Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/85/1 - July - August 1917 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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Br 58 our heavy art opened & kept razing his Eg. He sent up red flares for & und. changed to Shrapnel wh he poured in in valyo Salos on noads to Lr W of Poyieres, He has kept this up tillabt. $4 but since then his arty fire has stackeng I till it is now o desulty if relief is comng it is Comparaboll saft for them to move. W request to we myht be inf by evirs of thei time of starties. Homply
Bn New arrangmng Br D3r 60 Juby 27. 2am. At B Coys retiived by 22 Bn moved back to Sansay vally Iam. Word t nobody ws to relieve CD- only 2Bns (1eL of Bap R) 4.40. C.O. left Pozieres 25 offr 639men in now in Regt ab 200 remp since go0 now in kegt Seas only comme his Bn for anday
Germans ssaid a order p3r 61 K i Sig 2 affis or. Aug. 10th. Yesterday (Aug 9 King visites conten. I had a were from Butler wh caught are at 4 Bde N.Q. to come nt once. Yen. Birdwood gave me a lift no, Jen. Napers party believe in C-batter work but Infy all time want c-infantry work. They wandt to hear shells expladin Evemys trench when ken themselves are ben shelled
32 Te king looked sumbarned & healt spafrankly. I liked his manner not a clever man but a man of character undoubtedly - downry & no humbey. He has a distinct accett rather rough - it may be ferman or Norfolk. He has not easymanners. The Pd W. ws a English boy - a little tenned but wit a perfecty clear complixion I healt Skin. He cented well up in our orpnisaton where our troops were - onan open car - but set a trotting poce - much too fast for 1 men properly to see him. It was a very very great pity to 1 time, cduot be spared & it sh'd have by spared. F. He ws probly thinking of Haghips three. 358 you (An910 63 yest ws first wet day ve have had sice being here. one other day ler cloads Ever yest wo only a drizzle barely end to make men. sedin ws less intense I lanched to Jo. Birdws at Coulay after having potmy boots more or less clean & showl Then borrowed a cap from Carruthers. The stak waiter around the fate of the Chaleam to weet the King. He shook hands with everyons. To old Swid heed. I hear you were ill in England after you Saw me. to me he sd: Havent drade e were you at angac with the others? I sd I was. He sd "Dedn Iread a book which you wrote abt it ? Isd. "The Anzac book? The men wrote that, Sir. At sd. No not that book - another. Isd. No Sir, not one that I have written 108 He motored along the road
Plan (2 Tt Bn fight in O9.2. July 25. described Earler Cratey to Jewis gu 851 Cut down to allow as to shoot thro: Sentry p Mn 2 bayonel menbers during building of final? barcate Final Barricade 6lr by Jst Proneer Bn under Capt Bayont man cates. Tenty till 5 Bn Rast. Eoskcharge 5 Bm post wh Acted as sentry. ae e Coldtes ore e on his revolved. aen e pedt f hewis ganhere 691
p 1 66 Si 0

D32    58
our heavy arty opened &
kept razing his trenches.  He sent
up red flares fw & imd.
changed to Shrapnel -
wh he poured in in
Salvos on ^valleys & Roads to S & W
of Pozieres.
He has kept this up
till abt. 9.40 10.10 but since
then his Arty fire
has slackened till it
is now v. desultory &
if relief is coming it is
comparatively safe
for them to move.  Wd
request tt we might
be inf by wire of their
time of starting. (No reply)


New arrangement.
'drawing, see original document'  1 Bn    1 Bn
'drawing, see original document' 
'drawing, see original document' 

D32     60
July 27.  2 a.m. A & B Coys
relieved by 22 Bn.
Moved back to Sausage
4 a.m. Word tt
nobody ws to relieve
C & D - only 2 Bns
(ie S of Bap Rd)
4.40. C.O. left Pozieres
26 offrs 634 men
now then in Regt.
(abt 200 reinfs since
800 now in Regt)
Jess only Commd his Bn for
a day.


Germans issued an order

D32     61
K.          W.        Sick
2 offrs    7          1
Aug. 1011th. Yesterday (Aug 910)
King visited Conta. I
had a 22 wire from Butler
wh caught me at 4 Bde
H.Q. to come at once.
Gen. Birdwood gave me a lift
-w, Gen. Napier -
[Arty believe in c-battery
work but XXXX Infy all time
want c-infantry work.  They
want to hear shells exploding
in enemys trench when they
themselves are being shelled]


The King looked sunburned & healthy
& spoke frankly.  I liked his manner
not a clever man but a man
of character undoubtedly - downright
& no humbug.  He has a distinct
accent The rather rough - it may
be German or Norfolk.  He has not
easy manners.  The P. of W. ws an
English boy - a little tanned but with
a perfectly clear complexion & healthy
skin.  He seemed well up in our organisation.
where our troops were - In an
open car - but at a trotting
pace - much too fast for / men
properly to see him.  It was a very
very great pity tt / time cd not
be spared & it shd have bn spared.
X He ws probly thinking of Flagships Three.

D32     63
(Aug 10)
Yesty ws first wet day we
have had since being here.
One other day low clouds.
Even yesty ws only a drizzle
barely eno' to make mud.
Shelling ws less intense.
I lunched w Gen. Birdwood
at Courtney after having got my
boots more or less clean & shined.
Then borrowed a cap from
young Carruthers.  The staff waited
around the gate of the Chateau
to meet the King.  He shook
hands with everyone.  To old
Smith he sd, "I hear you were
ill in England after you saw me."
To me he sd:  "Haven't I read a
boo were you at Anzac with the
others?  I sd I was.  He sd "Didnt
I read a book which you wrote abt
it?"  I sd. "The Anzac book?  The
men wrote that, Sir."  He sd. "No not
that book - another." I sd." No Sir, not
one that I have written."  X
He motored along the road


Plan (Z)
The Bn fight in O.G.2 July 25.
(described earlier)

D32      65
'drawing, see original document' 
2 bayonet members during
building of final 
Cut down 
to allow us
to shoot thro.
Barricade blt by 1st Pioneer
Bn under Capt
Bayonet man.
7 Bn
Sentry (till 5 Bn Post
took charge)
5 Bn post wh
acted as sentry.
Several barricades blt here
Oates covering ^(shorthand) of each w
his revolver.
[*Crater w
Lewis gun*]
gun 1/1
1st Barricade built here.
(Probly by 5 Bn)
1/1 Lewis gun here


'drawing, see original document' 

Battle of 
July 1916
'drawing, see original document' 
8th    14th     15th



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