Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/88/1 - September 1917 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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228 above the Douve conso That iht the 1E new td C back to treen Lone get Der the saifall or place & had 1 or 6ft fire bay boot aft et To O no off d mad abs bo Ey. The Cefort it tt Div bed ero topm the 2 the altabation D for t srcy he eh pre- Dn ti The Ret time
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Book 8D. L. Angel, Grant S, A Victor 2n Bde Signeller. 7 Termers ept. 3. Monday. Metan: Idicist & Power, got out recove at Folkestone, when ay heard one is crosing had be stopped- som sd mines hat b sown in I Cpennt stayed at the Pier Hotel- Leist is amanof wortd Power; a very shy gauche. chap, intensely new manty? I wink, because of his deafness, a lovable. maw Liest's chief adaction, to men; his anxiety that Power should be chaptrones & well looke ate, not lett too soon to himself icompe sccnes & people. strange Sept. E. this morning before t news saile came Russions had desertid th ver o our searchlights caught.
D. 15 tire before Rega &L. Semens have sitt city It is a protlicn to know there is a possibility of recove in HR. for yet. Everyone is tathing Ther is a good of it deet 67 effect t1 of car Ruasian temperame has show a wonderfulcapabilit recovery; but th Russia will be goold for another ofengioe actk e ish it We sho mag have this year y 1Russians, had we let us in is a commont have heard from many Anctiation At same time- it is all good to have know ooldy on Isic of democracy; & her dimocran 7 fight for us more effective then wes ber armit n Se I have done, Bought hent & Powen to Haebrouck The germans had Dtlatn apang over & our sarchlights causht
27 for a tims in their beam.3 is were at the D.A.G.s at Wt twid & all retired to I cellor. The old owner of house wo there- & him his old wife wik her long strong of white face & blue eyes almost unseeng ls the family for terrier curle up on her lap.t The ths serant - a pleek girl how Draces that on prestous litt a had repsid to come occasions stens until every one the down there - Patnext down we by their side & opposite sat dogen jobe Austratian a chaks on buch ler ho in Carrel ws Twall. Te thre solitari candly 4 old bold bright lyet on the peoples faces, & the gliting black bottle ends) behind then the whitewast under the low, receises behind them, arched
237 4 Ger whiteasher cettar & a all in Billant wall bictue light & shade like a d by Remb We had today ofthe telegramns; which have been disclosed t by the Rrssians in to New York Herald (Pris edition) in which were trying in 19046 arrange at trealy wik one another Against great Britain behind I back of France. At rather atters my peroonal conseption o haiser, tho oh he offers I cyar nan as ivice, howI i his + own affairs, is creelly characteristis. Wed. Sept 5- Pook Leeit & Power ac to Al 5th &18 Divns & movet up to Hoogiaf to Corps HCs. The and Corp's, wh, has handed over to us, was bombed there last night & one of their officers

above the Douve.

That night the men consolidated
the new positn & dug C.T.
back to Green Line. They
got right under the surface -
5 or 6 ft & had / place
fire bayed etc. They lost abt
50 men; no offrs.

This attack ws made
under barrage. The m.g.
ws firing at them before 
they rushed it.

The 4th Div. had zero
hour at 10 p.m. & the
3rd Div got the retaliation
for this during their approach

[why didn't Corps pre-arrange
The Retaliatn used
to go mostly for Black Line.


The next time 43 Bn
went in ws [[pm?]] 30 June
for "The 18 Days"

They went in in suppt.
just S. of Messines Ridge.
They were there for 5 days
(working pties in & out / support line)
& then went onto front line.
43 Bn found line already
advanced 500 yds; they
advanced it in the
centre up Steignast
Avenue another 500
yds. This consisted chiefly
of pushing out posts at
night ; digging in small
post; & then linking up.


This ws necessary
in order to get drainage
& to get out of enemys
observatn of our ground.
We were originally on a
Fore slope, & we wanted
to get onto a Reverse
slope. We got slightly
up the Reverse slope
& it ws this slope wh
we won on night morning of
31 July.

In these 18 days 43 Bn
had over 300 casualties.
These were about half
from bec and
snipers, because there
were no C.Ts. Batmen
getting up offrs luggage
were hit.

They dug Adelaide
Avenue - Pine Ave & x


Cross Ave. were there
before they got there -
Pine Ave ws practically
straight & completely
enfiladed. Men simply 
didnt use it.

By July 31 Cross Ave
from Petit Douve Fm to
Support Line (wh ws
the new line wh 43
11 Bde dug - as one o /
forward lines in the 1000 yd
move) was duckboarded
& drained - & this draining
kept it fairly dry.

The approach march


on night of 30/31 July
ws thro' this trench.

For this attack see
the Bn Memo. (very full).
The windmill is not
in existence & wd not at
this time have bn
recognised as a windmill.

But During the prelim.
bombt it ws knocked down.
At time of 18 days the
whole of the circular
mill & wheel were visible.


Anzac 2nd night.
Hughes 7th Bty on the
Peninsula -
ws dug in by men
of 3 Field Coy A.E. on
night they got / guns up,
by / men lying under
/ guns as they were
firing & scratching away
with their entrenching


Book 88.
L. Angel, Grant St,
2nd Bde signallers. Victor
[*/ Germans*]
Sept. 3. Monday. Met  [*if*]
Fred Leist & Power, & stoppe got out [*recovery*]
at Folkestone when we heard   [*one is*]
/ crossing had bn stopped - some
sd mines had bn sown in /  Channel.
Stayed at the Pier Hotel -

Leist is a man o / world
- Power a very shy gauche
chap, intensely nervous
mainly, I think, because of
his deafness, a lovable man.
Leist's chief attraction, to me, is
his anxiety that Power should be
chaperoned & well looked after, not
left too soon to himself amongst
strange scenes & people.

Sept 4. This morning before
we sailed came news tt
Russians had deserted their
[*over & our searchlights caught*]


line before Riga & / Germans
have got the city.

It is a problem to know if
there is a possibility of recovery
in / Russians yet.  Everyone is
talking of it. There is a good deal
of comment to / effect tt /
Russian temperament has shown
a wonderful cap capability of
recovery; but tt Russia will never
be good for another offensive.
"We sho might have had a chance of finishing it
this year if / Russians had not
let us in", is a comment I
have heard from many Australians

At / same time - one it is
all good to have Russia solidly on
/ side of democracy; & her democracy
may fight for us more effectively
in Germany than even her armies
wd have done. Brought Leist & Power
to Hazebrouck - The Germans had
xxxxxxxxBrought a plane
over & our searchlights caught


it for a time in their beam -
We saw were at the D.A.G.s at /
time & all retired to / cellar.
The old owner of house ws there -
next him his old wife with her
long strong off white face & blue
almost unseeing lined eyes,
& the family fox terrier curled
up on her lap. la The
girl - the servant - a plucky
little round faced beggar that on previous
occasions had refused to come
down stairs until everyone else
was down there - sat next ;
& by their side & opposite
sat a dozen jolly Australian
clerks in khaki on benches
& barrels round / wall.
The solitary candle threw a
bold bright light on the old
peoples faces, & the glinting black
bottle ends behind them, &
the whitewashed under the low
arched recesses behind them,


& the whitewashed cellar
wall - all in brilliant
light & shade like a picture
by Rembrandt.

We read today of the
telegrams which have been
disclosed between by the
Russians in the New York
Herald (Paris edition) in which
they the Czar & the Kaiser were trying in 1904 to
arrange a treaty with one
another against Great Britain
behind / back of France. It
rather alters my personal
conception o / Kaiser, tho' /
way in wh he offers / Czar reams
of detailed advice as to how to manage his
own affairs, is exactly characteristic.

Wed. Sept 5.- Took Leist & Power
to the 5th & 1st Divns & then moved
up to Hoograf to new Corps HQs. The
2nd Corps, wh. has handed over
to us, was bombed there last
night & xxx one of their officers

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