Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/85/1 - July - August 1917 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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46 737 K2 To CDloys 47 102 Ens betw. 9& 11 pm. Dew hit. A & Breld. 2nd Ba an still K. trench (part of 4t near cemetery in KY ahead) &Dai trenches among ruins S. of Bap. Rd on Foz A Coy in spite of being turned backby O.C. & Ba once, got thre in End ten were occupying cratis holes. a Enemy 5,90 Carger shells averaged 15 p20 per min at one time Road line ws wasst Esp. Chalk pit.
37 48 Juby 261 7.50. Evem Shelling Poziones & all round w H.S. bacrymator 9.30 f tought Brought in Shell shog Bn H.D. of 847 Bns in Cement Houses Found Ham & toaques heved on it & bot some away. Nopapers. our rifles & theirs some tie old. 1.50 Hamilton 15 45 Taker Candwd. o 3.30 H. Hoban wd. Cool legsence) leaving Sess, Baston Hill, Dr Altra
49 Swift Purberick A B. Hoad Campbell Sious Auton Oates Harris T posminsly o L Hellard wenth B Cog Hamilton (WE.) to C. Foubling at this time ws teaked up Juby 26 12.10 pm. Heavy Shellin Men Shaken. 12.21 Est. Camnalties Coff1s. 3700✓ Thas ws right. Abt. 3 pm. 4 Bn C.Os of 6 Bde came up. We sharoe them all wo ed.
32 50 Evem still shelling 4:- heavily. Our arty replyang. (cout hear them L MacCulcheon 1s Div Sig Cr. kept wire going or days b repairing it himself. Rnas Bets &&6. Latw. Germaus got it on So heavy to our wity, abservers cont observe - on a/c of brick dust who wa i Cenet House look out fom oldgerman look out - Thes ws being bit direct. (we cont bear our arty
Men don't realise t c-bitz work (days were haz ts helping them. If relieving force inteeeds to stay for an length of tie in this positi (ty proposed to puti- 4Bns) recon to not more than 2 be sent in 15t place! We had bu caloff for 1½ bro. 6.4B. Enery Consisteuly Shell all day. Imposs cousti adequate truches own to pulped natur I ground. Those we Br
52 B3r 6BrHC in log but Sof Bap. Rd opp Cement H. since destroyed). Can H. poutroon 53 coustr Ne of Pos are arped out, & min are so doyed to they are incapable of degin or fighting."(Bennnek had sent in aw fut report) CBn. 9 Hrrhadhad ttake men wit Orc hard as Eweped out. E Bn though retred. Kunners came in dayed blown. Things were gai crook D Bn Commdro endond this officer of Heary junr ao mashe since Esig kit
B3r 54 got in in hell of state. art officer agreed his as heavy boubt preparis to attack. He jot heavies (thro art. shone wh ws still socin) out german pant G (MacCatheon came in just their shot in arm - he finished repairing & then came in 6.56. Smoke & brickdes? around H.D. So thick & observers cont See.
D3r 55 Only thery (Less to to them thro phose) is to getonto ferman pout live & make it inpossible for evemy to get thro'! This got the gais on to evemys trenches From Bell. Men must 7.40 & will fight if nec. allarty now turned on in bombardat. 10.16. no movement by officers or men in shelleodreg to retire has bn made. then have stack to
33 56 Crote Lobat noone will move in a rearward direct. Meosaps were Sent to enable H.G.S in rear to reatise Serioasness O1 poaster as it is recognised to Poz. is Papero satient Since openi of our arty eveny fire has slacken constiderably but I requirement of at least Bn to gothes us & did in on unbrotin groun is apparent.
Br all ranks to cambe Commos- W ard icking bravel & hopin to I german wf will advance, but in their present conditi a determined attackby Erevy might succees Eneun art fire has now consderatey stacking Harty observerd can again see 1 port i Indicate of attack at present .30 Enemys fire po becaue o cxcited when

[hand drawn map]

8 Bn
4 Bn
A & B 7 Bn
6 Bn 8 Bn 6 Bn
K [trench symbol]
19 Bn
C & D Coys


D32 47
1 & 2 Bns betw. 9& 11 p.m.
Few hit.
A & B reld. 2nd Bn in
K. trench (part of 4th ^still near
cemetery in K [trench symbol] ahead).
C & D in trenches among
ruins S. of Bap. Rd
in Poz.
A Coy in spite of
being turned back by O.C.
5 Bn once, got there in
Men were occupying
crater holes. Prac. all
Enemy 5.9s larger shells
averaged 15 to 20 per min
at one time.
Road line ws worst
Esp. Chalk pit.



D32 48
July 26. 7.50. Enemy
Shelling Pozieres &
all round w H.E. &
9.30 Lt Wright
Brought in Shell shock.
Bn H.Q. of 8 & 7 Bns in
Cement House.
Found Ham & [[toaques?]]
Lived on it & bit some
away. No papers.
Our rifles & theirs some
[[?]] old.
1.50 Hamilton wd
2.45 Sather Caud wd.
3.30 Lt. Hoban wd.
(lost leg since)
leaving Jess, Baston
Hill, Dr Altra,



D32 49
A Swift Purberick,
B. Hoad Campbell
C Simons Antony
D. Oates Harris
7 p.m.  Lt Hillard went to
B Coy.
Hamilton (WE.) to C.
Front line at this time
ws linked up
July 26.
12.10 p.m. Heavy Shelling
Men Shaken.
12.21 Est. Casualties 6 offrs.
3700 o.r.
This ws night.
Abt. 3 p.m. 4 Bn C.Os of 6 Bde
Came up. We showed
them all we cd.



D32 50
4.56. Evening still shelling
heavily. Our arty
replying. (cdnt hear
Lt MacCutcheon
kept 1st Div Sig Coy.
kept wire going for 3
days by repairing it
Just as
Betw 4 & 6.:
Later. Germans got it
on so heavy tt our
arty, observers cdnt
observe - on a/c of
brick dust who wsa in
Cement House looking
out from old german
look out - This ws
being hit direct.
(we cdnt hear our arty);



D32 51

Men don't realise tt c-batty
work (days were hazy)
is helping them.
"If relieving force
intends to stay for any
length of time in this
positn (they proposed to
put in 4 Bns) recommend
tt not more than 2
be sent in 1st place."
We had bn cut off for
1½ hrs.
6.48. Enemy Consistently Shelling
all day. Imposs to
constr. adequate trenches
own to pulped nature
of ground: Those we




(6Bn HQ in Coy but
S of Bap. Rd opp
Cement H., since
destroyed). Cem H. front room
also smashed since 2 sigs killed


D32 53
constrd NE of Poz
are wirped out, & men
are so dazed tt they
are incapable of digging
or fighting." (Bennnett
had sent in awful report).
Hurrey 8 Bn. had had to take
men into Orchard as
[trench symbol] wiped out. 6 Bn thought
8 had retired.
Runners came in
dazed & blown. Things
were going crook.
6 & 8 Bn Commdrs endorsed
6 Officer of Heavy guns



D32 54
got in in hell of state.
Arty officer agreed this
as heavy bombt preparatory
to attack. He got
heavies (thro' arty
phone wh ws still
going) on to german
front [trench symbol] (MacCutcheon
came in just then shot
in arm - he finished
repairing & then came in).
6.56. Smoke & brick dust
around H.Q. So thick
tt observers cant see.



D32 55
Only thing (Jess told
them thro phone) is to
get on to German front
line & make it impossible
for Enemy to get thro'.
This got the guns on
to Enemys trenches.
7.40 From 2nd Bde: Men must
& will fight if necy.
All arty now turned
on in bombardnt."
10.16. No movement by officers
or men in shelled area
to retire has bn made.
Men have stuck to



D32 56
Crater holes & no one
will move in a rearward
directn. Messages were
Sent to enable H.Q.s
in rear to realise /
seriousness o / positn
as it is recognised tt
Poz. is / apex o /
Salient Since / opening
of our arty enemy fire
has slackened considerably
but / requirement of at
least 1 Bn to go thro
us & dig in on unbroken
ground is apparent.



D32 57
all ranks tt can be
Command- w are
sticking bravely & hoping
tt / german infy will
advance, but in their
present conditn a
determined attack by
Enemy might succeed.
Enemy art fire has
now considerably slackened
& arty observers can
again see / front. No
Indicatn of attack
at present.
9 10.30 pm Enemys fire
became v excited when



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