Shelhoh fr out folld by be beI saw forndn when i i neighbouring cratis. He kon rifle from best sw on foia the H tbe t igtover she It ws i 4. ten the
92 of X lo Surte art the shelter in port w0 in Bdi went past po interio &lste ta who he wa tibedicus ver Weton, it at tsids 6 h a bout bee Te Sat ofthem tve teloln right out an officer The 10Bn sh whod killesi kille at wod I pe they four o there 1st Drons are tt rel moe + & later by 4th 1t 64 Bdes now in
23 98 of t The ten Fa Batich Pru The captd who had u off all I plans for them Ed put a fis 23 Sept. a our port tue banage 9 Atony Polyon Rd at this where our dids meet tate about a dozen men at t the up of fauns. A he wen part of timit abondoned for 50 qds let of iot. Them St Dw posts, in craters in trench ab woyds t inwoodwhws ner low (ing of small just
23 94 Leist, Sullett n w e Jienor t time to describe ave wno were shelling their + de own line- Anstorf day Ext. the fermans at 5.18 Set plesed a barry on our 8ti will Dis font Probly ir ay do his every i heard s Sefit Do you night por rer. tiuk L. English wil atack? The in0 No (hay have am a rase fine hot 30 Andt What Teus to tell p be hav and fam plto to get. the second day ti tthem or him ws buton by a saiper. finger
35 6 do in h To I base sitiation the way of for records + photos an & the smas Book & fift other I have scaccelyan things, that time to get the histoy of this battles; it that my car cs, aid up add on the opinion of Faunthore tut bdset another in substitutio) & it anothr has not come - &I abing wits ands how to cope N with the in My pis Gerow 3Dec 1931 - It is a long time since that trip on Sept 23 but I remember this mach: Afterlaving our car – probably that begond the Tenigate, we walked Qut Divs Sector, across up thoap the westtock Bellevanrde ridge. Here we got little fire but 25.9 stell wes bursting at oneror on Ithink it our redtins truck but it have been on Bellivaside vidge. Angway it was on one of the liues that ran along a depression in country which remended me if tho Libyan desert.
It was dry & dusty & the shell plemped down + crashed, when we were quite close to as & burried as along. We reached the front live bets, I think by the 6t Bde, & worked along it to the right out hiis Polyson wood platien. Our troops were holding a contrnuous brench No sign of the eveny in posit alltoy we heard that they had been seen there. H our movement could have been seen by evemy & it struck y me that we wast be endang our chaps in I front live, by showey ourselves tere. However they were very kind + disat show any annogant. As, we and the Polyyon wood we came on a lenth of trucd which was ocuid only by the eahad been lasted with ofthe rn stall tat moran been wcton oft nt bask. Th n 15
officer in charge bt is A.R.A trud ended hers, but we would find te continuation of the front his about 120t in rear. Gulled. I got out the treck (which ended near the road through Pol. Wd to fleacorse wood & struck across in the direction indiceted to us. Polyyou wood, through which we were passing was nerely a stubble of then Saplin-stumps, projecting between shell holes. The dusty track was visible waray trough it. About leist & fitmore followed us at about D0 yards intervel. There was no sign of a sout citer in pontor olhind as. be reac At 120 yards we came on a lind hett I think by the 58th Bn-


accounted for.  They got up to the H.S15
abt midday. They called at different
Butler has got a German code.
Other papers were coming on a runner
who was blown up.
35 7 Sergt Maj 
He is a gt gt friend of Antill's. He used to be in 49 ds Divn. knew them at Le Banque Switch.
He had a v. high opinion o / Aust. infantry
He sd still he didnt think we wd be able to compete w their
heavy guns.
The Att ws expd on the 18th. They had bn told tt / Australns
were training for it. The barrage upset them. Each time our
protective barr. came down they sprung to, & this had annoyed
them. He expressed / gtest admiration for / TMs, &
advised them not to wear their badges.
He picked up a dud 18 pr after he had passed our
lines, put it carefully on one side, & sd
"They're valuable - they're valuable." He has
a 1st class from X.
[*Autos? *]


The sectors in / H.S15 wh they had come to c/a
from were points to guide them & not for them to
occupy & c/a from, the intentn being tt they shd not
stop in the Flanders [[Stallwing]].

   F. S.
They adopted / wave formation after they got over
/ Keiberg.
They left Waterdamhoek abt midday.

They went over the Keiberg later. The S.M. & a Coy officer
stayed behind to [shorthand]
The other 2 went on ahead for the C/a wh ws to have
tn place at 5 or 6 pm (Sept 20) The Coy offr seeing
no signals went forward. He didnt return.
S.M. went forwd & found a few stragglers -
abt 30 (50 ∼) & led them on
back to the H. Stg wh had bn gvn him as a
point of direction.
He left them there & then went on. 


As they came over / Keiberg they came under
gas-shell fire. This caused them .......
& affected their moral. 
Capt J   3 d 8.4.


3rd Bde( Chateau Segard)
tomorrow Dickebusch

Steenwoode tomorrow morng 23rd.

2 Bde. Zillebeke 
1 Bde Hooge
7 Reninghelst xx 23.
2 Div H.Q. H21 D5.2
left at St Hubertushoek



The German Sergt Major who
told / above story ws captured
yesty (21st) by Seymour of
2nd M. T. M Bty who
had to cut wire tomorrow in 
front of Julien trench & decided to
pick a shellhole in no mans land to
observe from.  He got / infantry
to cover him, & ws crawling
out from shellhole to shellhole
covered by infy & folld by
his men when he saw German
move in neighbouring crater. He
seized bayonet & rifle from
man behind as quickest
thing to do, & saw one German
hand go up.  He nearly jabbed
him, thinking he ws feeling
for ^his revolver, when ^ / man rolled over & / other 
hand went up.  It ws this
same Sergt Major.
Wertheim interrogated
him & got some funny things out 



of him.
   Burke the arty offr (?Lloyds
Bde) ws in shelter in front of
infy when infy went past
&  had to explain from interior
who he was - & listen to a
very audible discussion
outside as to whether it ws
good eno to give him a bomb.
  The observers went w /
3rd wave, & some of them got
tel. lines right out!


   The 10 Bn saw an officer
killed in Glencorse wood, &
simply went mad & killed
most o / Germans they found

   1st & 2nd Divns are
tomorrow being recd by 4th
& 5th, & later by 4th.
1st & 6th Bdes now in. 



The ^ 60 adv guns have many of them
gone upon tanks.
The S.M. sd that a British
offr had bn captd who had
told them all / plans for
the offensive.


Sund 23 Sept. Germans put a 
barrage on our front line
this mg. along Polygon Rd at
anyrate, where our divs. went
& killed about a dozen men
     We went up & found tt
part o / trench abandoned for 
50 yds left of rd. Then 5th
Div posts in craters in
trench abt 150 yds to rt
rear, in "wood" wh ws
just a low limp of small 



scrub.  Leist, Gullett &
Gilmour came w me. I
havent time to describe
[*see pp 95-100*] / dayx Germs were shelling their
own line.  Another fine day.

Sept 24 The Germans at 5.15
placed a barrage on our 8th
Divl front. Probly they will
do this every morning for
safety.  A wireless ws heard
last night from rear: "Do you
think / English will attack?" The
answer ws "No". (May have
been a ruse)
    Another fine hot day. I
went up to tell Wilkins what
photos to get: and found he had
got them on the second day - the
man rest with him ws hit on
finger by a sniper. 



I have so much to do in
the way of administration -
arranging for records & photos
& the Xmas Book & fifty other
things, that I have scarcely any
time to get the history of this battle;
add to it that my car is laid up
(on the opinion of Farmthorpe tt I
shd get another in substitutn) &
tt another has not come - & I
am at my wits end how to cope
with this work.
3 Dec 1931    ___
It is a long time since that trip on with Gullett, Lesidt & Gilmore Sept 23
but I remember this much:
      After leaving our car - probably
just beyond the Menin Gate, we walked
up through the 2nd Div's sector, across
Bellevaarde ridge ^& Westhoek. Here we got little
fire, but a 5.9 shell was bursting at
intervals on ^one of our lines.  I think it was our red line trench but it
may have been in Bellevaarde ridge.
Anyway it was on one of the lines
that ran along a depression in country
which reminded me of the Libyan Desert. 


It was dry & dusty & the shell
plumped down & crashed when
we were quite close to us &
hurried us along.
    We reached the front line
held, I think, by the 6th Bde, &
worked along it to the right onto the
Polygon wood plateau. Our troops
were holding a continuous trench.
No sign of the enemy in front although 
we heard that they had been seen there.
xxx Our movement could have 
been seen by / enemy & it struck
me that we must be endangering
our chaps in / front line by
showing ourselves there. However
they were very kind & didnt
show any annoyance. As we
neared the Polygon Wood we
came on a length of trench
which was occupied only by the 
dead. It had been shell lashed with
shell that morning, & the remnant
of the garrison had been withdrawn
out of it along / trench & not sent back. The 


officers in charge told me tt the
trench ended here, but we would 
find the continuation of the
front line about 120x in
      Gullett & I got out of
the trench (which ended near
the road through Pol. Wd
to Glencorse Wood) & struck
across in the direction indicated
to us.  Polygon wood, through
which we were passing, was
merely a stubble of thin
sapling - stumps projecting
between shell- holes. The
dusty track was visible
running through it. About
Leist & Gilmore followed us
at about 50 yards interval.
There was no sign of a soul
either in front or behind us.
We reach At 120 yards
we came on a line held
I think by the 58th Bn- anyway




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