Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/88/1 - September 1917 - Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
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78 opposite the Dolygon accource where tre an 227 4 cun emplocements The 10th reports at 10.18 byet Hnby Sad a LG. desas & vombs. The two Bris had suffer pretty severel &50 Neligan & mattins aggreed to stay were for where th T yet support of inouncit. possible from Glanks At 10. S0 he reported the bus were pashen that form and At I pm he report th the God obyve had bn wd Te 7Bm has report in touch so him This 1st a remarkably excellet
237 79 bit work o 10t Bns heve 2 pts of 715 for 9t Br cooperatin give maud at Please &wood some far end o please Much attention is done from there observate & it does not seem to be attention 112Ba getting any being strafed by herces. His talreat SB. state to on right + are the 3od obse dieds of prioers him getten 516A four flores alon 716A02 truch. 060 1,32 10 116 511,4/4 24 55. Ceres. Mapantin 46
23 80 1 10 t 0 106 cent for Eatrack 16 a in touch i 28 on left 23 2 X Air reports Confrri Sod objic to we crowded to dager of toles.
37 From Welyans Everythe i Ok above captd. Thoughout the ounedcriblo numbers of prisoners have f been Captiier more kelled. After all we did not use the additional pletions from 7th Bo. They were not in time renot realh as far up as we are. The Mv. Di ts slyhlly alend on a little bit of high grount. Past of my imbed cate port is very warshy, camalties (are very hard to estimate bu I Taukabt. 3090 apart from normal battle strags etc at presentw are certainly being rather badly straffed lot Mullen & I are consolioatio i cooperation. I am confidend hold what we heve we can wire & bombs SAd ctiare
137 82 fux Col Meeken is of the si e He is sender do not at pre wire any they bu cam ties be areholdy apart the 12th line also. wilde Relegan StCol Sent 11.20 Situale Lasdeare Matle 1125. ony wellnow ap everything io We he oanie have abt 150 cesnalties but an have had a good b ni officer camalters. At wondes are amalt we are in touch 1012 with on right &2816 on left 124 Bnfe thee
30 X Of Nelige Etablisher at Eve John 100 badly i abt at you officers ich ha trwith yet with myX X Bn mis up 4 es ful. s orels t to be tbe 31 Will ptodit by twot they are X po ca in as 5e 737
737 84 Ropes t tob te i pilbore o the t t X stort. Our seo howe of it Eailier alln or arm) waite tich The Br it later. I believe By had it advanced by 10 minates If it had be later the result been disastions in tanks ce of the toi cank ran over to, it was, a So your to mg. fittin boris to dark. in mahtont had a A 2wd direct shaken Willas trought this tank in place a A photograph & he disnot buish under happs as mnite know
137 tess for + but his grow screen 60 prohen & a stide 1 with two fine plates ruined ws in thick of it Herl too alld I got back to Assell ESteenwoords heaving stuff at 4.30 & deli r White gave b per Iwent be wh me tabout 10 ed to lay writing ste 821 all c attack the N no ne some sort of bouft tonight messenger doe 28 captd y orders Recapture 1a someone to shillcraters lost? wind to Anchatial Talets Suggesti when we were at Pozieres, I think it ws) that Anstiatia shd buy Pozures fielt.
17 pays th 1 Sept f22 (Sat). Cattarbs on follows. An Apt. 10tCorps Wt Ble left Dirn whole part Cutie Dion at 8.10pm. E Sept 21, Poots pushed back from green ling but reteok it almost at once repate adv py tst Ape 5t Coips. Plnderwhitgre- Apt 165,166 Bdes agst Hill 37 dease waves folll by columns in fours met by mge) succeeded penetritir tine for att D0 i] Gds but driven back by und rcal cattack (soms time 248
Te 26 37 Intellignce 2n ary Butler ringin Lap (Col. Mirrbell o nt chering 2457 6576 TE Beytty ot lip ty as 20 Tyance to wt vater sled my Keiber as over the tin to ga 3r0 Ryberge is re tote ils Kebey the te t fire t 4 ad Of1 ten 64 back the Se bno togk put; Tegwere of stander and to eterHe let tem on pattack Tystarte at different t 59 for ra This ser attin I waves & at hes They ptT 236 dis io Rnsall ti 236 6

D37      78
opposite the Polygon
racecourse where there are
4 gun emplacements.
The 10th reports at 10.15
urgently wanting SAA, & L.G. discs, &
bombs. The two Bns had suffered
pretty severely & so Neligan
& Mullins agreed to stay
where they were for /
moment & get support if
possible from flanks.
At 10.30 he reported
that the bns were pushing
At 11 p.m he reported
tt the 3rd objve had bn
The 7 Bn has reported
being in touch w him
[This is a remarkably excellent 


D37     79
bit of work.
10th Bns have 2 plns of
7th Bn ; 9th Bn cooperating.
Please give / mound at
/ far end o / wood some
attention please. Much
observatn is done from there
& it does not seem to be
getting any attention -(12Bn)
It is already being strafed by heavies.
8 Bn state tt they are into
the 3rd objve on / right & are
getting hundreds of prisoners. 
J 16 A 0 2 to J 16 A four flares along
trench. J 9 D 60, 4 1, 3 2,
2 4, 10.55, 1. 6, B 11, 44,
4 6, 7 flares. map untimed. 


D37     80
J 10C Cent 
J 16 a 5.6 for c/attack
next p)*]
[Shorthand  - please see original]
in touch w 28 on left
Air reports confirm 3rd objve tn.
Ws crowded ?w danger of losses.


D37      81
From Neligan:
Everything now OK.  Gen
objve captd.  Throughout the
engagement considerable
numbers of prisoners have
been captured ^ and far more killed.
After all we did not use
the additional platoons from
7th Bn.  They were not in time
& are not really as far up
as we are.  The 2nd Div
is slightly ahead on a little bit of
high ground.  Part of my
immediate front is very
marshy.  Casualties are
very hard to estimate but
I think abt 30% apart from
normal battle strays etc.
At present we are certainly
being rather badly straffed.  Col
Mullen & I are consolidating in
cooperation.  I am confident
we can hold what we have
if wire & bombs SAA etc are


D37          82
sent up.  Col Mullen is of the
same opinion.  He is sending
up back to say we do not at
present require anything but
carrying parties.  We are holding
a part of the 12th line also.
w Wilder Neligan Lt Col.
Sent 11.20. -
Mullins 11.25.  Situatn has cleared
up & everything is going well now.
We have reorganised & have
had abt 150 casualties but
am afraid have had a good
many Officer casualties.  All
four Coy Commdrs are
casualties.  We are in touch
with 10th on right to 28th
on left.
12th Bn few casualties.


D37        83
0 9 25
From Neligan:
Established at Eve John 0 0
X got badly knocked abt at jumping
off trench.  Several officers including
Campbell.  Y has touch with
rt Bn not yet with my X
Every Bn very mixed up.
We are now reorganising.  Men
very cheerful.  Carrying pty much
knocked about.  Result shovels
and wire with new carrying
party will be urgently needed
at final objve.  Up to date
we have captured two mgs.
The area ws strongly held & they are
now many dead Fritz  X & Y now
in touch.  xxxx  Tanks caused
premature enemy barrage
0 9 25
pr Wilder Neligan.
(on back)  Daily Mirrors X
Daily Mails are being issued


D37             84
Germans told Rogers they had
had v. few Casualties last few
days, lying low in pillboxes.
A great anxiety was the
hour of start.  Our people &
Birdwood all wanted it earlier.
The British (? 5th Army) wanted
it later.  I believe Birdwood
had it advanced by 10 minutes.
If it had bn later the result
wd have been disastrous in
view of the tanks -
As it was ^ it is true a tank ran over
30 of our xx m.g. filling boxes
in the dark.
The signal tank had a
direct hit - 3 men k. 2 wd
& one xxxx shaken -
Wilkins thought this tank in /
old nomansland a good place
to photograph from.  A shell
burst under it & he did not
quite know what happened -


D37                   85
but his ground glass focussing
screen ws broken & a slide
with two fine plates ruined.
Hurley ws in / thick of it
too, all day.
I got back to Cassell
(leaving them at Steenvoords)
& delivered my stuff at 4.30
p.m.  Went to br  White give
me a whisky & I went to bed
very tired at about 10.
Sept 21.  All day writing etc.
No news of c. attack tho'
some sort of bombt to tonight.
The A German messenger dog
ws captd yesty ordering
someone to "Recapture the
shellcraters lost".
Wired to Australia (xxx
(Galletts suggestn when we were
at Pozieres, I think it ws) that
Australia shd buy / Pozieres field.


 D37               86
Addison says / Germans
captd an Offr 2 days
ago w all / plans
& maps on him
None of ours is
reported missing.
? Sept
Aug 22. (Sat).  C.attacks as follows:
Agst. 10th Corps rt bde left Divn, &
whole front Centre Divn at
8.10p.m. Aug Sept 21.  Posts
pushed back from green line but
retook it almost at once.
Agst 5th Corps.  reported advd previously ?under white flag - 
agst 165, 166 Bdes.  agst Hill 37.
in dense waves folld by columns
in fours met by  Succeeded
in penetrating line for abt 300
yds but driven back by ind
local c-attack (sometime evg.
of 21st).


D37             87
Butler ringing up 2nd Army Intelligence
(Col. Mitchell).
457 Regt.  3 Bn 457 came from Cherisy
& came to Beythem.  They were there 8 days.
On mg of 20th  after it got light they moved up & got
to Morslede.  Thence to Waterdamh.
From there the c/attack over the Keiberg.  All 3 Bns
c/ad.  2 & 3 together & 1st in reserve.
They move up from the Keiberg by plns in file &
going over the K first came under serious arty fire.
They came into a strafing .  Offr went forward to recre
and didn't come back again so the Sergt Maj led them
on himself.  All 3 bns took part.  They were
to hold a certain sector of Flanders stalling
& c/attack together.  He led them on
forward from the Fl.Stg.  They started at different times
from there having suffered from arty.  This man went ford to recre
having lost his company.
They were to have attd in 3 waves & all
3 regts were to have taken part.  The 236 Div is this all



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