Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/88/1 - September 1917 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
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have reported concentrations of their camps well begond our gun range forso today An day on mow their infact up. Some think this i a relief but Bennett tik is quite as likeel to be for their Cattacktoth inspect show is tomanor very seen. Deemoto o p. Ster bombe up The tunaethers are continualy pampiny (water out of this the dupont I doeing I shelle Icrates sumpry were outin only men still there. the segnatlers + ther, have off with their pigeous m rerolls. There, is also, to be
59 tant with a wiretis a ap forward to intaltalis ell Bis gune sition it To uptomorrow on tanks also of report in that m 11 low. bu had Ein tope raining]. This is an his l7 alst the valley thro wh all the Gropde has to a march of i waterfille shellholes in e hase t walk bt fully, round C thi order not to fall in. However the hop over is at 5.40 wen is wit be almost light, bargonly goes, first eoyd 116-174ds Ren 12 1/2 4ds them ear aminate £ emplocements of them in cement t 5 this in 4 blockt
61 Cline The 11th Bo is in out (eoct o Ae 12t Bn goes next & has instrus to take the A Bn objic if 11 Bn fiils the 9t10 Bns came last plations in file. The 1Bn sht be passng hereat 1.30 W0Bn at 2.30 9Brat S. Soa Neligan is going to had paper taken round in saicks & distinbute to hes mere wher the are in I shell holes during then long. Thrs wait belforeI lest obyvr 11. Ropers reports t 1tap ES complet CxC for Cait left of 111 Bn. Doyds at the Sept 20, tus 12.10 am. tee tha rain toppe but it is very madd
27 The B3t Bn is po 10 am now rater lity. 2.3o all going right. Wr Cornick Counes in tday to to Coth Bn is pasng. The 28th Bn. caused 4 an hours delay, they say, by ui the track clearly marke for t it is acurious the Srd Bde the 7th Bde did exactl t sn saw help timbiy that the caerabestefy of the Ca Den notoniousl bad, is responsible surely it sh have on for this ma b as the roBdetrac was 9 Br has passed 4.30 all Hutchis arley Sennet besideme bunk in
52 15 aun. The light is breaking 2 din the East. A very few places little shelling while back here. Te German haveb selling the front line but as the flares are while I do not thenk they have seen us but probable think it a they god them t shell front line at this time 1s an abvious thing to do - They have bu turn gas sheltd He onto the port & our Counter batteries were turned on 20 mins ago to neutralice them Te going is not bad ontrde 20 34 Ind Bde have nuod tt their men are in positu, Hegermand are stelling Claptain ction
227 Countubatteries still on. Te e have been improving eath Hlater one not magh of the roads ased by them ap to tpresent. our heavy artilley has be ordered to have this religioasl alone as theircattacking troops will be brought upalong it in motorbusses. Yeste wt turned some gans out it Immediately Jernan wereless senhap a demain for i annihilation fire, i thenglish 6 I went up stairs & a 88 red flare went up at this
Iinstant a sells buist Thea crater 7 yards away in the 227 nthe dugont as re nos entrance my eyes & the minow ig 5 I realind Lotaies were Smees it wea as shill Fbroke ond Just then banage 6.3 Bla 151 Objes the n sho be in They will not leave it till 7.8 5145 Caple head from From tanks going well on the right prisoners coming in 30 Baverian, reserve Regimment. 15 Bav. RIR 4 BawR RIR and Deon Bryades have from Ht Den? both captured b their objectives 50 prisoner coming in on left & more on the right 6.59. The N. By has the first objective. Casualties slight. Formn
65 up for and objective. 100 En 137 strong- to am nd de have got their red tive Fosty Liaison Officer with 5 B 2nt Ide) reportocisnattis rater heavy especialy when mdoing wto the position ing Henwood (1opn ) reports that the objection ws taken on thole time from men abredy formad up for 2nd objve. The Big Strong post in Northern of Jncorse wood ws taken to Ease. Nelya Eopeaking on th 15 7.46 phone, reports that the 10th is in SDwaitz
27 to C6 11Bnstitutl te Fd wopped at 40 poners &are condolidal stay point at 314B281 (A e of glencosewood 80 Owing to beavy camethes Nomattrial has reached1 front line.I Can material be pushed up, please Bde sendin ugend. 2 miss ag to say arty fir I aane this at short cause Fitz Brence Iari 87 Mr Dwn left Blecaptd BlueLine. 8105 Ird Clo has pr Mo objoe
2 el was on our ow sin word on he sin trom it SncI algo dugonts roundatther be ot att t0 our of were his foo pewod got in H ca ting— everyoul head find. 1012 wg ity ws baty tasted abl 24 blap 6liisi ne beree in 7 ot ay ter used y Iecas were before thy got iit poset on 1 objed ty fot tis hen will forward Damett were poting out when He wshitt knwss F H a bit ooun ovr stell wh tlad bact Heneed got orpinisat again before they were all starte 10. 50 9 tt sot pl y. And t B 10115 Bn sot 1608 N 6i314 12 992 XX Clephan Ii is

[*D37*]          58
have reported concentrations
of their camps well beyond
our gun range for some
days. Today the airmen

saw their infantry moving

up.  Some think this is
for a relief but Bennett thinks
it is quite as likely to be
for their c-attack, & tt they
suspect the show is tomorrow
or very soon.
5.30 pm. Our bombs seem to
be quickening up.
The tunnellers are continually
pumping the water out of this
dugout - during the shelling they
were out in the crater pumping,
the only men still there.
The signallers & others have
moved off with their pigeons &
wire rolls. There is also to be


[*D37*] 59
a tank with a wireless
installation ^going up forward to a
central position. Big guns will
also go up tomorrow on tanks.
11 p.m. A report in that the
tape line has been laid.
It is raining. This is an
anxiety, as, the valley thro
wh all the 3rd Bde has to
pass is simply a marsh of
huge water filled shell holes in
which men have to walk
very carefully round the
rims in order not to fall in.
However the hop over is at 5.40
(when it will be almost light)
& the barrage only goes, first 25 yds
then 16-17 yds, then 12½ yds
a minute. There are
German m.g emplacements
- one or two of them in cement
blockhouses - in this marsh.


[*D37*]      60
The 11th Bn is in the line & goes
out first; the 12th Bn goes
next & has instrns to take
the 11 Bn objve if 11 Bn fails,
the 9 & 10 Bns come last in
platoons in file. The 12 Bn
shd be passing here at 1.30;
10 Bn at 2.30; 9 Bn at
3.30 am Neligan is going to
have the morning paper taken
round in sacks & distributed
to his men when they are
in the shell holes during their
long 2 hrs wait before the
last objve.

11.45 Rogers reports tt the tape
is completely laid exc. for
50 yds at the left of 11th Bn.

Sept 20. Thurs:
12.10 am. The rain has
stopped, but it is very muddy.


2.10 am The 12th Bn is passing
now - very rather late.
 2.30 all going right. Young
Cornish comes in to say if the
10th Bn is passing. The
28th Bn caused ½ an hours
delay, they say, by using the
track clearly marked ^out for the
3rd Bde - it is a curious thing
if the 7th Bde did exactly the
same at Pozieres - one
cannot help thinking that
the General Staff of the 2nd Divn,
notoriously bad, is responsible
for this. Surely it shd have bn
marked as the 3rd Bde track
4.30 all 9 Bn has passed
Bennett & Hutchins asleep
in bunks beside me.


5.15 am. The light is breaking
red in the East. A very few
white flares going - little shelling
back here. Ths Ge 
The Germans have bn
shelling the front line - but as
the flares are white I do not
think they have seen us but
they probably think it a 
good thing to shell the front
line at this time - it is
an obvious thing to do. They
have bn turning gas shell &
H.E. onto the front & our
counter batteries were turned
on 20 mins ago to neutralise
The going is not bad outside.

5.20. The 2nd Bde have news
tt their men are in position.
The Germans are shelling Clapham


Counter batteries still on.
The Germans have been
improving greatly ^of lately, one
of the roads ^not much used by them up
to the present. Thxx Our heavy
artillery has bn ordered to leave
this religiously alone as
their c-attacking troops will
be brought up along it in
motor busses. Yesty we
turned some guns onto it.
Immediately the German
wireless sent up a demand
for "Annihilation fire on
the English."

5.37 I went up stairs & a
red flare went up at this



The next instant a shell burst
 in the crater 7 yards away.
As I reached the dugout
entrance my eyes & nose
were smarting. The men on
the stairs were sneezing. I realised
it ws a gas shell.
Just then out broke our
6.3 xxxx The men shd be in 1st objve
They will not leave it till 7.8
From Cable head from
Ist Div. OC Tanks going well on the right
30 prisoners coming in.
Bavarian Reserve Regiment.
15 Bav. R I R 4 Bav Res Div RIR
From 1st Divn: 2nd Divn Brigades have
both captured both their objectives.
50 prisoners coming in on left &
more on the right.
6.59. The 11th Bn has the first
objective. Casualties slight. Forming


up for 2nd objective. 10th Bn
going strong.

7.7 am 2nd Bde have got their
red line.
Foster: Liaison officer with 5 Bn
(2nd Bde) reports casualties
rather heavy especially
when moving into the
forming up position.

Ferguson ∧Henwood (10 Bn) reports that
the 1st objective ws taken on the
whole line front & men already
formed up for 2nd objve.
The Big strong post in Northern
part of Glencorse wood ws
taken w ease.
7.40 Neligan, ( speaking on the
'phone, reports that the 10th
is in 8D waiting.



7.55. Germans 11 Bn state tt they
have mopped up abt 40
prisoners & are consolidating
the strong point at J 14 B2 8
(in N edge of Glencorse wood)

8 a.m. 
Owing to heavy casualties
no material has reached the
front line. Can material be
pushed up, please.

8.2 2nd Bde sent in urgent
message to say arty firing
short causing casualties at
Fitzclarence Farm.

8.7 2nd Divn left ∧5th Bde captd
Blue Line.

8.10 3rd Bde has got 2nd objve.



Germ. Shelling was on over own line in Glenc. wood
& is now on the S/P in Glenc wood from wh

we got abt 40 personnel Also dugouts round abt there

Our offrs were hit from [[?]]. Henwood got in
& took charge of 10th line - everyone he cd find.

The carrg pty ws badly knocked abt

It got blown up 6 times in the enemies barrage in

wh they got mixed up.

The casualties were before they got into positn

on the 1st objve they got their men well forward

Darnell &
Henwood were looking out when Henwood ws hit by

a bit of our own shell wh flew back.

Henwd got organised again before they were all started

10,11 & 9 were got right up close to the  . . . . . 
6 Bn got the 60 personnel
The Germans are shelling some of their own men who are having

a [[?]] time.  Clapham Jn again very hot.


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