Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/86/1 - August 1917 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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LideJ. Trut MC Capt. Dr Gret, who wa in same billet asmyself showed me soure pholos of the Blieff & Spoil Bank, where they were tunnelling at yeres - They putin 1800 feet of lunnelled dugont under the Ramparts It was in the Bleeff, I think anyway, near the White Chatean thatthe mostinteresty occurrence of all took place. Capt Smit & Capt Dr Grat were in charge; & Swit was away; De grat is seedy + was lying up, when one of his men came to him & told him here was wind in the working which meant to they hand broken through or 1 Germans had boken tho to them scogise De4 hadtp at once & see (I suppose it as a matterof
10 honour for a minay officer to g stragght to 1spot when any such crisis occare. The tunnel in wh woud ws reported was one wh oS tamped up at ready for fering. They went at once to spot & attempte to fire i - & found to notin happened. This might mean because ke. leads so noken such dam ground though tt it is no uncommon ap here them to go wron. The thems for as to took & see only ten got two sturoy men, De & begon to 1spot & began to pal down 1 bap of tamping. Crawt He w first, passed bap down between his legs - tey passed them back between theo - I is a very varrow passage, just room to crawl.
3 gools decision ffall all y tophin. M Ragt R. pticle to Aust I This Aust 11 Afar abt to hour be reached a tow & we just abt to sull down (top bag had actually hold of the noutt of the bog - when someone the other side gave it a heavy shake - lifted the far endo 1 bag up & let it down again. There as no question t it as a gervion (oher side te he wante to frighlen them He ws probly scared too De great instantly put out his right & signed tot two men behind him to fet out teer. What had happened ws to 1 germans had cut into our tunnel & stolen our charge ;F were now tryoy to work forward unknown into our
6 12 Calleries (as we once did wto teirs at Cordonnerie De Grat reported back - other I only ting was for someone to lesten in His gallery while we md pat in anor. galtery to go at fermans from side - a boot - there w not time for I gadery. De Grab & a British RS officer went into galler De Gries & sat there with the Jeophouc. his at ears & his elbows on his kneess, listerin lusteng tisteni for the Germans coming to patin a mobile clarge - as we knew they would; the RS Offr setting back to back a him on 1 sawe seat. All to Dr [cd hear as the grind grind
6 13 frind of the bore churning through towards them, howr after hour Then there ws a bremendons sholk. The tunael gave way in post of tem & behind them - the REOffr. had her leg penned between the timbers & wo ancouscious DrJ. tried to get him out, then he got out & brought back a coupled men to try & Extricate him; they ddnt do it - so finally be sent down a special gang - who got the RE man out. He had had a crash on head - &his memory is gone - but he is alive today. Aug. 13th We went up with Maj. Mellgan to
14 5 1 54B6. I am. Mn e ee a W aene 2t. APs w mor sd sothe 2n Se 3 X put 5 o di ant te oe part a det W 2Dw Arte Lutt, R.M. Thompson Duntroon - tookvound the rovey gun on July 23rd & registere all the targets. & sot a M.C. for it. 15 Wienport les Boins The Germans were shellen the road so we had to leave the cars not from from Oost Dunkerk & wall Ever the sand dunes between road I sea, just steirting 1 Shelling – the Atg pagments wherring every now & the overhead. We struck a recent crater fair in our patt also - the sand white dreed to a grey ash at the bottom of it; so evidently the German somehues made t route also anhealthy after a mile we came to a curious grey wooden construction ranning 6w thro' the sand. It is a French communicate 4 2miles long forst cut & then tinbered sot into the covered Wt ou 3 Page57
1St Dw 16 (Also Maj. Kirkland M.C. & Cept. V.R. Apival. (R. first, 20// Kirklew next 27/7/17 bot admc. Lieut. Walker (Sigs.) 31/7/17. 1Bot. Bod Bly lost 21 offes & men on 215 July - day they were registery St Dwartz Cskt8 on 24hrs Endery 2/5t Tuley. I 6h Bty) King got his N.C day they Wentin. Kingshell & East went up registering; Parker & king remained t bly ferv Parker WS K.; Knysmell remained on at diety dressing cod -battery getting heavtly strafed - until he ar sawd away Olding is better are 36 E. (atterDoed Capt. JSR Macdonald 31 H J Sinson 31/ Lt A.W. Parkes 21/ H. L.R. Bumpis 22/1 LH Parker 22/ t J.P. Lord 218 Cashs Capt. H.S. Glendenmay 8mackmell Lt D. Dowsett & My. N.T. Kingsanill (Bty (Bty) W. Maj. Hw Dood &C. 27 D D.B.A. King 2 3rd By 117 (1C. for HAO. McMatten il this D.T.F.C. Bugby 211. Lt L.T. Gwyther MC 30/ Bart Mc L.S.G. Friend 1785. Capt J. Dobertz 31/75. H A.F. Dingwall 3/75 Lt N. Hollis 31/7S Maj. E.A. Oldiey 31/ Bty Lt C. M. Stodart 3 1 a oX Cs 35
18 Canterbary, Aug 6. M.Rafles: 12 Bn Pozieres. 6 19 Ramsay tells me of fight of Canterbury M.RoAnx 6 Greenwood, Tte in Caut. Y.R. t never believed to he ad be hit. On Ang 6 he Birck with Lieut & Anohw Turkesh went shaght for a m: They jureped straight upon 1 parapet - a turk find at misstd him one, & shot greeawood tho forehead, & killed him. The other man pampe down ot emplocenent - The I. bayoocled him theafle but he terned on 1 Tukt cut his broat with a knife At Doualdson, 12 Bn, says there ws are officer of the 12 Bn walking aboey a truch at Pozceres. He
20 saw a ferman - put up his revolver & the ferman cried kamered The offe took him prisoner & had just passedo thws going along 1 Y when the ferman picked up a rifle + shot him. A serft of the 128n ws behiew & saw it all. he ws mad w vage. He took German by the scalp, bent his neck back, sawed his head off with a serman saw -+ threw bay ouet head out of truch Woualdson, then a Sergt, saw this Rowsay day
21 and walked a mile or so. co closed cxapt for to the passage a couple at the top of boards, mining all the way of the side nex the sea; so that you have a sort of window opening all the way, looking over the sea and the abandoned piers it the yeer month. They say that the fermans get out along their peer & suipe in at this opening the official (1geal) suiinary tas oficia aa fewr our artillery days ago to had fired at the peer & a man was seen to fall i into (sea. At I beginnnng of the town underground passages began to lead off t1 right. below the Espranade, I suppose into the cellars of Menport Bains. These cellars have

8           9
L. de J. Grut. M.C.

Capt. Dr Grut, who was in / same
billet as myself showed me
some photos of the Bluff & Spoil
Bank, where they were tunnelling
at Ypres - They put in 1800 feet of
tunnelled dugout under the Ramparts
- It was in the Bluff, I think -
anyway, near the White Chateau
that the  Germans most intensity
occurrence of all took place. He
Capt Smith & Capt Dr Grut were
in charge; & Smith was away;
Dr Grut ws seedy & was
lying up, when one of his men
came to him & told him there
was wind in the workings
- which meant tt they had
broken through or / Germans
had broken thro to them.
Dr G. of course had to go at once & see
(I suppose it ws a matter of 


8                    10
honour for a mining officer
to go straight to / spot when
any such crisis occurs.
The tunnel in wh wind
was reported was one wh ws
tamped up all ready for
firing. They went at once
to / spot & attempted to
fire it - & found tt nothing
happened. This might mean
nothing, because the leads go
through such damp ground
up there tt it is no uncommon
thing for them to go wrong. The
only thing ws to look & see.

Dr G. got two sturdy men,
& began  went to / spot & began to
pull down / bags o / tamping.
He went crawled first, passed / bags
down between his legs - they
passed them back between
theirs - It is a very narrow
passage, just room to crawl. 


Govts decision pull all (shorthand) together
GH Q agst it.
Article to Aust (shorthand)
Other  Aust. (shorthand)


8                  11
After abt ½ hour he reached
a row & ws just abt to
pull down / top bag when
- had actually hold of the
mouth of the bag - when
someone the other side gave
it a heavy shake - lifted
the far end o / bag up &
let it down again. There
ws no question tt it ws
a German / other side & tt
he wants to frighten them.
He ws probly scared too.
De Grut instantly put out
his light & signed to / two
men behind him to put out
theirs. What had happened
was tt / Germans had
cut into our tunnel &
stolen our charge ; &
were now trying to work
forward unknown into our 


8             12
galleries (as we once
did into theirs  at Cordonnerie)
De Grut reported
back - and then / only thing
was for someone to listen in
this gallery while we imd.
put in anor. gallery to
go at / Germans from /
side - a bore - there ws
not time for / gallery.
De Grut & a British RE
officer went into / gallery
& sat there De Grut with the geophone
at  De G his ears & his elbows
on his knees, listening
listening, listening for the
Germans coming to put in a
mobile charge - as we knew
they would;  the RE Offr sitting
back to back w him on /
same seat. All tt De G cd
hear ws the grind grind 


8                                                       13
grind of the bore churning
through towards them, hour
after hour.
Then there was a tremendous
shock. The tunnel gave way
in front of them & behind
them - the RE Offr. had his
leg pinned between the
timbers & was unconscious.
De G.  tried to get him out;
then he got out & brought back
a couple of  men to try &
extricate him; they cdnt
do it - so finally he sent down
a special gang - who got the
RE man out. He had had a
crash on / head - & his memory
is gone - but he is alive
Aug. 13th We went up
with Maj. Mulligan to 


Old Ramsays dream - tt ws those (shorthand)

Heavy Rain      54 Bty.  8am.

 One gun (shorthand)                                     
Aug 12. fighting in Glenwise wd

Heavy rain Aug 13. Bombt near 
la Bassee & E.
more heavy (shorthand)


Lash (shorthand)

& Holmes
Aug 15 Gullett arrives
Aug 16. 2nd big attack (shorthand)
Aug 17. Visit & Div Arty
Aug 18  Gullett to 1st Bde.

2 Div Arty
Verbranden molen (shorthand)

Harbottle 11-4

(shorthand) Larch wood
HQ near the dump

  Col. Shellshear.

Other 4 (shorthand) near Knoll (shorthand)
Fosse wood

2 Div Arty.  Lieut . Capt R.M. Thompson
- Duntroon - took round the
roving gun on July 23rd &
registered all the  objs targets -
& got a M.C. for it.




8              15
Nieuport les Bains.
The Germans were shelling
the road so we had to
leave the cars not from
from Oost Dunkirk & walk
over the sand dunes between
/ road  & / sea, just
skirting / - shelling – the xxx
fragments whirring every
now & then overhead. We
struck a recent crater fair
in our path also - the sand
dried to a ^white grey ash at the
bottom of it; so evidently the
German sometimes made
tt route also unhealthy.
After a mile we came to
a curious grey wooden
construction running low
thro' the sand. It is a French
communication (shorhand/trench) 2miles long
-first cut & then timbered &
covered.  We got into this
      (over 3 pages) 


16          1st Div Arty  (across both pages)
(Also Maj. Kirkland M.C. 
& Capt. W.R. Aspinall. (k.  first, 20/7/17
next 22/7/17)

both A.A.M.C.
Lieut. Walker (Sigs.) 31/7/17. 

1st Btn.
3rd Bty lost 21 offrs  & men on
21st July - day they were registering.
1st Div Arty lost all 78 on 24hrs
Ending  21st July.
 ( 6th Bty.) X

X King got his M.C day they
went in. Kingsmill & East
went up registering; Parker
& King remained w bty firing.
Parker ws k.;  Kingsmill
remained on at duty dressing
wd - battery getting heavily
strafed - until he ws sent away
Olding is better.



8     17


Capt. J S R Macdonald (Bty after Dodd) 31/1

Lt J Simson 31/7

Lt A.W. Parkes 21/7

Lt L.R. Bumpus 22/7

Lt A Parker 22/7

Lt J.P. Ford 2/8

Capt A.J. Glendenning 2/8 (Bty after MacDonald)

Lt D. Dowsett 8/8

Maj. H.F. Kingsmill (Bty)



W. Maj. AW Dodd (Bty) MC. 22/7

X Lt D.B.A. King (3rd Bty)22/7 (M.C. for this)

Lt AO. McMullens 21/7

Lt F.E.C. Bugby 21/7

Lt L.T. Gwyther MC. Bar to M.C. 31/7

lt. S.G. Friend 11/8 S.

Capt J. Doherty 31/7 S.

Lt A.T. Dingwall 31/7 S

Lt N. Hollis 31/7 S

Maj. E.A. Oldrey 31/7 (Bty)

Lt C.M. Stodart 31/7

[*Lt R H Thompson 1/8 S. Capt E.A.H. Randall 12/8 (Bty)

Lt. A.M. Lilburne 2/8 S  Lieut C. Graves 12/8. *]



Canterbury Aug 6.

M. Rifles:

12 Bn Pozieres.


8    19

Ramsay tells me of fight of

Canterbury M.R. on Aug 6.

:  Greenwood, Pte in Cant.

M.R. sd to never believed tt

he wd be hit.  On Aug 6 he

was with Lieut ............?Brick & another

went straight for a ^Turkish m.g.

they jumped straight upon

/ parapet - a Turk fired at

one, ^missed him, shot Greenwood thro /

the forehead, & killed him.  The

other man jumped down into

/ emplacement - the T.

bayoneted him thro / leg,

but he turned on / Turk &

cut his throat with a knife.

Lt. Donaldson. 12 Bn, says

there ws an officer of the

12 Bn walking along a

trench at Pozieres.  He


8    20

(saw a German - put

up his revolver &

the German cried Kamerad.

The offr took him prisoner

& had just passed &

turned ws going along /

(shorthand/trench) when the German

picked up a rifle & shot

him.  A Sergt of the 12 Bn

ws behind & saw it all;

he ws mad w rage.  He

took / German by the scru

scalp, bent his neck

back, sawed his head

off with a German saw

bayonet - & threw / 

head out o / trench.

(Donaldson, then a

Sergt, saw this, Ramsay says )


8    21

and walked a mile or so.

to The passage has ^is closed except for a couple

of boards ^at the top missing all the way,

of the side next the sea;  so

that you have a sort of

window opening all the

way, looking over the sea and

the abandoned piers at the

Yser mouth - they say that

the Germans get out along their

pier & snipe in at this opening.

It ws officially stated ^in the official (local) summary a few

days ago tt / Germans our artillery

had fired at the pier & a

man was seen to fall off

into / sea.

At / beginning of the

town underground passages

began to lead off to / right,

(below the Esplanade, I suppose)

into the cellars of Nieuport

Bains.  these cellars have



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