Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/87/1 - August 1917 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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20 10 dress a serft at te aubalance Str at the Crossroads came out & said: The C.O. wd like you to have dinner here if you wd careto? Vormezecle co only ruins out cetlars - the Dressin Stu was in aby ceries of cellars down stairs all ony cleanly white washing and tere his most hospitable Evylish wess gave dinner to the whole 3 of us - they had an ex-cook from Frinitz College Cambridge who did all their cooking (with two offsiders) over one Prions Store. They asket us to come in any day or night to we wanted; & their advanced toat at
Vorfolk Birdge told as there ws always a doit for as there- halfway to dressi str. No acroptanes this - more rain. night Hill 60 isdu observate for our anstialion astillery 2o " That w to say Young Austalian arty officers go up to 1 top of it from any side, swarm on a little cluster on. I skyline, stand up or sit down as tey please within a mile OTGerman can whose country you overlook quite close on flat beneat you. It is an tuatialian way & Ion not saying to it is anything but had soldiering
4 22 but I d swear Jerman leaves place alone sumph because he thinks that out art in I wortd I be such fools as to Twarm over an O.P. like that. We does put in an occasional stell. But he put there onetodaythough we crowded there for half an hour. Aug 24. Went with Gullett & Wilki to Proven & Droglande in order to see the 29t 32 Sqno. R.F.C. They are fighting Squads ons & have had attached to him officers of the A.F.C. squadrous which are aboutt come out to France; te Aust policy
25 being to let tere pelots get Experience first, wh tese R.F.C men tell as is a good policy We went to the 2th Bde RH. & there they told us - yes, tese pelots had been dony som really good bork - fighting. The 29th Sqn. artinly had had one & the 3and many - so the 29th Sgn as rung ap & we went along there The C.O. 29R Sqn was s but a captain was in command. He had received the telephons message & had made out a list of the Austialions with his squadron bt the time when we arrived.
5 w 24 He read it out we booking over his shoulder There was Hill - he was an Austialian- He was messig on July 24 h a most extraordinary case. He lost his patrot on our side o.l lines, near Poperighe, or bearedof &wo never seen again. Heas an Australian in the RFC. not A.F.C. Then there ws Norville of the AF.E. - be as missing on 29th fuly Palmer, I tuk he was R.F.C, he was killed on 17t ful shot down just the other side Yores - he had only been out four days Whitehead - he was an Australian in the R.F.C- be was missay on July 12 nothing is known of what
25 happened to heim Oh, then there we Capt. Shepherd -he was missing on 201t Piele he wo an Austialian & a D.S.O. V. M.C. -an we are proud of runon this Sgadron. He came in from the Crustalian Infantry to the RFC. We asker if be had done fine work . Many Splende thes, sd the youngter. "Perhe one 0f finest was the last His bear pal had gone west three days before Ke, when Shepherd came back from leave. He was tremendoual affected - I never saw. als chap more down in the month - &he was out for the germans blood. The tried to calm him down & am from wnde his oeado ene fomeae we doing anyther foolish
26 He went out next day with Sother man & ran into about 12 Huns. He led straight for them, like a buadog, & they got him. He brought down a great number of Hums in his time here. Did any of the A.F.C. men doanythey notable we asked. Well, tere was Norville - he was AF.C. He in anjwenbout a patrol of 7. They struck 25 fermans, & fot split up tn the Scrap. He ws last seen going down in control as reported by Penfanty to he but I ground outof control on (other side of lines. What ws remarkable in this fight ws thall
27 rest got back, & they put down 7 Jermans. Noovill ws the one new pelot of the lot all the others were experienced men. Te ocaap starte S miles over the ferman tive, Doude way. The acting C.O. of 32 Squadion, a young Capt. Toy Canadian, was moot waim aboutt austrabiens he had had. They were all 6 of them. A.F.C. enen & had just bn sent back to England to brai their. planes over the chanvel. What ore liked about them was that they were all six of them always ready for any job you
They seldom open at more tan pooyds, & they fight often almost touching – 154ds or 50 to common. It is just a snap as they flash past - abdone by tracer bullel atnount, blank range very little by sighting. one of our machines fouled a ferman 1other day. Genly they crash when t happens, but this time both got clear. The german ws brought down by 2 of ours almost at once 28 suggested to them. whatever it was. There ws never any hesstation or unwilleyness. I think they must have been six very picked men, he sd. He was a fine modtat chap. He told as how the winter brought them relief, a decent hours of steep. No sitting out cordewn he sal, waity in the prani for the daylight to sow sufficieall for you to see your instruments so that you can start up. The masheries wh they wre there – P.H.&. I think he sd - will not fly by night. We have
15 4 21 we askw Edwards: Wrathe "Archie" any wsl agst them. We asked. toh, they serve to tell you where they are - theyis a sort of warnay - he sd. They are no sort of ase in born in, tei down- they might help by barraging a pauticular spot. yet Campbell of our PS. told not of 3 place ongar wh had bombed his hospital on 3 nights wcip 32 were brong n be I our gun in Bear X 30 squadrons to special night placed He night flyang. The moment a ferman place comes over near &it has come over Roce acrodiones Every night of late, word reache the squedious wh do night flging st they get up straight away & fo of & wait for the Jerman to light up his acrodromes to guide his returning planes. & then thiy bout acrod PPerhaps this is why Ferman has done his night Kyey of late on moonless nights. But ther is a story amongst French the las dropped a note saying to be is going to blow Hazebroach to I ground - & some say lasssl

a sergt at the ambulance dressing
Stn at the Crossroads came
out & said: “The C.O. wd
like you to have dinner
here if you wd care to.”
Vormezeele is only ruins
over cellars - the Dressing
Stn was in a big series
of cellars down stairs
all very cleanly white washed.
and there this most
hospitable English mess
gave dinner to the whole
3 of us - They had an ex-cook
from Trinity College Cambridge
who did all their cooking
(with two offsiders) over one
Primus Stove.. They
asked us to come in any
day or night tt we wanted;
& their advanced post at



Norfolk Bridge told as there
ws always a drink for
us there- halfway / dressing Stn.
No aeroplanes this
night- more rain.
Hill 60 is an 
Observation station xxxxxxxxxxxxx ^a.p. [[shorthand]]
for our Australian artillery 
[[shorthand]].   That is to say
Young Austalian arty
officers go up to / top of
it from any side, swarm
on a little cluster on /
skyline, stand up or sit
down as they please,
within a mile o / German
coke can whose country
you overlook quite close
on flat beneath you.
It is an Australian way
& I’m not saying tt it is
anything but bad soldiering;


but I d swear Jerman
leaves place alone sumph
because he thinks that out
art in I wortd I be such
fools as to Twarm over an
O.P. like that.
We does put in an
occasional stell. But he put
we crowded there for half
an hour.
Aug 24. Went with
Gullett & Wilki to Proven
& Droglande in order to see
the 29t 32 Sqno. R.F.C.
They are fighting Squads ons
& have had attached to him
officers of the A.F.C. squadrous
which are aboutt come
out to France; te Aust policy


being to let tere pelots get
Experience first, wh tese
R.F.C men tell as is a good
We went to the 2th Bde RH.
& there they told us - yes, tese
pelots had been dony som
really good bork - fighting. The
29th Sqn. artinly had had one
& the 3and many - so the
29th Sgn as rung ap
& we went along there
The C.O. 29R Sqn
was s but a captain
was in command. He
had received the telephons
message & had made out
a list of the Austialions
with his squadron bt the
time when we arrived.



He read it out we booking
over his shoulder
There was Hill - he was
an Austialian- He was messig
on July 24 h a most extraordinary
case. He lost his patrot on our
side o.l lines, near Poperighe,
or bearedof
&wo never seen again.
Heas an Australian in the RFC.
not A.F.C.
Then there ws Norville of the
AF.E. - be as missing on 29th fuly
Palmer, I tuk he was
R.F.C, he was killed on 17t ful
shot down just the other side
Yores - he had only been
out four days
Whitehead - he was an
Australian in the R.F.C- be
was missay on July 12
nothing is known of what


happened to heim
Oh, then there we Capt. Shepherd
-he was missing on 201t Piele
he wo an Austialian &
a D.S.O. V. M.C. -an
we are proud of
runon this Sgadron. He came in
from the Crustalian Infantry to the RFC.
We asker if be had done
fine work . Many Splende
thes, sd the youngter. "Perhe
one 0f finest was the last
His bear pal had gone west
three days before Ke, when
Shepherd came back from
leave. He was tremendoual
affected - I never saw. als
chap more down in the
month - &he was out for
the germans blood. The
tried to calm him down &
am from
oeado ene fomeae we
doing anyther foolish


He went out next day with
Sother man & ran into about
12 Huns. He led straight
for them, like a buadog,
& they got him. He brought
down a great number of
Hums in his time here.
Did any of the A.F.C.
men doanythey notable
we asked. Well, tere was
Norville - he was AF.C. He
a patrol of 7. They struck
25 fermans, & fot split up
tn the Scrap. He ws last
seen going down in control
as reported by Penfanty
to he but I ground outof
control on (other side of
lines. What ws remarkable
in this fight ws thall


rest got back, & they
put down 7 Jermans.
Noovill ws the one new
pelot of the lot all the others
were experienced men. Te
ocaap starte
S miles over the ferman
tive, Doude way.
The acting C.O. of
32 Squadion, a young
Capt. Toy
Canadian, was moot
waim aboutt austrabiens
he had had. They were
all 6 of them. A.F.C. enen
& had just bn sent back
to England to brai their.
planes over the chanvel.
What ore liked about them
was that they were
all six of them always
ready for any job you


They seldom open at more tan
pooyds, & they fight often almost
touching – 154ds or 50 to common.
It is just a snap as they flash
past - abdone by tracer bullel
atnount, blank range
very little by sighting.
one of our machines fouled a
ferman 1other day. Genly they
crash when t happens, but
this time both got clear. The
german ws brought down by 2
of ours almost at once

suggested to them.
whatever it was. There ws
never any hesstation
or unwilleyness.
I think they must have
been six very picked
men, he sd.
He was a fine modtat
chap. He told as how
the winter brought them
relief, a decent hours
of steep. No sitting out
he sal, waity
in the prani
for the daylight to sow
sufficieall for you to see
your instruments so that
you can start up.
The masheries wh
they wre there – P.H.&. I
think he sd - will not
fly by night. We have





we askw Edwards:
Wrathe "Archie" any wsl
agst them. We asked.
toh, they serve to tell
you where they are - theyis
a sort of warnay - he
sd. They are no sort of
ase in born in, tei down-
they might help by barraging
a pauticular spot.
yet Campbell of our
PS. told not of 3 place
wh had bombed his
hospital on 3 nights
wcip 32 were brong
n be I our gun in Bear


squadrons to
special night placed He
night flyang. The moment
a ferman place comes over
&it has come over Roce
acrodiones Every
night of late, word reache
the squedious wh do night
flging st they get up straight
away & fo of & wait for
the Jerman to light up his
acrodromes to
guide his returning planes.
& then thiy bout acrod
PPerhaps this is why
Ferman has done his night
Kyey of late on moonless
nights. But ther is a story
amongst French the las
dropped a note saying to be
is going to blow Hazebroach
to I ground - & some say lasssl


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